HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-10, Page 3%* WEDNESDAY, MARCH ' IQ, 1954 ; langside fc ....... a re glad to report' that Mr. Jill Scott is improving after be, ng very sick with* measles. Mr Joe Conley, Lucknow, vis- W with Ivan Conley and Frank ger on Sunday, ‘ Mrs, Arnold Vint of Whj-te- ,hurch is spending a while with ier sister, Mrs, Eugene Conley. Ur vint and family visited bn juhday at the Conley home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Emmerton, harence and Marlow Crowston >f Kincardine visited with Mr. ind-Mrs John”-Crowston^and- •amily on Sunday. ■ ■ w |> ■nl! 9 J Spring 4 was ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc. . ■ . ’ ~ Reliable Service — Itfrs, Al Irwin; program, Mrs. Robt. Campbell and Mrs. Dave • Anderson. *. v All have the new look for 1954 PAGE THREE * .1 9,’ Watch For Fashion Millinery Opening OBITUARY HARRY MacDONALD over the community on . Sunday, I this meeting. Current events, / Rev/J. i , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ^LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . OBITUARY MRS, JOHN H. RICHARDSON Ellen Richardson passed ’ away' on Tuesday, March 2nd at home, 49 Nickle St., Mt. Dennis. Born i^t. Lucknow on September' J8, 1873, she was a daughter of Isaac and Agnes Cranston. On February '22nd, 1899 at Ashfield, she was married to the late John H. Richardson, and lived the greater part of her married life in Proton Tpiwnship. Eight years ®he moved from. Victoria Corners to Mt. Dennis where she •has resided with her daughters^ —^^fuppfal—service~was~heid“ Friday, March 5th.v at the McMij- -1 a n—f u n e ral—hom e—D und a*lR^-^Ser~ vice was conducted by Rev. Littlewood with interment to, Dundalk cemptery vault. ' Mrs. Richardson leaves mourn four daughters, Violta and Ruth at home; Isla (Mrs. Frank r ■ • _ ! Cora (Mrs. I Streetsville. 1 children, -'/Bradley and" .John arid Mary Bowring. One brother.1 Isaac J„ Bowring) of Mt. Carl Bradley) of Also Barbara Dennis; and four, grand- and Sandra and • Mary j.Cranston of Lucknow- also sur- Local 4 General jMr. Merton ■MacKenzie. pf Oak- ville is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacCon- i nell. ■ Alex MacNay continues to im­ prove and it is expected he will soon be able to leave the. hospi­ tal ■ . ’.... ’ ■ ft.J. Rutton is much improved this week after undergoing sur­ gery in London last week. His condition was critical for a time, j—Mr..-and—Mrs.—Newton—James will return to their, home tin Windsornext—weekaftei^a wiml LADIES and MEN’S WEAR ... .......-'.t..;..:, TELEPHONE for SUITS and COATS and DRESSES ij.'-- ■ | Just selected a 'choice assortment of latest and popular I classics, designed .by leading manufacturers. . . . Choose ■ early fropi these exciting new stylings, colorings andfabrics. I ' i i i i i i I i i i i ter holiday at Daytona Beach. i ■ Mr. and Mr& Steele. MacKenzie j of Kitchener: were week-end visi- to -tors with his mother, Mrs. R. V. ‘MacKenzie.- Mr. and Mrs, Mervin MacDon-’, aid (Verna Steward) and daugh­ ter, Mary Elizabeth, have moved to Torohto from Chatham. j . / Mr., and Mrs. Cecil .Armstrong, Charlotte, Billy and Paul of Port Colborne were week-end visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Arm­ strong. Mrs. Murray . Richardson and | two children;. Kerry Lou and Jud- i son of Fort Erie) visited last week .with her mother, Mrs. Bessie Shirfey and with Mr. and Mrs. CHURCH CHANNELS The Women’s World Day er’s Church, Lucknow, on Friday ' several years ago. ' ~~ March 5th. Considering the' The following, acted as pall- stormy weather the attendance I bearers, Wallace and Jim McCor- was good. The service printed in ’ mack, Jack Richardson,. Ed Stin- a leaflet Was adapted from a ser-json, George and. Elvin Moore. ’ vice prepared by Dr. Sarah j . Friends and relatives attended u „r . .. Chakko, , an . outstandings Christ- < from London, Collingwood, Luck- [ParveF Webster, ian leader of India. It is with J now, Camp Borden, Markdale and regret ' that we announce her ., Toronto. : death. The similarity of human I needs is world-wide, and the same prayers would, be used all ! over the world to a God who is dine on February 27th at the Sun- worshipped by all nations. The' ny Villa Nursing Home, Harriet Universal Christ is. the Hope of Idella Henderson. She was in her the. nations. The witness of col-, 62nd year and was a daughter lettive prayer is good and helpful; of the late David s and Annie to those participating, but the' Henderson of Huron Township, cumulative effect of the’•‘private ; She was.critically ill for the last prayers of Christians in all na-1.16. months. She worked for a tions can never be equalled. As number of years in Detroit and children we said ouf bed-time; was a member of the1 United prayers/-as-adults-we—need-7even yChurch. . :••••., ' 2 . 2 . more; to pray daily. The hymn ( The funeral service, by Rev,. G. says -that we. should - live more Gomm was conducted from the nearly as we. pray. If we don’t i Linklater Funeral Home, on Mon­ cultivate the habit of daily pray-1 day, March 1st with interment er ..then our souls will not grow, in Kincardine cemetery. Left to! Abraham Lincoln spid,’ I have ' mourn her passing are four sis-1 been driven many times to my 1 knees by the overwhelming com ,--------; -------------------------- viction~that I. had nowhere else ’ Pearl, Mrs. Harry Johnston, Kin-1 to go; my own wisdom and that 'cardine; Bertha, Mrs.. J. W. Gon:l of-all around me seemed irisuf-' you; Chatham; Robert of Tillsbn-'• ficient for the day.' • I burg and Mabel, Mrs. Lome Hor- / . » *'» *,'/*’ ’ ■■1.7% < r ’ . lLj rvv». /’"A 4 • f I '*<!■•▼ 4* /% v»r» I More things are wrought by prayer .. < Than this world dreajris of. > ofl vives. A brother, Jerry Cranston, Prayer was observed in St; Pet-i of West Wawanosh,- passed dway i-. ■ • : .. .: ' Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Casemore {(Margaret MacCallum) of Strat- ? ford are visiting ait Port Alberni, • E;C., with her sister Martha. Mr, I Casemore has not been enjoying I good health. > ' ' ■ The regular meeting of the Lucknow Women’s Institute will be held on' Friday, March 12th * in the Town Hall at 2.30. Host­ esses^ Mrs. Burt Roach, Mrs. How­ ard Robinson, .Mi’s. .ft. V. Mac­ Kenzie and Mrs. T. Clark. All members are requested to be present. . ' x ' Mac Graham of Toronto spent the week-end here and was ac­ companied back by > Mrs. Graham Who had spent the week witb _ _ __ her" parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Well / ters and One brother: Ethel, Mrs. | Henderson. They were-also ac- a Duncan MacKenzie of Lochalsh;! companied by Mrs.-Minnie Horne '__________________________________of . Toronto who had spent the latter part of the week with Mrs. Walter Horne. The March rneeting of the, Par­ amount Institute will jbe held at _________ _______________ ___ __ i-. j Roll call, “What I find most^ help- in my Institute work’’, iStand- Wherefpre, let tny voice Henderson, Kelvin Henderson, •’ ^rnikutpk rAnnrtq arid hos- Hise like a fountain for me night. Elmer MacKenzie, Stuart Jamie-, ang O________________. . - . V. *MISS H. I. HENDERSON 'There passed away, in Kincar- I I The hymn j The funeral service, by Rev,. G. : toyBecher, Ont^ Two brolher^ wiu jue nviu predeceased heivjred in 192i,-and p/Richard’s on March 16th. m lnu1946‘ t\ ■ -j RoH call, “What I find most help- The pallbearers were. Davnl ] • , jn my lnstitute worh’*. Stand- i, Kelvin Henderson,—ng comTnittee reports arid hos? a..;.,. j i ’ pital donations are to be in for son, Wilham Ferguson -and Lome -■ ■■ . • Emmerton. .-------------- ---------—*-r Those attending the funeral from a distance were Mr. and1 Mrs. J. W. .Gonyou, Chatham ;T Mr. and Mrs., Lome Horley, of • . Becher; Mr, Robert Henderson of Tillsoriburg; Mr. and_Mrs. John jLrVJJcrau any. a* Michigan and Mr. Smith -Hen- jderson Of Galt. • NEIL MacKENZIE . ......... ............. . - .i—.- <■■■■;■•;■ /-.. ..■■•'_ The death of Mr. Neil Mac- fo the Alexandra Hospital, Kenzie occurred in Toronto on. , Qoderich, that liiorning. Early j I I ir*lf krOAA/ " j ’February 19th .in his :95th ye^r, 'Frjday morning he was, Seized L. W.I\'PIV W ■ I Ee was. th4 last' member of the \-ith a ■paralytic stroke. Later be I UNITED CHURCH i | family,, hr the. late Mr: and' Mr: ............................. . | ■ 2 ' Ktzvil T3’<% i is ■ 7\/Tnr>«n 1 i A nrAllpei’ . | -Minister: .• '• • 4. j R(*v. G. A. Meiklcjohn, j . B.A., B.D. I St'.NllAY, MARCH 14th j “i ‘:s~ For 3wh sheep and goats . / Tiyit nourish a blind life within < the brain, , if, knowing.God, they lift not hands of prayer Bothz for themselves ’ and those who call them friend? For so the whole round earth is every way r . . Bound -by gold chains about the feet of God. Becher; Mr, Robert Henderson of LeBeau anti Bonniie, Royal heavv cloud of sadness hung over the community on Sunday, February 28th, wihen news was j received of the death of Harry I MacDonald of Kintail Which; took , that ihorhing. Early Top It Off With A ... .1 New Spring Hat Fashioned by Stetson, Biltmore . . . New Spring Shades. $5.95 to $10.95 ives gathered to pay their final’with the Rev. Robert MacGregor tribute. 'The pallbearers were of St. James United Church of- Will-MacDonald, Arthur Simp-1 ficiating. ' Interment son, Bill Collinson, Robert Mac-! Beechwood Cemetery. Gregor, David .MacKenzie and Jack Collinson, Interment was in Kintail Cemetery.. Friends from a distance were Hally Caird of Milwaukie; Mrs. George .Blue and Marjory, Mrs. Joe Agnew and Mrs. Donald Mc­ Donald, Lucknow; Mr., and Mrs. Will Harris, (Ripley. Among the floral tributes was L__ _____ a beautiful wreath of roses from Ian" Griffith, the MacDonald clan of which he I HonorsIona Griffith. w<as Chief—for—many—years------ - - G. W. BERRY George William L. Berry of 102 Powell Avenue, Ottawa, 'passed away on Tuesday,, February 9th, after a lengthy illness. He was 75 years of age. - Mr. Berry, was married in Ot­ tawa in 1927 to the former Iva L, Harrison. He was 3 member of St. James United Church. . ; Born at Lucknow, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Berry, dear brother of Mrs. Ac G. Smith (Laila) and Mrs.,J. W-. Armstrong (Laura).. He served overseas in the First World War With the 44th Battalion, Port Ar-; thur, later transferring to the 8th ■Battalion; “The^Eittle Black Dev- ils? of Winnipeg. While serving as. an officer .with the. latter unit, he was wcu.ided arid severely gassed. » ■ He was with the Empire Life Insurance Co. for some years. 1 Th i funeral was held in Ot-1 tawa bn Thursday, February 11th ■ . (___was removed to hospital and 'j. Neil Bbin MacKenzie, pioneers- gradually .sank into unconscious- I Ibf what w,as then called.“tlie Isle, negS . , • ^ , " ' ! ‘ of Skye”. Ashfi’eld. lie died on.. He . wris',68 yeArs .bf age,;, the' , I the anniversary ' of irismarriage POn Of Donald MacDonald and.the ’ j j in ..Lochalsh to Lhe late FlorkHatei LV'aton Finlayson1, vyliosc ehilK-. vVas ^orri iri- Kintaii where .he^ x-i>1 ’ber .v,■ ■ ,, uiuiniv v4-ivx.* . •' Arehfo Fiotvhvr, Lochalsh', ynero j,,. ViincouVei’.and Detroit, His re- i 1 •" 1 by • j MncKo-h/re < and, Flo, Ki , Qsca'r J'o'imri'nn,’ Toronhy 2 j lu<!<now ’■ i i hesbyierian Church j nemv Ki'.a’c’K^rizie, Ashfivld: .Doh- Hcott, who idved’the skirl of the T xvt(V, ............. __,__HV ,'isv survived by .his aged j ■Kcnzih.'’ of. Montreal and Mrs. fatiwr, a sister Annie Mae and j Enitlii'Si’P'tro'f PetGiborongh also a brother Bain. , ' •' • I attended the ’funeral . ' . ri The ’funeral took "place from i j 11 a m;: “The Worshq) of G()tl”; j j i245 p,niu Sunday School/ j ! 7 p ni.: “Bound Yet Fiec’l I •• grandp'ab’nts.- Mr. and Mrs. the exception of a few years" ... ' ' ’ ;,*‘u..,7_,.„..‘._rahd Detroit.^Iis^e/ !'hei> ’ WidriWed 'in'tdhvr also reskb lalioiis with’ all his" 'rie.'ighbbrs d.' ■ Mr, MucKe.nXie Is .survived those of ■unfailing "good will ■tuo’ daughters, 'Miss /Alary ; lurrmohy. *His habits we he MacKeo/M -and Vlov <K'evJ ■ g00d‘.atTd his -character sound -and v>.................... . Any.. •.honourable, always kindly arid ■ 'fhe- funeral was hold in -.Tor-. gOnia.l He'was constaritmatten- out o „wi lh ' six /nephew/ acting as upuo public worship i.n the , ........varers’ .Mhlvillc’ SeotD Hof-■ Xshfield. Presbyterian church. He J. , vie; ’ Hoy,. MacKenzie of Ripley;. waMa staunch Liberal and loyal .....b,/..’■*’ . Rev. C. A. AViiiil, H.Ao li I). Aimer .‘Scott and James Mac- seMonT.in public. - ^-Ministers—-4-Rar," Toronto- Di/ b. Fxott Mac-;.. ........ i ' i -Kcnzi'e/ of. Montreal and Mrs. fathcr, t _ J bl^DAY,.MAIlC-H;14th. I Enilh scott’of Peterborough also a brother Bain, hi a.hV! Merninff Wrirshh) z attended the ’funeral. . • , ‘ wrn,n^ 7orsn,P. his late residence on Wednesday p.m.: Sunday School., j J. Q.’ ?n inve c >r sists. nof'so conducted by his pastor "j ’ Erskihei DtingannpnJ much S<«M ...,^f make you misei<ib'lL. ■ 'it ■ p.■v PASS MUSIC EXAMS The following students of E. Cook were successful ip pass­ ing Grade II Theory examinations of the, Royal/ Conservatory of .Music of Toronto, mid-winter ex­ aminations: First < Class Honors: i Arlyne Powell, Gwendolyn Walsh> ,. Joanne Hod gins; r<< ■ : Gilson Service - . - Electrical Appliances Free/ers, Dryers, Washers HA^EDENBT ELECTRIC . Kinlough Bring radiant new. beauty to- kitchens, bathrooms, indoor and . : outdoor .furniture, Your choice* of sunny pastels, rich deep colors, . that stay colorful'. CILUX is easy to use, easy to clean, quick-drying, ^Ibug-lasting;’' i6,CbmeJ< ’m"''"arid ■ these smart new CILUX Colors. . Decorators ^nd GIFT SHOP Phone 218, LuckiiO^ « Directly Aeri&s Legion Hall