HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-10, Page 7WEDNESDAY,THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIOI Be fa Style \ FEB. 10th, 1954 £ J’ I RESTAURANT M«H(IFlCrU»fO tv JOHN DICKINSON & CO. (CANADA) LIMITED “a rate... Order At THE SENTINEL OFFICE THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA , They know that good telephone service is’inadb even better Whei^they are friendly and Conside even with little people like five yeat old Batfiine. INSTALL COUNTY ORANGE OFFICERS Party Season A ft $ Dinner,Luncheon and CocktailJ^Iapkins Coasters j Playing Cards Informals — Stationery Matches — Pencils •r Don Thompson ’Phone 35 or 33, Lucknow On Tuesday, afternoon of last week the annual County meeting of the Orange Order was held in the Amberley Lodge Rooms with a good, attendance and with mem­ bers from nearly every primary Lodge in this district being pres- eritr" ’ • *■ " County Master Claude Dore presided over the first part of the meeting' which epnsisted-of reportsfromthe^differentrcom-. mittees. Arrangements were made -for^the^j-2th—pf-^lyT-eelebration which will be held in the town of Kincardine’ this summer. An address Was given (by John, Em­ erson, taking for his theme ‘‘The Ark of the Covenant” and how. it figures in our Protestant re­ ligion. A lengthy discussion- and remarks for the good of the Order brought the first part of the evening to a close. ’ Past County Master John Em- merton was appointed 'to take charge of the installation of of­ ficers for the coming year which are as follows: County Master, John McCormick- deputy Coun­ ty Master, John Emerson; lectur­ ers, Rdibt. L. Campbell and Chas. Emmertonajchaplain, Rev. J., C; Hutton; rejJErding secretary, Earl Tout; deputy secretary, Clarence McLennan; marshall, Harry Gra­ ham; finance secretary, Chester Emmertpn. INTRODUCE FREE MEDICAL CHECK A free medicak check-up is now being provided to its members j by Bruce Co-operative Medical i Services. The first group to bene-! fit from this service are the mem- I bers sixty years of age arid over, ' who were aHottdd a three, month periodT^egiimirtgHD^ which to have the check-up. Af­ ter March 1st, it is expected that a lower age group will be not­ ified that the service is available to them. Over a period of time,; it is >the intention of the Co-op­ erative to give all its members the opportunity of taking this free check-up. This is-a fiar sighted plan for preventive health care, and is. designed by the directors to en­ courage people to have regular medical check-ups in order that diseases may be detected in their early stages. Ultimately, it should ; save the organization, and there-. ', fore the members, many thoiis- ands; of dollars in unnecessary illness costs, 4s well as thri grief 1 and .anxiety which are associat­ ed. With the many types of illness "■ which plague humanity.- ( r There ,are over thirty such i Medical. Co-operatives iri Ontario, ' , and all are watching with, keen > interest this experiment in Bruce County. The sound financial pos­ ition of Bruce Co-operative Med­ ical Services has made this added il m x — . z 5 -4 £ •1• •a X H A J '?.■ We’re' glad our. telephone man made. a;hit,.Pauline: Lots of grown-ups tell us* the same -thiiig -' courteous. and obliging Bell people are.' Whether it’s the installer, the operator,. or the, /• - girl in the business office, Bell people like to make —^.2^oiiJEe(djliey-aTeL.g.ladJ^ PAGE SEVEN « V • service possible. Adequate reser­ ves have been. set up in years paist, and the current cash posi­ tion makes it possible to pay the extra cost of general revenue. Bruce Co-operative Medical ,,last week to discuss, further addi- Services was first organized in r tioris to the plan. These will in- 1947, with about 200 members. j elude ‘ catastrophe insurance, Today, more than 5000 people in, which is designed to take care the County enjoy the protection ; of the heavier costs which ac- of the prepaid hospital plan. A company long term illnesses with few months ago, surgical, bene- which a few of the members have fits were made available to the *o contend. , ' • . i............ ... ■ • . members and several hundred have availed themselves of this further protection. Several group secretaries’ meet­ ings were held in the County T o 3 (A cn