HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-03, Page 12i i •K ■? & T I V SAVE 27c 33c 29c SMITH’S FOOD MARKET I I: < / • < < < < w w v t r v'y '■ ■ ■ j ’ v v "■»' rvrf."vy w v v v < •< < < < < < < < < ■< < < < < MlA-VlIVACLJf \zA* J/VUaUuXj A Lockhart is enjoying' compara- <* tiVely good health and will re­ turn to her home here in the spring. Hu-Back Side Hook Girdles in. two lengths ------------------ ------„-----------4-.- ‘ ”................. ). / . ■ PAGE TWELVE THE LHCI^NQW SENTINEL, WTMW ........... - '' .......‘ i ........JI. .■Ill, i./J. I ...I"'!"-,.-.... JUST ARRIVED A New Shipment Of ? . Hu^Back front Lace Corsets in" two lengths in 14drich and 15rinch skirt , * NEW, SARONG GIRfiLE IN ALL SIZES NYLON GARTER BELTS : also FULL RANGE OF GOTHIC BRASSIERES in narrow and wider widths. ASHTON’S MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece ; Goods and Woollens LUCKNOW DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL THURSDAY and FRIDAY March 4th and 5th 1 CONCERT ' ■ "■ • • ... • In the High School Auditorium at 8.00 pan. / VARIETY PROGRAM: Two plays—“Macbeth’’ and “The Name IsJohnston”, Tumbling, 'Glee Club and Band Selections, Barber Shop Quartette. g TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS » Admission>r~50c t,—. ,P /' • ..———■— THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE A speaker at a recent conven­ tion of the National Beer Whole­ salers Association of. Detroit made an impassioned plea for a nation-wide defense against "“the diabolical (machinations of these forces of evil, who seek to de- stroy us and strike a death blow to liberty”. These ‘‘forces of evil —(the Drys) do not accept de­ feat” . . . they are highly organ­ ized, larticulate and are relent­ less in their attack”. That speak­ er was in deadly earnest, as well he might be. He knows whati many people do not know. An* other prohibition era would prob­ ably (spell <th£ doom of many breweries, just as that other “aw­ ful” era did, Prohibition in On­ tario from 1916 on was hard on the .breweries. By the end of 1917 only 23' out of 64 Ontario brew- DURING LENT p • • at ' ■ ! SMITH’S I G A. ~ pStokley ’Tomato Juice, 48 oz. . lgX Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz. .... 29c Doles . . [ Fruit Cocktail, 20 ok , .Clark’s \ i^Porkng^Beans,’ IS ozr - frr.. 14c- »Green Giant i Corn NibiCtS/14 o«. 2 for 37ir ’ Breakfast Club ‘Raspberry Jam ..... .... 35c k Hereford Corn Beef 43c LG A. Margarine ................29c ’ Domestic Shortening . 29c THATwhile-we-wouldn’t_want to put words in anyone’s mouth ^-the-MaimStreetjs_liabled^^ come known as “Skunk Alley”, if the current crop of black, and white animals don’t soon take off for other parts. It is get­ ting to be a common nocturnal sight to see one of these strip­ ed animals ambling along quite oblivious to the bright lights or the wary folk who keep their distance. . -r* ■ ■ ^_o— •' • • ' THAT there were nine tables at the Auxiliary 7 Shoot party on Friday" night. High lady was Mrs. Al Irwin, with Les Purves having, the men’s high score. THAT Mrs. Alex MacNay return­ ed from Toronto last Thursday, where she had remained since Alex underwent a very ^seri­ ous operation. He was consid­ erably brighter when she left, but will be in .the hospital for several days yet, and then will have a lengthy convalescent period at his home* : THAT Elliott Carruthers is em­ ployed at Louzon’s Lucknow Fruit Market. Mrs. Carruthers has been clerking there for more than a month; —:——— : ' .x^o—- -------' 't ■ THAT Margaret E. Hudspn, for? merly of Kinloss, says; it is 45 years since they went, to Elora, —ibut-she always-finds^sbmething of interest to her in the old town paper." eries remained in existen^. J>rie tbat..survived- made 2%;pbrc!ent ginger ale and ginger beer as a dry .period measure. Adver­ sity came to an end in 1927 with prohibition. Then, came sale by the glass in 1934, since when the building of new facilities has not been able to keep pace with the increase in orders. These are facts about beer and prohibition. Prohibition did prohibit. Note the most significant sentence quoted: “Adversity came to an end with prohibition”, i. e. when prohibi­ tion ended, adversity ended-—for I beer.—Advt. '*• Get Swamp Clearing Contract William Smith & Sons of Kin- garf have. been given the con­ tract by the Greenock township council to clear all timber and brush off the north side of Con­ cession 10 through the swamp. THAT at the Goderich fancy dress skating carnival, Mrs. Steve Price (formerly Jean Johnston of Lucknow) /won second prize in a 65-year-old nightgown. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Breckenridge (formerly Marjorie Allin. of Lucknow) won first prize for ■the 'best fancy dressed couple. THAT Mrs. Ezekiel Lockhart who has been spending the winter in Wingham with Mr. and Mrs. Elwell Webster (nee Grace Lockhart) observed her (86th birthday bn February 17th. Mrs. Ogilive-Gold Cake Mix ..., 35c Johnston Hard Gloss, pt.65c White- Swan Toilet Tissue ..... 2 for 25c Export Safdines..... 3 for 25c Challenger Sockeye Salmon, ’4 tin .... 35c * < .. 37c Gold Seal, Sockeye Salnion,J4 tjn Cohoe Salmon, K» tin . 27c WESTON’S SODAS, plain or salted, lb. Now at their best— Florida Grapefruit 10 tor 49c La»a^* a a a * * * * Watch f or announcement I MARCH IN LIKE A LION, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1^54 Webster & MacKinnon Sale Paints of the 1 I*1 Mrs;, and Mc- and and odd lines ; yirALLPAPER CLEARING FAST Pastel and Dark Colors Still Available in: Flat Wall Paint, Semi-Gloss, Enamels, Swper-kem-Tone Rubberized Wall Paint and Kem Gio EnameL Don’t miss the exceptional values now in effect at Finlay Decorators and GIFT SHOP ► Phone 218, Lucknow — Directly Across from Legion Hall . . • <L KAIRSHEA INSTITUTE . HEARS HISTORY OF KINLOSS Historical Research was the theme for the February meeting of the Kairshea W. I. which met at the home of Mrs. Harvey Hous­ ton. The roll call, “a current event”, was responded to by a large number of members. D. H., Carruthers presided the sec.-treas., Mrs. Donald Kinnon, read the 'minutes correspondence. : Members with clothing_______ ___ _ for Children’s Aid are asked to leave it with Mrs. Ross MacMillan, Ar­ rangements for the District An­ nual were left in charge of the District Director and the Execu- ELECTRIC MOTOR SfRVlfCE. Armature and Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc. —. Reliable Service —•. . “Gilson Service - > . •. - Electrical. Appliances Freezers, Dryers, Washers ““HALDENBY~ELECTRTC Kinlough — five. $15 was voted towards the purchase of new drapes --for the Kairshea room in Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital.' $15 was voted to-1 wards the work of the Sunshine/ Committee. It rwas decided that ;, prizes be given for the prettiest; hand-made and the prettiest, ready-made cotton dress at the 12 Calico Ball to ibe held on April intyrc> Mrs. I. Carruthers, Mrs. 9th in the Town Hall. / W. F. MacDonald and Mrs. H. •\ . • • * THAT the Lenten Season com­ menced on Ash Wednesday, March 3rd, and continues until Easter which falls on Sunday, April 16th. . THAT Jack McGuire is the newly elected , president of the Ripley j Junior Farmers. Eileen Orr " heads the junior institute. —0—• THAT recent refepende in. The Sentinel to “trifling” 'sub-zero temperatures in this? commun­ ity, caused .Mrs. John Mowbray of Stoughton, Sask., to drop a line home pointing out that 45 degrees below was nothing ;: unusual out there. Proof of this was a snapshot showing: Dr. and Mrs. Mowbray’s young . son John eyeing th.e theremom- . eter on which 'the reading was quite plain. Mrs. Mowbray was formerly- Catherine Johnston. THAT on the- occasion of her 80th birthday, Mrs. Jessie Mc- Innes was guest of honor at a family dinner held at the home \ of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mac- ■^WtU^n laSt Thursday, . THAT Donald, MacCharles is get- ' ting “a kick” out of perform­ ing with the bld-t.ime fiddlers at the Kincardine Favilion. Donald has played one engage* ment with the group and has another one coming Up' shortly. ...■’-■■■o-O-O*"*".'— '■ THAT Wm. J. Douglas celebrated a birthday oh Sunday that • marked by a family gathering. 9th in the Town Hall. Two minutes silence <was ob-1 Johnston,dree tors, served in memory of the late; < '' ■ . Mrs. McCormick. r- - - — —- - ------ - ----- Mrs. Eh Morgan was tlie guest FEBRUARY WAS MILD -■ speaker. She had an interesting. ■ ' ' ; exhibit of museum pieces which . March came in like a lion with included articles clothing, a . twenty-four ■ hour variation needlework, , an exhibit of cups, from rain to snow blocked roads, candles of different ages and Early Monday morning a heavy value. jwet snow blanketcd the district Mrs. Wm. Scott was the win- and weighted down trees, hydro ,ner of a Valentine contest con-and telephone with with a^dan- ductedUby-MrS^-Harold-CampbelLLgerDusiy-heavy-load^of-sn^l .—„ Musical numbers were enjoyed, j io9. it rained /during the day Denver Dickie played thei vjolin/ and by evening turned colder . j .I. into a blizzard that reduced visibility to about nil and quick­ ly plugged up some roads. Evergreen trees took quite ai •beating ancj a pine tree at the Public School play ground was badly splintered by the weight of snow. While unpredictable March gpt off to a bad start; the official weather observer looked back over the February data,, which revealed the past month to have been exceptionally mild. The high' was' 52 and the low 5 below.. Snowfall totalled IQ indies, rain? fall 1.21 inches with but three days of total sunshine and fifteen days completely overcast. The month was marked by a thunder- .Douglas Dickie played the piano and a vocal number by the Hous­ ton boys with Mrs. Houston at the piano. Mrs. Gordon Wall read the Federated News items. Mrs. Walter MacKenzie, con­ vener of Historical Research, gave a concise history of Kinloss Township, which she has com­ piled recently. The different phases of township life were cov­ ered from the time it was first surveyed up to the present time, in an interesting ‘Style. Mrs. Hughes gave the closing remarks. z : The annual meeting is to be held in April and Mrs. O. Elliott and Mrs.-L. MacDougall are hos­ tesses Ifor the March meeting,• which is to be held.at Mrs. EL storm-which is unusual, for Feb liott’^nome-with“Mrs."'Ar~'Mac-’" ruary.' ~ Ma last i rain, -----edbj high ^blizzu; week ' It • and ’ had s almo; Lai failec ■ - main the open main traffi and. 1 . /post Luck •bidet tot S; . .Sc on V Distr ed fc . was • • Wed icallj ■distr ■■ erals than the i iblocl as s: mail and -/for-i Bj well snov on s< .X..... at the