HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-24, Page 7x I WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24th, 1954 ( «r i .& 5> t ,1 BOBBY YOUNG. LANGSIDE at the --SIXTH AND NINTH-JU. /t I. Wed., Thurs., February 24, 25 JOAN FONTAINE, ' JACKPALANCE ' '• —? in . *- ■ Flight to Tangier was sick. They were all appreciated. FREDA HUNTER. . Miller wishes to express Watch For Annoucement * r '■ — . in . — —:— Half A Hero I J5 . Wed., Thurs,, Murph 3, 4 RED SKELTON, ? ' I ■* JEAN HAGEN / ™E LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUiCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN LyceumTheatre WINGHAM .• Two Showt Each Ni,hl FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Friday, Saturday, Feb. 26, 27 ALAN LADD, 1 LEO GENN • - in -—7;': ' _ ' PARATROOPER Matinee Saturday Afternoon Monday, Tuesday, March 1, 2 MARILYN MONROE, v ' JOSEPH ROTTEN ' ■ — in .-T-/" NIAGARA Adult Entertainment WANT ADS NOTICE TO CREDITORS All -persons having claims i against the .estate of Wilson Ir­ win; late oif the Village of Luck- nowimthe-Gountyof-Bruce^Re- tired Farmer, ,who died; on or about %he sixteenth day of Jan­ uary, A.D. 1954, are ‘ notified to send to the. undersigned on or before the twenty-seventh day of February A.D. 1954,, full partic­ ulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twen­ ty-seventh day , of February the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the .exe­ cutors shall then have notice. DATED this ninth day of Feb­ ruary, A.D. 1954. Crawiford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario. - Solicitors for the Executors. “~~fENDERB“~^ TENDERS. will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, February 27th, for the sale of Donnybrook church shed, approx­ imately 50x60 feet with 8-fopt wall.' 7.7; r ■ ■■ Norman Thompson,. R. 1, .Bel-, gfdve. •TENDERS for the ,warble fly ( spraying of cattle in West WaWa- nosh Township will b^ received by-t-h e-un dersigned-Up-tb-an d-4h--- cluding March 1, ‘ 1954. Tender^ to state price v per head for each spray. Tenderers to supply all necessary equipment and. help. Municipality will supply warble fly powder, ?. John F. Foran, Twp. Clerk, R.R. No. 2, Auburn, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS TENDERS for the crushing' arid trucking of the hecessary gravel for the year 1954 (approximately ' 10,000 yards), 3/4-inch-screen, will be received by the undersigned on or before March 1st, ..1954/ ; ; Tenders to /be 'at a. flat rate per yard laid on the roads, under the supervision of the. Road Supt; • and to be accompanied by a cer­ tified cheque for 10 percent of tender. Work to be completed by October 1st, 1954. The lowest or | any tender npt necessarily ac- I ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding, • Brushes, Bearings, Etc. . y— Reliable Service —■ Gilson- Service -7 ? r Electrical Appliances Freezers, Dryers, Washers HALDENBY ELECTRIC . Kinlough ....5== . Oppose New School At Wingham Councils of ithe Village of Brussels and the Townships of Morris and Grey held a joint meeting recently and re-affirfrH ed their decision not to approve of the proposed new high school at Wingham'. They will individ­ ually submit resolutions to • the . Department of -Education oppos- ing the building of a new school. . Is Your Subscription Paid? . 1NMEMORIAM WHITBY—in loving memory of Joseph Whitby, who passed away one year ago, on February 25th, 1953. .............. A silent thought, a secret tear,. .Keepshismemoryeverdear.___ Time takes away the edge of ' •grief, v 7. But memdry turns back every • ■ leaf. ■ —Ever remembered by Syd and Evelyn and grarichildren, Syddy, Judy and Doris, I ceoted. 7 J j; R. LANE, Clerk, [ R. 2, Holyrood, Ont. | IN MEMORIAM . YAHNKE-rih loving memory of Mrs. Helene Yahnke who passed ! away one year ago, on February i2Gth5 1953; - Oh, how pft she comesk before us, Her. dear, face so, sweet and true, Resting now in peace with JesUs, Loving hearts still long for you. —Ever remembered by Min,.Mac and Marlene. J WHITBY—in loving memory"’ of a dear. Father and . Grandfather, . who passed away one year ago today,- February 25th,. .1953. I— Sadly missed by his. Daughter ..Rose and his Grandson Joe, Jr,. of the 7 GRAND OPENING Webster & MacKinnon Hardware Store, Lucknow , The PLAYHOUSE 1st show 7.30; 2nd 9.15—Adults 50c, students 35ct children 25c Wednesday,Thursday,February 24, 25 ~ John Payne, William Demarist, Agnes Moorehead, in The Blazing Forest IN MEMORIAM WHITBY—in loving memory of our father, Joseph Whitby, who passed away one year ago, on February 25th, 1953. Gone from us, but leaving mem­ ories Death can never take away, : Memories that-will always linger While upon this earth we stay. —Ever remembered by Fred, Rose, Sid, Ted, George, Evelyn, Buster. CARD OF. THANKS Mrs. WilltMacCrostie wishes to acknowledge with sincere appre­ ciation all.the kind gifts and ‘let­ ters received during her recent illness in hospital. Mrs. Ewart Jamieson wishes to sincerely thank friends and neighbors who so kindly remem­ bered her with cards and letters -and-who-Visited-her-while-in-the- hospital. I wish to sincerely thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, letters and fruit when I greatly Friday, Saturday, February 26th, 27th EDDIE BRACKEN and BETTY HUTTON, in Miracle of Morgan’s Creek Matinee Saturday at 2.30 — Children 10c, Students: 20c Wednesday, Thursday; March 3rd, 4th DEAN MARTIN and JERRY LEWIS, in “JUMPING JACKS BROWN BROS ’Phorie' 181 Kincardine '' PAYING HIGHEST PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY Poultry Culling A Specialty In accordance with government fegulatiown^^ coops are thoroughly washed and disinfected for, your protection. of the' members of the. Ladies Aid as they wish to ship by the 10th of March. Goderich & Mr. Gormley Thompr son of Brampton were visitors this past, week with Mr. & Mrs. Mark Armstrong. Mr.y and Mrs. Gordon Ball of Thornhill,.visited late­ ly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Finnigan. — Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Tom Armstrong on the arrival of a baby daughter and to Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robinson (nee Jean Purdon). on the arrival of a baby boy. .’ . •. 7 •. ■■■ ■>. > ' Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ’ . Durnin over the week-end werze A low <co»t foodtr that *• .Mr. and Mrs. Allin Durnin/of. growing more, popular London. overy day. •" cylindrical u-124 1 Mrs. Grace Amondrud of Ayls- f«ad hopper iM ^'V^**** bury, Sask., Miss - Erna Peterson' iy/r- pan i» 4" deop. Hoc heavy .wire | arid Mr. Douglas Purdon - of Tor- gOivaniied hanger. Hold* SO lbs. feed. 3 1 onto. Sgt. and. Mrs. -Merym Gray, - i..^ i-M. h.w i. «ylta<l«. Dale and Car! 61 Kingston were M.ok,w.whuitaW.^M4twn,.€„wJ xvx — ——j visitors auring vne we-KK vviLn ivm ; w . While I was in the War Mem- and Mrs. Wm. Purdon. Mrs. Gray •!? Allah sincere appreciation for the many cards and treats received and a special thanks to the kind friends and neighbors who assisted dur­ ing his illness. .. Fred Jackson wishes to express his sincere thanks and apprecia­ tion to friends and neighbors who sent gifts and cards to ’ Mrs. Ross while in the hospital, and to all those .who were so very kind and sympathetic at the time of her death, with special thanks ■lo_Rev. Winn and Rev, Baulch, I wish to. express riiy sincere thanks to friends and neighbors___ __________ _____ for cards and gifts sent to ?t>e {visitors during the week with Mr; • i ... . V ,• . . 11. _■ I ■ ■ ___ _ ■ * > . « i.. ' A. . . ■: ‘ I orial Children’s Hospital, London.1 and children remained for a Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. week’s holiday. ’Charles Tiffin for driving me to London and bringing me home again. SAVE MILK arid MONEY GARGETEX (NIXON). From The Vancouver Sun: “During the. storm on Saturday, - j Mrs. Timothy McPherson, slipped ’ on the ice and h,urt her some- what”. .. ‘. r . sMulti-Antibiotic Ointment 1 i WILL STOP MASTITIS l or Your Money Back! GARGETEX contains two peni­ cillins, streptomycin and the new antibiotic bacitracin, combined in a Completely milk soluble oint- ment, bringing the effect of four antibiotics against mastitic“,infec- 3 tions. GARGETEX works immed­ iately on the internal infected ud­ der tissue, promoting fast safe recovery and is guaranteed to give effective results. Get a tube of New GARGETEX today. In­ structions for easy administration on every package.. Made in Can­ ada by Nixon . Laboratories Lim­ ited.' • • . • ’! „ Umbach drug store ?....... Phone71.3^.w.,; J ajckPiM;^ Mrs. ’Congratulations to Mr. & Bugene Conley on the arrival of a little daughter in Wingham : Hospital on. Sunday,. February 21 —Ruth Agnes. ‘ Clarence Crowston is helping, -h i s-b roth eiLKa-i4~a.t-K-i.n«a^d.in e-on^ his' bread route since Earl had | the misfortune to lose tile end of a finger. That is Earl’s third accident in .less than' a year!, his ! latest being a. .broken• wrist'last', fall.' ’• '.. . ’ ' • ‘ ' A dance was'.enjoyed in Lang^ side Hall on Friday- night, .by ’ neighbors and friends. of Mr. &< Mrs. Harold-Currie. .; . j . Mr. and Mrs. ' <J oh n. Ma c in tv re I and Billie of Wingham visited<’ • -Mr;— Sunday.' ■r- .. ■ , • \ « '?,! - Mr,;add -MH; Ros's Feagan of; Clinton • visited, with their, uncle' .and aunt, ■ Mr. and Mrs. Chester! j E?ag.ah on'Sunday. • . ■ J . -The 'Ladies Aid will • bb^hbld at tho home of Mi's. Wih. Scott1 Miss Marjorie'Stuart spoilt- '£lfbi week-end with Mr, and Mfc. Gep.'l Stuart.' ' ■ *7^ .•■’Sj MiV and Mr,s. Albert Taylor & t ....................... family!,visited recehtiy with roLjrni Friday bight. Any one .wish-! lives at 'Holmesville.. , to- -send..tfwjlefts* for LOW COST Woof \ A heavy duty lO’/a" d««P »** . Rector finished in green tan*. Ultranamel .witfi gleaming white reflector surface. Steel guard protects lamp—insures. . . keeping bulb from litter. [CHICK FEED E PREMIER line of feeder* i« complete. The No. 33 shown . here i* 2" deep, 4” wide; Made Of heavy galvanized prime steel with 4 blade rolled edge adjustable reel ' painted red. With or with- ' out adjustable heavy wire stand. ; • * J t - Strong die-stamped, ends, beaded and,buttoned on are . guaranteed . not.,, to comoQff.^ Lucknow 'District