HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-24, Page 6I KINLeUGHC _____________ ......................... ... Mr? and Mrs. Harold Slessor a few davs in London with her and family of Glamis visited on :___________________’ — Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and family. Mr,' Oliver of the ■ Stratford Teachers College visited our school on Thursday , of last week. Student „ teachers here were Misses Mary MacMillan & Joyce; ! Duncan, •' » Mr. and;Mrs. Roy Schneller, Marie/ Jimmy and Betty visited last Sunday with Mrs. Schnel- 4er^s~/atheF--vv?hG—is~hospitaiized- at Kitchener. ; 1 '• ‘ Friends in the community joined with the H;W.I. in the an-: nual “At Home” which was held on Friday evening. A varied pro­ gram was enjoyed; also lunch and a short dance. Mrs. Howard McGuire is con­ valescing at the home of her sis-? ter, Mrs. George Haldenby here. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and George of Bervie, Mr. and Mrs. m x j. [ Currie Colwell, Bruce and Betty accident visited with Mrs. J. W. Colwell. Mr. and Mrs. George Halden- ■ ' ST. JtBON# ' Mrs. Gordon MacPherson spent daughter Margaret, who has been all with' the mumps. Mr. Sparling and his daughter, Miss Hazel Sparlihgof Elimville, were Week-end guests ydth his son, Mr. Harvey Sparling and Mrs. Sparling at the Manse. Miss Marjory Stuart of Goder­ ich spent the week-end .with Mr* ' arid Mrs. Gebrge Stuart. ’ Mrs. Chester Taylor is a visitor in’ London.' y/ith her daughter, Mis. Gordon Miller, who has had the measles. ’Mrs. Andrew. Gaunt and>Mrs. Leslie Ritchie spent a. few days in London last week as guests pf their sister, Mrs. Jas. Barbour, . Mrs. D. Todd has returned from a yisit with her> daughter, Mrs. I). J; McIntosh at St.. Catharines and with Mr. and Mrs. Neely Todd at Stratford^ Mr. Hugh Rutherford will be wearing a walking cast as a re­ sult of an unfbrturiate. — which happened qn Thursday ■ when he fell'pff the wagon; frac- by were dinner: guests Sunday of luring the outside bone above hjs Mr. and Mrs. Clare Sparling of rankle. . ' i Walkerton, it being the occasionAt the morning service on Sun- little Allan Sparling s first The Army is the career for the young man who Wants to get ahead ... who enjoys travel.... who can face up to adventure. ’■ * No._13 Personryel Depot,. y ■. Wallis House., Rideau & Charlotte Sts.; Ottawa, Ont No, 5Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot St., Kingstort, Ont.. Canadian Arniy Recruiting Centre, 90 Richmond Street, West^Toronto, Ont. . No, 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. • Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main St. W» North Bay, Ont, . Army Recruiting Centre, ‘ 4 ’ . .Jome? Street Armoury, 200 James St. North, Hamilton, Ont. * ' A208W*O it is not the place for the mdn who wants it easy. For there’s a lot of training and hard. work. But you benefit in new skills ..;. in financial security. And promotion comes fast for men with ambition and ability. 4'■ The Canadian Soldier itorieof the best paid,, best fed; best looked after soldiers in the world.-From the long term view, it’s a career that offers much: Chances for extra training and promotion, travel and adventure, 30 days annual vacation with pay and financial security for you and your family. In the Army you are important to Canada because you are trained to defend our freedom. For your future. . for Canada’s.. . join now! To be eligible you must be 17 to 40 years of age, skilled tradesmen to 45...When applying bring birth :——------cer-tifica te-o r—ot h er-p roof-of-a g e_ * , Apply right away —write ot visif' fhe Ar/ny Recruiting • ’ > Centre nearest your home. When one of the family calls you to the phone and whispers, “I think it s busi- riess,” it reminds you how important „„„_-calk_lofLthatJkind arCr even at home. you don’t have to upset your eve-’ ning’s plans, because your telephone gets things done quickly, nearby or far away: Whether it’s a matter of sales, or serv­ ice, whether it’s^early evening dr late at night, you can depend Qn your telephone. Just give it a thought next time one of the family says, “It’s for you, Dad!” THE BILL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ankle. <jay,: Mr. Harvey Sparling dedi­ cated the beautiful picture “The Head of Christ”, a reproduction <jf the painting by Solomon. The: . picture was a gift to the church from the Young People’s Union. The March meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be Held at the home of Mrs. LorneWoods: ©^Thursday, March\4th ait 2.30, Roll call, Suggestion for look­ ing smart; motto, “The world is taking ^dur photograph, look 7pleasantplease”“ibyMissMary| • . irKwin tn ■ ufiiiavcrc* ZYf •TVTt'R.J i birthday. The play, “Look Out , Lizzie”> will be presehted~thjs Friday ev­ ening at the Holyrood Hall by | the . Young- People of the Ash­ field Union.. . Joyce, Betty- and Beatrice. Hal- deriby entertained the Girls Club. Mrs: Perry Hodgins was in-charge and “The more ,we sew together” was sung. Seven girls ariswered •the roll call. Business was dealt •with. The girls worked at their ' blOuses- Lunch was served.-The- “ Murray;: topic, in charge of :Mrs,j next - meeting will be held at/he E. W.: Rice; hostesses, Mrs. Alex; home of Erlma Jean, Marion and : Sandra Percy. .Mrs. Dan MacDonald of Kin­ cardine is spending awhile with, Mrs: Wm. Percy. Mr. Morley Bushell, one of the men from here who attended the chain saw demonstration at Clin­ ton, won a valuable prize/ / Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell and Mrs. Don McEwan spent ; Monday in London visiting their i uncle who is a patient at Byron, i Mr. and Mrs. Don McEwan & ! family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mc­ Ewan were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell on Sun- A.Y.P.A. Meeting The A.Y.P.A. of the Kinlough Anglican cliurch met in the Thdrchril Purves, Mrs. E. Harbour. Mr. A. G, Webb ;of Lucknow is ill with bronchial pneumonia at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. W. Rice. \ Miss. Margaret MacPherson,. Reg.N., of London, is recuperat­ ing at her home here. Plan to attend the play, “Hap­ piness Ahead” by the Belgrave Women’s institute in the Com- triunity Hall on Friday evening. Mr. John McQuillin is a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Carl John­ ston at Bluevale. / < Young People’s Union i The meeting of the St. Helen’s day_ evening. Y.P.U. took place on Sunday,'; February 21st. The president,! Don Cameron, was in charge of I -i4fco-business- hdministrafoon. The_ members of the administration were, in charge of the Worship Service under the leadership of Don Cameron. He was assisted by Isobel Miller,' Murray Taylor ' and Margaret Miller/They illus­ trated the background of a " U.. organization with a flip-chart. I Margaret Miller read the call to worship and everyone joined in singing “The Church’s One Foun­ dation”. Murray . Taylor had a prayer and Isobel Miller read the scripture. Don Cameron was, in charge of Bible study: Miss Hazel with “Taps”. . The ipe carnival’ that was to have been on Feb­ ruary 27th, is cancelled due to weather conditions. • J- *STTrcrit—Febriicirv :>9 Toi* their regular meeting. Donald Smith- presided. The meeting op­ ened with; hymn , 638. Douglas Haldenby read the scripture and the Lord’s prayer was repeated yUp~ I in unison. . It was decided to hold * *1 the next meeting in the base­ ment February 23rd at 8.3Q. The program committee is Mrs. Jack , Hewitt, Sheila Haldenby^ Garry Graham and Douglas. Smith. . Lunch will be doughnuts & cof­ fee. The devotional part of the[ meeting closed with hymn 24 and ; prayer by Rev. J. Prest. There x/un vcuneruxi was in cnarae vil ■ __7*recreation The (meeting closed ProSram wfls enjoyed by all. or- recreation. me ime-tmg ciosea . gan golo (by Sheil^ Haldenby; a J redding on St. Valentine by Beat­ rice Haldenby; Valentine contest . by Edna Boyle; Alex Hewitt con- . I ducted a soda biscuit whistling | contest;. Mrs. Prest conducted a ---ebntest-and-game^Aiice-HuTdenbjr conducted a contest. May Bdyle was in charge of a sing song Sor spent the- week-end at his snd. gahioS. ;Mr. Prest had. groups ; home here. . , make telegrams Out of the word Mr. John Cathcart had -a very' Yalentine- Lunch was serv- successful auction sale, on Tues-1 day of last week. • Recovered Stolen ’Car There was some excitement in : ’ this community last Monday ev- ASHF1EW NOTES Mr. Ray Mackenzie of Wind- HURON CO. CROP REPORT Petition forms are being cirilt w?s lear"^ hthat; culited in six L^shipT to tKe ?tefen. Hbwey^ before, the. end; a cal^d*reinatlon progrS? - ^Vliteetings held to date in thlco. k t0 exPlain the Brucellosis * Con- Dr/ Edwin Heath, hypnotist, trOT Act have been well attended Sfolen. HdWyfer. before the end; a caiaddd y^reination progr^S to explain the Brucellosis * Con­ gas in Kintail Hall on . Tuesday’ and inI'alf cases *those* aitending and Wednesday evening of^last the meetings were much in fav- , week. Those who- attended were our of the “Caifhood Vaccination­ swell entertained. - Tuesday’s at-1 Progfam”, All. agricultural soc- tendance was good considering ieties were represented at a meet- -the* -condition—of-“the-*- noadS“ j>ut rt hg^ihis":past" week'ahd'’'Fall“Fsir Wednesday evening the hail wfits l'd^tes were M for fairs in the crowded.; - , t ‘ Cdunty. *» SERVE CANADA AND YDDRSELF IN THE Al listM to "Voleo of fke Army" — Wednesrfoy and Friday tvenings over the Dominion Network I J.