The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-17, Page 5rf’ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO T ST. HELENS t i W I enjoyment from ‘the ISt ng rim j meeting with a 1 A. . a . . _ •.« ■_ tn t.hn«a acisiQtincr u °™ ing in St. Helens on. Friday night. .! All those wishing to become reg­ i f I I r I long-wearing luxury is the big feature this winter I That's Tex- • made's big boon to your budget! See the beauty of Tex-made\ cur­ rently in your favorite store. Feel the comfort — buy it — wherever you see the Tex-made sign. » ■ Mrs. Jos. Gaunt, Misses Lois and Freda Johnston and Mr. John dr, Stothers was lntroduc- Mr. Fred McQuillin and scripture and Mrs. Nellie Scott Society. . ■ 'wei^e xw^a.ted in response to, the ■WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17th, £954 .........................I k. /Z> C— CD : T ...... ........ BORN ROUSE—in Royal Victoria ftps* pital, Barrie, on Wednesday, Feb­ ruary 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Syd­ ney Rouse (Evelyn Whitby), a daughter, Joan Evelyn-, NELSON at the . K-W Hospital, Kitchener, on Thursday, Febru­ ary 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nel- son (Florence -Hudson); a son, Dwight. Emmanuel, the sign of better living all over Canada .....y k..- ■ ? - 1 ' - • United Church W.Ai, Group 1 Mrsi Harvey Houston was lios- _____________uuun tess the February meeting of ■.Soott. were uip from London for Group 1 of the United Churqh tKe funeral of Mrs. -Proctor at WomeiVs Association on Wednes- Goderich on Saturday and were' day, February 10th. Mrs. Redvers visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Errj-i Johnson presided for the devot- est Gaunt for the week-end, ] ional and business .periods. The Messrs. Wallace Miller and An- Ihymn; “B1^^ Assurance”,j was drew Gaunt attended the annual j ?Uplte the meeting and the meeting of the Ontario Associa-“ s ?^ayer„ was repeated in tiori of Agricultural Societies jpiwnlson- Mrs. S. Gibson read the Toronto ^ast week’ as delegates Society. ” , - - . t . * . -Ar • r°h c^ll. Mrs, W..Eadie chaired—Bob-M^rdieT^as^up^om-KiL—---------—----------- ---------—----- chener for the week-end. . ,- T ,M.rs. Charles MacDonald was. a week-end visitor With her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clipperton at Lon­ don* . Mrs. Boyce of Cromarty was the guest of -her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Sparling and Mr. Sparl-. ihg over the week-end. ■ The young folk and quite a few of those who are not- so i young are getting a great deal of- the meeting for 'the following program: “Are you a good club member”, a reading ;by " Mrs. Howpy; piano instrumental, by Mrs. . Harvey Houston; a reading entitled “The W. A.”, by Mrs. Hobbs; a papier by .Mrs. Eadie concerning “White cane week” and a poem entitled “The State of Mind”. Mrs., R. Ackert and Mrs. Watson favored With a vocal duet accompanied by Mrs. HoUsr ton, and Mrs. Eadie concluded ‘ ' i “thank you” to those . assisting with the .pro­ gram and tq the hostess. During a social periodf refreshments were served, contests conducted by Mrs. Eadie and Mrs. Hobbs, and Mrs. Breckles played a few sel­ ections. on the mouth organ. sheets blankets. pillow slips made right . here in "Jl Canada Canada lives better ... with Tex-made! in the church shed.- On;Tuesday ( night a hockey match was cap­ tained by Bill MacPherson and. Bob .Lyons.. Nobody seems to know the score, but a good time was, had by all. ’The Fordyce pupils- with their teacher, Ross Errington, had. a skating 'party on Wednesday and the Young People enjoyed a party on Sat­ urday evening. Plans are under- way for a carnival, on Saturday, February. 27th. • .- ' Mrs. John Cameron is display­ ing an unusually TMrge egg from her- cross-bred --flock.-- The -egg measured: 8J/?’; .by 10’/a” around. Has Membership of 25 ♦ The. meeting of the Y.P.S. took "place on February Hthf1The-pFcL sident, Don Cameron, was in .charge. Doris Miller had the topic „on stewardship and training and was assisted by.; Bob Lyons. Bob Lyons asked questions about ste­ wardship and training. The Y. P. i presented a play “A gift, from i God”; Those, taking part in 1 play were Bob Lyons, Dori Cam- * eron, Maryin McDonald, Doris, i Miller., and Mr. Sparling. Every- . ' one joined in singing “Oh. wor­ ship the King”. Doris Miller had * ■ a prayer and Bob Lyons read the j .scripture.- Doris Miller read a poem and everyone joined in singing “Take my life arid let it be”. Bob Lyons was in charge of the Bible study, Mr., and Mrs, Sparling were in charge of a sing sOng and Isabelle MacPherson was in charge ofz I’ecreation.r Twenty-five"'young people paid their fees to Presbytery and Dorn < Cameron distributed the rriember- I ship .cards. There , was a moment i of silent prayer and Mr. Sparling | pronounced the beriedietion. The Young People have been invited to Bly th on Monday night arid to Dungannon Presbyterian Y.P.U. on Saturday night for soc­ ial evenings. There will be skat- istered'members of the St. Helens Y.P.Ur are asked to please pay •‘their fees as soon as possible. H>ppy Handicrafters^The sixth meeting was held at I the home of Phyllis. Barbour on February 8th. The roll call “Cor-1 rect posture habit I am practise ing”/was answered by 9 girls. Isabelle MacPherson moved that we charge 10c admission for our Skating parties.-The Club leaders led us in a discussion on “Feet apd Legs”, after which notes I WOULDN'T HAVE ANY PART OF IT" . •‘And neither would my Dad.' He knows the value of trust company experience in looking n . after an estate. He wouldn’t be without it!” So many wise men to-day rely'on the experience and - • .co-operatipn of a trust company., ' • „ 1 J^rit^fbr_ReeJio<ikletJieaded^B^ Family”, covering som£ aspects oF estate ad- . ministration. * < were—Tgi ven. Mts. MncFhersuir1- gave demonstrations to threading a needle and darning. The home assignments were given. The hos­ tesses served a delicious lunch/ T he next meeting will be held at | the /home of Mairlyn MacTavish on - February’ 23rd. The hostesses will’be Mrs.’Curran and Phyllis ' .Barbour,' . Twenty-one ladies attended the . nfd^ting fof. the Women Institute held’ on Friday at the home of | ; Mrs. Andrew Gaunt? Mrs. Elwood j Barbour, the. president, was in the chair and opened the meet­ ing by the use of the Ode, the' Lord's prayer and. the creed. The roll call,, an exchange of Val­ entines, was much enjoyed. The treasurer reported a. balance on hand of $166.08. Thanks Were re­ ceived from Mrs. Sam' Durnin, lheJF^i^Xamdy.J[^ibelLeJVIacx Pher'son, Mrs. T.. J. Todd, Mrs. Foran and Mrs, Jas. Aitchison for cards pr‘ remembrances. A nom­ inating committee composed of Mrs:' Ross Gammie, Mrs. ■ Lloyd Hunter,' Mrs. Ernest Gaunt-, and Mrs. Charles McDonald was ap­ pointed. Mrs. Fred McQuillin re­ ported for the committee who had interviewed the Council in Regard to . the Community Hall. After some discussion it Was agreed Hall as soph as the pejiessary ar­ rangements can be, made. Mrs. Lome Woods had the#.motto, ‘‘A. wise mind: .g-roWth like a savings account, put a little in .it each day”. MrsT John Cameron read a paper on the topic, “Citizenship*. Mrs, Andrew Gaunt read two Art­ icles, “A Recipe for a Happy New , y-y.., w. ' STERLING TRUSTS CO R P O R A Tl 6 N —HEAb OfrRtff “ — bdANCh^FFICt 3^2 Bay S|^ Toronto 1-3 bunlop Si., Barri® the cbiidusioh luhoh was- served’ •den”. Mrs. Chester Taylor play-1 ed ‘‘The Bells of St. Marys”., At • E . »/• - g.ft hM• W X- PAGE FIVE iwith Mrs. J, Aitchison. and: Mrs,1 ford, Other numbers on the pro- G.*MacPherson as hostesses. igram included community sing­ ing, piano solos by Alison Webb and Mrs, C. Taylor^ sword dance by Isabelle MacPherson, the Jour­ nal by Margaret Miller, solo by Phyllis Barbour and music by the . Rythm Band of S.S, No, 3, con­ ducted by their teacher, Don Cameron. Music for . dancing was supplied by Mr, and Mrs. George Stuart, Charles and Fred McQuil­ lin,' Don Cameron and Murray Gaunt. JVIr. Steve Stothers idf Lucknow was the guest speaker at the com­ munity night hold by the Wp- men's Institute in (the Hall op Friday evening. He gave a very interesting travelogue on a trip he had enjoyed througU*Quebec and the Maritimes. He” also spoke briefly on a trip to the Western Coast. M& Stothers was introduc­ ed by thanked by Miss W. D. Ruther- O x 35E 3 —♦ Y-i X x *< 5-Zg-igo mF > ’ O < -tv _j 73 <- — ~ O Z7L r—i ia OT X) * ~ -g- tn (J) ,;<n '. “X