HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-17, Page 3THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARip . T T Tr o I 1 ti RAY ROBINSON !< Is Your Subscription Paid? Floors LAID, SANDED AND FINISHED; and - Wallace Miller. ' and ' Andrew Gaunt represented the Lucknow Agricultural Society at the On- , tario Fairs Association convention in Toronto last; week. Director of Florida' Club / of entire Stock of I ■ ' I Phone 76: Lucknow * I ( • - ■ .... Assembly On Friday, February 5th, As­ sembly was in charge of Grade X. Marianne. West wa.s in charge With the school1 pianist,'Jim Hac­ kett, at the piano. ..Assembly was k ' opened with' the' hyrhn ‘“Unto the f !'Hi Ils”. Anne Petersen read the ) | the Lord’s prayer. “Breathe on me.: Breath of God’’ was ' -sung.: ? I Marilyn ' Kiplatfick ■ and' '.Bessie I *'Reavi? sang a dtipt accompanied | ' by Ruth Johnston.-Ann Crawford * igavo a reading on “The Na.tpral [ .Superiodty of Men.”. Anne Mac-, r .Kay played a liiano solo.- The b • school song was siing by the stu- I....'Adeatsav^J pianp; Assembly was closed with F the .National Anthem. ?" . . . . ■. v. .w . ’ . . . ...............j.-;,......................................................................... LD.H.S. NEWS WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17th, 1954 | LUCKNOW I UNITED CHURCH I Minister: | I pev. G, A> Meiklijohn,* j I B.A., B.D. j I SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21st | 111.00 ajn.: “p1® Q1?1* Tn* | I Image”. ! 12.15 pjm.: Church School. | j,00 TErW7“Hoatrj Guest 'Speaker. j CHURCH CHANNELS ^,1,0 II 1 11 111 — H — I 'I 1 ■— 11 I' — I Liicknow Presbyterian Church | Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., | ,V‘ Minister^ I SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21st | 11 a.m.: Morning Worship. j 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School. | ■.........--------------------------------- ---------- 3 p.m.:,Erskine, Dungannon.! 7 p.m.: Evening Worship., j I Local & General Mrs. Robert McAllister is con- valescinig after a two weeks’ ill­ ness in Wingham ^iospital. Miss Hazel Webster has return­ ed from Clinton and is staying with Mrs, W. G. Andrew, Mrs. Bruce Davidson of Ham­ ilton is a visitor, this Week with her aunt,. Mfrs. Russell Robertson.' Mrs. T. A. J. Haller of Burl­ ington spent a few days with her parents, Mrr and Mrs. Austin Sol- :omon7------1—-— — _ Mr.> and Mrs. John Scott .of London, and Mrs. Joseph. Gaunt, who is spending the winter with them,, spent the week-end with relatives in the community. They were accompanied by. Lois’ and Freda Johnston, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston of Bel­ fast. Lois is employed , in. the SiL verwood office at London Freda at McCormicks. The Very Rev. James M. Mal- loch, Dean of1 St. James’ Episcopal Cathedral, Frenso, California, has prepared, four .basic rules for ^fightin^ Communism^-^We /must accept as a fact that Communism 4has-inf-iltrated^htQ-eve;iyrarea-of- pempcratic life.' Every commune ity has some communists or . com­ munist sympathizers. ’Riis is a sobering thought to serious minded citizen. First the Dean says: Believe 4n God Almighty and . demonstrate your belief by going to church every Sunday: Remember that Karl Marx said, Communism begins where athe­ ism begins. The church uni ver- j sal has a philosophy of social jus­ tice which guards against all dan­ gerous extremes in economic theory and7 practice. Secondly, re­ cognize the'complex character of 1 our modern, scientific, machine­ age economy. Resultant change is Lome B. ?Reid of Huron Town­ ship, wiho is a prominent Canad­ ian Holstein breeder and a dir­ ector of the 'Hblstein-Friesiah Ast sociation of Canada, has beeh wintering in Florida for the past' not always bad. Thirdly, give ade- several years. Indicating his stat­ us as ia semi-permanent resident is his election; as a director of the newly organized Florida Hol­ stein Cattle Club'. quate financial support to churches, and to welfare and character-building agencies. Pri­ vate enterprise, if it is financially able, should prevent the activit- iesjOf those institutions from go7 ing by default into the hands of .the government. Fourthly, if you are not willing to do these things, maintain a discreet-silence.~Don’tr be hypocritical and don’t blame educators or • the clergy for all the ills of the world.. •" NAME BOARD FOR LANGSIDE HALL (LANGSIDE NORTH NEWS). A public meeting was held on Tuesday evening of last week when it was decided to keep Langside H^ll as a Langside Com­ munity Centre. The decision was reached When the Forsters Lodge decided \to dispose of the hall as they could no longer' maintain it. . The following directors of the Community Centre were appoint­ ed: Elmer Scott, Wesl-ey Young, Dave Moffat, Wesley Tiffin, Chas. Tiffin. and Gordon Wall. A dir­ ectors’ meeting wais‘ held at the home of Gordon Wall On Friday evening: Dave Moffat was elected chairman, James G. Moffat as secretary-treasurer and Graham Moffat as care-taker., Wesley Young and Gordon Wall were ap­ pointed to interview Council re-/ garding a grant and taxes and also to look into the matter of procuring a public hall dicerise. Wesley Tiffin withdrew as a dir­ ector but offered his support. . Plans wqye made to hold a dance in the near future. The dir­ ectors are depending on the sup­ port of the whole community to make this new venture a success. FOR OUR FEBRUARY CHESTERFIELDS SOFABEDS LOUNG£TTE^ BEDROOM SUITES MATTRESSES FLOOR COVERINGS Chrome Kitchen Sets END TABLES/ LAMP TABLES COFFEE TABLES LAMPS^“~ MIRRORS, Etc., Etc. And Continues to Saturday, February 27 th EIGHT-DAYS .OF SENSATIONAL SAVINGS Drop In And See For Yourself _ SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION PAGE THREE Sanderson’s LADIES and MEN’S WEAR TELEPHONE 85 Garment REPAIR Service . Bruce Cleaners Repair Trouser Cuffs . • . mend rips, pockets . . . repair and instal . / zippers, etc.__. ' -__......... Have your repair* made at reasonable rates when you send garments to be dry cleaned. • ■ I* . . ’ ’ . ,» ’ “ 1 , I DRY CLEANING Picked Up and Delivered Thursday and Monday of each week—at your call *Pl>one Carlow 2105 R.R.l, Port Albert EwjextojtiMisht PROGRAM Sponsored by the Lucknow United Church School ’• FRIDAY, FEB. 19th at 7.30 p.ni. BIBLE PICTURES for all ages CARTOONS for little folk COLORED SLIDES of l<£al interest MUSICAL NUMBERS . Offering to help finance the new projector. Come Early! i i On Friday, February 12th, As­ sembly was in charge of Grade IXa. Miarie Duncan was chair­ man and Jim Hackett was at the piano. Assembly'was opened with, a hymn after which Ted Collyer read the scripti/re. The Lord’s prayer was repeated in unison. The hymn “Unto the Hills” was siing. Helen Weiler gave a read­ ing on the life of S-t^ Valentine. Ruth Steer and Phyllis Smith favored the students with" a duet accompanied by Norma Murray. Lauririe MacNain played “Heart -of-my—Heart^Lwith—the-students- joining in the chorus. The Queen - closed Assembly. fr Girls! Several boys have been Tomplaiffing^that’ youFtake much too long . to eat your lunches. Could you do it more quickly? i ’ Preparations .- for our concert are proceeding at full >peed. Mr. Andertoh has returned and* the Glee Club holds practice on Mon­ day and Wednesday afternoons, i Several play practices have been ; held after supper. The scenes to, be presented from “MacBeth”; promise to be a highlight with < Mr. Hoag as director. Valentine’s Dance \ On February 5th a dance, uij% der the auspices of the. Girls Ath­ letic Society was held in the KD.H.S. auditorium to the music of Carrulher’s orchestra. The aud- itqrum was beautifully decorated | with streamers, cupids & hearts.1 schrist won the Valentine dance. Cameron MacDonald wa^ master Members of the School Board of ceremonies. Lorraipe Hamilton [ with their wives, bus drivers and 7 and Carman Nixon won the luckyjtheir wives and ex-students were number prizes Rita Collins and I present at the dance., One of the Ronnie Thompson the spot dance,- rrost popular features of. the Beverley MacKenzie and Alvin, dance was the delicious lunch Baker the elimination dance, arid which consisted.of cake, ic^ cream Donna Johnston and Bob Gil- and coffee. —1 »l , '• • t. ------------------------------------------ IT’S LOUZON’SFOR THE CHOICEST IN ■J i i i i i ■ j ■ . i • ■■ i ■ r ■'• • i ■ i —L- i i ■. ' i ' 4 j ceLlo carrots .. I HEAD LETTUCE ....... ! ORANGES, 288’s ..... | ORANGES, 220’s j GRAPEFRUIT, No. 1, j BANANAS, lb j ■ r i i i ■; L . i i i ... . ■ i . ■ 2 >kgs. 25c. ..a........; 15c • . Doz. 29c Doz. 39c 10 for 49c .....i6c Fresh Strawberries Fresh Mushrooms and Spinach Large Size Qelery Hearts Choice California. Celery Stalks Cucumbers — Radish . Leaf Let uce — Brocoli ; Yellow Beans Green Beans ■ i Green Peas —- Fresh Corn Cauliflower — Sprouts ~ , Peppers — WateTmcldhs Delivery Anytime*-*-r!-Wi0n^4’|^-LiicK-riow -------- ------------ ----------------T------------ ---