The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-17, Page 5rf’
t i
I enjoyment from ‘the ISt ng rim j meeting with a
1 A. . a . . _ •.« ■_ tn«a acisiQtincr u
°™ ing in St. Helens on. Friday night.
.! All those wishing to become reg
i f
r I
long-wearing luxury is the big
feature this winter I That's Tex- •
made's big boon to your budget!
See the beauty of Tex-made\ cur
rently in your favorite store. Feel
the comfort — buy it — wherever
you see the Tex-made sign.
» ■
Mrs. Jos. Gaunt, Misses Lois
and Freda Johnston and Mr. John
dr, Stothers was lntroduc-
Mr. Fred McQuillin and
scripture and Mrs. Nellie Scott
Society. . ■ 'wei^e xw^a.ted in response to, the
■WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17th, £954
: T ...... ........
ROUSE—in Royal Victoria ftps*
pital, Barrie, on Wednesday, Feb
ruary 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Syd
ney Rouse (Evelyn Whitby), a
daughter, Joan Evelyn-,
NELSON at the . K-W Hospital,
Kitchener, on Thursday, Febru
ary 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nel-
son (Florence -Hudson); a son,
Dwight. Emmanuel,
the sign
of better
all over
.....y k..- ■ ? - 1 ' - •
United Church W.Ai, Group 1
Mrsi Harvey Houston was lios-
_____________uuun tess the February meeting of
■.Soott. were uip from London for Group 1 of the United Churqh
tKe funeral of Mrs. -Proctor at WomeiVs Association on Wednes-
Goderich on Saturday and were' day, February 10th. Mrs. Redvers
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Errj-i Johnson presided for the devot-
est Gaunt for the week-end, ] ional and business .periods. The
Messrs. Wallace Miller and An- Ihymn; “B1^^ Assurance”,j was
drew Gaunt attended the annual j ?Uplte the meeting and the
meeting of the Ontario Associa-“ s ?^ayer„ was repeated in
tiori of Agricultural Societies jpiwnlson- Mrs. S. Gibson read the
Toronto ^ast week’ as delegates
Society. ” , - - . t . * . -Ar • r°h c^ll. Mrs, W..Eadie chaired—Bob-M^rdieT^as^up^om-KiL—---------—----------- ---------—-----
chener for the week-end. .
,- T , Charles MacDonald was. a
week-end visitor With her sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Clipperton at Lon
don* .
Mrs. Boyce of Cromarty was
the guest of -her daughter, Mrs.
Harvey Sparling and Mr. Sparl-.
ihg over the week-end. ■
The young folk and quite a
few of those who are not- so
i young are getting a great deal of-
the meeting for 'the following
program: “Are you a good club
member”, a reading ;by " Mrs.
Howpy; piano instrumental, by
Mrs. . Harvey Houston; a reading
entitled “The W. A.”, by Mrs.
Hobbs; a papier by .Mrs. Eadie
concerning “White cane week”
and a poem entitled “The State
of Mind”. Mrs., R. Ackert and
Mrs. Watson favored With a vocal
duet accompanied by Mrs. HoUsr
ton, and Mrs. Eadie concluded
‘ ' i “thank you”
to those . assisting with the .pro
gram and tq the hostess. During
a social periodf refreshments were
served, contests conducted by
Mrs. Eadie and Mrs. Hobbs, and
Mrs. Breckles played a few sel
ections. on the mouth organ.
pillow slips
made right .
here in "Jl
Canada lives better
... with Tex-made!
in the church shed.- On;Tuesday (
night a hockey match was cap
tained by Bill MacPherson and.
Bob .Lyons.. Nobody seems to
know the score, but a good time
was, had by all. ’The Fordyce
pupils- with their teacher, Ross
Errington, had. a skating 'party
on Wednesday and the Young
People enjoyed a party on Sat
urday evening. Plans are under-
way for a carnival, on Saturday,
February. 27th. • .- '
Mrs. John Cameron is display
ing an unusually TMrge egg from
her- cross-bred --flock.-- The -egg
measured: 8J/?’; .by 10’/a” around.
Has Membership of 25 ♦
The. meeting of the Y.P.S. took
"place on February Hthf1The-pFcL
sident, Don Cameron, was in
.charge. Doris Miller had the topic
„on stewardship and training and
was assisted by.; Bob Lyons. Bob
Lyons asked questions about ste
wardship and training. The Y. P. i
presented a play “A gift, from i
God”; Those, taking part in 1
play were Bob Lyons, Dori Cam-
* eron, Maryin McDonald, Doris,
i Miller., and Mr. Sparling. Every- .
' one joined in singing “Oh. wor
ship the King”. Doris Miller had *
■ a prayer and Bob Lyons read the j
.scripture.- Doris Miller read a
poem and everyone joined in
singing “Take my life arid let it
be”. Bob Lyons was in charge of
the Bible study, Mr., and Mrs,
Sparling were in charge of a sing
sOng and Isabelle MacPherson
was in charge ofz I’ecreation.r
Twenty-five"'young people paid
their fees to Presbytery and Dorn
< Cameron distributed the rriember-
I ship .cards. There , was a moment
i of silent prayer and Mr. Sparling
| pronounced the beriedietion.
The Young People have been
invited to Bly th on Monday night
arid to Dungannon Presbyterian
Y.P.U. on Saturday night for soc
ial evenings. There will be skat-
istered'members of the St. Helens
Y.P.Ur are asked to please pay
•‘their fees as soon as possible.
H>ppy Handicrafters^The sixth meeting was held at I
the home of Phyllis. Barbour on
February 8th. The roll call “Cor-1
rect posture habit I am practise
ing”/was answered by 9 girls.
Isabelle MacPherson moved that
we charge 10c admission for our
Skating parties.-The Club leaders
led us in a discussion on “Feet
apd Legs”, after which notes
. •‘And neither would my Dad.' He knows the
value of trust company experience in looking
n . after an estate. He wouldn’t be without it!”
So many wise men to-day rely'on the experience and
- • .co-operatipn of a trust company., ' • „
1 J^rit^fbr_ReeJio<ikletJieaded^B^
Family”, covering som£ aspects oF estate ad-
. ministration. * <
were—Tgi ven. Mts. MncFhersuir1-
gave demonstrations to threading
a needle and darning. The home
assignments were given. The hos
tesses served a delicious lunch/
T he next meeting will be held at |
the /home of Mairlyn MacTavish
on - February’ 23rd. The hostesses
will’be Mrs.’Curran and Phyllis '
.Barbour,' .
Twenty-one ladies attended the .
nfd^ting fof. the Women Institute
held’ on Friday at the home of | ;
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt? Mrs. Elwood j
Barbour, the. president, was in
the chair and opened the meet
ing by the use of the Ode, the'
Lord's prayer and. the creed. The
roll call,, an exchange of Val
entines, was much enjoyed. The
treasurer reported a. balance on
hand of $166.08. Thanks Were re
ceived from Mrs. Sam' Durnin,
Pher'son, Mrs. T.. J. Todd, Mrs.
Foran and Mrs, Jas. Aitchison for
cards pr‘ remembrances. A nom
inating committee composed of
Mrs:' Ross Gammie, Mrs. ■ Lloyd
Hunter,' Mrs. Ernest Gaunt-, and
Mrs. Charles McDonald was ap
pointed. Mrs. Fred McQuillin re
ported for the committee who had
interviewed the Council in Regard
to . the Community Hall. After
some discussion it Was agreed
Hall as soph as the pejiessary ar
rangements can be, made. Mrs.
Lome Woods had the#.motto, ‘‘A.
wise mind: .g-roWth like a savings
account, put a little in .it each
day”. MrsT John Cameron read a
paper on the topic, “Citizenship*.
Mrs, Andrew Gaunt read two Art
icles, “A Recipe for a Happy New ,
y-y.., w. '
CO R P O R A Tl 6 N
—HEAb OfrRtff “ — bdANCh^FFICt
3^2 Bay S|^ Toronto 1-3 bunlop Si., Barri®
the cbiidusioh luhoh was- served’
•den”. Mrs. Chester Taylor play-1
ed ‘‘The Bells of St. Marys”., At •
E . »/•
- g.ft hM• W X-
iwith Mrs. J, Aitchison. and: Mrs,1 ford, Other numbers on the pro-
G.*MacPherson as hostesses. igram included community sing
ing, piano solos by Alison Webb
and Mrs, C. Taylor^ sword dance
by Isabelle MacPherson, the Jour
nal by Margaret Miller, solo by
Phyllis Barbour and music by the .
Rythm Band of S.S, No, 3, con
ducted by their teacher, Don
Cameron. Music for . dancing was
supplied by Mr, and Mrs. George
Stuart, Charles and Fred McQuil
lin,' Don Cameron and Murray
JVIr. Steve Stothers idf Lucknow
was the guest speaker at the com
munity night hold by the Wp-
men's Institute in (the Hall op
Friday evening. He gave a very
interesting travelogue on a trip
he had enjoyed througU*Quebec
and the Maritimes. He” also spoke
briefly on a trip to the Western
Coast. M& Stothers was introduc
ed by
thanked by Miss W. D. Ruther-
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