HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-10, Page 6.1; 4 / Is Your Subscription Paid? ASHFIELD NOTES * ‘ss* 1949 1949 1948 1946 1946 0- “ < * I I I ■J*. ■ V 400 trades a nd, skills of Hydro’s team, Of 19,639 .employees . . \ working for > ’ ’ :YOU. ' - 7 .? 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. r PAGE SIX SPORT RIPLEY-LUCKNOW COMBINES MAKE IT TWO STRAIGHT Ripley-Lucknow combines and Teeswater are battling it out for , . group honors in a five-out-of-nine series. Ripley took the opener 5.-4 in Teeswater pn Saturday and Lack on home ice op Tuesday , night made it two straight by winning -the blood and thunder contest 11 to 8. . 7, The two -teams go back at it inTeeswiateron^Thursdaynight, with the fourth, gopie of the set scheduled/fortheLucknowarena op ,Saturday night. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WHITECHURCH • ’ W •; w .............. ■ Mr. and Mrs.’ Wm, Mclnnes & son Bill of, Walkerton visited with friends in Whitechurch on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. CJroskorth pnd family spent Saturday tin Kitch­ ener;,,' ■’ . , Mr. Jack Aitchison is visiting, friends at Bronte. Clark McGreg- !or accompanied him as far as Toronto. # . Mr. and Mrs. B. D. McClenan- han and son Carl visited, Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. E. Barbour. regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S, willJbe..held at the home of Mrs/ ETGroskorth on Wednesday, February 17th. The Farm Forum was held1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs^ Jas. u alconer on Monday evening; The discussion for the evening was the grading of farm products.- Games of euchre Were played.uaiuico vu. cuuiuc . vvc±vMessrs. Colin, and Fred Mac- Euchre was played with Mr. and Gregor have received word of Mrs. Miles Ste. Marie high man k the death of their brother, Mr. and lady. Niat Thompson and Lois Hector” MiacGregor in Texas. ' - ’ ' ' Mrs. Alex, MacDonald wll be hostess on Thursday of this week to. thq W,J\£.S. Mrs. Hugh • Mac- Kenzie will have charge of the program. - z ■ •■■■■ { ■ -■ ■-'- — - •7 The Kintail W. I. held a very successful social evening in Kin-? tail Hall on Friday evening of last week. ( ' Falconer were low man and. lady. Lunch was served and a social' half -hour enjoyed by all. , The Radies of the W.A. in the village, quilted a quilt last Tues­ day at the home of Mrs. G. Far­ rier. This quilt along with a crib quilt and couple of other large quilts will -be shipped to Korea soon. , just Arrived .... 7 •• • n . > One Carload Of 0 4? British Columbia Suitable For WATER TROUGHS, FEEDING TROUGHS, $LEIGH TOPS, OUTSIDE STEPS and PLATFORMS, o V JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow Phone 150 Ontario /j • ' HOME SAVED BY ; - (KINLOUGH NEWS) i’ Mrs. Robert Porter and her son Wayne can be credited wifh saving, their home from destruc­ tion. On Monday morning Mrs. Porter smelled smoke and. on in­ vestigating . discovered that the .partition where tKekitchenstove pipe leads into the. main house was on fire. She quickly called to Wayne who immediately r*P" ped off the wallboard and got at -the^ smouldering fire. There being plenty of water at hand aided greatly in their fire fight­ ing efforts. It is only a short7 time since the Porter family mov­ ed here. We are glad no further -damage, resulted. * ’ ; Mr. & Mrs. Russell'Ball, Char­ lene and her cousin, Johnny Ball of London' spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs^o^ex Percy and family> Miss Mary McMillan and Miss j oyce Dunean, Training, College students, are . practice teaching this week in our school under, the supervision of. our teacher, Mrs. Burton Collins. . . ‘ . ■ . Mr. and Mrs. Clark Needham' entertained the Purple. Grove Farm Forum on Monday evening. Relatives ' and friends from here attended the funeral of the late James Thompson at Kincar­ dine on Tuesday. The deceased was a resident of the Kingiarf district and was well known here having spent some time on Con.- 10 where he. lived at the home of his niece, Miss Belle Ross. Rev. Andrew Lane,of ^Brussels visited Saturday with his bro­ thers, J- R. and 'Malcolm Lane. Mr .and .Mrs. Perry Hodgins, and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maulden and, Keith were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell^om Fridayevening— Miss Kathleen Lane of Brus­ sels spent the week-end at her home here. —Mr.: Ron- Burgess _:of l- Chatham. renewed acquaintances here dur­ ing the week. The: H.W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Eadie on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ray hard Acker t presided. After the usual opening the Standing, Committee conven­ ers spoke"briefly, Mrs. P. A. Mur­ ray on agriculture and Canadian industries; Mrs. Tom Hod-gins on Historical Research? and Mrs. Ed. Thompson on Health. A summary of the Federated News was given by Miss Edna Boyle. Miss Mar­ garet McIntosh; Mrs. Eldon Eck- ensWiller iarid Mrs. Art Tlraham were judges for the tea biscuit icontest. The prizes were award­ ed to Miss Edna Boyle and Mrs. .Timftmitb. They were later auc­ tioned by -Mrs. P. A. Murray. Mrs. Howard Harris, Mrs. Frank <Thompson, Mrs. Toni.Hodgins and Mrs. Frank Maulden are the nom­ inating committee. Mrs. Arthur Graham introduced the guest speaker, Mr. J. M. Game, LP.S., who gave a very interesting talk cn the trends- of education and problems of current interest. Miss : In winter months, Hydro helicopters reach in minutes, areas that might ■. J-hecompletelv inaccessible after heavy . snows. From the Great Lakes to the wilderness of the far north they patrol your Hydro’s transmission lines, locat­ ing possible'trouble points and pre­ venting costly interruptions. This is ; another example of Hydro’s modern and progressive operation to assure a low-cost, dependable, power supply. -The pilots and observers of these helicopters are two of the more than . WEDNESDAY, TIB* WWjt 1954 YOU CAN’f GO WRONG ; With One Of Brussels Motors. Used Cars i ■ i.'1 . ■ . , . . '■ . • . ;■ j 1953 Dodge Sedan, fully equipped \ > ! 1953 CHEV. BELAIR SEDAN ' ? I 1953 CHEV. BELAIR SEDAN, fully, equipped, 2-tone ! SIX 1952 CHEV. SEDANS & COACHES, choice of . colors. J 1951 CHEV. Power glide Deluxe SEDAN, fully, equipped '1951 CHEV- DELUXE FLEETLINK COACH ■ • ; '“195PCIIEVROLETlSEDAN—~1952-PONTIAC-^SEHAN— i 1951 POWERGLIDE -CJHEV. COACH, fully equipped ______~“1949~METE^>I^COA^7 —1949* PONTIAC . SEDAN 1949 DODGE SEDAN . 1947 MERCURY SEDAN PONTIAC 5-PASSENGER COUPE PONTIAC SEDAN TRUCKS G.M.C; ONE-TON STAKE TRUCK G.M.Q. H-TON PICK-UP G.M.C. J/a-TON PICK-UP Hrtiss 4s"Mo wrs g Huron County’s Foremost Used ,'Car Dealers x F Cash, Trade, Terms — Open: Evenings Until 10 . x $ Cities Service Dealer — Phone 73x, Brussels § i discussion, “Vkhat Grade Mad-, lam?”.\' ' ' ■/ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher and Helen spent Wednesday ev­ ening with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zettel and Jean, Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall -and Donnie visited Wednesday with Mr.’and Mrs. Tom Habkett and Doug of Ashfield. Mr? and Mrs. E. Thacker visit­ ed Wednedsay afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. .-Grant Wall and family. —-Mi^—and—Mrs—James--Wraith-— spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Henderson, of . Lucknow. / . ,. We extend sinceresympathy to our Editor in the loss of his brother, Willard. * We are sorry to report that Mrs. Frank Brown -is under the 7 doctor’s care with a heart con­ dition, that is confining her to the house. Mr. and Mrs. Dune Thompson visited Sunday 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgiris. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Why took and Gary spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Whytock & fam­ ily?:. '■ ■ ■ • We; extend . our sympathy to Mrs. Lome Becking in the loss of her. aunt, whose funeral was helct in Formosa Friday morn­ ing- '■ '■/ May Boyle thanked the speaker j on behalf of the ladies and all! joined in singing ‘‘School Days” and all repeated a verse from an old school reader. Readings were given by Mb’s. Jim Smithy Mrs. Tom Hodgins and Mrs, Morley Hobbs. Plans were made for the annual “At Home”.. Committees Mrs; Jim (Smith,- Mrs; Alex-Percy,- Miss . May Boyle, Mrs. Frank Thompson and Mrs, Wm, Wall; The Garden Club was left over for the time beingrAreuchreqand- dance was also planned 'for.. Mrs. Smith gave the dosing remarks. The National Anthem brought the. meeting to a- close. Lunch was served. Mrs-. Rayhard Ackert will be the March hostess. / Miss Marlene Porter snent the week-end1 with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Po.rter. Mr.. arid Mrs. Clayton Nichol-' sori, Judy and Ronnie of Huron spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholosn.-and family. Mr. -Russell Barr of Toronto was home over the week-end. Friends of Mrs. Howard Mc­ Guire of Olivet ■ are pleased to know she is- making favorable progress following a ihajor op­ eration in Stratford Hospital. Note (Change in Time of Service The Anglican service will be at 2.30 o’clock on . Sunday next, -February 14t-hr-ihstead-Qf 11 a.m. ■as usual. Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Holland and boys of Kincardine visited Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Graham. . We are sorry to report that Mr. Malcolm Lane has been ill with pneumonia. His many friends wish him sf speedy recovery. The sympathy of the corres­ pondent and the many faithful readers of the Kinldugh column extend heartfelt sympathy, to the Sentinel Publisher in the loss of his. brother, • the late Willard Thompson. . / Mrs. Gertrude Walsh spent the week-end in the village at her ■home here. • . " ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm.-Bushell of Lucknow Visited Sunday" with Mrs.', J;''W/ Colwell; ’ Mr. falter Nicholson, Mr. and -4-Wsr--Georigc •~Guy4ert-Kenny---arid Colyne visited'with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson during the A-ve.ek. DO YOU KNOW? Hydro maintains over 7,000 miles, of > «|ji. - vbltagetrahshiissid■*.. ,>,es Z-1 ' iri ft vast.grid that cfeliviers’ . pfrMMd eWy'pgrt of ' the province. ‘ •// Mfbrfnatiofl Mrififerrtlrtg OnUribHydro tan obtamed bywriting your Hydro Chairman, 620 University' Avenue, Toronto CULROSS CORNERS Bethany , Farrri . Forum met ■ op Monday■ night., at the. home of • Mr. and Mrs. Erriie Hanna with ah attendance of J.1? The ■ topic, “Barriers to' Trade”, was discuss- -ed. It was thought free - ;ttade •, might give up ‘better prices ’ for’ odr Jiye^tock aricl th.at'’we""W6uld ■ . be able to buy cotton • products cheaper.- Regret was expressed on ' ■ aiccptirii ’of thp illness of the sec- retary, Mi’S. Frank Brown/ arid i plans Were made tto sen'd; her’a ' , j box of fruit, etc. ,Gamc(s were: ■ played and the hostess served : lunch. The next meeting will be at dhe home of Mn Clay-' ’■'tbn/Meyers‘“W^’Xh'e'‘t6p^ Too Late To Classify Dear Mr. Editor: Would you mind putting this letter in your valued paper as I think the ratepayers of our i town should know .of the incon- | ven ierice that the rateJpayers on Main St. have been put to, ; . . Less than two weeks ago we had <a brbak in the water service bn Main St. which practically left us without water for three or four dlays. They were asked to put on extra help then -but they would not. A few days later we saw water coming out ofk the holes that they had filled in. On Thurs­ day at 11 a.m. the water,was shut off again and not/ put on until 9 p.m. Saturday wheri-the repairs’ were finished. This’meant that -th e—Ma i n-Stv--f r 6m--Ghin?s~RCs t—— aurant to the Fire Hall on both . sides oif the street had rib water . for. 21/2 days^ Why did this jpb take so long? Because - they, had two men on the job 'working. 8 hours a day. The Reeve said they , don’t heed any more .help 'yet / there w-bre restaurants, beauty parlots and apartments arid stores without hot- water heating, s'er- ; vices and facilities. Was'this not an. emergency that demanded on extra shifts as were asked for? There Were men there ready to start Work. _ ■ 1 don’t know , what this town,- / is corping to ,if it is.going to be, run this Way. I think’the sooner. , we get a ratepayers’' association ,, in this town, the better xt wilt be for everybody. ' , inboWcnlcnbMr^WbpW^F^ ■' 7. ; r 1 • ; ■' * • ‘‘ ' . ■ * \ ft * •