HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-03, Page 8WEDNESDAY, FEB. 3rd, 1954 1..............................L..........!!!■!"■■ .I---,-!!"!1-'..... j<. Continued Activity Shown *1 By Red Cross ReportsI ► LADIES’ DRESSES<( J Third OffJersey and Boucle Wool 14 i I i r LADIES’ COATS, STATION WAGON COATS ■ a » I ► <(LADIES’ DRESSES THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 4- y» / f 7 /• .. Third Off Te^i^Agers---,< SATIN STATION WAGON COATS f.-:' ages 8 to 16 I $hort Collar, clearance price ... I. Loi^ CoUar, dciarance'jwice .../■ ASHTON’S $10.95 $12,95; i i MEN’S, LADIES’and CHILDREN’S WEAR j . Piece Goods and Woollens ' | L LOCAL MAN HEADS INDUSTRY GROUP ■ ■ ■ \ ----------—■ • S. B. Stothers was elected chairman of the recently formed Bruce County industrial Promo­ tion Association which held its organization meeting in Walker­ ton. Mr. Stothers had been in­ terim chairman since the group was formed last fall. Other officers include, Arno Kelly of Kincardine, vice chair­ man; Robert Brown, Walkerton; David H_Carruthers, .Kinloss and E. J; Fox, Chesley, directors. The Association -will be fin­ anced by municipal grants on the t * BORN NICHOLSON—in Wingham Hos­ pital, on Wednesday, January 20, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nicholson, R. 2, Lucknow, a son. THAT Joseph Agnew observed his 86th birthday ;on Monday, February 1st. Apart from de- .. fective vision, Mr. Agnew con- tinues to. enjoy comparatively good, health and is able <to be down to the office regularly. THAT Dale Congram, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cliiff Congram, was taken to Sick Children’s Hos­ pital, London' to receive treat­ merit aimed at correcting a de­ formity resulting from a severe pelvic injury received in a highway accident ^over a year ago. The lad’s limb will be put under traction ‘treatment for a\time, and then a cast will be applied, it is expected. THAT Frank Miller, who scribes to the Winnipeg Press, gave us a ring’on Tues­ day to say that Rev. Robert Macconnell’s picture had ap­ peared also in that paper. I sub­ Free FORMER LUCKNOWITE MARKS 58th ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs.... J. C. Fritzley of Chesley celebrated the 58th anni­ versary of their wedding with a family dinner at their home Jan­ uary 29 th. Mrs. Fritzley was . formerly .Cora. .Ross, daughter .of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Fritzley were married in Lucknow and have been .tfesi- —basis of $lJ0.00 per l000 popula- dents- of Chesley : for—57—years, tiori, or portion thereof. , It is hoped that all municipalities in the county, both urban and rural, will join the Association. Representatives to the Associa­ tion to date are from Hanover, Kincardine, Walkerton,,Lucknow, They are (faithful members of Holy lYirnty Anglican Church. The couple has two daughters, Mrs. R. B. Hetherington, Ches­ ley and Mrs. Cliff Wright, of Athens. Mrs. T._ W. Smith of Lucknow is a sister of Mrs. Fritz- i THAT. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cum­ mins / of Bluecher, Sask., left on Tuesday on their, return West, after renewing acquaint­ ances and visiting at the home of his brother; Michael Cum­ mins of West Wawanosh.: Mr. Cummins is a director of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool and “had^come^East^toTattehd^tKe . annual meeting of the Canad­ ian Federation of Agriculture, held at London. ?;.■ —o^- ; ;.. the. mercury took a nose on Thursday evening to Paisley, Teeswater, Chesley, Kin- ley. loss, Huron and Elderslie Town-1-------— ships. I continue their owh individual in- Municipalities will be free to dustrial promotion as they wish' ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► / "w.-W w w v w y v yr'Tv.y SHOP and SAVE the IGA WAY: . < < . < ■■ •< ’ < ■J . < u < • 1 • .< • < ■< < < < ■ ■ < ■ < •v SMITH’S CASH AND I CARRY STORE WHY PAY MORE * A THAT dive six'below zero between. 8 and 10 o’clock, and by the next morning, within about 10 hours, had climbed to 12 degrees above, which is pretty typical , of the variety the Weatherman is dishing up this winter. THAT prior to leaving fob his new B of M managerial post at Sarnia, Ceic McAlpine was pre­ sented with a pedestal ashtray, by the'Mildmay Monarchs hoc­ key team in recognition of his services as secretary of the Club. • 1 S.. B, Stothers Elected President, Succeeding W. B. Anderson, Who Held Presidency For Max­ imum Term Of Three Years. The annual meeting of the Lucknow and Vicinity Branch of the Canadian Red Cross, Society was held on Friday afternoon in the Town Hall, January 28th. . • The retiring president7~MrrWr B, Anderson, expressed his ap- preciation of the support given him during his three years in office. •V The election of officers for the year 1954 was then held and the following were chosen: honorary presidents, Mr. Stuart Robertson, Mr. T. W. Smith, Mr. J. R. Mc­ Nab; president, Mr. S. B. Stoth­ ers; vice president,Mr. James Henderson; treasurer, Mir. G. M. Couse; secretary, Mrs. W. B. An- I derson; campaign chairman,'.Mr. ' J. Henderson; women’s work committee chairman, Mrs. A. E. McKim; hospital visiting com­ mittee. ... chairman, Mr. T. W. Smith. The treasurer’s report was as folldws: , )■ . . Rp/>Aint.c ' Cash on hand .....$1,792.21 Campaign receipts .... ..... 4,408;70 Special, donations ?.’........ .. 25.00 ? $3*225.91 Disbursements' Remitted to Toronto div­ ision ......... X. ........,..:....$2,047.21 Work Room supplies* and expenses Civilian welfare ................ Blood donors ($10. x 7) .. Cash on hand, Jan. 28th, ’ —1954- 388.44 80.52 70.00 *v ^0:84 $3,225.91 Civilian Welfare includes: For* glasses'......... $35.00 Transportation children for glasses ............................. Gift packs at Xmas ........ Cigarettes at Xmas, post­ age,. etcX. 7.00 28.80 9.72 $80,52 'fhe following Work Commit­ tee report was presented by Mrs. A. E. McKim, convener of the committee: • The Work Committee accepted subscription, George Mirehouse of Sarles, North Dakota, says they have been having.-a two weeks’ cold spell with temper­ atures from 30 to 40 below. ► Clark’s x ► Pork & Beans, 20 oz. 2 for 35c ,Breakfast Club ,Raspberry Jam, 24 oz. ?....? 35c Hereford Corned Beef .... 43c , LGA. Margarine ....... ...... , Pancake Mix, 20 oz. . ... > Crown Brand or Bee k Hive ,Com Syrup, 2 lb, , Green Giant , Com Niblets, 14 oz. 2 for /White Swan, /Toilet Tissue .... , Gold (Seal /Sockeye Salmon , Fisherman > Sockeye Salmon ... 3 for $1.00 X Carnation Milk, tall can 14c J .;--................. Il,l.r<l,....... 2 for 29c 21c 29c 37c 25c 37c 29c Lynn Valley Com, 15 oz. . 2 for 21c Cheer, large .................. 39c Robin Hood White' Cake Mix I.GJ1. Cream Com, 20 oz. 2 for 29c Grapefruit, 96’s .... -10 for 49c Simkist Oranges, 288’s Grapes, Celery, J Radish, Lettuce, Parsnips, Tomatoes, New Carrots, New Cabbage, ..... 2doz. 59c Bananas, Sweet Potatoes, Cauliflower, Cranberries, Celery Hearts, Turnips, Potatoes, >■ New Beets, SMITH’S FOOD MARKS T i i THAT Young Peoples’ Unions from St. Helens, South Kinloss, Luckow Presbyterian, Hacketts and Bervie were entertained on Monday evening by the Luck­ now United Church Young Peo­ ples at a skating party in the local arena. THAT a child health conference is to be sponsored by the. Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion on , February 16th, and is open to all babies and pre-school age children in the district. I I » a- a r. a T A quotas for civilian clothing which were finished and shipped before the end of the year. Work con­ sisted of 16 layettes with a total of 282 articles; 120 items of civ­ ilian clothing and 26 quilts for v a total of 428 articles. T>ro rep­ resentatives of .the wprk commit­ tee attended tfie annual meeting and also attended a special Work < Room conveners. session\. Work was cut in the work rooms, dis-. tributed and called for. Thanks are due the many faithful work­ ers. who sew and knit the year round that 'clothing inay be sent ‘ to those in distress. The Loan Cupboard has 'been in use as usual and four of the wheelchairs and the hospital bed belonging to the Society are on loan now. THAT there were eight tables at > • the Monday night Shoot party, | the prize winners being Mrs.' Orville Elliott and Earl Har^ . ris. '■ ’ . FAIR BOARD (Continued from Page 1) for the fair of late years have been the last Tuesday an<^. Wed­ nesday in September,, v J ... The meeting discussed the mat­ ter at some length, an<i the ques* lion is to be nulled over, and another meeting held in a couple of weeks (to set the Fair date. In. any event, it was decided that a calithumpian parade should replace the school child­ ren’s parade, but that district schools . would be requested to enter floats, along with industrial, commercial, and individual en­ tries. J. ' . This change along with other - new attractions would carry out a policy of “something different” every year. / —~—PresidentRe-Elected-----~— Fred McQuillin was re-elected for a second term as president, as were Wm. MacIntyre; first, vice president arid Gordon Kirkland,__. Second vice president? Honorary presidents, John McQuillin, F. G. Todd; Jacob Hunter, W. A. Mil­ ler, George Kennedy, A. Gaunt. Directors—Kinloss, Allan Mac- . Intyre, Evan Keith; Ashfield, Ja­ cob Hunter, Glen Campbell, West Wawanosh, Tom Todd, George Kennedy; Huron; Austin Martin, W. S. MacQuire; Lucknow, S. C. Rathwelb ” . ' ■ Associate directors — Kinloss, Ira Dickie, W. L. Irwin, Alex Mc­ Kenzie; Huron, Richard Martin, Norval Stewart, B. Bdrkwell, A. . Hamilton; West . Wawanosh, Wai-,. lace Miller, John McQuillin, F. G. Todd, Allan Miller; Ashfield, Cecil Johnston, Roy Alton, Oliver -McGhariesy—Ameld~Alton^—Luck-—- now’, Alex Andrew, S. B. Stoth- , L. C. Thompson, W. A. reserve in 'March are the 4th* 1 and 5th,' when the Lucknow ers, District High School concert Schmid, Jack Henderson, Bert will rtbe presented, and March i ”T‘ 29th vjhen that popular Tor-! onto men’s ciioir men” will be heard in the High • School Auditorium. Wm. F. ___ ____ ________ Thompson, a former Lucknow | Stewart, Mrs. F G. Todd, Mrs. boy, is a member of the choir. | Wm. /MacIntyre, Mrs; W. A. Mil- r—p— & 1 ler, Mrs. George Kennedy, Mrs. THAT the Sentinel mailing, list/Oliver McCharles, Mrs. Jacob will be revised shortly. Many j Hunter, Mts. Fred McQuillin and subscriptions^ expire ?it the end ( presidents of women’s local or- vr -. ganizations. . To Sponsor Calf Club I ; The Society is to again, spon­ sor a 4-H baby beef calf club, and re-appointed .the same ,,lead­ ers, Tom Todd and George Ken­ nedy. • Ken Murdie and Chas. Webster., were appointed auditors, to suc- -ceedthe-lateWm.“'Mufdie^arid‘'-’"“ 'Wm. A. Porteous who had acted as auditors for a nufriber of years. Allan MacIntyre and Lloyd Irr win were appointed collectors. | Ward. \ ' Associate lady directors—Miss “The Song-! J. Lyons, Mrs., R. G. Martin, Mrs. 11 Tom Todd, .Mrs. Harry Lavis, Mrs. James Webster, Mrs. Philip of the year. Have you renewed yours yet? . ! j THAT Roy Lightfoot has -been appointed general sales mana­ ger of the Stevens - Hepner Company of Port Elgin.' Roy * is also a director of the company7 -THAT there-were-the-usual -eight tables at the Auxiliary Shoot party on Friday. : night. Prize 1 winners were Mrs. N. H. Hed- ! ley and Keith Collyer.- • c ■:* THAT Mrs. Con Foran, who uri- __derwent^a.major...operation^in. St Joseph’s Hospital, London, , is. recuperating favorably and expects to return home this week.- - I INFANTS* DRESSES f , ALL WOOL TARTANS 54 inches wide, Reg. $2.98 a yd. Reduced to clear, yd, $2.40 * .............. i |' I.T .............■ .......... ■ , .....ALL.XYWN ANKLE^HO^B---. lyiple, roll cuffs’, ‘pink; blue-, yel- . low, white, sizes 5 to 8b2.49c . BOYS’ WORK SOX • Rugged Wearing work socks, 10 percent nylon and 90 percent wool/pair , -Assortment of crepe, celandse & nylon in. attractive baby -styles, pink, blue, yellow and white.- ■ Only ................... $1.39 * • » < /. • KNEE LENGTH HOSE '? All nylon, long wearing & shrink resistant, siz^s 7 to 9%, colors red, The- • MARKET STORE ----MEN’^WEAIr^ WORK PANTS—sanforized. Spe< cial at; pair ..........;.kJ $3.49 Men’s Fleeced COMBINATIONS -*-sizes 34 to 46; pair ..... $3.95 , tu'O pair for ...... $7.50 . SPECIAL—Men’s cotton hose, re­ inforced wi th nylon. Substand- ards, pair W- Two pair for ...i..$1.00 .