HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-17, Page 10PAGE TEN " ,THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ....■......... . 1. ..... 1,.-.................. -'..wu....I...........j...... WEDNESDAY, MAHCT 17, 1954 LADIES Wea ring Appare 11 . /. for your SPRING WARDROBE SUITS^-in plain and novelty weaves, size$ 12-20, 20*4 to I I 24%, from $19.95 Up I I; SUITS—made to measure, lby ‘‘Hoiise of Stone”.' I !' COATS—shortie and fulLlerigtii in .season’s newest styles | [> - ’■ ‘I'-andT^hades, . ■ *. ' ..? *' : ‘ T Lrxxpular coat for all-year*, 8 I round wear. Sizes 10-20. ' I i HLOIJiSBS—in this year^ fayprite-^-cotton with % or short; I sleeve^ plain or patterned. Also nylon and crepe. I I SKIRTS—new styles and fabrics, sizes 12-20, 18% to 24%. J ASHTON’S ! MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR ■ Piece Goods and Woollens | L-B-liml-J1IM- im au mi ■■ n ■■ — n — i ■■ n — ij■■ hnui ■■ ""i — i ■■ i mu —J hi ~n THAT while twin calves aren’t by any means an oddity, if they keep on they’ll, become/com-r monplace on the Hamilton farms*, Within a cowpie of, . weeks twins' have been (born on the ’farm of bothBob Ham­ ilton and* his son Donald* THAT Ed Baker has purchased ’• the house, and Floyd Milnei the barn,, on the .property behind St. Marys, Catholic Church. The buildings will, be taken down, and the material that’s in them used for buildiing purposes. * ► '• X ► ► VITA-GRO Potting Soil for ■■ AFRICAN VIOLETS or HOUSE PLANTS ■■.. ’ For Healthy, Vigorous ROYAL PURPLE POT PILLS---------_ For Potted Plants • THAT there were seven tables at the Monday night Shoot party. Prize winners were Mrs. A. J. .Wilson and Joe Irwin.. Consolation prizes were won . by Mrs. Wm. Stanley and Rae Stanley. Mrs. J. C. Armstrong won a special prize of flowers donated by Mrs. Solomon. THAT a chimney fire..on Satur­ day afternoon at Murdoch Mor-, rison’s harness shop, blanketed ' the Main Street at times in clouds of smoke, and threw a temporary scare into folk in the vicinity. If the old saying “where there’s / smoke there’s fire” had held/true proportion- t atelv. it would have been a major blaze. However there was no sign of (flames, and eventually the puffing chim­ ney stopped its belching. THAT . Mr,, and Mrs. Norman —Stewart’s<'re<i’’cat^has—sue— , cumbed. ■ It died just a? month to, ,.the day since returning homie after a f our-year absence. THAT in last week’s story of the Caledonian Games it was said that Dr. McCrimmon left Luck­ now in 1900. Actually, he left here ten years earlier in 1890. THAT Miss Monica O’Grady of 1 the College of Education at Toronto has been relieving at the ' Lucknow District High School due to. the illness of Miss Elearior Plumsteel, ’ who expects to resume her duties next week. Miss. W. Ruther­ ford of St. Helens supplied un­ til the arrival of Miss O’Grady who has been staying at the home of Mrs. Charles Cook. )• \ ■4 •/ »■ • ■ ► ■■ x. X— x X— x', ' X X ■ x' ’ X X x° X X X X ' ► • ' ■ ‘ ~T~TrTrT=a==T4.- .... - B .... . .... . ; b ' * • *■ \ • v- . A Musical Treat m i Don’t Fail To Hear 1 “TheSongmen” Toronto Male Chorus witB , David Ouchterlony conductor-arranger IN THE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM / t^EUCKNOW - •S ' at 8.30 sh$n» - •. Ilnder Auspices Of Lucknow District High School Literary Society Mr Wm. F. Thompson, former Lucknowite, tenor soloist * < Admission $1.00 ' Tickets Are Available From The Students A A A A A-A. THAT Mr. N. E. Bushell, who has been critically ill in Victoria .Hospital, London, for several days/ was reported as some- what brighter at the first of the week. MARKET ) Millinery The Hat Shoppe formerly op­ erated by Belle Robertson ,is opening its door under “FASHION MILLINERY” The interior has been redecor­ ated and bursting with the new took for Spring. Hats and more •hats—colors of the rainbow—for all the family. ‘ . You can purchase gloves, hand- Tbags/~scarves^blou§esr-sweatersr hosiery, skirts, etc./to match that, new suit/ coat, hat and dress. We welcome you to choose from a wide selection of the lat­ est styles for Easter.' v Bring' a slip with your name and address on it—and you may be the lucky winner of that NEW EASTER BONNET.—Advt. THAT friends here regretted to learn that Mrs. Jack Clark, for- ' merly Birdie .Macintosh, had suffered a hip fracture, al­ though it was not certain when the mishaps occurred. Mrs. Clark was recently bereaved 'by the death of her' husband. She is in Toronto where her dau­ ghter resides. THAT Blake Alton is now hobb­ ling 'about on crutches after a spell in bed, as a result of hav­ ing .severed tendons ih his foot with a sharp, axe while work­ ing tin the bush. It’s about five, weeks since the mishap and at the end of the week Blake still hadn’t put any weight on J the foot.| 0 ■ 1 . ■ / 1 h. I < THAT Miss Strothers of Tees- water has joined the staff of Baker’s Convalescent Home and will succeed Mrs. Leonard Rit- : . chie. ' THAT Mr. J'. M. Game had his inspection at Lucknow Public School abruptly interrupted at noon on Monday, when he re­ ceived a call to Wroxeter where the public school had ’been destroyed by fire that • morning. ......—r—---------- THAT Mr. and Mrs. Russ John­ stone arrived home the first of last week from a holiday in Florida, /where the weather was warm and sunny, as their sun tan would indicate.* While at St. Petersburg for a few days, Russ , watched the New York Yankees in spring train- yingr ?...... ,/. ~ 4r T v**v' «ir 'w V1 *r' v o 'v'^1 y y .w- y I.G.A. HAS THE VALUES / ; SHOP and SAVE at Lucknow’s Cash and Carry Store 1 W Ml RF L../' X h • X X X x; X ► I.G.A. 'Tomato Juice, 20 dz. 2 for 23c I.G.A. • .. - 'Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz. .... 29c ►Blue & Gold / : ►AVux"BeansTr5”077rr7/^2~iof~35c~ ►King’s Choice ► Tomatoes/20 ozrr/r— 2*for“3hr ► 1.0. A. / • , x Choice Corn, 20 oz.< 2 for ?9c X Stokeley Peas, 15 oz/ 2 for 37c ► St. Williams 2-Fruit x Marmalade, 24 oz, ► '• X : I r < •< < < < < < .......... . _ ... , < pFistierman 1! ■ Sockeye Salmon 3 tins $1.00 . M^^eTrearyoapW * 15c : * 1 H.Pi Sauce Kam ... Crisco, lb. /Campbell’s Soup - Tomato or Vegetable 2 for 25c > 30c 33c 36c All Popular Brands Cigarettes, carton 10-20,,, $2.99 WESTON’S BREAD ... 29fc- Plain: or Sliced SMITH’S FOOD MARKET J 1 * < < < < < THAT Tom Hodgins has bought . the Charles 'Hodgins’ farm on Con. 10, Kinloss: and Charlie and Weir Eckenswiller are holding a clearing sale of stock and implements next Tuesday. ( V s< — Af ter checking our stocks we have decided to CONTINUE ~ OUR SALE another week. An opportunity for you to SAVE on many money-saving BARGAINS Throughout JHE STORE. Be sure to get your share. » O.V. Wheeling YARN 2 and 3-ply Sale, Price 56 c or $1.99 Lb. TERRY TOWELS Each 19c Linen TEA TOWELS Each__ ___________ 49c v. Heavy GLASS TUMBLERS Decorated. Reg. 15c’ Ea, < -/SALE8c: EA- MEN’S SMOCKS Eacb^_; . -I3.9S MEN’S OVERALLS Pair $3.95 Cottage • CURTAIN SETS Reg. $1.95 to $2^5 SALE 87 c Pr. • , / Men’s Gabardine < DRESS P __ A $10.00 valfye for $6.89 WOOL PANTS Men’s—larger sizes Were $7.95 and $8.95 • SALE $5,00 Pr. Final Clearance All Winter UNDERWEAR Stock up at LOW Prices Fleece Combs $2.99 COLEMAN LANTERNS SALE $6.98 Ea. Plain Colors COTTON PLISSE Ideal for Blouses ™ andLingerie SALE 47c Yd. FLETTE BLANKETS 70x90 — Subs Boy’« DRESS SHIRTS . 10- 12. - 14 SALE'84c LADIES’ SLIPS Sale, each 69c Sale, each . . J_ $1.09 Sale, eacfr . .. .. $1.79 Sale, each $1.98 “Don River” MUSLIN SHEETS Reg. $10.50 Pr. SALE, each $3.99 $7^8£L ■■MiMMBaiiaaByv. BABIES' BOOTEES SWEATERS 33c . MANY \ MORE i^iadvertised bargains throughout the Store. Make a point of dropping in this week and SEE THEM FOR YOURSELF. 44. $■ LUCKNOW, QNT. e>—v ._a.