HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-03, Page 6/■ ' Your chicks deserve the best of care, especially during those first all-important weeks of their life. When you PAGE SIX'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO srnnr won cnsens offwwe nrwFoor tvrmn cwcn srnnten MADE FROM A/ATTOMU’ « > feed your chicks the National fresh-mix way—you can \ fbe sure that they’re getting essential vitamins and minerals as well as a high percentage of protein . A Chick Started made from NATIONAL CHICK. /n MIX CONCENTRATE is made with valuable meat meal, milk by-products and vital pasture grass. Chicks loye thisT fresh, tasty all-mash mixture ... and it’s good J for them. /. T* A QUALITY FEED-MIX" FOR POULTRY. TURKEYS. HOGS and CATTLE ? See your NATIONAL Dealertoday— Look for the bright Orange and Black Sign f-14 X I WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED z INGERSOLL, ONTARIO Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL well-cured. Properly Blended FERTILIZER ST. HELENS A; ■ ,r,|' . . /' ■ \ The. Belgrave Women’s Insti­ tute presented’ the delightful musical com.edy, “Happiness A- head” to ra capacity audience in the Community Hall on Friday night under the auspices of the local Women’s,Jpstitute.. The play which takes place in a garden scene included a light love story ^nd many vocal numbers which were ibeing rehearsed for a gar­ den party. A dance followed to music, provided by Ed and Evan McQuillin, Don Cameron, Mult- ray Gaunt and* Charles McQuiL lin with Mrs. Stuart, Miss Norma Murray, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt & Fred* McQuillin accompanying on the piano. Bob Lyons was caller- off. ';?■ A ■ Mr. Archie Aitchlson was a patientvfor a few days last week in - Wingham General Hospital, where he underwent an operation on his knee. • ........... -•• • * ‘ ; W Sunday School in the United Church will be held next Sun­ day at 10.45 with regular church' service, to follow. The change in time is being made to 'enable Mr. Sparling to attend a Y.P.U. rally in Wallacelbufg early that, morn­ ing, A spejcial invitation, is ex­ tended to everyone tcrattend the Sunday School session. In common with millions of women around the world, the women’s World Day of Prayer will be observed ori Friday af­ ternoon at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. Robinson Woods. . All the ladies of the community are in­ vited. ' ■ ■■ The ladies are reminded of the March meeting of the Women’s "RlriWt'ute tb^be^held^afT'the-home of . Mrs. Lorrie Woods Thursday (this) afternoon at 2.30. ? Keep Fridays evening, March 19th, free for the play “Look out Lizzie” . to be presented by Ash­ field Y.P.U. under auspices of the W.I. ■ ' Miss Margaret MacPherson, R: N., has .returned-.-tOL.her.„du.tiejs.._9t.t St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, af­ ter spending a week at her home; Mr. Bill MacPherson was a week-end visitor with friends at Galt. Happy Handicrafters The seventh meeting of the St,. Helen’s Happy Handicrafters was held at the home of Marilyn Mc- Tavish on February 23rd. The roll call, “Each girl to show a patch and a darn” was answered by 8 girls. A donation was received from the Senior Institute. This money is going to be used for gauges and pin cushions for the girls. Mrs.' Curran dictated notes on hair and scalp, Mrs. MacPher­ son demonstrated the shell hem. ' ' ' - * . * , . i « I */ ___‘ i WEDNESiP4Yt MARCH 3rd, 1954 "OF COURSE I HAVE AN ESTATE "My Dad is building it for me right now, and it’s going to be pretty important to me some day.” A And a father knows how important it is to have that estate properly administered, no matter how small it-, may be at present. He may receive advice and assistance from experienced Trust Officers on the disposition of his estate without any obligation. Write for free booklet ’’Blueprint For Your Family”. the 7' STERLING TRUSTS C OR P O R A T I O N • BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrio ' ■■ ■ 5-3 HEAD OFFFICE 37T Bay St., Toronto r r r •: ■ • • ••• • - s .-------------------------------——:—-------------------------■ - - ■ The next meeting was held at; Mrs. Mac MacPherson arid fam - the home of Anne Todd on March i ily, 8th Con., and Mr. and Mrs.__ 1st. The hostesses were Anne1 Ron Stanley, Kinloss. Todd and Mrs. MacPherson. A ’ Mr. and.Mrs. Hugh Nicholson, very delicious lunch was served i Ardis arid Harvey; Bervie, spent* by tjle hostesses. " ’ . * Mr. and.Mrs. Hugh Nicholson, [ Sunday, evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and Re'g. ^ PARAMOUNT FOURTH CONCESSION Paramount Women’s Institute held a card party in the John­ stone block. There were 17 tables. Howard Harris was high man. Rae (Stanley won the lady’s prize. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamilton spent the week-erid with Mr1, and Mrs. Frank King in Toronto. Little Patsy Wraith is staying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson while Mr. andnMTST-CeOTge-AVraith^f-God— erich attended the Purina Con­ vention at St. Louis. A miscellaneous showier w*as held for the Ibride-to-be, Miss Marion Nicholson, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Reid. iMr. and Mrs. Jas. Hunter and Wanda visited With Mr. and Mrs. i R. Macintosh. 4 | - .... _ Mr. arid Mrs'. M. Osche of Zur-! an^er■ tWQ: weeks of school, ich and Mrs. K. MacDonald of Buckton accompanied his Lucknow visited - Mr. and Mrs. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dune Eldon Henderson. < MacConhell on a tram trip tz . Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Campbell Petroit. . arid children visited With Mr. & Mrs. H. Lavis. , * I Mrs. Margaret MacLennan, and j Christine of London and Cather-j irie visited Mr. arid Mrs. Howard: Barger. f Mr. and Mfs. Lloyd MacDoug­ all and family spent a week-end in Kitchener recently-. Mr. and Mrs/ Win. MacIntyre were in Toronto the first of last week when Mr. .MacIntyre atten­ ded the Good Roads Convention. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Herb Miller is seriously ill in Wingham Hospital. The Farm Forum group of the Fourth West hold regular weekly meetings and send in splendid re- . ports. Two weeks ago when the roads were impassable for cars; the members arrived; via team and sleigh. Mr. Graham MacDonald, who teaches in London, has been quite i ill this past week arid will miss Billy Buckton accdmpanied his to J MacConhell on a train tripEldon Henderson. in be Chef ■•«*! rroitav Chateau Laurier Hotel A Canadian National Railway* Motel Mr. and Mrs’. Eric HackettTo avoid the nuisance of get* ‘Murray of Paramount spent Sun- ,ting paint on your hand and arm , day with Mr. and Mrs. Midfor^ .'When you are painting a coiling -. [Wall and Donnie; or other high places," punch a I Sunday visitors with Mr. arid hole in a paper plate, and fit the Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith spent * Wednesday ^evening with Mr. andlf Mrs. Earle Hodgins. I Mrs. Byerett Whytock & babe CULROSS CORNERS v 1 ..........<• . . ■ ■ . 1 If eVer you have dined at Ottawa's famous Chateau ; Laurier, you'll agree . . . Chef Freitag knows whereof he cooks! ih all his tempting dishes, he uses only butter, No substitute could possibly give the delicate flavour, the smooth, golden richness . of fresh creamery, butter. / , Taste Chef Freitag's own recipe for BUTTER MEUNIERE a sauce for sauteed fish,-steaks . v of -chops •. . When fish or meat is regdy to serve, squeeze the juice of a quartered lemon over it. Sprinkle with fresh chopped putsley or chives. Ind frying pan, brown 2 ounces of butter . for each: person. Pour ’ over fish or meatr - ■ t - As every housewife knows, tor good ’ - eating and good living, .you just / can't beat butter. From the simplest hot biscuits to the most elegant layer date, everything you make tastes so much better wjth better. For oiir Maria, Fraser'* free booklet o( tasty, tested buttef recipes, write: - .<■ ASHFIELD NOTES Next Sunday the service the Presbyterian Church will at 11 o’clock. The Presbyterian W.M.S. meets, this Friday at the home of Mrs. D. R. MacKenzie for the World. Day' of ““'Prayer.^ ..— . Mrs. Duncan MacDonald 'is re­ covering from an attack of pneu­ monia. - returned to their home Thursday , -P* this community . ^veriins • '* ' .were shocked to learn ’of the ~ Miss Alice Haldenby spent the ■ Week-end With Mr. and Mrs, Mid- . . ‘-T? *’*? .. ford Wail and Donnie. sister and brother we extend our Mrs. Alex <lWhy.tock spent Fri- symP*} V*. . - * day with Mr,'and Mrs. Everett! + .. Whytobk^and family. Little;Garry , . Keep windows sparkling With • /.' t 'Frank Brown is -improving. ■ . Ions of hot water. Apply with a ”| ' Mr, & Mrs. Tom Stewart .sperit coMuiose sponge. I Saturday 'hi Kincardine, * ■■ a solution made by mixing a cup We arc glad to report.thai-Mr$. cidfr, Y-ineg?r wHJTB^gaP ■ /Frank .Brown is-improving. ■