The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-10, Page 3T Work Clothes I I Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James | •* _____ -i________name of the chnreh , j Rev. G? A. Meikiejohii, | ( J9&3’ I da nn I ! itentanesI- ■ B.A., B.D. . Miss Lorna Campbell of Tor- i I 1> 17c r 1- 1 ■i has but O’Donnell, Holyrood, a daugh­ ter, Rose Ellen. ' onto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Naylor of Kitchener and Miss" Edith Munroe of Kingston attended the funeral of Willard.-Thonipsori. <_____—____________. ... .4..... 0 :' I SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14th Sandersons LADIES’ & MEN’S WEAR I- ‘ you are having hair trouble consult <us; if you are hot having hair trouble, keep it right by treating it right: 4 Mae Irwin spent the week-end in Detroit. Can^ow-l_be--ddneSai_lhe_saine™tnne_.a . permanent wave 1^ being given. Lovelier, longer-lasting permanent waves arc assured by the use of- a new chemical ; discovery recently available to us. T« Mjerasw sentinel, lCtcknqw, OntarioWEDNESDAY, FEB. 10th, ■ 1954 WHITECHURCH Mr and Mrs, Jas. Falconer and Loit'visited with thqir son, Mr. and Mi’s. Charlie Falconer at Tiv­ erton on Saturday. • ' ‘ . Mr, 3'nd Allan visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Hector Purdon jp Sarnia- Mr Charlie Gillespie of Tor^ onto spent the week-end with his brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin, We are sorry to hear that Fred Newman slipped and fell while coming out of his son Don’s house in-Wingham^He-w'as^adrnittecLztpL Wingham Hospital and x-rayed bUt_fouridkno bones broken. . Miss Winnifred Farrier of Tor­ onto spent the week-end at her home here, / Mr. George Kennedy, attended * ance . through the Colombo Plan, the Ontario Hereford Association | Technical Assistance, etc. Urged in Guelph on Friday . evening, j church people to provide tools Mrs.'Kennedy ’ and two . sons ac- |fQr self-help for underprivileged companied (George as far as | people through CARE. Petition- Guelph-and went on to Toronto’--’ x’— ------- • , ~ ■ to attend the Ice Follies. Whurch channels page; three LANGSIDE BORN KEMPTON—in Kincardine Hos­ pital on January 27;* 1954, to Mr. and Mrs, William Kempton,,R. 3, Goderich, a daughter, Dianne Elizabeth. O’DONNELL—on. Thursday, Jan­ uary 28th at Kincardine General The Council for Social Service of ithe Church of England in. Can* ada has published a pamphlet en­ titled “Give the Queen Thy Judgements,. O God”, We bring some interesting facts from this pamphlet?,. Qver (half the world is. hungry, half clothed and ill- shelteredT^hd-qthern^ilions^^hr illiterate. To meet these needs the Council asked the government to expand programmes of assist­ ance .through the Colombo Plan, Mrs. Elliott; Sandy is. a patieiit in Goderich Hospital. 1 : ■ Mrs. Jim Matheits is* ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McNay ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McQuillan in Kincardine.' , Mrs. Walter Horne, who, has been poorly for some time, has been seriously ill of late. Lloyd Barkwell who has been stationed at Saskatoon with the R.C:A.F;,ishomeon~leave. ed the government ?to make Can­ adian wheat available from sur­ plus stocks. Helped the- World Council of Churches in its pro­ gramme of Inter-Church aid and service to Refugees. During 1952 Canada received 164,498 ' immi­ grants. Since the close of the war over 130,000 refugees have been’,1 dW Port chap-resettled in Canai lains at Halifax, St. John, Mon­ treal and Quebec meet boats and ; in the name of the church, > and gave help where necessary. Sponsors were sought for refugee famil­ ies. Church people are urged to visit and welcome all newcomers in their midst. Canada has over 98,000 of, her people in prison yearly .In the year ending March 31,"1953; -two out of- n ine ink pern ; were under twenty-one | ; years of age. The Council spoke, j , preached and worked for and. ex- hl^m??^nie^Wbriri^Cfiiist^^^^(lefi“system““of^TbbatioiT7~fur ! ian Love”. T ... I . better conditions in many jails j (Appointment of Members j and reformatories, and endeav- | of Session).. j ! cured to interest clergy and their j 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School. j , their release. The Council stud- j.7 p.m.: ^The Church in; thejj j Roman Empire”. ■ .. j j FRIDAY, FEB. 12th—6.30 p.m.i j Congregational Supper and z ? Entertainment. Admission 50c | LUCK NOW UNITED CHURCH | Minister: j . jWWOGBN II > ■ WDI' I >Vi | Lucknow j Presbyterian Church ! . Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., | Minister. j SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14th j 11 a.m.:‘ Morning Worship. 112.15 p.m»: Sunday School. | 3 p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon. I j 7 p.m.: Evening Worship. I i j i I i i i 1 i Mr. (Alex (Sandy) Pur don been laid up with lumbago, is feeling better again, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Blue of De­ troit spent the week with her parents, Mr/and Mrs. J. D. And­ erson. Mr. T. W'. Smith suffered a sev­ ere sick' spell the latter part of the week but by Monday was considerably improved. / Miss Muriel MaciKenzie is mak­ ing her home at present with her sister, Mrs. Alex MacDonald and Mr. MacDonald Of Niagara Falls. Miss Freda Hunter, w-ho was quite sick at the home of. Mrs, James MacDonald, returned to her home on Saturday. Freda had a severe case of jaundice. Isabel MacQuiilliri and Winni- fred Fairish from Goderich visit­ ed -on Sunday at. the_hqme .of her parents, Mr. and Mrs; fxjrne Far- rish. ties drug addiction,. Doukhobours, j alcoholism, salacious literature, race relations, peace and inter­ national justice, health insurance, credit unions and many other vital subjects. The Council, issues ..'a bulletin and maintains an ex­ cellent lending library for clergy and parish leaders. \ .■'ZION' ■ : • • —'— r-'.- JVTr. aad Mrs,.Eldon Ritchie vis­ ited Sunday wUh. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wall. . Miss Fredar Hunter got home Saturday after being ill at Mrs. MacDonald-s—with—-j-au-nd-iee- — . Russell Swan has returned to Elmer Parrish’s after haying the measles: . ■ ■ ' ‘ . Church will be ‘in the morning at 11 for the month of February. The regular meeting of Luck­ now Women’s Institute will bs held in the Town Hall on Friday, l ebruary 12th at 2.30. Roll call, exchange of Valentines. Potato . salad contest. ' '* Mr. and Mrs, Ed Thom have returned from Detroit where they spent the past few weeks. Mrs. Al Martin and Neddy ac­ companied them and spent the week-end here. Mr., arid Mrs. Harvey McQuil- lin from. Pt. Edward are spend­ ing a couple of weeks at the home ~df"~Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott, where Isabel is attending ’ her mother who is confined ^to bed I Bailey’s Beauty Salon announces that . . '■ SOFT, LONG* LASTING with a heart condition; . The February meeting of Para­ mount Institute is to be held at Mrs. J. De Jong’s on the 15th. Roll call, a gift to be donated to the hospital. Topic, Health by Mrs. JR. Campbell; current events, Mrs. R. Reid; program, Mrs. D. Kingsbury ,and Mrs. H. Ensign; all ladies bring something to sell including baking and novelties: demonstration by ’ Mrs. De Jong. i i I ■jv-' i • I. - .• I ■ i i ■/ I I ft i ■ • I j Bailey’s Beauty Salpn | . Phone 115, Lucknow. THIS RECONDITIONING AGENT r has been used recently in our Salon to our entire satisfaction AT NO EXTRA CHARGE TO YOU I i J.' i i I J I I 4. -i' U r i i SIXTH AND NINTH „ Mrs.; Allan McCharle/s of Wing- h9i.n1 visited recently. with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon' McTavish. . Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cummins of Saskatoon, ^Sask.., .spent a .few days lately -with - Mr; • and/ Mrs.- Mike Cunjmins. . • . .. .. —HeiL.manyJ^en.dsJy,LUJ2£j21eas^ rd to. know that,Mrs.?Mary Foran has returned home from St. Jos­ eph’s. Hosptai, London,■.•where shd has spent, the past month. Mr. Michael, Kinahan was home from London over the.week-end... We are sorry to- hear that Mrs. Robert McAllister is a patient in Avingham Hospital. Mn • -Jim ■ Cummins^. relieving agent at'the C.N.R., station, Walk-* rr'on, visited, over the week-end' Mr. and Mrs. ’Gordon ■ M.CTav- ish? Marilyn .and' Donalds spent a day recently in London. , . : Mr. Albert Stein of Ailsbury, !‘SaskM is a- visitor with Mr. and ( Mrs. ■ Win, Purdprt.. | /Mr. and, Mrs, Jack Taylor and family of Belgrave spent. Sunday ' with .Mr,. and'.Mrs,-M^ark. Arrri- •-rS’trr-ebg— . The W.M.S, will M held at the home of Miss-Emma Richard­ son* on Thursday afternoon, Feb­ ruary 11th. * Mr. Johnny Smith of Ripley spent Sunday -afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie. Mrs. Rit­ chie’s mother, Mrs. Mary Jane Tiffin is visiting with: her for a While. The Young Peoples’ s * meeting was held in the church Monday evening. “Mr. Charlie Tiffin had charge of the program and also gave the topic. • Jimmy Moffat gaveaprayer.-Re^LCurrieread the scripture and also gave the closing prayer. Contests were also enjoyed. Next fleeting will be Monday night at the church'. I Mr, Lawrence MacLeod receiv-,' ed a new Ford Saturday. i The community extends deep­ est sympathy ’to the Editor, his mother, brothers and sisters . in ' the loss of their brother Willard. Sympathy is also extended to the Graham/family, in the loss of their mother, Mrs, Duncan Graham. HURON CO. CROP REPORT^ Approximately 15 twWr inches of snow fell in some bf the sec-*- tions of the County last week and particularly over the week-end. However, with up-to-datg, snow refnoval equipment, farm meet­ ings held in the County this week were exceptionally well attend­ ed. It was reported at the annual meeting of the County Hog Pro­ ducers Association that weanling pigs were selling at community and farm sales for as much as ?$28:S0 apiece? Approximately 100’ people including veterinarians, municipal and Federation of Ag- riculture officials and farmers'- at- tended a general calfhood vac­ cination meeting to hear the Pro­ vincial veterinarian explain the calfhood vaccination program Which“iS“functioning“uhder^the- Brucellosis Act. United Church W.M.S. The Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of the United Church met on Wednesday afternoon, Febru- 3rd at the home of Miss Mac­ Gregor with an attendance of 24 members. The meeting .opened •with the hymn “What a Friend •we have in Jesus6 ‘and prayer was offered by Mrs. Robertson. The. scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Breckles. On February 17th a sewing bee. is .to be held at Mrs. McKim’s to make stuffed toys for the bale; Any ladies having material and ' patterns please bring them to the sewing bee, Mrs: Breckles took; the “chair for the program; : a temperance reading was given by Mrs. Al­ ton; Mrs. Harold Treleaven gave by GREAT WEST KITCHENS BROTHERHOOD CARHARTT All sanforized and sized. COVERALLS, OVERALLS, SMOCKS, JEANS & PANTS. We stock all sizes. CAPS, GLOVES, SOX,vUNDERWEAR,__ SWEATERS, SHIRTS, BRACES, JACKETS. SPECIAL • Heavy Plaid Wool SHIRTS Clearing: HALF PRICE a reading and a delightful solo was rendered by®Mrs. Haldenby. Mrs. A. Alton gave the chapter in the, study book and the meet­ ing closed with prayer by Mrs. Breckles. Lunch was served. , OBITUARY MRS. ANDREW FOX The whole ’ Whitechurch com­ munity was deeply saddened by the passing /of Jennie Phillips, widow of the late Andrew Fox, onFriday,February5thrl954~ at the home of her' daughter, Miss jsobel, R.N., of Blyth/She was tin her 88th year. ——FOt-^many^-years^Mrs/-Fox^was a highly esteemed resident of this community. She was a mem­ ber of the United Church, a fife member of. the W.M;S. and Was a tireless worker in all church and community enterprises. She leaves to mourn her, three daughters, Alba (Mrs. Roy Pat­ ton) of St; George; Isabel, R.N., of Bly th and Lettie of Hamilton; two sisters and two brothers sur­ vive'also, Zeke Phillips of Au­ burn; John of Yellow Grass, Sask;.; Mrs:. Wm. (Kezia) Hum­ phrey /of St. Helens and Mrs. -Eliza Tebutt' (of Goderich. She was predeceased by a daughter, Greta, r?n. "■ ■ ■ • The funeral was. held from Cur- , rie’s Funeral Home, Wingham, on Sunday, February 7th, with Rev,. W. J. Watt and Rev. Scott of Bly.th, officiating. Interment was in Wingham Cemetery. At These Prices MILK, qt. : •_ _ Head Lettuce, each 15c Cello Radish, 2 pkgs. „ 25c Grapefruit . / 10 for 49c Oranges, 288’s, doz. . 25c Oranges, 220’s/doz* . 39c Tangarines, large, doz. 39c Potatoes* bag ’ $1 S- • Grapes Cello Carrots 2 lbs. 29c 2 for 25 c ' Chinese Lettuce 1 *X* orn Cauliflbwer Musi 1100 ms Celery Hearts Cukes • Peppers Brocdli Green Beans Yellow Beans Oysters 5 “IF IT GROWS- Free Delivery Anytime — ’Phone 119, Lucknow