HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-03, Page 4PAfcrE' FOUR ' Dance in Kintail Community WEDNESDAY, FEB. 3rd, 1954 * THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 7 ’ FOR RENT—small apartment in the Joynt Block. Apply to J. W. . Joynt. ‘ ; ’ • 1 if-" - WANTED TO RENT— (farm suit- able for general farming. Apply at Sentinel Office. ” •' •' FORRENT—house-on-eorner7ot Willoughby and Havelock ^Sts,, 6 rooms and bath. Available at. once. Apply E. J. Farrish, Gorrie. FOR SALE—cement septic tanks, approved by the Health Unit. We deliver them. Forsiter’s Welding Shop, phope 206-1-11, Lucknow. PHONE 41 for a price on meat " by the quarter; also, custom: .work and cutting. Welsh Meat Market, Lucknow. . NEW IMPROVED .higher protein . Pioneer Chick Starter crumbles for. ’54.s Available from D. R. Fin­ layson,' Lucknow. - , p 1 I ■If’ & LIVESTOCK WANTED • , . • ♦ , ' . •/ Dead, disabled horses or cows removed free of . charge. For prompt and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll il, Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. FARM FOR SALE — 100 acres, W.H; Lot 6, Con. 9, Ashfield, gqod buildings' with; hydro, .spring i:reekrApplytoGeorgeDrerinan, R.. 7, Lucknow. . - FOR SALE—brick building, 22 x j50, upstairs modern apartment, steam heat. bottom floor suitable for shop or store, full dry. base­ ment. N. W. Winterstein. ■ r SALESMAN WANTED WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Brucq Coun­ ty. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler ’• considered.' Write Raw- leigh’s Dept. B-271-131, Montreal. MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the quar­ ter. Beef killed under license from the. Department of Health. Highest quality. Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, Phone 24-30 Ripley. ’■ ,! “GOOD CHICKS . . bought early” they get you best markets—best prices for Grade A Large. Bray Hatchery has chicks for any market, any preference. But time is slipping, ask us for particulars of new prices effective in Feb­ ruary—then order, from agent— D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. saveuptoTsIoo ' <On a new DUO-THERM oil burn­ ing forced air furnace. Packaged unit delivered complete ready to. “install it yourself” under expert supervision. Send for illustrated catalogue explaining new peri­ meter type.heating and step by step instructions for assembly. Dealer inquiries invited? Perma- ’ Flo . Heating Systems, Clifford, Ont c i ’ ■ • *4.• • . • •3 k i * NOTICE ■ A meeting of the Local As­ sociation of Girl Guides will be held-at the horne of Mrs. W. V. Johnston on Monday .evening, ^--February 80 at--8.00 -p.m-/—— NOTICE Economical Beef Production Teeswater Town Hall, Friday, February 5th, -2.00 p.m. Special speakers on Purdue Supplement A; More Beef, Less Work with Grass; Stabling Beef Cattle; Re­ view of Beef Pasture. Farms and general review of the beef in*, dustry; observations on self feed- • < ing by- stack and trench silos. W-ll l|■ lliuul Kill I* I M _> i_» n i .... f-NOTICE ' The annual meeting of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire In­ surance Company will be held in the Parish Hall, Dungannon, on Friday; February # 12thc 1954, at 2.00 p.m., tb receive reports, . elect directors and for <the trans* action of general business.., ..... Durniri Phillips, Sec.*Treas. I * GODERICH, ONT. Telephone 1011, 4 Britannia. Rd. (corner South St.) REUBEN WILSON R. R. 3, Goderich . ...PhoneL80-r-8 Duhgannon SPRAY PAINTING SANDINd & FINISHING New and Old Floors For prompt service call FRED EMBERLIN ’Fhone 194, Lucknow Investigate Before Investing OPPORTUNITIES—Men, Women Become a bookkeeper, steno­ grapher, or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50c. For particulars, , write Canadian. Correspondence Course^, 1290 , Bay Street, Tor­ onto. ' ' . SEEDCLEANING—Commencing Feb. ..1st will do custom cleaning specially for removal of “buck- horn” and, noxious weeds ’ from clover seed. Good stock clovers and«: grasses at prices that will save farmers $2 to $4 per bushel. Roy Gramm & Sop, Seed Mer­ chants, Pinkerton, Ontario, phone Cargill 68-W-3. CHAIN SAWS, ETC, Agent for a complete line of Mall chain, saws, available with Oregon chipper chains. Some used saws obtainable; also Mall elec­ tric-hand saws, drills, sanders,. No. 40 Castrol outboard oil. Jack Barr, R. 1, Holyrood Phone 18-29 Ripley. I AUCTION SALE An auction sale of cattle and pigs will be'held inside at Bervie on Friday, February 5th at 1.00 ciclock. 30 young Holstein cows and heifers, fresh and springing; 5 really top 2-year-old Holstein heifers due March; 10 rising two-’ year-oldzbred Holstein--heifers;. 10 well bred Holstein heifer cal­ ves, two weeks old pr older; 10 young Tamworth sows in pig; 10 or more sucker pigs.., Elton McLelland,& Sons, Ber- vie, Prop.; Donald Blue, Auc;* CARD OF THANKS The Family of the.-.late.-Mrs. Duncan Graham gratefully ack­ nowledge the many kind expres­ sions of sympathy extended to them following, the sudden ilL ness and death of their mother.. NOTICE The annual meeting of the Wingham General Hospital As­ sociation will be held on Friday ? February 5th at 8.00 p.m. in the Recreation Room of the Nurses’ Residence at Wingham. All (mat­ ters of business pertaining to the Wingham Hospital Association in­ cluding the election of directors and other officers and the con-, sideration and passing of the by­ laws -.of the Hospital will be transacted—Everyone-welcome-te- attend. ’ JOHN STRONG, Secretary. ’Phone Carlow 2105 R.R. 1. Port Albert 4 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding,. Brushes, Bearings, Etc.: — Reliable Service — Oilsom. Service- =...... ........ „... - Electrical Appliances Freezers, Dryers, Washers HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough * STATE FARM MUTUAL automobile INSURANCE [coming events] DANCE AT KINTAIL Hall op ftiday, February |5th, sponsored by Kintai| W* !• Limch counter.. Proceeds for hall fund. Carruther’s orchestra. , CHILD HEALTH CONFERENCE A child health conference for babies and pre-school children Will be held in the Legion Rooms, Lucknow, on Tuesday, February 16th from 10 to 11.30 a.m., The Clinic is sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion. All are welcome. , . . PUBLIC MEETING The Forresters Lodge must dis­ pose of their hall'at Langside and are calling a public meeting to be held on Tuesday, February 9th at 8.30, to discuss the poss­ ibility of the 'Qommuhity pur­ chasing the hall as a Community Centre. ' DUNGANNON W.I. DISCUSS HURON CO. SCHOLARSHIP Dungannon Women’s Institute met for their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. George Watt.’ ’ The president, Mrs. O. Brooks, opened the meeting with the Ode and Mary Stewart, Collect. The roll call was answered by fifteen members naming “The handiest thing in my kitchen”. It was de­ cided to sponsor the 4-H Home Garden Club project with leaders to be chosen l^ter. Arrangements are being* made to . send Mrs. -Bi^ks-tc^OrA-jCv,-Guelph,-to~the- presidents’ conference on May 6 and 7. .. ' ’ / ' /’ Mrs.. Durmn Phillips, District President, conducted a.panel dis- cussion-_pn„the__establiishin)g__of__aL Huron County scholarship. She was assisted by Mrs. O. Popp and Mrs. C. Crozier. Mrs. H. Mole, Home Economic convener, gave a paper on .Home Management,, dwelling especially on kitchen planning. Mrs. H. Finnigan gave a talk and demonstration on salad making. She made two vegetable j salads which were’ later sampled J and much enjoyed by those pres­ ent The meeting closed with The- Queenland lunch followed under: the convehership of Mrs. L., Hasty. ' Is Your ^Subscription Paid? RAY ROBINSON floors' LAID, SANDED AND FINISHED. TREAT THE COW SAVE THE CALF To insure the birth, oLhealthy, vigorous calves and tb avoid problems with the cow; at calving time give every preg- . nant cow on your farm Nixon’s PREVENTEX POWDER (Vitamins and Minerals) ^For * the" lasr“3b""days “BeforiT calving and the first two weeks of freshening. Prevent Trouble With Preventex UMBACH DRUG STORE Phone 13-w,; Lucknow I ROY N. BENTLEY ■ * Public Accountant of LUCKNOW ft Telephone 175 G. ALAN WILLIAMS / Optometrist Office on Patrick St., just off the Main St, in wingham Professional Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings by appointment, Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN Havelock St., ^outh Supertest Ghrage V JpHNSTONFS FUNERAL HOME ’Phone 76 r Day or Night . Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost Moderate Prices MacLENHAN arid MacKEHZIE FUNERAL SERVICE .Services conducted accord­ ing to your wishes .at your Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE ”“TKohe"181;~LucknoWi-Day- .. or Night. t Agnews’Agency Howard Agnew —? Jos. Agnew I member of Ontario Insurance Agents’ Association I. i I t GENERAL INSURANCE " Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 j Residence 138 INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile . Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. See ... T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon Kenneth J. Mackenzie R.O. Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at Wrona’s Jewellery store, Ripley, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., WEDNESDAY, FEB. 10th and every Second Wednesday. Eyes, examined - Glasses fitted -For.-appointment Jphone-.-Roy- MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. i PAPERING : and PAINTING 1954 Wallpaper Samples on hand BUSINESSand TAXSERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS ; . For The ; Small Merchant, Professional ' man and. the Farmer. .. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 7.4 - Lucknow, Ont Office in Kilpatrick Block ’Phope 23-w c* 1 F. T. ARMSTRONG — \ OPTOMETRIST GODERICH / FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 .* For Appointment or Information See Wm. A. Sehmid, ’Phone 167-w Lucknow INSURANCE; FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDQNAGH R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon i R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL; ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW \ Every . \' .' Wednesday and Saturday. Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block > Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31-J i I P. Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor, WALKERTON, ONTARIO *1- INLUCKNOW Each Wednesday « OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK ■r R. S. Hetherington, Q.C. Barrister, Etc. Wingham and Lucknow > IN LUCKNOW Each Monday and Wednesday Located on the ground floor in the front of, John Kilpatrick’s Building ’Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence >7— ' - .. B Insure VVith The CulrossMutual FIRE INSURANCE CO. for Reasonable rates, sound pro­ tection’ & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. FARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent ; ’Phone Teeswater 57-T-41