HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-17, Page 6lye Wed CLAR Frida; VIN-C fjl c Moi M ■ If o>Oj fOU *one a^fo ''ee» e A9ssh great new this beQ^hts is the story •citing stoty today turers an- J nature. •^ROM THE GREAT LAKES tQ Circle, from the . Pacific, Canada . . developing resources, har the are ,mai motor,id the machine. ore deposits .1 . vital uraniunr-ip the West . . . dials inthe East from lines to metalscious , PASSE S£C .. I,... 1... l,.,J!,.’.Wh , — SJ. HELENS The observance of the World Hay of Prayer, postponed on Fri- >day because of weather and road conditions, was held on Tuesday' /at the borne of Mrs. Robinson Woods with 25 ladies present. Tile president, iMrs. W. I. Miller was assisted in the worship ser- vice by Mrs. Frank McQuillin> ’ Mrs. G. iMacPherson, Mrs, Lome v Dumin and Mrs. Lome Woods; ~dFTayeis-were-offered~!by-Mrs^H L Webb, Mi^. A, Murdie, Mrjs. W. —Ai-IMnier.-Mrs.-JL_Cameron, Mrs. C. McDonald and Mrs. G. Stuart. AI duet, “The Trysting Place of Prayer” was .sung by Mrs. Stiiart and Mrs. Jas. Durnin. In the ab­sence of Miss W. D. Rutherford | to. have given a talk, Mrs, W. I. Miller read of the ' origin and extension of the World. .Day of Prayer.' At the conclusion a social hour was enjoyed when lunch. wass?ervedby the hostesses Mrs. W. A. Miller, Mrs, E. Rice and Mrs. Frank MidQuillin. Mr. and Mrs, Willis Corbet^ of Cookstown and Mrs.Richard El­ liott of Holyrood were recent visitors with*Mr. and Mrs.' Allan Miller, . • . < High honors went to Mrs. Ab lan Miller and IMr. Gordon Me-. Tavish with second to Mrs; Geo,. Stuart and Mr. Howard iThomp- son at the progressiveeuchre party* > held at S.S^Ho. 3 school on^idayevem dance. that followed was supplied "Ry^r^an^Ws^G^rge^Stuartr Miss , Norma -Murray, Murray Gaunt and Don iCameron with Bob Byons as caller-off. ■ i r. Keep- Friday evening free for the play, “Look Out For Lizzie”, in the Community sHall sponsor- ed~by the Women’s institute. WEDNESDAY,MARCH 17, 1954 ' OBITUARY. MRS. JOHN jJICKSON The death occurred on Febru- ‘THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Mrs', Frank McQuillin; comm un­ ity activities and public relations^ * Mrs.-E. Gaunt; historical research and icurrent events, Miss W. D. ,’ "-“3, Mrs,’ E. ary 27th in Kincardine GpnyaL st, Mrs, Chester' escent Home of Mary Mathew, ;, Mrs. W, A; Mil- son,. widow of the late John y Webb, Dickson, in her 88th year. * ; -* ' -J», AT ‘ BXJWBU... ....................................... r..........♦ • ; -4*/ 7. . )f , ■, .. • ■ ; of the Women’s Institute held at the home of Mrs. Lorne Woods op Thursday afternoon/Thepres- ident, Mrs, Elwood Barbour, pre- sided and the roll call received ; a good response with “Suggest­ ions for looking smart”. The trea* surer reported $212.85 in" the treasury. $$.00 was voted to. the Red Cross and $5 to the Cancer Fund. |It was decided to have a St. Helen’s sign painted by Mac Webster of Kincardine. Mrs. Ern­ est Gaunt presented the follow-? TSgT^trte^f^ffioers^hiOh—was: accepted: president, Mrs* Elwood, BanbQRrrlatrvieerW^A^Gaunt^ 2nd vice, Mrs. Jas. Curran; sec< treas,, Mrs. Fred McQuillin; as­ sistant/ Miss Jean Aitchison; dis­ trict representative, Mrs. Gordon MacPiherson; • conveners—Citizen­ ship and Education, Mrs. Ross Gamniie; agriculture and Canada ian industries, Miss Mary Mur-Twenty-nine ladies were in at- J ian industries, Miss Mary ivrur- tendance at the, March (meeting [ray; home economies and health; IN0W the march . Rutherford; resolutions, W., Rice; pianist, Mrs Taylor; assistant, 'r— Jer; auditors, Mrs. Harvey , .Mrs. G. Stuart. Miss Mary “Mur-, ray , gave the motto, ‘‘The world is taking your photograph, look pleasant please”, .Mrs*., Fred Mc- I, Quillin reported; for the commit­ tee who had got estimates regard­ ing the cost of installing hydro intheHalLThe ladies voted to have the,hydro put “ i^ as sodn as pOssiiblejby Burke Electric of n x^-m*.** ~ ~'ir - ducted an informative question-? naife on The Hand Book. Lunch was served with Mrs. Barbour ' ' ~ ■ ' ■ ■ 1- _ " fiOSSUDlfc? w ip *■ .Wingham. MH^ET^Wr^RJoe^cOh^l’childrem ducted an informative question-1 The ft naire on The Hand Book, Lunch was served with Mrs. Barbour and Mrs. Alex Purves as host­ esses. ■ ... ■Rev. WsjI. Watt of Whitechurch conducted the church Service on Sunday morning. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Mathew-- • son and was born in * Ashfield Township. She was twiep mar­ ried, her first husband -being ' Donald Thompson.’She is survived by one son, \ Neil Thompson of Goderich, five [grandchrldfen-^nd^fiye-^great*-~^- grandchildren, and .several, stepr v children. .. , ...— The funeral from, the McLen­ nan funeral home at Ripley, was to have been held on Tuesday, . March 2nd, but owing to wea­ ther conditions, it had to be post- oned until Saturday, March 6th. Is Your Subscription Paid? T Mali Frida lttoving PU«ts heW ih- May! they’re got. jendousessirig its incalculable power. story of progress that of any its trem' fashions..., i exciting-tRan other nation in the wofld today.more e- factories . . dustries . . . new products ... more food from fertile farms ... fish from teeming wa.rers. .. . more people enjoying more of better 'living,-r of Canada, the most in the world Across tnc land, Canadians .rching ahead, hand in hand, to the rhythm of the the vdrill, the hammer Vasr it°n Bank °t Since 1817 the _.-al has moved ahead with walk of life and „ Mo°trei in every industries with farm- Labrador . . and in -ecting poteni . . oil flooding (d the pipe- hew prosp' the far north -. the Prairies an- carry h • ’ , more pre- mountain­ . fbr ,fo Canadians . . with great dtizer^. . .andjujnbermen manufac- private er;s, fisliermen . ; with merchants, ,d municipalities , . . •”nrth-worth- its support developmentslending hile Canad>»n Of everyman- w ■st a.o»nt . ^>9t 6°O 8^<Za < =-^br-