HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-03, Page 3WEDKESPAY, MARCH 3rd, 1954 rHg LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKKOW, ONTARIO PAGE THREE
Local & General
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb, of
I ucan visited last -Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robb. ,
’Mr. Wm Bushell is eori^ned
to his home with a heart condi
tion. '■ - ,v.
Hhrvey Webster^ is recup
erating from an ijlness with
pneumonia at *hfc* ;
Gordon Montgomery was off
work for days suffering
from a sprained baiek'. ;
'.Mr, aM : Mrsz Wftii;\Liibyd of
Loridon spent the? week-end with
^elitiveiriiere.-; : * .; ’ ’ -----
Professor A. W. Anderton,
local music supervisor, was* taken
to . hospital in London last week
for two • weeks’ treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boyle and
daughter of Holyrood, returned
the latter part of the week from
a month’s holiday in Florida.
Npble Pierce returned home
last week from Wingham Hos
pital, where he had been a pat
ient for several weeks. <
Mrs. A. E. Durnin Jias return
ed to her home here after spend
ing the past couple of months, in
Clinton.; . . . : . j
Mr? and Mrs. Wm. A; Hamil
ton, Mrs. JaiS. MacDonald and
Mrs. M. Sanderson spent, the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank King in Toronto.
Mrs. Spence Irwin returned
from Wingham . Hospital the first
of last week where she was a
patient for nine days following
a major operation. . . _
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rutherford
and children, Maufeen and Hugh
of Gananoque. spent the week-
Rutherford. Mrs! Rutherford re
turned with thern for a visit.
Mi-, and Mrs. Cameron Mac-
Donald returned on Saturday
from two weeks spent in Wash5
lington where Cain took a course
at. the Ice Cream Merchandising
institute Training School. .
Mr. and ‘Mrs. Jack Johnston I
and daughter Shirley of ..Elmira |
spent the week-end with .Mr. and |
Mrs. P. M. Johnston,
convalescing from an
which .he underwent
January,. ■
Lome Johnston, who
a patient in Westminster Hospi
tal for a time, suffered another
gallstone attack on Friday. Lome
has already had thtee operations “““ "^‘b^n June'gtfl* 1882.
. Sometin^es religious leaders get
a little discouraged! at the moral
and religious . conditions, that are
to be seen in the world. There
are hopeful Sighs . that; there is!
an hicrease in religious interest
ahd a desire to reform- social con
ditions. It 4s well to note that
every social evil /and trouble has
a spiritual significance. The big'
task of the Christian Church is
to persuade men that Jesus Christ
Harvey Neely Funeral^ Home, .
16540 Myers Road, Detroit, Feb
ruary 19th at 2.30 p.m., Rev. S. T.
Higgins officiating. There were
niany beautiful floral tributejs
and expressions of loving sym-
pathy to the bereaved husband,
and family friends,
Four brothers and two sisters
predeceased. Mrs. Mackay, and
one sister, Mrs. Alex McDonald,
2nd* Con., .Huron, and ,pne bro
ther, - John: A. -McKay of. Kincar
dine, survive., . .. .
Among those who attended the
funeral from a distance were Mr,.
Jphn A> McKay, Kihcardine; Mr'
Cameron" McKay prid Mrs.
to; Messrs. Grant and Allister
McKay, and Mrs. Margaret Oli
ver of Ripley; and Mrs. Wm. Mc
Donald, Kintail, " ..
Pallbearers were Messrs. Alli-
ll — llfr
, ., ■ ■ ’ * *s. ‘ % /
- —^- - TELEPHONE 83
Nylon by Arrow
Broadclptlv—colors, stripes.
Sport; Shirts—-T-Shirts
All Sizes and Oversizes. ’
$2.50 to $12.95
’ 1 ’ 1.' A ' • ‘ , .
Dress and Sport
.. New materials, All sizes
is the answer io..ouTpToK/l
' in woodi^ C^etg™^
A highly esteemed resident of
Lucknow and St*. Marys, Mrs.
Edith Reed, widow of the late
s ;**•*?*•• William P. .Reed, dfied bit the
’!? g0° - ._t'h?re /Kingsway Nursing Home, St.
te" Marys on Monday, February 22. different to the welfare of the • ha(j peen in for the past four
world. Those of us who care won-1 months; She. was the formei
der howvso many people can en<! Edith Pym- and was - born near
joy isolation when actually they ElimyiUe in USbome Townshi,*
are dependent on others.. As we December 23rd, 1866,. a daughter
look at out world near to us and of the late Mr. and Mrs. . John
te away places we •should be, pym. ghe was twice married In
vitally concerned. Edward Grb-(1892 she married John Dickan-
^°n’ Uy°4.u^rOne tne and|son Of Blanshard township and
,^ornan Ernpire, nn; fh^y farmed near Anderson until
-J-^2’ ■ hstedv five; reasons for .the74912 j when they moved to St.
fall of an eaylv civilization which,,| In 1924; Mr; Dickinson
never seems to: learn from the
mistakes of history. Every gen-i
eration seems to think that it has.'
improved, upon the past. Then!
again some .seem to think that j
social conditions; are worse than;
Jack is
operation J
early in
has been
and doctors are undecided as . to
resorting to surgery again.
1782,. 1isted five reasons for the
at one £ime» embodied many of-d
the Christian, virtues. The rapid wiUiam P. Ree^of LuctoJwTnd
increase m divorce, the under-
mining of the dignity and -sa.net- ’
died. In 1927 she was married to
they resided in. Lucknow until
4948,—at—that-time—returning—toity of the hpme, whichis the gt: Marys , where Mr. Reed died
basis of society. Higher and high
er taxes, the spending of public,
money for ’ free bread apd- cir-
'buSes; THe mad craze fof pleas
ure, sports becoming each year
more exciting jind brutal. The
building of gigantic . armaments
when the real enemy was with -
i in, the decedance cf the people.
I The decay of religious faith, faith
falling into a. mere form, Losing,
j touch vYith life and becoming im-
I potent to guide the people. :
We regret to announce, the
home-goingTof Margaret I. ,Mc-
| Kay, daughter of the late Mr.
l and Mrs. Murdoch McKay of Rip-
in 1951. Mrs. Reed was a faithful
worker in the ladies’ organiza
tions in the United Church, first
at Anderson where she was pres
ident of the W.M.S. a|nd active
in the work of the Sunday School.
She continued
worker in the
church and the
church. She is
sons, Hubert Dickinson, St. Marys
and Rev. Heber Dickinson of the
United Church Publishing House
in Toronto; two daughters; Mrs.-
| W. C. (Ella) Haynes of Blanchard
l and Mrs. Elizabeth Lane of VCr-
dun, Manitoba; ten •_. grandchild
ren, . three great grandchildren.
The body rested at the L. A. Ball
Funeral Chapel, St. Marys; where
the funeral service, was hqld dn
Wednesday. Rev. R. D. Crosby of
io Detroit and upon completing
her education was employed with
the firm of Berry Brothers ofBefore painting window frames, VJi,_
rub soap all over the paries of ' that. city. Later she was associa-!
glass in the window, then when’ted with the Ernest Kern Store,
the painting job 'is finished, any where she served successfully as
paint (that has spattered the advertising manager until her
glass can be washed off easily, marriage to Malcolm M. Mackay,
~ Battalion~ Chief of Detroit Fire
j Department. .
I In 1907 The Detroit Free Press
; sponsored a popularity contest in
I which the winners were given a
• cruise to Cuba. Mrs. Mackay was
I one of those choseri to participate
; in the cruise.
She served in an official cap-
* acity with* Opportunity Circle of
•The King’s Daughters until her
I passing and'*was greatly beloved
| for her faithful, effiemnt service/
s -also a l.dyak active
| ' nyeiri'ber of Central Presbyterian,
j"TChUi’C-h, De.tfoit,; ,where “she serv.-‘
i ed in iff ah y capacities- froni .her
i i
a.in.: ftev. J, W. A, Stinson l (Jwr llvt.
of Seaforth. . | J,. She..Ivas
Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn,
B A„ B.D.
112.15 p.m.; Sunday School.
j ’ lini.: Siides-^”Japan ,Tb- I "
j; day\ . “ ■
U ><»<■■■> «V
I Lucknow
j she .«erv.-
s- from her
volt th until the resale of same,
- with the New North-
j ■ West Branch Of the old Church
■! • whrire Rw? Ctruthbrs T. ,Higgms |
•j* < is, minister., —IWtvAb-'K u*nQ not ■« or.lv a
] Presbyterian Church .j
j Rev. A. Winn, B.A., . !
I i
i t
Tropicano Dresses
Try One ; •
Washable, Wearable and- Durable. Most demanded dress in
Canada^—and at the budget price for the family. Assorted
styles for misses and women, 16V2 to 24^2, 12 to 20, 38 to 44.
’ V .Ml - '---- ■$5.95
.. 'TI
Alterations Free of Charge /
are 11 grandchildren.
Funeral services were held on
January 29th from Knox United
Church with •interment.. in Fort
Frances cemetery. The Rev. G. A.
McMillan conducted the services.
Clifford MacMillan has success- ,
fully, completed his apprentice
ship in electrical wiring and
motor winding and received his
papers February 18thk He is em
ployed by the Sterling Construc
tion Co. of St. Catharines, where
he has been an apprentice. -Cliff
began his s training in 1948 with
Mr, Robert "Rae of the former
Rae & Porteous hardware.
Jim MacMillan is* also in the-
electrical; business, haying just
"completed an eight weeks course
at Ryerson Institute, Toronto, Tn
connection with his work. He. is
employed , with the Smythe, El- .
ectrid in St. Catharines. ' .
On Friday, February 26th, As^
XIII. Dan Rose was chairman
with Jim Hackett at the piano.
The hymn, “Breathe on me,
Breath of God”, -opened Assem-
bly. George "Anderson read the7
scripture after Which the Lord’s
prayep was repeated. The hymn,
“Unto the Hills Around”, was
sung. Audrey Ross favored with
a piano solo. Lorraine and Mar
ion Hamilton sang a duet, “Beau
tiful Dreamer”. Assembly was
closed with the Queen.
Our concert is to be held this
Thursday and Friday evenings in
the High School. Auditorium.
Tickets are available from the
te be a church
Lucknow United
St. Marys United
survived by two
fidated and burial wais in ,S|.
Marys cemetery^ Pallbearers were
six nephews: Girvin Reed of Dun
gannon, Courtney Dickinson of
St. Marys, Alvin Pym of Exeter,
Ernie Pym of Exeter, Geo, Daois
of Exeter,. Freeman Horne of
John Reid Steele, veteran in
surance agent of Fort ? Frances,,
passed away suddenly from a
heart attack oh Wednesday, Jam.
uary 27th. He was 72 years of
age. •.
Born on November 17th, 1881,
in the Parry Sound district,, .he
came with his 'parents, Mr. and.
Mrs! James Steele to Amberley
in 1883. . •
He received his public school;
education at.S.S. 9 on the Second
Kincardine high .school?' '
•' sin 1901, Johnnie and his brother'
Abbie went to the Rainey River
district and took sup .residence in
La-Vallee' where they engaged in.
ihe farm implement Business., Mr,
a! Steele lived there, for several
arid’ de- ’ybars before moving to Foft Fran-
” r J res where he was employed
-Mrs. MackriY was not.;*only
I ,woman of fare charm <,
■'■’I" troughJutbhlu" foV .thr Oniario-Min-
I ot Ll.ioufe1'1’1' . ^ j bflesota pulp'anti PaW Company
was an .oxrmple of a ■ h ; 13..years. Then he set up,his
In the absence of Mr. Ander
ton, Mr. Bride has been directing
the Glee Club. Mr. Bride also
which consists of Dale Haldenby,
John Helm, Ken MacNay and
George Ander^r-
The colored lights in the High
School Auditorium stage will be
put to good use in the. production
of “Macbeth”. Varied color com
binations will be used to set the
different moods of the play.'This
is one asset which came with yie
new* high school. ' • • ’
/ '?■ ■!Voting on candidates for the i
London Free Press Leaders* Club]
was to take ,$l£ce on Monday but I
results could riot be obtained i
when this column was sent in.}
Boys from Grade XIII are nom- ’
inated arid the boys from Grades
XH and XIII vote. Last year’s
Leader was Don MacNay, now. at
Queen’s Uniyersity. -_’ . 7
A' High Schpol-paper is going .
to.be published .in the'Spring by '
the Literary Society. If you are
asked . to co!-dpCf.ate ,in; fins ven
ture, please do. ■
Cong.raulations to* Carolyn Gib
sori .and fief team bn •winning the'
Girls’ Athletic Society Basketball
championship. ’
A. H. Wilf ord, promoter and
chief drum beater for the West
ern Ontario Trade Fair, was in „
town last Week and told The
Sentinel that up to that time 126
Western Ontario industrial firms
had signified their (intention of
having exhibits at the Fair, to
•be held in Blyth on Wednesday
and Thursday; May/, 19th and .
20th. ■;
Mr. Wilf ord states that 36,600
feet of space have already been
<-poked in a seven acre show
ground in the Blyth Village.‘He
jocularly refers' to it as “The
World’s Greatest One Man Fair’’.,.
I*I Lucknow
• • • • 4 , •’.’><> t
.__._.2Phone.-119,LucknoAV _
GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 49c
■ ORANGES,. 288’s '-...... 29c'
GRAPES, 2 Jbs? 29c'
bananas.’ lk iOcw
... ’ IF IT GROWS * *
Green Onions ■.Rilkes.*
Spinach Salads
Cello Tomatoes.
Corn . > Beans
... »• ■ ■ Egg Plants
^Peaches Watermelon
. Mushrooms
oF^j'she7^?“iT dwri' insurant agency- itt-whtah-
conxad.t--Btilli.. ...In. _>'i .r g^uei’p~-a--membei1“'-&f-and- selflesa m -to. elfoKl^s Uniwd ciiureh. His wife,
.brjng .elwer, c< nilo>.t dnd. f01,mei. Nellie Cameron and
ing wherever there, was ;our sons su,;vive; They are Rob-
or misfortune. . t (>J Port Arthiir, Mervin of
- Mr. and ■ Madap- 1>*' e. M.tl.athoh, Glel\ -ind Malverne,
ksummLi> at .Blue FtanM8?, Other star-1
many ycau,, ,}vh£,u two brother, Ab^>ie
„ ; kfeele *&f 'Fort' Frances'-and--Rob-
........... .....v-.. «' -Urr ert P. Steele of Detroit'. ThW
Funeral services, were held at r
• , v ■ w * »
Sr.Nl)Ay, MARCH 7th I
t..,. . .... „.
1 : Corning l^drship.
11^.15 p.rii.: Sunday School.
j. Vp.m.: v inr many , -..
j evening worsnip, j tl^iri mid<,^
.................. ..I''- *4 Ji.,, «»Ava'
;r / .1 L i ’®p'onl their
;* Erskine, Dungannon.! , Bea<?h for
CONLEY—in ■ Wingham General
;HospitaLon Sunday^Febimaiy-^1?-
.195.1, to Mr, and - Mrs; ’ Eugeric, !
dohley, R, .?5; Lucknow;’a daugh*< i
ter, • • ’ ■ \ ■ ' .■ "
YOUWSMA—in W.ingham Goner-1 '
al Hospital on-Monday, February' h
,22nd, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Otto “^uwsmTar^M^'T^Dung-ahnidnr'“*a--“
son, ■* :