HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-10, Page 5WEDNESDAY, FEB. 10th, 1954 7 < • PAGE FIVE , Co-op • Co-Op ; . CO-OP Co-op 1 Co-Op THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ' * I ’ ■ V Serve You The Band Wagon I ST. HELENS If 7 <1 ,lyn. McTavish; I Ida was Eva ago, I' I. And I found out in my first letter to me; . . ‘ , FORMER LUCKNOWITE RELATES ODD COINCIDENCE had ' given the man' the •that'-was the Wed., Ttiurs., February 17, 18 RHONDA FLEMING, . ■ lI Monday, Tuesday, Feb. 15, 16 JUNE HAVER, DAN DAILEY — in — Waterloo Cattle Breeding Friday, Saturday, Feb. 12, 13 ROBERT TAYLOR, ?' V AVA GARDNER in — RIDE VAGUERO Matinee Saturday Afternoon “5VIIERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED” A Promotional, Educational Meeting, will be held Wei, Thurs., February 10, 11 FRED ASTAIRE, ? 'CYDOHARISSE — in .— \ MAIN. TOPIC—Movie and discussion on Frozen Semen, J. W. Macpherson, O.V*C, Guelph, Also progress report on the Watedoo Cattle Breeding Association. Questions arid Answers peripd. —■ Everybody is welcome. fl 1 ’ ’ ’ ............ ■ - /.L. Lyceum Theatre Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 •' ’ ’ ST ’ ’ M . 1. The Girl Next boor OBITUARY BERT FINLAY The death of Robert Edward (Bert) Finlay, age 72 years/ of 612 Spadina Crescent, East Sask- atoom occurred suddenly, Jariu-^ ary 2^tH~TKe_funeral was held from the chapel of the Saskatoon Funeral Home on Tuesday, Feb-* ruary 2nd at 2.00 p.m„ conducted, by Canon R.. Manwaring. Pall­ bearers were J. L. Spence, J. Boak, C. E, Wilson, J. Miller, S; Finlay, Jr. and A. Finlay/? Surviving are his - widow and one son, Roy, at home; one bro­ ther, Stewart .Finlay of Elstow, ’Sask.; and one sister, Mrs. Jamieson of *Lucknow., He predeceased iby his first wife, Gardner Finlay. some years and a son; Tom, lost his life while serving .’overseas with the RCAF in 1942? A* daughter, Alma, died when a small child. The late -Mr? Finlay was born in Lucknow, and moved to the West 34 years ago?. He had been associated with the John Deere Plow Co., the Heihtzmari Co./ Ltd. and the Chrysler Corporation. He was also, well known, in curl­ ing circles throughout the West and followed the game with keen interest. Interment'was in Wood­ lawn Cemetery. , GENE BARRY’ . — in — Those-Redheads-From Seattle .. NOW! NEWf ' IRON FOR SUCKLING PIGS ..'. THE EASY WAY Nixon Laboratories have re­ cently developed “PELLA- GREX PAINT” an adhesive preparation containing IRON, .vitamins .A, D, B compound,. B12 (the growth factor) folic aeid, and trace minerals, to prevent and help correct an­ emia. and deficiency diseases in suckling pigs. For healthy, .fast—g-row-ing—pi-gST—-try—-this, simple, easy to Use preparation on’your next litter. . A 4 dk bottle ($1.25) .is suf­ ficient for the average litter during . the entire suckling stage. “We Guarantee All Nixon Products” UMBACH DRUG STORE Phone 13-w, Lucknow ’ The Detroit Times publishes- a | column “It Happened To Me”, ^-whic^^ef fers^a-$ 1070Q-~prjze"tor? •each true incident which appear to—verge^on—the-miraculous.------ ?Mrs. Sheilla Hall of East De­ troit, had a prize-winning letter appear in this column. Mr. and i Mrs.' Bill Blue,, of Detroit, who' I spent the week-end here, broiight I,the clipping . with, them. The grange cpincideffce w’ifl no doubt be of special- interest to >many in this community. “During World ; War IL our home in Aberdeen, Scotland, was open house to many servicemen,^ among them three young French Canadian, brothers who spent all their Reaves with. us. After the war we lost touch with these three particular boys, and as L had married in the meantime and had made my home in Qn-- tario, ’my muini and. dad came to. visit me for a year. “When thq time arrived, for them to go home, I. went to Mon­ treal to 'see them sail.’ Although xneir ship was due to debark , at a certain time, it became appar­ ent it .Was being heldfUp for some reason. ' • • ., ; -..“Finally after . about. 30 min- -utesLdelay, a -yei^-flustered mid^ dle-aged man arrived at;the pier by taxi. He bushed up the gang plank and in a .few moments, the ;—S'h-i-p—set-^s-a-M-r-N-at-u-raH-y—I—-won­ dered about this special mess- ariger. , ! mum’s ../ . “The.,steamshw lino; my mum 1 wrote, wrong sailing time •. reason they held the ship, until he Was located. But there was call, Ari •exchange of Valentines, something , even stranger than I Word has been received of the that. .In ,the coursfe of. conversa-} death 'in Ottawa of Mr? Roswell I tion this man told my . folks -of | Rutherford. Mr/ Rutherford, a | some of the places he intended/son of the late Rev. Charles and ... to visit; ... “Imagine their surprise when one of the addresses, he . named ■ •was. my Own pkrents' .home./He i employed ■ three young French* (.Canadian brothers, he< said,, whp. since, the war had talked of little else but their “wonderful second home” in. Aberdeen, Scotland”;. —■ .^.d after a visit, with his daugh-. tef, Mrs. Irvin McCabe and Mr. McCabe at Windsor. The ladies-.are^.r.emih.ded of the meeting of the Women’s .Institute this afternoon (Thursday) at the- borne of Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. Roll Mrs. Rutherford, was a cousin of (be Rutherfords and' Mac?Phersons and was well .known in the com­ munity in his younger days., Mr. Allary Miller is confined to bed with the. j aundice. • ______ . _ Young People’s Union A community night was held by the St. Helen’s Young People cn Sunday, February 7th/ The president, D^n Cameron, was in 4f—t-he-business—a d m-inis-. tration.- Marvin McDonald, con­ vener of Faith and Evangelism, was. in charge of the worship ser­ vice, /After singing <lI heard the voice of Jesus s.ay”, the people on . the . Faith and Evangelism com­ mission staged a play on theii^ topic;. Those taking part in' the $lay were Laura and KenjBar- bjoui\ Marvin'McDonald,' Donnie Taylor and Donnie Gaunt. Ken Barbour conducted a.-.quiz and the | Bible study. There. was a sihg- | song led. by Mr. and Mrs. Sparl­ ing. The young people, served] I i.u'nch to their. parents and-visi.- j tors' .and Mr. Sparling pforiounc.- Ccl benediction. Ilappy Handicraftefs z ‘ . The' fifth meeting was held at the. home of Beverley Gaunt-on T ?ebruary 1st. The roll call? “One po'int to remember when washing ■ —wo o Mens—V^a’Sr-a'ns-xyoi’Q'd™by—e-ig-ht- - ’ girls'. Jt was decided, tn have, .a Skating.party in the church shed, Mrs? MacPherson led us in-a dis- Trussion oil “The Teet.h” and “Care THAT Mrs. Ida Elliot of Toronto and a daughter of the late Dr? IX Paterson of Lucknow, tho’ gone, from here, many years, says it is still, a,. pleasure to receive The Sentinel, with its • items .of interest that she Would otherwise miss,, now that - all . family ties .here are broken. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All per s o n s having claims against the estat^ of Wilson Ir­ win, late of. the Village of Luck7 now in the County of Bruce, Re­ tired Farmer, who • died on or about the sixteenth day of Jan­ uary, A.D. .1954,/ are notified to send to the undersigned on or- before the twenty-seventh’day of February A.D. 1954; full partic- . ulai’s of their clahns . in writing. Immediately. after the said twen- I ty-seventh day of February the assets of the .said, testator will be ' distributed amongst the parties I entitled thereto,, having regard only to claims of which the exe.- .’tutors/sh’atl’ tlicn have notice.. ■. DATED this* ninth day of Feb­ ruary, A?D. 1954. p Crawford & Hetherington,- Wingham, Ontario. • Solicitors "for the ’ Executors.. . ■ ' ■ • IN FORMOSA COMMUNITY HALL ................................. ........... . at 2.00 p.m. on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16th of Hose and Shoes”. The home, assignments were' given after which a 'social time was enjoyed. The next meeting will be held at the home, of Phyllis' Barbour . on February 8th.'‘ The. hostesses are. Beverley Gaunt and Mari- ?iyn- McTavishy, • / : . • ance at'The 'February meeting, of thfe W.M.S. /and . the W.A. held at the hoihe of Mrs. E. W, Rice oh. Wednesday afternoon. The ’ j president, Mrs. W. I. Miller, was ’ | in the dhaif for the W.M.S., the i theme of which worship, service was “The Church of the Open /Book”? Mrs. Ross .Erririgton read '‘““,rhcT““scripture“'4esson;'“';Mrsr‘-"D.T"-'Cir- The PLAYHOUSE 1st show 7.30; 2nd 9i.i5—Adults 50c, students 35c, children 25c WEDNESDAY,THURSDAY,EEB.10,ll__ Bing Crosby, Jane Wyman, Alexis Smith, in Here Conies The Groom Friday, Saturday, February 12th, 13th Susan Hayward,z Dan Dailey, George Zanders, in I Can Get It For Wholes ‘ Matinee Saturday at 2.30 Children 10c, Students 20c ■ , ™ LU -T..-. r. Li .1 . I_r.ni, . ■ ....... . - . r, '■ ™ ‘----IJ , Wednesday, Thursday, February 17th, 18th ’ Myrna Loy, Jeanne Crain — Cheaper By The Dozen Family “BELLS ON YOUR TOES McDonald,? the confession and Mrs. John Cameroii led,in prayer. The ?,topic “The Ministry of radio in .South America” proved very interesting, given in dialogue form by Miss W. D. .Rutherford taking the part of an elderly mis­ sionary,. Mrs. .Alex Purves that ofiai-youngmissionary-andMrs;_ Lome Woods and Mrs. E. W. Rice as. script. writers for a radio pro­ gram. It was announced that the -Day^of—Prayei—will^be—observed- on Friday, Mar-ch-4th at the home i>f Mrs. Roibinson Woods. .' Mrs. Charles McDonald presided for the meeting of the W.A. which.; CO-OP AUTO INSURANCE Can Now Accept TOWN RESIDENTS & COMMERCIAL TRUCKS aswell as-the-farm'-business. For information consult T. A- CAMERON, LUCKNOW, -phone”Dungannon70-r-10“ JOHN McMURCHIE, RIPLEY, Phone 20-r-23 opened with the theme song, ■ Miss Rutherford on Wednesday, prayer and creed- Mrs. Allan Mil-j March 10th. At the conclusion a ler read the scripture lesson and | social hour was enjoyed when Mrs. Alex Murdie the lesson I lunch was served” With Mrs. W. thoughts. It was decided to hold 11? Miller and Mrs. ’ Lorne Woods . a; work meeting at the home of •' as hostesses. - 35% Ilog and Sow Concentrate 35% Ilog Concentrate . } 17% Pig-Starter Booster in pellet or inash form 15% Ilog Grower 13%. Hog Finisher USE CO OP FEEDS * Manufactured by you, for you! *