HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-03, Page 1if rX i >2 50 A Year In Advance—$1,00 Extra To U.S.A. T j) LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1954 * Council Foots Deficits At Arena FARM FORUM WOULD LIKE >| TO SEE U.S.T. ABOLISHED * Rec Centre The .Village Council sat until Monday night 4qr their regular March ; meeting, problems, some of them of a fin­ ancial nature. .. Har 0 1 d Treleaven informed Council that water pressure at . the flour mill was fluctuating and at times was so bad they ■were without water on the top floor, of the mill. It was decided to instal a gauge, at the mill to determine if the trouble was in the service to the mill.or within the mill. Forsee $500 Rec Centre Deficit A communication was received from Mr. Jack Bannister, secret.-- $ry ! of the Recreational Centre, •. pointing out that the Centre was .operating in the red. On behalf of the Committee he was instruct­ ed to request a grant of $200 to pay outstanding accounts of som® $75 arid io cpver another two months’ operating costs. It is estimated that running ex­ penses for the year will toOil ap­ proximately $800, and it was re­ spectfully submitted that Council s "ishoulid budget in 1954 for a poss­ ible deficit of $500 for upkeep. 1953 revenue (apart from Pro­ vincial grants for capital^ expen­ ditures) totalled $904,63, of which $510 was received^fOr~rentaT"Of’ the public school room which is no. ldnger available. Arena. Too! ' Council also voted; $450 to the Arena Committee to take care of insurance premiums, and to.cover operating costs to the end of the . season. There is $10,000 vzind in- surance on the arene and $8,500 fire insurance. The . fire rate on this type/Of risk is very high, and coverage is hot easy to ob- , tain.' Receive Sanitary Reports 4 Reports on the, Recreational Centre and Towri Hall, were re­ ceived from Jack F. Wismer of the Bruce County Health Unit, He summarized the toilet rooms in the Recreational Centre as be- . ing in poor condition and in need of painting and more, and thor- ough cleaning. His comments regarding the Town Hall/were to the effect that r facilities there are inadequate, primitive and neglected. Exten- ’ sive renovation is indicated. Al­ though cleaning is neglected* ditions dre such that it is almost impossible for any caretaker to: keep these rooms in - a sanitary . condition. Discuss Office Quarters Council has h^d under consid­ eration the establishing of the municipal Office in either the. Town Hall or the Recreational, Centre, and'plans of the layout werq studied at Monday’s meet­ ing. The pros arid cons of s the office location were discussed, but no official decision has yet been reached in the; matter. —-Closing Hours-By-Law;™—- /Before Council adjourned . Councillor Alex .MacLeod raised the question of the closing hours by-law,' which went/into; effect that evening. Mr. McLeod’s con- tention was that the Board had made a mistake, as this was prim­ arily a rural community, and sug­ gested repealing the by-law. .Reeve Robertson said •in' 'effect ; that regardless of one’s personal ‘ /Opinrons Council had received a TOT HAD CAST. CHANGED, WILL WEAR IT A YEAR YET —Mrr andrMrsr Joe Agnew and’ Judy of Detroit spent the week­ end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. )H. -.Agnew, They had brought Judy to London the lat­ ter part of the week -to have her cast changed, which she has worn for some ten months. The new cast ?now. permits the little tot to sit down. Judy is 2¥» years of age, and it is expected that she will have to continue to wear a cast for at least a year to cor­ rect a hip defect. . The Village Council has re­ ceived the fbllbwing resolu­ tion froTS- Central’ Farm Forum-’ “We the members of Cen-^" trar Farm Forum of ^WesV Wawanosh Township, vealiz- ing the inconvenience, to .farmers of Daylight Saving Time, would like to see same abolished in your town”. Dr. W. V. Johnston Ends 30 Years Medical Practice TWELVE PAGES undertook numerous worthwhile ■projects.' ' ■■ -■ •; - His skill as “a country doctor” Finis, was written this week to thirty years of medical and civic service in this community w^heh^^r^Wr^V^^phiistoh^Jaid; down the little black satchel sym­ bolic of the. general practitioner. Dr. Johnston has accepted the position of Executive Director of the College of General Practice. He is having a few days leisure before assuming his new duties yzhich will eventually take him across, the Dominion, His head­ quarters v^ili be in Toronto. Mrs. Johnston apd Nancy will remain, here until the. close, of the . .school term. Dr. ■ and Mrs. Johnston have three other child­ ren, Mrs. John Mowbray ’(Cath­ erine) of Stoughton, Sask.; Mrs. Wm, McKinnon (Mary) of Ca)- gary/and Bruce who is attending Western University. The Doctor’s successor here is Dr. M. H. Corrin, who has been associated with him for the past few years. Dr. Johnston is a native of West Wawanosh Township and a product of Lucknow High School, Upon graduating from medical college? he returned to his home town to practice, taking Over office of the late Dr, A; G. liott in July of 1924. • In the initerveiiirig years ;K§d^es^lblisHed7 a wide practice, yet found time for civic and com­ munity activities and interests, He had a modern, well equipped off ice,-and pioneered-in this part of. Western- Ontario with the electro cardiograph machine, and became...an authority on heart trouble. . . An-active interest in the pro­ gress of medical science kept Dr. Johnston closely; associated wiith^medical groups and confer­ ences. Hiis services as a speaker and lecturer, were in frequent de­ mand, climaxed three years ago •by his election to the presidency of the Ontario Medical Associa­ tion. \ ■; ; Since 1932 he served on the Lucknow School ; Board, and on the Lucknow District High School Board, and had an important part in the fruition of a modernKhigh school tin Lucknow. ■" - , From its beginning and for several years he was< president of The ,Clansmen Club, which gifts.' . I V _ . , ... . .. . , which brought; him close to /the ‘lives arid hearts of the people of this community,- and his rnariy community interests .arid person­ al associations, result in his de­ parture from, the, village being, received with genuine regret. As expressions of appreciation and best wishes, Dr. Johnston f- Was honored at. numerous func­ tions during the past couple , of • weeks. The members of the Wingham ’ District. Medical Association pre- ■ sen ted him with a brief case. At ’ a stag bridge party at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Agnew he was presented with an instilr ated silver ice-cube bowl, by the group and as a little extra moim- I ento, ,’W. Porteous presented a framed perfect cribbage hand, Which the Doctor scored a few: months ago to gain a lot of “pub^ licity”.’ ’ Last' Thursday evening mem­ bers of the High School Board and staff. and their wives, en­ joyed a turkey dinner at the. school and during the evening- Dr. Johnston was presented with . a scroll of appreciation, >vhich read in part: “For thirty years you have faithfully performed your duties of a medical doctor among us. • To us your life has always been .-an- outstanding example of true citizenship and of integrity and faithfulness in your profession. - “Lucknow is a better commune ity because of your work here0 and as you -enter • a new sphere 1 of life take with you ithe sincere good wishes of the entire com­ munity”. . ; On Friday evening The Clans­ men and their wives held a card party and dance at the Recrea- tiorial Centre, when Mr. P. W. Hoag expressed the sentiments of the gathering in a presentation address. -The Doctor received., en­ graved cuff links, an engraved silver dollar, and a life member­ ship certificate in The Clansmen. Mrs. Johnston was__presented— with a bouquet of red roses. Dr. Johnston xwas also the re­ cipient of numerous . personal LEAVES LUCKNOW GIGANTIC SALE STARTS THIS WEEK AT THE MARKET We can’t remember a time when bargain-^wise shoppers in this district had so many oppor­ tunities to “shop and save at home”. In the past few months a series of special sales have cov­ ered a great many household commodities, net 1 many rock-bottom prices that prevail every day. ; Latest in this series is a gigan- trc’store-wide^T^uctibh^re^that is slated to start at The Market Store on Friday. The proprietor, Norman Welwood, has engaged h professional sales manager to handlethis~bargainextraVaganza“ which will be run at both, his ______ ___ ______ ______ Lucknow and Wingham store. with headquarters in Toronto. ’ tomention DR. W. V. JOHNSTON concluded a , thirty-year medical practice here this week to assume “the post of Executive Director of the College of General Practice the El- he i l our Mid- Week -Chuckle Art Carr of the Palmerston Ob­ server tells about the youngster who had just learned that “from dust we sprang, and to dust we will; return”. Fascinatedly this prospect, the youngster asked his mother if it . was true, Assured that it was true, the little one quipped: “You’d better look un­ der my bed. Someone is either coming or'going”. j POSTPONE KINTAIL FUNERAL DUE TO ROAD CONDITIONS I I “/petition ^hd ' hS^'acted upon- it, thaLby^W . Regulations were not abided by, , a test case would have to be wade. . Councillor MacLeod asked if the ratepayer^ would have to pay costs, if any, of a court act- 1,0n< Councillor Mowbray was hot J® was about the disturbing ef- f*ets at the by-law. FIREMEN GET / SALARY BOOST-------i. ( • ., A deputation' frpm the Luck­ now Fire Company headed by Fire Chief George Whitby, at- -tended—^h^y-CouncilHneetingon Monday night to submit their estimated requisitions year.: Long underpaid,, and to be the lowest paid they know of, the Lucknow Com­ pany adopted a motion ’ asking that their annual salary, be in­ creased from $250 to $600. This sum was included in the estim­ ates "submitted and approved by Council. . .: ;. ' The salary is divided, among the twenty men of the Brigade according to the ,number of meet­ ings and fire • calls they attend in the village. Out-of-towji fire calls are paid for at the rate of $1.00 per 'hour per man, with the number limited to eight that can'leay.^" the .corporation on a rural call. ' The. requisition also called for 250 feet of 2J.2 TncF hose at a. cost of $485. The Company. How has 1600 feet of 2’2 inch hose, which , is not regarded as suf- iicient in case of a bad 7fire, or ■one at sorh-e distance from a hy-- drant,. They also have ,600 feet of iJ/2 inch hose. ’ , . Total estimates for fire , pur­ poses, including the debenture op the fire truck and 'hydrant, rent­ al, arriount to $6000. A Provincial dri approved costs. ; Offfcfers— and». menibers of ■ the 20-4nan Brigade . are, ’ George Whitby, Bill Johnston,* Jack Cook, Tom Anderson, Alf Ritchie, J» L. MacMillan, Jack MacDonald, Roy Havens, H D. Thompson, Floyd Milne, Jim Henderson, K. C. Murdie; Innes MacSween, Lloyd Hall,- Alb^-Chin,-Keith. ■KilpaU rick,.Bud Hamilton,'Harold Greer; Brock Cleland,' Stuart Collyer. *■ * , 4 . ■ ' . for the claimed Brigade I i The death of Mr. Harry Mac­ Donald. of Kintail came as a shock to many fnenas ln/tne dis­ trict. Harry suffered a stroke last Friday and passed away oh . Sun­ day morning in Goderich Hospi­ tal. He was 68 f years of * age. . The funeral service which/was set for Tuesday afternoon in Ash­ field Presbyterian Church, with interment in Kintail Cemetery, was postponed until Wednesday due to road conditions, and was held at his home. Mr. MacDonald is survived by his 94-year-old father, Donal Jf 4Dan)-Mai^onald^-a^siste!F-Annie-- Mae and a brother, Bain Mac­ Donald. • . “ DANCE FRIDAY Lucknow Legion is sponsoring a dance Friday night, March 5th; in the Town Hall to music by Carruther’s orchestra. START RED CROSS DRIVE NEXT WEEK The Lucknow and District Branch of the Red Cross Society has' plqns complete for Commenc­ ing the annual campaign for funds to carry, on the works of. mercy performed by Red Cross. It is planned to carry out the local, canvass during the week, of March 8th. This will be the cus­ tomary house-fo-house call in. the "viTlager 7 7 ~ “Rural residents will not be can­ vassed, but their support is im­ perative, They may leave their, donations at the Bank of Mon­ treal, McKim’s Drug Store or at their neighborhood ruralstore. The- list of canvassers Tn the Village is as follows: . , , . Main St., south side, Albert Chin; north side, ' Bob MacKen- zie. ■ , South of Main St. and east of ;rivei<:J!,"H., b:? ■■;LK5Yd’ Ashton; West of river, Norinan Taylor arid S. B., S'tdthers/ ;7 , North, of Main'S!., west .of the River, Innes MacSween, . Elmer Um,bach. ? , '■ . N^rth of Main St. to Rose. St. ahd east of fiver, Fred Jackson and Wm. Bushell.. North: of Rose St, east of river, . dersom , . ‘ UNDERWENT OPERATION 4 Mr. Robert J. Button who has been poorly for some time, was ■taken to Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, last .Wednesday for obser­ vation a(nd treatment and on Tuesday morning underwent a major, operation. ON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD ‘ * ----- • • ‘ • c Gordon Fisher . has been ap­ pointed to the Lucknow District High School Board to succeed Dr. W. V. Johnston. Mr., Fisher’s appointment is made by the Lucknow Public. School Board, which names a representative. Legion Names Committee To Get , / . ' • ' /'Information About “The Games” ..._The-...suggestjonlto„.rav.iv.e™“The2 dairies”. in the Sepoy Town where they flourished more than, half/a century ago, has' created, considerable interest in this tra­ ditionally Scottish community. • ( At the tegular meeting of the Lucknow Branch of, the Canad­ ian Legion last week, the' mat­ ter Was discussed, .and Was greet­ ed with such favour, as to appoint a committee to obtain what; in- •foi’matiCn™thoy"rT-coti'l’d—regard-ing’ “The Games”/The threesome ap- poihted1 Were President-; Kenneth’ Cameron, Bob «Macintosh and Garnet Henderson.. We under­ stand th?y plan a trip to St. Thomas to discuss such a cele­ bration with W. A. McPherson, a professional promoter of such Scottish events. This informationtirt. coc xwsv ouj ,t«wv ma V77 a tDonaldMaeKeah;7im’Heh;T'Wttld"^wriA^jr-be-IMBWitee to a public meeting. • _7^.LL.is.-suggested--t-ha-t—t-he-org-an-—: ization of a Caledonian Society representative of the entire dis­ trict, would be the logical step . in reviving “The ’Games”. • . Naturally the project would'on- H tail a major expenditure,.-and to . have some of the “green stuff’7 with .which to operate, a small . membership fee ill the pipposed Society appears as . one solution. If this plan was adopted; - a ■blitz- membership . canvas^’of the These are soine of. the ' sug’- gestions ’ being' mentioned^ Poss- ■ * ibly some of our * readers and some of the ‘‘old-timers’’ in. whom the > Scottish blood runs Mrm, have some ideas in the^matter. Let’s hear from you. The Sentinel would welcome , your comments, and those who have started the. W1 rolling; might ly from them. if t V5 » '**t' ■*0