HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-24, Page 1|2.50 A Year In* Advance—$LOO Extra To U.S.A’LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, FEB, 24th, 1954
Mrf Duncan MacLeod of town.
who celebrated His 91st birthday
on Christmas Day, has since re
ceived a letter of congratulations
Jrom an old schoolmate, Robert
Farries of Calgary. ■
__Mr. Farries receives The Sen-
tinel from his good friend Dave
Andrew.of Calgary,
In his letter to Mr. MacLeod,
he says that in looking back .over
80 years he can remeinber when
the. two of them used to attend i
the old log school on the “Mike;
Boland” farm” on- the. Second of :
Kinloss: This later became the
McKinnon farm .on which the log
house was destroyed by. fire dur
ing the past year. The Farries
farm adjoined the Boland farm
to the East and the old MacLeod
homestead was across the road.
These two “old-timers” also at
tended the school’that was built’
at the “Gravel Roa(d”. Robert at
tended that school only a short t
time, as the Farries family mov-1
ed to Ashfield; when he was nine.!
lyir. Farries says he is still, en-1
joying fair health despite an ill
ness a year ago, when the doctors
said he “didn’t have a. chance”, with a Cariadian jet squadron,
He still takes an interest in world, and the incident for which he
affairs and marvels at the great I received “a pilot’s commendatory
adventure it has been to live the | endorsement”, occurred on March
span-he and -Mr; MacLeod have, j of last year.
and:to share in the progress they E . Jimwas. leading a section of
Have seen in their time. Sabres in a high level formation
. From Sgt. Syd Rouse; of the
R.C.A.F. station at Camp, Borden
we have received a clipping frorii
an airforce 'magazine which com
mends F.O. Jim Barger of Ash
field for excellent airmanship.
Jim is now serving in Germany
! practice. Upon completing the ex-
I ercise he learned that the wea-
i-ther— over—the-stat-ion—was—aceil-The harbinger of spri^the ’’ ‘ng of 400 feet obscured, visibility
robin—has made its appearance, i of a fmle in snow
First one reported was on Mon-! and Mowing snow. HO made, in
day, when -Clayton-Alton spied -amorce terms, a radio compass
a red-breast near the mill pond. /21 and after four runway
And, we understand, Elliott, procedures, ianded/SafeJy
Sandy Of Ashfield has tapped his' ,/ cltatlon said*. F.O. Barger
sugar maple ^tfsefes/ “ ; ! cusplay.ed excellent airmanship
■ •• '■ ' . i and skill under extreme adverse
/MRS. W. P. REED PASSES, j weather conditions”. •
Word was received here bn CAT RETURNS AFTER.
Monday of the death at St. Marys FOUR YEAR ABSENCE
of Mrs. W. P. Reed, a former '
resident of this ctimmunity. Mr.
Reed predeceased her since mov- 1
ing to St. Marys a few years ago turn home at the .week-end. The
.to make their home. not-to-be-mistaken orange - red
colored feline disappeared some
four years ago. The bedraggled,
skeleton-thin animal was only a
shadow of its former self.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart
Of town had a long lost cat re -
.to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Phillipson I
wish to announce the engagement ‘
of their only daughter, Margaret
f Alice, to Mr. Allan Edwin Hack
ett, son of MK and Mrs. Thoma's
Hackett, Jr. The marriage to take
place in March.
■ ' ■ ■>
Sentinel, ’sub^crife^r^ are
asked to check the label date
qn their paper this week. The
mailing list was corrected up
__to . last Saturday ' and sub-
scription payments received
advanced accordingly;.
If you label dbesri’t carry;.;
, a ‘"54”, yotir subscription is»
in arrears and prompt atten
tion to the matter is. request
• THAT Miss Cameron, home ecori-
Rev. Charles A. Winn, pastor
of Lucknow Presbyterian church,
has accepted a call to Dixie Pres
byterian Church, and will assume,
about; the first of April.
Rev; ;andi-Mirs^_Winn—will—re-7-
side at Cooksville/
The call was formally dealt
with at the regular meeting ’Of
Huron Maitland Presbytery
.Ln mica vamtiuu uumu cton- which convened in Clinton on
omics' inspector and “Mr. H. H.
Nd Night Classes Next Week-End
Because of- the school concert
on Thursday and Friday of next
week, night classes in shop work
at the Lucknow District High,
School will be cancelled for those
! two nights.
The. suggestion that possibly
the time is ripe fo revive. The
Games in Lucknow, appears 4o
be stirring -considerable interest
and discussion^ in the commun
ity. • • . * . ■' ■
Last week Kenneth1 Cameron
broached the subject .at a Clans
men meeting, and then proceeded
to contact W. A. McPherson of
St. Thomas in this connection. ■’
/reply was prompt, and.,he.
commented/ “Judging by The
Games -, in Lucknow, during' the ; paying for. labor tor tne joo,. .we
would be an ideal location fori expense., of buying an oil stove
Successful Games” ‘ " ) 10 'heat their room. As a result.
LHe added that'the last time i of thistlw Scouts find .themselves
he competed here 43 years ago j very •low: in. funds, and; ^5u:/r
(in 1910) there was an attend
ance of 10,000. • ’
Mr. McPherson has organized ^cout work. , • • •
■ the Zorra, Glengarry and “Dutton j Donations miiy be left « itlyw
■ gatherings. During July- ’ho is, of the members of. the Loy Scout
..;S«heraHy .in.-Nova'-' Scotia ' and;.Cpmni'tt'pe-' ■ ■■
• Prjnco Edward ’island officiating.) The off icers arc as
Games. . '•■i
ingncss to come to Lucknow ..toj
the matter and thef-c’ the
matter' rests at the. moment.
■ During the Fall and Winter the
Lucknow Boy Scout Association
fixed up. a Scout roojn in the
Recreational Centre,
’ Some';of the'material from the
former school room, partition was
used to help in. making az room
in .the south-east* corner of- the
north, wing, a section which had
been made little, use of.
Besides buying .material•- and
paying for labor for the job, the
greatly appreciate, any financial
help , from’ anyone ' interested- -in
Donations may be. left, with any
Rev. Winn was inducted Here
late in June of 1950, succeeding
Dr. C. H. MacDonald, . who ' had
accepted a call to Bluevale in
mid-February of that year. Rev.
i Winn was, a member of. the. Knox
I College graduating class of 1948
4k;. _ ____ iuiia' and prior to coming to Lucknowfer in this column to ljttlc Jiad stered in The Maritimes,
comments made by subscribers . ■ ■ •
in renewing their paper. Chief SET FAIR DATES FOR ■
Mathews,* industrial . arts in
spector, made their annual in-1
spection at the Lucknow Dis
trict High School the first of
the week. .
' •• ‘ '
THAT from time to time we re-
Win First. Game In Overtime
* Lucknow Bantams defeated Eb-1
enezer 10-7- in the local- arena
on Friday, in a game that feat
ured 10 minutes of overtime to
break a 6-6 tie. Goaltender Jerry
Mowbray suffered a badly cut
face in the first, period that re-
quiried stitches to close, when he
was hit by a flying puck, but
he came back courageously tb
finish the game. Lucknow ^hem*
med jEbenezer in their own end
iri the- last period of regulation
play, but could not score on their
Goal scorers for Lucknow were
Jim Pedersen 4, Eugene Gardner
3, Ted Collyer,. Jim Wilson and
Art. Howald 1 each. For Eben-
ezer, Kingston scored 4, MacDon-
ald 2 and Grant 1.
lake Championship Two Straight.
The boys returned to the Pais
ley arena onv Tuesday night and
defeated Eberiezer 9-7 to take the
W O.A.A. Bantam “D” champidn-
| ship, Ebenezer pulled into an
early lead jn the game and ’ it
was anyone’s match until the
final moment. Jim Wilson suffer
ed a five-stitch gash in this rug
gedhar<d-fought battle.
. Goal scorers for LucknoW were
Jim Pedersen 3, Eugene Gardner
2, Jim Wilson, Ted Collyer, Paul
Henderson arid Art Hoiwald one
each. The Bantams will now ad
vance into the ^O.M.H.A. Bantam j
♦‘D” semi-4inals. / |
Lucknow: goal, Jerry Mowbray ;
def., Bill Fisher, Tom Pritchard;
centre, Eugene Gardner; wings,
Jim Wilson, Jack Coiiltes; alt.,
Ted' Collyer, Paul Henderson, Bill
Robinson, Bruce Baker, Bill .Mar
shall, Art,Howald,.-Jim Pedersen,
Alvin Hodgins.
Ebenezer: goal, Gibson; def.,
Grant, Armstrong; centre, JKing-
ston; wings, MacDougall, Mac- THAT Mr. P. W. Hoag delivered I closed in "the” letter..*
Donald; alt.; Gregg, Brough, C.
Kingston, McLure, K. Grant, Pat
terson, Muir, McKinnon,Fraser.
: ■ ■ •' . - v • •
comments made by subscribers
reason. is that names make
news and interesting reading,
and reference to these former'
County’.met at Clinton old triends andacquamtances. weefe tQ set fa]1 fafe dates
‘ which would not conflict. This is
THAT m renewing her Sentinel, important so that the County Ag-
Mrs Pr^nk Guest, an aged res-, ricultural representatives may be
ident of Wadena, Sask., r ‘ -
formerly, of this community,' 4.h ClUtTft?ojects.'
tells us to be sure and send
the paper as long as she lives. ] pair, which sponsor
? in conjunction with Huron Coun-
THAT encouraging word was re- ty, were Tuesday and Wednes
ceived the first of the week day, September 28 and 29. These
/from Toronto that Alex Mae- dates follow the usual custom of
Nay’Sv condition wa^ improving recent years.____' ■'
and that he was feeling better! rT,u- —'~£i
and brighter.
THAT Bertha Allin of Toronto. t° Labor Day, and combine the
comments that, she loves to Fair and an “Old Boys’, Day”,
read the old time column, as was advanced for consideration,
she remembers most of. the There appear to fee a good many
names and they bring mernor-. pros and’ cons <to* such,, a change
'ies x>f the happy days-/of long , ^nd tentative plans for this year
ago. again call for the fair to be held
—o— . ‘on the last Tuesday and Wed-
THAT Lorne Johnston has, been nesday of September. - .
Representatives of fair boards
J I ■ *-.w*'***M V* MC
ana abie to properly complete their
aJd send i Dates set for the Lucknow Fall
She lives. I whirin cnnncnre Ifc .-r»T,i.U
incon junction with Huron Coun^
The question Of ta change of
f dates was raised at the annual
meeting. The proposal to switch
read the old time, column, as was advanced for consideration.
names and they bring mernor-. pros arid’ cons ‘ter such,, a change
again call for the fair to be held
on the last Tuesday and Wed-
in Westminster Hospital, Lori-1 ' , ■ ————----—---- ----:
dori, for ten days or so where W.M.S. GIFT AIDS
he has been under observation1 .
since suffering an. acute attack.. Vi^ORK IN INDIA
of gallstones. At the first of . ■ —------the week, Lome was feeling1 Mrs. AlOx (Sandy) Purdon of
some better and it was expect- J town recently received a letter
ed that suhgery might be from her brother, Rev. Angus
avoided. Lorne has had three MacKay, of Jhansi, India, ack-
previous operations for a sim- nowiedging a gift of $200 froiri
ilar condition. . the W.M.S. of the Lucknow
>. Presbyterian-^
ilar condition.
THAT following the Brownies’ was read by Mrs. Purdon at the
meeting bn Friday,, Mary Allin February meeting, of the > Soc-
entertained a number of friends iety.
to mark her tenth Birthday ; A picture of Rev. and Mrs.
which fell on February 22nd. j MacKay and their two children,
—o— ,1 Uonald and Mary Ellen, was en-
ithe , sermotn dn the United; Rev. MacKay stated that the
Church on Sunday evening, substantial W.M.S.' gift will’ help
. This' is the first in a once-a j greatly m Supplying much need-
month plan to haye a lay ed books and Christian literature
speaker occupy the pulpit. The1 for Bible School students arid
young (peoples choir rendered their wor# The gift came at a
an anthem and a quartette: time when they are in need of
number was sung by Elizabeth' extra, help as this year they are
Webster, .Bessie Reavie, Mari-1 celebrating the Jubilee Year in
lyn Kilpatrick and Donna John- i the Jhansi Mission Field and at
ston- • (.various times throughout the year
—b— , special meetings and campaigns
THAT.Bobby Young, an entrance are being planned, ajmed at an
class student at . La^gside, has , ^1-round. spiritual advance?
been back to School for a couiple j Rev. MacKay stressed the need
of weeks,, after convalescing of more missionaries for that
he .underwent in London, up more Indian evangelists^
Bobby had been ill periodically’. In another Christmas • time
. over a lengthy period, £nd the ’ message; Rev: MacKay outlined.
cause-of the condition', had the ; how the Christian Indians relig-
dOctofs in this district pretty iously celebrate the Nativity seas-
much baffled. ‘ .. ■ 1 on. ‘ ’
, r o=— . ’ i■ > He referred to increasing prop-
THAT last Week brought some ! agand-a 'in the press against - for-
unusually h i g h temperatures j cign missionaries, find while in
for February,- but. the variance his partrculai' 'ar..?a. there .had not
• in .readings between Lucknow
and Wingham is hard to ex-
last Friday Was reported 'to be
584.,degrees., but’ the . official
^reading locally was only 46 de-
. W/ •/
TtWf Dr,. W; V. jbhnstbn- is
nearihg the conclusion of his
medical practise here* and is
feeing honored in a number of
-.ways/ by friends, and ^organiza^
tions with whom he has been
' An enjoyable program was pre
sented in the United Church on
Friday evening that was termed
“Projector Night”, arid which
featured filing shown on the new
projector, which is complete, with
film 'strip arid recording attach
ments. . .
........ A...donation„TrQ
Murdie estate started rthe pro
ject, the balance of which is be
ing financed by the Sunday
School. The projector stand was
donated by Superintendent Glen
Walden. ' .
• •Mr.n’Wv L. MacKenzie acted as
chairman. In addition to the films
there <4n’ee pictures of local in-;
forest, taken* and’ shown by .Rev.
Mejklejohn.- Th^se were inter-?
spersed by a duet by. Nancy W_esb-
tion by Barbara.*'Cameron; piano
duets- bv Mrs. Jessie . Allin and
Mary; recitations by Lynda BuV
ton ; solo by Ann . Crawford arid
a duet, by Joyce and Elaihe Mc-
Jtay.' '• ‘ ...
The chairirian tailed on Glen
Walden, Campbell Thompson,
Ernest Blake, Wilfred Drehnan
and-Rev. Meiklejohn forrbrieLree-
marks. ... ,.
been’any open persecution or op
pression. ,the same could not be
.. closely associated. The Beniinel
. plans - to- summarise these oc
casions in a later edition.
THAT/J^onna and Naney Corrin
entertained a number of little
friends at birthday, party on
Saturday, it was Donna'S fifth
^birthday- while-Nanby-w
years old recently.’
........... .... fol Tows:’ past-
president, Robert MacKenzie,’ who
pleted his term:., president, Dofi-
Ashton, treasurer, Bob MacKen
zie;. executive- members, Gordon
Fisher, Ge rail d’- Rath well, K. C.
Murdie and Wm/ MacDonald. .
/Ernest Blake returned last
week after an exten!d-s.d’ •visit in'
London, 1^
' ’ ires. ■ ’ . ' • • ■ <
ial rlospital on Friday, Febru-
19.54,’ to Mr, .and Mrs.
wraith), Ludknow, a daughter,
•tynda Gail, . .