The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-17, Page 1t ' s « Home , LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, FEB; 17th, 1954 ' • l.1”1, .'‘J- 11■ 'J11 .‘.'.T11.'.'J 1 /■ 11 , 1.11 ■ „ ' , .1* $2.50, A Year In Advance—$1.00 Extra To U.S.A. Huron Medical Services Is Offering New Surgical Plan At a series of group secretary ISeetings—heldrin—HuronCounty this past We0kr; it was decided to. -offer surgical benefitstomem- bers of Huron,. County Medical Services. This plan to become,ef­ fective the . first of March pro­ vided they secure 200 subscribers •which is the minimum number demanded by the Department of Insurance. Here is what the surgical plan^ offers:' 1. Co-operative agrees to pay for surgical operations. 2. Confinements,, including pre-' natal and post-natal care^ 3. Service of anaesthetists. 4. Payment for x-rays when re­ quired for diagnosis. 5. /Cystoscopic examination- 6. Treatment . of fractures and dislocations. 7. Treatment of serious burns and lacerations. . f Payments will be made directly to surgeon in charge, as set‘forth iby the Ontario Medical Associa­ tion minimum tarriff.. • . . • . There are over thirty Hospi­ talization Co-operatives in Ont­ ario with Huron County having -the second largest. The Huron Co - operative Medical Service was first organized in 1947 with about 200 members At the pres- enttimeithasincreased-to"3^600 members with more than 10,000 people in the county availing themselves .of. the'prpteqtion of- ^er'^^ShisT^pp0pai(i.; hospital­ pan. . .. Anyone in^ the Townships of Ashfield or West Wawanosh who provided by the Huron County Medical Services,. and offered at the lowest possible cost, should get in* touch, with their group secretary in their school section or with their; county director, Gordon Kirkland. 5k On Friday, February 12th, a banquet was held at the Angli­ can Church, Wingham, for, group secretaries of the Huron County C6-op Medical services. Those in attendance from this district were -Mr, and Mrs. Fred Martin, Mr. and Mrs. George Moncrief, Mr. -and—Mrs.—Eldon—Miller^—Mr^and Mrs. Frank Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dalton, Mr, and Mrs. Dave McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Howard . Blake, Mr. and -Mrs. Wilfred Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zinn, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ben­ nett, Mr. Ewart Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland. Dr. W. V. Jphnston also attehded and took part in the discussion* He . highly recommended the hew. surgical plan being offered. ' j SEVERAL BRAVE STORM TO ATTEND CHJLD CONFERENCE “yin spite of weather conditions, 25 courageous people, attended the first Lucknow Child Health Con­ ference on February 16 th. It was extremely gratifying to see so many present. In attendance were Dr. Alien, M.O.H.' for Bruce Cd.; Miss Redgate, nursing.supervisor; Miss Arkell, the Teeswater public health nurse and Miss Cormack, Lucknow public health nurse.' The ladies of the Legion Auxil­ iary did a very fine work in lend­ ing their assistance wherever necessary, and in preparing the looms for use. j « For those who were unable to attend, and those- who were un­ able to make it qn time, the next conference will be held March 16. Underwent Major Operation Mrs. Spence Irwin underwent a major operation in Wingham Hospital late Saturday night, a few hours after having been tak­ en to the hospital. She was . in surgery for 2>/2 hours, but came through theoperation as well as could be expected. ... LOCAL MAN REPRESENTS AREA ON HOSPITAL BOARD I TO PETITION FOR VACCINATION • .. o' • . • ' " ’ ■ ' .......... ..........; ■ GEORGE KENNEDY GETS PAST PRESIDENT’S CANE At the annual meeting Of the Ontario Hereford Association held recently at Guelph, the presenta­ tion of an engraved past presi- dent’s cane was made to George Kennedy. George was president of the provincial association, diii:? Ing the 1952 term. -. Mr. Kennedy, now automatical­ ly retires from the Board of Dir­ ectors and hfc successor. is Jim Coultes of Belgrave. Young Couple Jjy Fire During Zero Gale ; . . i •. ■ • • -__________'_________-_______________' • Mr* and Mrs. Harold Ritchie appqtivt THREE NEW snd -two children are homeless MEMBERS OF SESSION since flames.roared through their., "farm home on Cdnrr4^Elma^Twp.1 ,1 ..i". laim^meoncon. i^^imaiiwp. At tJie corning .service in the ‘ < last Thu^day evemng and totally Unit^ church, the appointment destroyed the structure. They are Qf three members of session, Alex residing.. tjWnporarily with her McNay, Alex Andrew and Gor- parents, MJr.. ancl Myq. Lynton ^on Morrison, was approved by Quiipp, who live about five milas. the congregation. During the year away. death had claimed three eiders,. Harold Ritchie is a son of Mr.. ,G. A. Greer, Wm. Murdie and and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie of Ash- W; G. Andrew. field. It wiill. be just two years ago on February 25th since Har- and W, E. Treleaven were named ?: cld’s brother,, Lome Ritchie, had honorary elders, but retain the j the barn on his farm near Port same rights- and- privileges as UNDERWENT OPERATION Alex MacNayr. underwent- a major and delicate operation, in Toronto General Hospital on Monday morning. He came thrg the qrdeal well, and at press time Wednesday morning no, further Albert razed by flames. . (other members of “Session? jyord of his condition had been Cause of last Thursday even-! The five-year term was adopt- received. Assuming that “nd news? ing‘s fire, which broke out about ed, with. retiring members- el- Ls . good• new;s”, Alex’s, many njne o’clock, could only/be at- igibie for re­ friends are wishing him the .best trilbuted to a defective chimney. Session, for a complete and speedy re- Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie were at the, 1 _____ Thomas Burns, S. C. Rathwelf appointment to the < 'X ’ 4 / «• < .■ > • <■ covery.thX Awn6 DONALD McKINNON FETED,/ .their two children with th_m. §ILVERWOOD STAFF 1 ’ ■ : I " ,/• ■ • ■ • -r 'W" m June and Murray who will be ■ W5 in May. Murray is at present’ ,rP! /® ofithe staff of Silver- staying with his grandparents in ®nd,the,lr //es held r ' " > [Ia. I^riy, at Johnston s Restaurant dons in his foot last week while last Thursday- evening in honor,working irx the bush. A razoril, P??168 f'\ere Tanned by a of Donald McKinnon; who had sharp axe which he was using, I lizzard-like -gale and swirling been with the firm for almost 7 glanced off a IjmlT and inflicted . ^Pn^^due^-vi^tltty*^ . years and had resigned His ppsP the serious injuries. : - IP1. - J •e Listowel fire tion to enter the hardware, busi- Blake was assisting Jack Irwin, | ?£.a<v .rfa^hed the scen®» ness in partnership with Charles and there were a couple more ] white brick dwelling u^as already - workmen oil the job, who assisted ' oomsd. ar*d a snow-blocked en- GASHED HIS FOOT j They are Muriel who. will be six WITH SHARP AXE Blake Alton, severed the ten- Ashfield, in hie fnnf la of whiln -j- i *• * v I. I Webster. . Court whist-was played with At the annual meeting of the Wingham Hospital Bdard, W. B. Anderson /of Lucknow was re-% nelected~as a/“directorr^He;■ repre­ sents the municipalities of Luck­ now, Kinloss and Westr-Wawa- nosh. Under the new by-laws the ritiiribor 'of director^ hak been in­ creased from 12 to 14. The architect, is being ap­ proached in connection with parr ingz the cost of the proposed new chronic patients’ wing to $500,000 which figure it is expected would be approved by the Department. $180,000 or 90 percent of the local share of $200,000 has been assured on the pro-rata basis al-] lotted to municipalities accord-1 ing to their use of the institution. Hospital,, receipts for the year were over $150,000, with a -bal­ ance of over $500 on /the right side of the ledger. Births during the year set an all time record of 328. ■ ' INSURANCE CO. TO HOLD RATE the In- , The annual, meeting of West WawanOsh Mutual Fire durance Company was held in the Parish Hall, Dungannon, on Fri­ day, and was well attended. In the absence through illness of president lHarvey Anderson, the vice president, John McLennan, conducted the meeting.. There was a thorough’discus- WUXiUIlcn Un UIIU 1UIU« <fwnu ct&blbLvQ j x- _ x A t wuii, waiidv* woo WHll * TfFhaving^ K rushed to-tfie’ ’■ . them reaching the house. The, for<f having th-e hiigih scores. Dtir- gale was blowing away from the hng the evening CamefDri Mac- i whith Was not endangered. /Donald made the presentation of L.__The ; flaines when, JAScoyei^^ ^fLa-nen-andpencil:set to Donald , w^e gaining such headway that,/who, replied fittingly. Lun^h was I Harold was able to save only a served to conclude a/^rileasant fe.w items of household furniture enrial ^vpriinu ’ ' -*• -a... •• . ’ Mr. arid Mrs/Ritenie had mov- • '' * farm MAKE AWARDS FOR jS.S. ATTENDANCE ! At the morriirig service in the , - | Presbyterian Church on Sunday, ; Rev. G.. A. Winn made the pres­ entation of a number of awards to some twenty young people for . outstanding attendance at Sun- t day School and Church. Mabel Stanley had a perfect lull record of fifty-two times di Sun- fice of. Dr. W. V. Johnston, where ah emergency operation was per- formecl to tie the severed tendons. ---Blake will; be 0 in bed- for about a month, as he is not able or per­ mitted to put any weight on the foot. ; ■ TAKING COURSE IN WASHINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Mac­ Donald left the first of the week for Washington where Cam will take a two-weeks’ course at the i Ice Cream Merchandising Insti-. [ tute Training School, which ?is affiliated with the International Association of ice Cream Manu­ facturers. . Cameron, who is employed by Silverwood Dairies,Xj Lucknow, is one of three men of the Silver- wood /organization taking the course. / / Mr and Mrs; MacDonald went to London on Saturday, and on Sunday morning flew from Lon­ don to Cleveland, where they | boarded another plane for Wash­ ington. They will, be thirteen days in the American capital. ■. • ; . • . 7 ■ ■ ■Mr. andMrs? Ritchie had mov-1 ed to the Elma Township just last April. WOLF GREW BIGGER - WITH THE TELLING <• I TALK REVIVAL OF 'THE GAMES' 1 t *» 1 ■' ■■» ;. < > I. • I L, ■. ’ •* .’ I ‘ * Farmers of Ashfield;And .W.est|sibn of insurance matters ,not the least of .which were mounting losses/ w^th lightning claims for ____ ____ ________ _ livestock/ killed "in- the field of afternoon to^hear a detailed ex-J.chief concern. . Ini this regard -planation -of—calfhood ’VaccinationTlosseS' during the-past-year^totaL. -----i ’ . . .. «. ' jed s3nie $24;000; The overall losses of the Company in all lines were unusually heavy, and the greatest .in the experience of the ‘Company.' Despite this, there will be no increase in, rates this y6ar at least.', ' The -three retiring directors, Donald McKay, . Lorrie Johristoii arid John, , McLennan, were re­ elected without opposition.. Other Wawariosh are being urged to at­ tend a meeting in Dungannon Parish Hall $t 1.30 this Thursday by Department of Agriculture^-* /lcial's. * Federation of Agriculture Units in these two townships plan to .shortly launch , a farm-to-farTn canvass, to petition for the. ad- optioh of calfhood vaccination on a township-wide scale. , * Siich ,a petition must have 66 § Percent - approval before > the township Council can act to Wake vaccination obligator^; -It • ' * 'VW'.V AAA* VaI1*J VMilJ>VCliX Lw nave farmers sign either for or' ^gainst the prbjectf so there can te iio misunderstanding as to the Pros and cons of the question/ A-large percentage of farmer^ nas practised calf vaccination for some time, The cost would still os borne by the individual farm- fLi milch per . head, but it is wdpLi J*™5 Program . the cost Wit be somewhat reduced. ? k I o A wolf story emmanating from Walkerton has grown with each .retelling until the animal now is ; almost as big as a horse, The truth is, it’s £ lean, rangy brush wolf' that when in i__ flight with its bushy tail flying; d7y durini* the'ye^. ,gives an exaggerated appearance; certificates were printed to *’1ESne?S;~ ; , Gloria Cuming, 46 Sundays pres- . The anuni was^ sighted by a ent; Joan Mackenzie, 40* Roddy party of Walkertpnians while MacSween, 47; Billy Chester, 40; staging a _ rabbit, drive in the yefir pete^en; K.IS*n<^7 • ,k. j 46. Third year, seal, Wendy Mae- Mr. Wolf’s existence is .nothing Kenzie 40; Donalj 47 new to some Ideal nimrods, who Fourth’ _Jr Brian john. ^Uhnmie Mullin, 40. Fifth . year "seal, Tony Johnston, 40; Al­ lan Mowbray, 46; Marlene Stan­ ley, 48; Sixth year seal, . Janfet I Finlayson, 48; J'im Lyons, 44; Wilda Reid, 47; Mabel. Stanley, 52. Seventh year seal, Elizabeth Henderson, 50; Dorihie Reid, 40; Joan Stanley, 49. Second 7-year certificate, Gerald Mowbray, 45. For attendance at church 76 times during: the year, a hymn book was presented to Anne Pet­ ersen. Garry MacDonald was pre­ sent 35 times and received a. Bible, story book: , IJ the district for some time. His tracks, and the remains, of rab­ bits on which he has fed,- have been seen more than once, but so far no one has grit within good rifle range of the speedy fellow/ ■ I, i The Clansmen 5 held • z t h e i r monthly dinner meeting on Mon­ day evening in the Auxiliary Rooms, with members of the! Auxiliary doing - the catering arid with President Charles Webster presiding. A report of the carnival was presented by Treasurer Stuart I Mr; and Mrs. Carman Beaton of Detroit have been spending two weeks’ vacation in Florida, and on their return plan' to spend a week at Goderich to visit his mother,. Mrs. -Malcolm Beaton^ who is hospitalized ’there. <»b. f 1 I t •t . ,-r •; 9 Q 4 * 1 Collyer, arid while a; small de­ ficit was reported, . .the project was regarded as quite successful and had served to effectively re- l vive the Club. ‘ ■ ;I Some, money ^raising proposals ■ were discussed,-including a bingo, and committees were 'appointed to follow up these suggestions.- Kenneth Cameron broached the ’ Subject of reviving the Cailedon- ! ian Games, for which LuckhoW By-Law Regulating Closing* Hours Effective MarcK 1 st I eiecteu wmiuui upuwsuuviw • - . , ■^thtectors— ■?.P,s.TX^ars£,gong.^b^ iXiTSowell, Ross McPhee, WiKrdd McQuillan a-member of G M Stuart; Ernest Ackei’t and the^Lycknow. Pipe Band, has had George Feagari. . * similar idea m mind of late. , 11 D.’Anderson will serve for The. subject aroused consider- a second term as president, and able enthusiasm at .Monday Tar-k McLennan as vice president, night s meeting, arid while it wasJackMcLennan as vice president. Durnin Phillips is secretary-treas­ urer. , agreed it was a project .that was, bigger than The Clansmen would Am<W those called ori for ai^'^or^' were Geeil -Slafce.J-g<¥tion.JS. likely, tointo, reeve of Ashfield and Terrance and more will be heard, no doubt, Hunter, reeve of Colborne. ’ ' matter. • 1/' I Lucknow Muncipal Council met, dealers, or- restaurants, in special session on Monday arid , gave final approval to a by-jaw, the .by-law are from 6.3.0 p.m. regulating the hours that retail, each week day until five'o’clock The cl psi ng. hours set forth in are from 6.30 p.m. Stores m'ay be open in Lucknow.' the following . morning, apart The by-law goes into .effect on1 from Saturdays when the elds- , March 1st. .. ■ ; ■ i irig .hour will be 1,1.30 p.fri.-. < .. .Council’s action stemmed from j The by-law permits, if desired, ,e ne.ar-urianimous petition sub? {'Stores-remain ing'. open until 11.30 mitted by the retail merchants I each, e'vening during the' week asking that closing hours be, reg- | preceding Christmas. , • ’ ulated. | The statute covering these reg/ The by-law is published else-.' ulatiofis apply only to week days? y here in this ,issues , Sunday selling comes under the it applies to all’ shops in the jurisdiction of the Lord’s Day/Al- village carrying, on business as Jiance Act. . ..... ; . retail merchants, excludihg gair-t , Violation' of the by-law is sub­ ages, service stations, implement ject- to a fine not exceeding $50. • T * • ■ A » . ■ I I V. r J » / t I"