HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-10, Page 10* « T ° WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1.0,. 1954 ■'T; ) B ■PAGE TEN . . IN, ;.4mt .“b WoSSr ■ 3k z ■. ■' 1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO HOUSE OF STONE LADIES’ and MEN’S TAILORED TO MEASURE CLOTHES Our new spring samples have just been received showing the latest of fabrics and the 1954 styles . . . You aretavit«dtodropin-andlookthemover.^_ JO I MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Goods and Woollens , o" I**’ ’’ _____ KNITTERS ATTENTION! T THE WEATHERMAN JUST DIDN’T CO-OPERATE for the benefit of our rural v SNOW-BOUND CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS, WFI WOOD’S MARKET STORE Bar gain-Cramme d WILL CONTINUE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE SALE HOURS • Daily-^-9.00 to 6.00 Except Thursday 9.00 to 12.00 Saturday 9.00 a.m. to 10 p.m. ■ o .■' - f :>?:/ ?s ..■/:/Z ifi-'r- >■ 'W; ' - : i .’Yi ’ . fn.:u .fei “SORE THROATS” MAY POINT TO MILD SCARLET FEVER Due to the increase in the pre-1 knitters to knit girls* and boys’ valence of scarlet fever in thej County, it is thought that all parents should be advised to be-, ware of “sore throats” in their children, according to Dr. D. R. Allen, director and medical of­ ficer of health, Bruce Co. Health Unit.. .• <■ . The type <>f cas£ seen to date -is^bf-a^mild^nature-which-is-some- times spoken of Scarlatina. Some individuals, particularly the old­ er members of the family, may < •have a/septic throat without a rash. These latter cases should, ., be considered as much a case of | Scarlet Fever as; the case that I develops the . typical rash. ‘ | ‘ Anyone at this time develop-, ing a sore throat should , seek the advice of their family phys-’ iciari immediately; Specific treat­ ment today with the antibiotics of sulfa drugs will not only quickly clear up a case but given to contacts will prevent the dis- . ease from developing./' j The isolation and quarantine period for Scarlet Fever has been reduced from 21 days to 7 days ' because of modern methods of The Red Cross urgently needs > • sweaters, six-year-old size. Please call for your wool as soon as possible. These are to fill out a quota to be shipped on June 1st. ' E/ R. McKim, convener Work Committee. DUNGANNON CLUB LEADERS Leaders of the Dungannon 4-H vSWinC xxlUJD oTv XUlxl ZkI LUI 1, XV? 7, Lucknow and , J. D. Durnin; iR. 2, Lucknow. The Dungannon 4-H Calf Club leaders are Ches­ ter Finnigan, R. 1, Dungannon « and John Clarke, R. 5, Goderich. p . BORN I MacLEAN—-in Kincardine Hospi- | tai on Wednesday, March 3rd, to I Mr. and: Mrs. .Allam MacLean of Lochalsh (Mildred Farrell), a daughter, Lexie Jean. . JARDINE — in Wirigham Hospi­ tal on Sunday, March 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jardine, a daughter. „ treating cases and preventing the spread of the causative organism in contacts. - •nr* THRIFTY MEALS with > DUTCH PANTRY SPECIALS I.G.A. k Fruit Cocktail, 20 oz. 35c Aylmer Boston'Brown Beans, •15 oz. .......... . . 2 for 29c Green/.Giant,; .___ Niblets, 14~oz, Z 2 for 37c Green Giant Peas, 15 oz............... .. 2 for 39c St. Williams Raspberry Jam, 24 oz. ... ,38c Sherriffs Good. Morning . Marmalade, 24 oz. ,..... 45c Aylmer Catsup ..... Prem ■ ' . . Cheez Pleez, 8 oz. glass Libby’s. ’ ' Spaghetti,L115 oz/ 2 for 27c < < < < . 2 for 23c ’ LOTS AND LOTS OF OUR HIGH QUALITY MERCHANDISE FOR YOU TO SELECT AND SAVE FROM. YOU HAVE TO SEE THESE BARGAINS TO AP­ PRECIATE THEM. COME EARLY! Save Our Circular - - Sarne Low Prices Your Response To Our Sale^» Has been BEYOND ALL EXPECTATIONS! We Are Showing Our GRATITUDE By “DIPPING” Into Our RESERVE STOCKS To Bring You Many More BETTER-THAT-EVERBargains. COMEEARLY, These Won’t . Last Long At These Prices,T 21c < 3?c < 29c - Repeated by Demand! LADIES’ RAYON BRIEFS Plain White arid Colors 'i 39 c Ea Boy’s Broadcloth DRESS SHIRTS Stripes—Colors An EXTRA Value 84c Boy’s Figured SPORT SHIRTS Sizes 8-14. .... Reg. $149 . Sate 73 c Ea. Nabisco . ,1 Shredded Wheat ....... 2^for 33c Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon -39e Kelloggs Corn Flakes, lge. 25c Dog House ' v Dog Food, 15 02..... SMITH’SFOODMARKET kA 4, A A AXA AJS A v1 REPEATED! These Were A First Day Sell-Out SLIPS . CAMISOLES PETTICOATS \ ■ 69c Special! This Week Only MEN’S Fleece Lined COMBINATIONS $2.99 Final Close-Out Price <Toddler's CORDUROY OVERALLS Prints—Colors Ruggedly Made 69 c Boy’s Covert Cloth OVERALLS Size5 12-14 Only - ‘ Fine for Summer wear-. 59 c pr< Kiddies’ SLEEPERS 2-6. Rink and Blue. , . Were $1.29 . •„ Sale Price 68c Men’s JERSEY POLO SHIRTS Fine K'ni't-^-All ‘Sizes - Reg. $1.19 68c '■. Lucknow, ont^ ..../, / w <' SALE ALSO AT WELWOOD’S VARIETY STORE, WINGHAM . Buy Early While Stock ls Coinplete