HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-17, Page 8I * I ,V t *■■/■■■ " * ■> X H ' • . ' \ ■ , 'THR tUCKNQW SENTINEL, LtfCKNOW, ONTARIO ■' i er • PAGE §££. WEDNESDAY.MARCH 17, 1954 . Stazer, H, Stazer. —o-o-o—, TIMBER TIPS ■ i- • * Lanceof Dennis Riggin pf Kincar- dine in the Hamilton net .was what, caught the -eye of the1 locals/ .......................... . . ........... '' SPECIAL ■''. . • 4 .• ■ r / *. . . • . ' ' ' * , • ■* ■ ' r ' FOR MARCH AND APRIL ZION f \d Mr. and Mrs. Allan McAuley i V I 1946 Phone 73x, Brussels | ■/ .7 & '■ 1 1947 MERCURY SEDAN 1947.DODGE COACH d FORD 5-PASSENGER COUPE PONTIAC n-PASSENGER COUPE PONTIAC SEDAN 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN trucks 7 CHEV.'.’^TQN FlCK-Ul? ’ /’ ' r ><«ron County’s Foremost- Used Car Dealers Jrade, Terms Open EveningsUntil 10 Ciues Service pedfet ■/ 'p ' ' 7 , *■ ■ ■ - Ji .1953 Dodge Sedan, fully equipped ft 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 CHEV/SEDAN TWO 1952 CHEV, SEDANS ’ ' ' ? ’ § 1951 CHEV.' Pbwerglide Deluxe SEDAN, fully equipped Z 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN TWO 1949 CHEV. SEDANS ■§ 1949 DODGE SEDAN JL/TtVOJU^ COACHE •/ 10,1'7 • ■Xri?l>r’TTi> Mr i.M.T ■ 1947 ft 194 6 ft- £ 1 -ft -■■ft: f hockey fans took in the. Jwidrl ,y ‘•A’’* double-header’at Toronto on ' Sunday afternoon, .tyl tori , trimmed Marlbdrosf 4-1 arid}, St. Catherines won over .St, Mich- f 1951 TWO 1950 CHEV. STATION "WAGONS 1949 G.M.C. ONE-TON STAKE TRUCK 1946 CHEV. 2-TON STAKE / >T 4 ARMY TRUCKS, 2-TON STAKU Brussels Motors "handier, and skater on the ice”;. 1 At Double-Header Game 7.* , ■ ' A bus load of twenty-three j Toronto on ! 6 •> hen Hamil-I y . J' .4 .......W’ > ■■ X ' i i i i i i All Steel Furnace for average 5or\6 room house with $459.00 one year free service Wingham, Phone 426 • o' LANGSIDE < ■ t •1 Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Kobtj Adams on the; birth of a daughter in Wingham Hospital on March 11th, 1954. « ' Miss Margaret Moffat of 'Tor- i I i i i .. I' i i 1 i i ,............... ... „ _.............................i ' 24-Hour Service j 4? : a ■ . ■ t Mr. Chester Feagan is laid up with a sore back. Clarence Crowston has return­ ed home from Kincardine. Mrs. Wm. Scott attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr.. Wm. Scott of Belgrave in Wingham on i4unday.-AL/™w— Mr. and Mrs. Qhas. Tiffin£pent, Saturday evening with other Xl_ --' -X -*-1- S home of: her parents, Mr. and I onto spent the we^k-erid at her | home;. Her father, Mr. Foster Moff at, returned to Toronto withI . .. .. her. to attend the Underwriters’ members of the family .at the convention ‘ home of her parents, Mr. and A goodycrpwd attended the! honot j0f their 35th wedding-an- euchre and dance at the Com- njversary on March 12th. munity Centre Friday evening. __ J. •yMrs. Peter Moffat, Culross, won . Mrs*.?ra?Jc high lady’s prize, Jimmy Young day with Mrs. Pat McMillan on the high gent’s, Mrs. Fred. Tiffin,7 the occasion of both ladies birth- and Allan Miller consolation j days. prizes | Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene ConleyMarie and Mr. Alex Wittig, of Wmgham Hospital on Saturday Mrs. Frank Miller. . - . , . ,.x .. . honor pf their 35th wedding an-.euchre and danpe at the ^uni-1 njversary on March 12th. munity Centre Friday evening. __.•■■■■'v.Mrs. Peter Moffat, Culross, won . Mrs- ^°n" high lady’s prize, Jimmy Young day with Mrs. Pat McMillan on the high gent’s, Mrs. Fred Tiffin Ahe occasion of both ladies birth- and Allan Miller consolation j days. prizes. | Mr. and.Mrs. Harold Smith and brought Baby Agnes~ home from ^Kincardine visited with Mr. and Take those busy, active days at work or play. It’s surprising what Coke wjll do. How com­ pletely it refreshes, how quick to lift sagging Spirits., how sure to please the most exacting . taste, Yes, you’ll find Coke the perfect . refreshment... any time. 1' tv •'<’ - '■B ■ "^ ’ 7, ' ’ • •' /Wa '' .. /, • <*?k. DRINk - ■ '■ WED! SPORT... MIDGETS ELIMINATED BY WAINFLEET IN SEMI-FINALS Lucknow Midgets are through for the season. They were elim­ inated' by Wainfleet in the O.M.H.A. semi-finals. Last Thurs­ day the team made the trip,to Port CoibOrne and came out on the short end of a 4-1 score. Tyo quick goals Jn the third period for Wainfleet proved the decisivie factor in this game^ The second gaane of. this goals- to-count series was ^played in the local arena on Saturday night, with Lucknotw losing 4-3. This gaye Wainfleet the round 8^-4. Saturday’s game was a close coh- . test with the, turning point com­ ing in the second period with a disputed goal that would have given Lucknow the ldad 3-1. The Wainfleet goal judge failed to see it that way however, and put the Lucknow fans into an up­ roar. Lucknow had numerous chances , around . the net but couldn’t' seem to capitalize. The •ice was heavy and neither teaim was able , to give' its best per­ formance. The hopes of the Sepoy Town now'rest on* the, Bantams who are grouped in the O.M.H.A.; finals against Brooklin. . . . Lucknow: goal, Geo? Richards; def., Ken MacNay, Ernie Gibson; centre,’ Alvin Baker; wings, Roy . Emberlin, Claire ’ Thuell; alter­ nates, Hugh MacMillan, Jim Wil­ son, Don Blue, Paul CouSe, Eu­ gene Gardner, Dpug MacDonald. Wainfleet: goal, Reid; defence, Harry, Sauder;; centre, Barrick; wings,, R, Stazer, Legett; alter- riat^T^Riggi Cbokr SKeph^^ Stazer, Forrest, Spring, Gibson, Hackanyk. . ‘‘Say hello to everyone for me”,; [concludes a letter from Gedrge ! Book of Loreburn, Sask., who has rriany fnendspher’e^ as a result of the several winters spent hi this community, and as a popular performer with The Sepoy hock­ ey team.,-, ;;7: , -'7', [ George reports that Loreburri entered a hockey team in the In- terrriediate “C” playoffs, but was put out in the second round. And7 1 who do you suppose the first line 7^-Wainfleet, Barrick (R. Stazer) was? .None other than Bob Mid- ■ 13.43 dlemiss, Ernie Vaughan and Ron . Penalties: Baker 2, Forrest, R. McLelland. ' ' ■ i. George didn’t play this year hut couldn’t forgo the urge to go ! into town for a few practises. I They have had a good winter Results/arid standings in play? Idn the West with a low of 46 offs at the end of third week:. 'below in January and a record- hreaking 52 degrees in February. roofing - X Large Shipment Of WESTEEL” SECURITY RIBBED GALVANIZED ROOFING arrwfi^dy~ii>TApra— ■ .'d’ \ * '' • ‘. 7 . : ’. ’’ • > “WESTEEL” ROOFING is the only one. which gives you a full 32x/^” coverage on the sheets. > ‘ • • ’ • * I • . . . . • • 144 : . .j - - 21-r-Luckhow, Emberlin 9.05 | Penalties: Baker, R. Stazer 2. j Second Period | 3— -Lucknow, MacNay, .15 ; v -- 4— Wainfleet, Gibson (Saunder) 3.15 x 5— Wainfleet, Barrick (R. Stazer) 8.1Q . ; Penalties: Baker, H. Stazer, R. Stazer. '; ■' 6' Third Period 6— Lucknowj MacNay (Gardner) • 5.50- ' ■ offs at the end of third week:. : << a” . -.......• '■■ ■’ T*' . ' ‘.1 ...... .....( ..... ...t. r| , : ■ *. , Cubs 3, Gopheis 1 Beavers 3, Chipmunks i a Tigers 2, Fawns 2: Totals — Cubs 10, Beavers 8, d... Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. 7 Goderich bottling works Goderich, Ont. , /“ Phone: 489 it a 7 ■ 7'7 7 ' , 4-2X The the h ert. 7 repot mitte< Hodg Co-of was 1 also conve sided . At th read __„Smitt .gins 1 vase Cross \ press' lute 7 topic, Mrs., x “St. 1 : May: Mrs. with was wher. moth SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR ORDERS PLACED DURING MARCH JOHN W. HENPERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow — Phone 150 Ontario Want new Pep and Vim ? Thousands of - couples are weak, \Vorn-out, ex­ hausted solely because lxrdy laicks iroh.’For new ■ vim, vitality', try Ostrex Tpnic Tablets. Supplies , iron you, too, may need for pep; supplenien- .1 tary dpses .Vitamin Bi. .Introductory or ‘Sxet- a.cqnaihted’* size only 60<7 At all druggists. '• "s ' • ■■ ' ■' '' ■, ' ■ ed Sunday with Mr.’ and Mrs, Frank Ritchie. . ** ■ ’ \ Harold Gardner of Hamilton visited at the week-end with his ( mother, Mrs, Wm. Gardner and, Mr. arid Mrs. Bill Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freeman ^vis- itedjJ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ,< Bill Hunter^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie and Anne * visited' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacKenzie, Luck­ now. ■ 0 r:. Zebras 2, Lions 2 Totals—-Wolverines 10, Kang­ aroos 7, Pole Cats 7, Lions 5; Coons 4, Zebras 3... . Cubs and Wolverines continue to shoxkr the w'ay with the Beav-j ers doing. e^xceptioriaHy well as J runner-up. \ 1 .Top individual efforts were tossecL-in;Jb^c^a^-^abdei^^ . Tiger Joan . Cormack arid Beav-1 ers McKinnoriS: in the “A”'while ’Wolverine Greersalvaged- two 1- .7 points with a;sUper,:314'flat,single ' / Jd/top, the^lf BiLblavof Uil:: • : ' “A”s will play “on Thursday night this W'^iek. , • . : ' ’,'77—-^q-6“b----->■'. .A Pltig For Ab \ ■.■■ ■■■••/. In a "cornTriehtary pn the hockey series, between. Tepswater and the. ■ Riple^LucknoW' Combines,.' the, Teeswater’ /News said:’ -‘‘-One/of' [ Hipley/S’ "biggest threats: in. the 1 fseries', was Ah. Chin, one of. the j 1 former 'Lucknow “Chin ’line”; Ab' 1 ,ir a bit short on wind*•now-, ‘but YOU CAN’T GO WRONG With One, Of Brussels Motors . . . Used Cars i I. ■f ■ > • ■ . / ■ ■ ES-- 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. 1 ■ . "A; ’.‘V “V““ f