HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-17, Page 7WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17 th, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO “ /PAGE SEVEN Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Wed., Thurs., February 17, 18 RHONDA FLEMING, ' GENE BARRY in — Those Redheads From Seattle L Friday, Saturday, Feb. 19, 20 FERNANDO LAMAS, ARLENE DAHL — in -— SANGARIE Matinee Saturday Afternoon Monday, Tuesday, Feb, 22, 23 MICHAEL RENNIE, JEFFERY HUNTER -in-— Sailor Of The King Wed., Thurs., February 24, 25 JOAN FONTAINE, T N7“~ JACK PALANCE — in — ■ Flight to Tangier KINLOSS CONGREGATION MAKE RENOVATIONS « r I X .. K1NLOUGH The W.A. meeting was held at the home of Edna and May Boyle WithMrs^MauriceHodginspre- siding. The opening hymn was ‘OMasterlet me -walk with thee’. Mrs. Bert . Nicholson read the scripture lesson. The members’ prayer, prayer partners prayer & the Lord’s iprayer followed. The word for the roll call was “Cour­ age”. The convener, Mrs. Jack Hewitt, gave a special paper and each member took part', in the program. The hymn . “I love to tell the story” was sung and a paper on this hymn was given. “O brothers lift your, voices” and the W.A,. litany’closed the meet­ ing. :' ’ The ' Womens Institute annual At Home will be on Friday even­ ing, February 19 th, when mem­ bers’ will entertain Atheir hus­ bands, families and friends. at a social evening. The program is to begin at 8.30 p.m. Come and enjoy the play “Look Out Lizzie’ put on by the Ash­ field Y.P.U, in Holyrood' Hall on Friday': evening, of next week, February 26th, under the aus/ pices of the A.Y.P.A. Mf./and Mrs. .Howard Thomp­ son. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and : family: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schaeffer of Kincardine and Mr. Wallace Hewr i|t of Waterford visited with Mr. arid Mrs. George Graham. ' ^Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. James Hodgins who this week celebrate tneir 49th wedding an- ^i versa rjv-A^f am iiy—dinner—was? enjoyed at’ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodgins ‘ in keeping WANT ADS NOTICE TO CREDITORS All per s'o n s having claims against-the.estate-oL-Wilson—Ir-^ win, late of the Village of Luck­ now in the County of Bruce, Re­ tired Farmer/ who died on or about the sixteenth day of Jan­ uary, A.D. 1954, are notified to send to; the undersigned on or before the twenty-seventh day of February A.D. 1954, full partic­ ulars of itheir, claims iri writing. Immediately after the said twen- ty-seVenth day of February the assets, of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having ‘ regard onl^ to claims of which the exe­ cutors shall then have notice/ DATED this ninth day of Feb­ ruary, A'.D. 1954. Crawford & Hetherington,^ Wirighiam, Ontario. Solicitors' for the Executors. b ? with /this' happy occasion; on Municipality wi Thursday .evening"Jasf if ""being' fly. powder. ■ - TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, February 27th/ fof the sale of Donnybrook church shed, approx­ imately 50x60 feet with 8-foot wall. - : Norman Thompson, R;~. 1, Bel­ grave. . TENDERS- for the warble -fly spraying of cattle in West Wawa- nosh Township will be received by the undersigned up, to and in­ cluding March 1, 1954. Tenders -to—state-price-perheadforeach spray. Tenderers to supply all necessary equipment »and help. Municipality will supply warble I ' & ■ ■ ' .. . ... The PLAYHOUSE 1st show 7.30; 2nd 9.15—Adults 50c, rtudente 35c, children 25e __________A———_____ ____________________________________________■...............;____ , , • • ' 1 . , ■ ■ ‘ Wednesday,, Thursday, February 17th, 18th Myrna Loy, Jeanne Crain — Cheaper^By The Dozen Family Bells On Your Toes (In Chromatic Color) I Friday, Saturday, February 19, 20 Richard Arlen, Patricia Morrison, ^lary Beth Hughes, in RETURN OF WILD FIRE Matinee Saturday at 2.30 — Children 10c, Students 20c Wednesday, Thursday, February 24, 2 5 John Payne, William Demarist, Agnes Moorehead, in “THE BLAZING FOREST” 7 . — -■ • IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM WHITBY—In loving/memory' of my dear Husband, Joseph Whit­ by, who passed away^ one year agd-on-February-25t-hj-l953 — The silvery moon is shining/ O’er his silent grave, - ‘ In/life we loved him dearly, In death we do the same. =SadLyHmis^djby-his-wife^Emiiy^ < LANGSIDE * s /I I • Mrs. Hodgins’; birthday. .. The many friends of "Mr. G-eo. ! Graham are glad to know that he I is no longer a bed patient and I able to-.be up each day and mov- The ' congregation of Kinloss (Blackhorse) United Church has completed the addition of. a full size basement, modern kitchen : ----’ and piano, at a cost of $2100, air ing around the house. We all of which has been raised ' ~ $145. A dedication service , held recently. The Church was built’ in but hope you will soon >be out George, was of Wlhiteohurch visited withv Mr. ! and Mrs. Russel Ritchie oil Sun- J'day,- ; / /■'. //■/ ■ / I Mr. and Mrs, Johri Wraith, Rod­ die and Eldon of Lucknow and _Mr—and. Mis._pert/.Moffat,—Jim- _ mie and Donna visited with the ladiris’ parents; Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ son Wall on Sunday. Mrs. Alex Inglis is visiting with, her—sister-in-law/Mrs/~Robert— Adams' and Mr. Adams and fam- z < ily on Con. 2. Recently she visit­ ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roddie Inglis at Forest and took_ charge of their children while they enjoyed a holiday trip to? Florida. Mrs, R. Inglis was for­ merly . Lillian Doyle of Langside. The Y.P.S. met Monday night at the church with Mrs./William q> —_Mr._ and~Mrs:-Gordon~Wall-and- family spent Sunday, with? her mother, Mrs.- Arthur at Auburn. Mr. and Mrs.. Ted .Collyer and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence MacLeod were; in London Thursday attend­ ing the circus. . , . Mr. and -Mrs. Victor Emerson ! Sqbtt in charge. John F, Foran, Twp. Clerk, R.R. No. >2, Auburn, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS TENDERS at a rate per hour, will be received by the undersigned bn or before 2. p.m. March 1st. 1954 fot (1) Warble Fly Inspect­ or; (2) Man with tractdr -to handle spray machine and assist1 operator, and (3) Operator Man, for the T954 season. In each case to find own transportation. The lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. —-JZ-RT^ANEr-Gler-kr-.----— R.. 2, Holyrood, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS TENDERS for the crushing and trucking of the necessary gravel for the year 1954c (approximately 16,000 yards),, %-inch screen, will be received by the Undersigned on or before March 1st, 1954, Tenders to be at a flat, rate per yard laid -oxn the roads, under - vcmii - the supervision of the Road Supt. X? CbUltes and I sad to be accompanied by a cQr- I tender. Work to be. completed by I October 1st, 1954. The lowest or 1 any tender not necessarily- ac­ cented. ’ • J. R. .LANE, Clerk, ,/R.. 2, ,Holyrood,> Ont. ■ Miss Winnie Percy, R.N., of Woodstock, was home during the 1876 | week to join other members of -and remodelled" in 1936. It was her family, it being the occasion first a six-point circuit with an • of her mother’s birthday; Mrs. crdained minister and student. ~ Associated with this congrega- tion have been such familiar fam - ily names as Kaake, Montgom­ ery, Hodgins, Geddes, Anderson, Winterstein, Harrison, Smith and. Brownscorn be,. • Suggest Court House at Clinton The suggestion, though possibly not a new one; has been advanc­ ed that the * new court house building in Huron County, 'be built in Clinton, the so-called ‘'hub” of the county. The pres­ ent court , house is proposed by Hallett Farm For uno as the coun­ ty museum, building. ’ ; , • ■ . .. . Wm. Percy. . ' Charlie Gillespie left for a trip to Florida on Monday. ’ Mr. and Mrs. L. Balser and family and Mrs. E. Wetwood, call­ ed on Mrs. Kennedy and Mr. & Mrs. V. Emerson on Sunday.. ; A basket of flowers was placed at the altar of the United Church in memory of the late Mrs. Fox on Sunday by her daughters. • Mr. and Mrs. G.. Gillespie, Mr, Chas. Gillespie and. Mr. and Mrs. W. <R. Farrier' were visiting Mr., and Mrs. J. Gillespie of Wing­ ham on Sunday evening/ father, Mr. Kerry at Parsley. r HOG 'PRODUCERS! NOW YOU CAN RAISE PIGS WITHOUT '^^^SET^BACKS~OR~LOSSES~DUE^T0-7-^ DEFICIENCY;DISEASES IN LESS , •/■' THAN 6 MONTHS ■' * '■ . - " ’■ ...... ’ NIXON LABORATORIES; Orangeville, have recently iiitro- duced PELLAGREX.V.M.A. MIX' io help farmers get pigs . to market in record time. PELLAGREX’ V.M.A. MIX Con- ’ taiiis a “balanced blend” of the vitamins, minerals and.ariti- . biotics found by extensive experimentation to increase the conversion ability Of pigs with resultaiii steady weight gains-/* •; ' ’*'■ /. 1 GARD OF THANKS —I-^^^nid/lTkpr^^than-k—everyone whoh’emenitfereb.. rhe in the hos-. pital yrith cards and gifts; • ‘ ‘ ' ’ Elizabeth^Anne Henderson. I wish .to 'thank the many kind friehds-'who. so kindly remember­ ed. hie With gifts, fruit, cards and Letters and . visits while a’ patient in Western Hospital, Toronto, and since- returning; home: These were all deeply appreciated. , ’ ' - . MRS, C. MASON. Another Happy Ontario Farmer this remarkable additive along with your own grains as- suies you pigs lit lfess liritri 6 months with greater thaii ever ■prefi.Ls/. ■■ ■ ' r.\ ' ' ’ ' ’ / ? Now A vailable At I.D.A., DRUGGIST / "' ■ "J ' ' Mrs. .Robert'McAllister .wishes : to sincerely thank all those who I'r-e’hiem'bered'. her , with- gifts,- let? . i.ters; cards and flowers while in . f the hospital. Special thanks to. the Focihl. Club of the Sixth Con., the r : YP.U.* of Erskine Presbyterian. J C h u r c h , Dungannon, Doctors I-Johnston, and' Corrin and - Mrs. , General Hospital/ •' , . i ' : ’ . ■ " , * - ........ ...................... ................ ........ . ....‘................. .............“n |''..... r V 0 A 1 -** WHY? — Because He Is Using UM • The Fertilizer That Is @ FREE FLOWING O DOESN’T CAKE LJP ® GIVES YOU HIGHER CROP YIELDS ® SAVES YOU. $2.50 A TON See YbUr Co-Op Manager Today SOlb ONLY AT YOUR CO-OP l’HONE ‘71, LUCKNOW