HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-17, Page 6i / I THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO “V ♦ Is Your Subscription Paid?. ___ _ ____ - « — /. t // i r r KINI MAK Moi MI< Frii FBI pital on February 14th. ' / Gordon >McTavish and other rel- n < atives in the district. . ■ ( «■ x WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17th, 1954" ' 7 » • \ ■* *WEI PAGE SIX The Bethany Farm Forum met Mi F All-new models for'54...over 125 to choose from 1 monoRCM f <1 V *. Zo two-fisted strength tight-fisted economy (hr every hauling job *r *v ’PHONE 40, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO All-new extra-heavy-duty F-700 Conventional Series! New F-700 and F-900 Cab Forwards ! New r F-700 and F-800 six-wheel giants with tandem rear axles! New F-.500 heavy-duty Parcel De- , 'livery!. G;V.W. Ratings up to 40,000 lbs.! G.C.W.’s up to 60.000 lbs.! ___: ■..... ' lunch. The next meeting will ,|b,e, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Morley Wall* Out teacher, Miss Esplen, held a Valentine party for her ptipils and pre-school age children of the section on Friday afternoon? The; children report a wonderful tjime. Coiy^F^iulations, to Mr. & Mrs. Murray'-Henderson .(nee Gertie Wraith), Lucknow,\cn tire arrival of a little daughter jjBk vVingham Hospital1 on February 12th. Mr”^aSd Mrs, JasTWraith“spent Fjiday evening with M.r and 'Mrs. Art Hodgins. ‘ Mr. Herb Ward apd Mr. Eric Mueller of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher and Helen. Mr. Gordon Hodgkinson, Kin­ lough, spent Sunday with Mr. & -wuauuuvi. xx Mrs. Jack Schumacher, ^followed and the hostess served * Mr. Harold Bannerman & boys CULROSS CORNERS Mr and Mrs, Jack Schumacher r <nd Helen motored to London recently and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wall and Sharon and also'with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Van­ lue. Mr . and Mrs, Wm, Wail of Kinlough, who spent the • last - month and. a half at London, res. turned home with them and spent several days before returning to /. Kinlough. ^—.-Monday—night atfathe K6me Of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Meyers, with an attendance Of 11. The topic under discussion was ‘‘What ’Grade Madam?”. It was thought that if the farmer had to* Sell his produce by grade, that the grade should be carried through to the > <x>nsumer. A recreation period FORD - MONARCH DEALER LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF VALUE WHEN YOU BUY A USED*TRUCK- SEE'YOUR FORD TRUCK DEALER F-900 Tractor- Ford Trucks for *54 deliver a new.measure of triple-economy to help ybu crack down on high hauling costs. There’sv<ow0wy up front, in the.great new line-up of V^8 engines . . * economy iq the Driverized cabs, ifiost comfort­ able and efficient on the road . . . economy in the new, wider range of load-capacities, the widest all-round job-coverage in Ford Truck history! And—Ford Triple-Economy Trucks fol* ’54 work harder and give you more -~tr-uGk-4or~yourxmQn^-because-ev.ery__.truck^ tough part is built stronger to last longeir! Now... 7 mighty V-8 engines power the greatest V-8 truck line on the road! Included dre four completely new overhead-valve V-8’s of the most- . advanced low-friction design, fof^,- .surging power, greater flexibility 'and safety—all products of the experience gained in building more V-8 engines than ’all other manufacturers combined! r . ’ Four new V-8 engines, of advanced overhead-valve design for gas-saving dollar-saving economy! . SEE YOUR FORD TRUCK DEALER ABOUT THE RIGHT TRUCK FOR YOUR JOB! SIXTH AND NINTH . Mrs. James Durnin is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Luxtqn at Kincar-, dine. , • ... , Mr. Thomas Webster iis. confin­ ed to bed with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs? Bill Kinahan vis­ ited on Sunday at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Angus Kennedy of Searorth. Mr. John Scott of London was ar'ecentvisitorwith-Mrr-andMTs. of Kinloss spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Whytock. ; Mr. Clay Whytock, ( Lucknow, spent the- week-end under ’ the parental roof. -.Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs; Everett Whytock on the arrivavl of a little son in Kincardine. Hbs- Mr: and Mrs. Leo Courtney & family of Ashfield were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kinahan. Mr. George McRoberts is a visi­ tor • at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. James Dumin. . Mr,. Jim Cummins is at present relieving at the C.N.R. depot at. Malton.Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ernrtgton werF^recent yisitors with Mr.-ahd Mrs. Ross Errington of.St, Helens. “~^rs~RobertrMcAllister-hasre- turned home from Wingham Hos­ pital, Mr. and Mrs.-Jim Wilson were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hackett of Ashfield, COUNCIL MINUTES KINLOSS TOWNSHIP . I.*- . 4. ■ Kinloss Council met in the hall February 1st, 1954. (Merhbers all present but Councillor McKin^ non. The minutes of the last reg­ ular meeting of January 11th as read were approved and signed. , A resolution was passed re? guesting the Dept, of Highways for a transfer of $5000 from our bridge and culvert allowance to that of road allowance, —Tenderstobecalledfor-warble — fly inspector, tractor man and operatorforthe—1954-season.------— Tenders to “be called for the crushing and trucking of the ne­ cessary gravel for 1954. The drainage petition of Wen- dall Taylor, Charles Tiffin and G. E. Stephenson was. accepted. The Clerk was instructed to write, the drainage engineer re­ garding the reports on the Hous- ton.-McQuillih’ drajn and the Jas. Burt di-aiin.. . Mr. George Tiffin was re-ap­ pointed as member of the Sau- geen Valley Conservation Auth­ ority for 1954. ,t The present committee on the Whitechurch“ Memorial Hall was re-appointed. ?. Council adjourned to meet again on Monday, March 11954. Cheques issued:. Ted Howey, fox bounty, $2.00; Howard Har­ ris, fox bounty, 2.00; Raynard Ackert/ wbod 39.00, fox bounty 2.0Q—41.00; Lloyd Huffman, 8 fox bounties, 16.00; J. W. Hen­ derson Co., lumber at Hall, 2.22; Workmen’s Comp., Board, fee, $12.96; J, R, Lane, unemployment Stamps 4.32, postage >5.00, reg. deaths 1953 2.25—11.57; Mrs. Jas, : Smith, caretaking, 7’69; relief, 75.00; Municipal World, 10 sub^ seriptib,ns, _20-00^ _^j3itarlQ_Goix<ix___ Roads, membership fee, 10.00, Highway cheques: Pay Roll No; 2, $418.10; Ross MaeMillan, wire fence, 51.30; C. E. McTavish, oil and grease, “82:00< E^H. A;gne\v / premium? grader insurance, 160.00; Dominion Road Mach. Co., re­ pairs, 1284.61; W. C. Becker Co.„ ’ belt, 3.29; Joe Kerr, bulldozing •and gravel, 2089.50; Dept. High­ ways, gas tax, 3.1.35; R. Forster, welding, 6.00;. George Hiltz, fluid, etc.; 12.00; County of Bruce, grad­ er work, 136.00. J. R. LANE; Clerk. Presbyterian Mission £&nd The' February meeting was held with president Jean Mul­ lin in the chair. The^ meeting opened wit)i the Mission Band hymn. The Lord’s prayer was re­ peated in unison. The program -consisted_nf riddles by Elizabeth Finlayson, riddles by Janet Fin- • layson, a story by Jean Mullin, a duet iby Elizabeth ^Barmister and Margaret Mullin, and a trio by Marlene, Jean and Nancy. Lunch was served: ' ' Th< (Blac comp size . and ■] of $145. , held Th -and . first crdai As . .—tion ily r cry, Wint Brov Langside WJM.S, • The February meeting of the W.M.S. met at the home of .Miss Emma Richardson. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. Gordon Wall, reading <the scrip­ ture lesson on Colossians chap. .3. Mrs. Llyod Moffat led in prayer. The - meditation, “Kindness” was read by Mrs./Bert Moffat. Roll call was taken and the minutes read. A reading was given by Mrs. Oit. Hymns were.sung and the meeting closed with prayer. The next meeting will be held* . ■ in the church on March. 5th. The World’s^Day^f "Prayer^program"™ will be. used. Ladies of the con­ gregation are invited to attend. FOURTH CONCESSION Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug­ all, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacKin­ non and Mr. and Mrs. Orville El­ liott attended the circus in Lon­ don on Thursday. . Little Rosalie' MacIntyre and quite ill with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Allister Hughes, , spent an evening recently with ■ • Mr. and Mrs. W. G. MacKewh’. Mr. and ,Mrs. J. Snowe and ’ daughters of *Bell\vood visited at Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham's. ■ last Sunday. , " . J^Irs. L.‘ Mstdvei: and. Mrs. .T. . MacDonald- spen t Thursday a t th e.. home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Dickie, Ross Hamilton has missed over a week’s achdol With measles.