HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-10, Page 6V ■ . LUCKNOW 5ENTINEI4 LUCKNOW, OJSTARIO ; ■ ----------J-----------‘ ............. • l~ I .............. II"......■■■■■ ............................■ — Do vpu leave yo.ur work behind .syhen you quit for the night ? Or do. you—and your wife—often ?' answer business calls that are too important to. wait till morning ? x . This sort of thing happens so often to. so many people they’ve come to realize how important a home telephone is in helping them to keep their jobs going. * I ■ . • • - . \j . , w In fact you may be one of thqse who say that, for business reasons alone, your telephone at home is worth mbre than it costs!4- i, THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA /day. The young couple will re­ side on the 12th of Kinloss. The people of this community are glad that Mr. Douglas Mac­ Donald, Teeswater, has establish­ ed a Canada Bread route along the line. This has been badly heeded, for some time. The lion of March sure got loose before the first day was over. There was no taming it for most a week and although we had snow-blocked roads, we were very fortunate that hydro and telephone service was not dis­ rupted. Township maintainers o& nsnowpiows—engaged—inplowing- have been busy and at the time of writing most if not all roads are open for motor traffic.. Much credit is due the snowplow oper­ ators who have put in long hours. Mr. Lloyd Whytock, Lucknow, spent the week-end under the parentairroof. ’ .Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hender­ son and Lynda of Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James I ’ ' CULROSS CORNERS Bethany Farm Forum met Mon- ’day night at the* home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wraith with , an at­ tendance of 11. The school tax rate was discussed. Games were played. The hostess served lunch. The next meeting will be at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Alex . Why­ tock. ■ • ■ Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zettel & Jeanie and Mrs. Chas. Schumach­ er, Walkerton, spent Monday ev­ ening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack —StAumaoher—and-Helem--—---—- Mrs. Earle Hodgins spent last, week with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whytock, Teeswater. - Mr. Tom Hodgins has bought Mr. Chas. Hodgins farm in Kin­ loss. Mr. and Mrs. David Ross are “ having the hydro installed?' Congratulations to Mr.&Mrs. Donald Gillespie (Marion Nich- alson) who were married Satur- r V n •p The Povter Supervisors are among .-..-.-.4heover.-400trades.andskins.of~-- . Hydro’s team of 19,639 employees ... working for YOU. DO YOU KNOW? 1 * Hydro's expansion program will mean • an increase in ,.dt«i>.iM».dabla..peak^_, capacity from 1945' io 1956 Of 144'%; r T1TAL MMff LM» MtGAWAni COUNCIL MINUTES KINLOSS TOWNSHIP . Council met in the Hall, March 1st, .1953, as per adjournment. All members present. * 4 The minutes of the last regular meeting of February 1st as read were, approved and signed. ’ The communication from the South Kinloss Cemetery Board was ordered filed. - • Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw was ap^ pointed^to the Board of White- church Community Hall in place of Mrs, Jafrnes McInnis, who rg- signed.-. ‘ • A grant of $150.00 was given to the Larigside Community Cen­ tre. The time for the return of the Collector’s roll was extended to April 1st, 1954 and the Collector advised >to have his Collections, completed and the Roll returned at that date. The Clerk was ordered to-not­ ify all parties on the'’ Carrick. Award Drain that something J would have to be done regarding the condition of the drain. ■ Mr. Gilbert Hamilton was ap-1 pointed inspector of warble *fly campaign, Mr. James McGillivray j ' tractor . mbn, and . Mr. Duncan Campbell, "operator. • ’ The tender of Mr. H. H. Ban­ nerman was accepted for crush­ ing and trucking gravel. By-Law No. 4, 1954; declaring the Township of Kinloss a calf­ hood Vaccination area, was giVen the necessary, readings and fin­ ally passed. . Council then adjourned to meet again on Monday, April 5th, 1954, or at the ’call of , the Reeve. , Cheques issued: James Haggitt, fox bounty, $1.00; Harpld McQuil­ lin, 2 fox. bounties? 2.00; Harold Kempelb—2—fox—.bounties,—2.00; Donald Huffman, 2 fox bounties, 2.00; N. E. Schuett, indigent fun­ eral, 45.00; J. R. Lane, hydro 7.63, postage 5.00; U. I? stamps 3.24t- 15.87; Dr. Cleland, calfhood vac­ cination 25 .percent, 25.25; Wm. Murdie & Son, supples at Hall, 50,94; P. A. Murray, expenses Road convention, 25100; Dan T. McKinnon, expenses Road con- vention,; 25.00; Farish Moffat, ex- j penses Road convention, 25.00; Frank Thompson, expenses Road convention, 25.00; Village Luck­ now, Alex Percy’s fire, 250.00; re­ lief, 75.00; James Moffat, grant Langside Centre, 150.00. Highway cheques: Pay Rolf No: 3,' $475.40;. R. Forster, welding, I 9.75; C. Faegan, shovel, 1.’95; Dept, of Highways, gas tax, 74.58; C. E. McTavish, fuel oif & grease, 160.33 ; Dominion Road Mach. |Co., repairs and labor, 768.30; Lome Becking, snowplowing, 386.75. J. R. LANE, Clerk; ' - - - - . 1 -.--til I Planning to built! . . . remodel? Then see magicalAAarlite—the wonder plastic-finished panel­ ing that brings sparkling color and beauty to any room. Come in! Inspect new colors and patterns. . * ST.HELENS e. - ' ' ■' ' * .1 1 The March meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held at the home of . Mrs. Lome Woods- this (Thursday) afternoon at 2.30; This meeting was postponed on account of road and weather con- j ditions. The observance of the World Day of Prayer^ was also j changed to Tuesday on account of the storm. Bob Murdie of Kitchener spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Alex Murdie. Mr. Andrew Gaunt and Murr ray were in Toronto this week for the annual Shorthorn bull sale. They consigned four bulls. Young People’s Union The meeting of the St. Helens Young Peoples Union was held on March 7th. The president, Don Cameron, was in charge of ^dmTnistrationrTArrine-Toddv-eon^- vener of Missions and World Out­ reach, was in charge of the wor­ ship service. Everyone joined in singing “Jesus shall reign where ’ere the sun”. The scripture was read by Ivan McQuillin and Isa­ bel Miller had a prayer? Anne Todd had , the theme. Isabel Mil­ ler had a reading. After a hymn the following people took part in a panel discussion concerning?an African missionary: Ivan McQuil­ lin, Anne Todd, Isabel Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Sparling., Ivan Mc­ Quillin was in charge of Bible study. The meeting closed with | taps and the benediction by Mr. Sparling. '.•/.? I Wraith. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hanna vis- itedited Sunday With Mr. & Mrs. Dune Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Everett White- head and babe, Teeswater, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mor­ ley Wall and family. What time do Hydro’s customers rise in ™ the morning? What time does the average housewife do her cooking? These, and many other facts about your use of electricity are known to the-power supervisors at Hydro’s .main office . . ; 24 hours a day, 7 ddys a week, Ontario Hydro power supervisors regulate the supply of power so th^t your demands are met, at any ' ^time of the day or night, the instant you ’/flip the switch.” IntoaHorv jOflcferJineOMarb Hydro can be obtained by Writing yotif/ w.1’ * Hydro Chair® , 620 University Avedue,; toirdhb. " 7 *. I KINLOUGH Congratulations to ,Mr. & Mrs. Harold Percy; .on.. the -gift of... a ■baby boy in Wingham Hospital. Congratulations, to Mr; & Mrs. Don Gillespie (n^e Marion Nich­ olson) who were married on Sat­ urday. ■ ■" ■_ Mrs. Wm? Cerson of Kingarf has been spending awhile with Mr./^nd Mrs. Harvey Hodgins. , Little Joan Percy, is visiting with Mr? and Mrs.. W. Lapp at Wingham. ? . .. . .' Miss-A. garf .spent'a few days'with Mr. and—MrsrBfent--Nicholson---and family, 1 ‘ " The L.O.L? held ' a successful euchre and dance on Tuesday ev­ ening., ' ' / ’ . < Mr. and Mrs/ Roy Schneller., attended the funeral, bf a friend' at Kitcheiier last Saturday.. ' a • -Relatives and-; friends-attended the Gillespie-Nicholson 'wedding , on Saturday at ‘the Presbyterian ’. Church, Lucknow. a- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1954 \ ■ 14 . Easy to install Easy to Clean . Beautiful, Practical, Permanent Never Needs Refinishing ' & AS LOW AS 40c PER- SQ. FT. JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow — Phone 150 •— Ontario *■ ■ •« , ■ • • • * • .________• of the first things a man notices in a backward country is that the children are still obey­ ing their parents. / ■4 J 1 i 1 r ’ ’ For as long as there is human suffering then there is need of / the Red Cross; You know the . need, and how great it is. Please help generously —the work of mercy never ends. $5,422,850 is needed this year Local Campaign Chairman: s JAMES R. HENDERSON. ■ ’Phone 203, Lucknow ; Tte Charlie "GilTespie? 'visited- With Mr., and Mrs. James Hod- h 'gins and Mr. and Kirs. Don Bush- ell,/': ' ‘ 4The« World? Day? of Prayer which Wa^ postponed last Friday. will. be held .this Friday, March 12th 4n .the.Presbyterdmi.~ch.u,xdl!— Mr;. Russell Barr of Toronto spent the week-end at his. home here*. •