HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-03, Page 34t1 * 4-THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE! THREE was r the end : with Mr. and Mrs. Herb The Care Free Farm Forum 4 that THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE WHITECHURCH I Mrs. i 10 for 39c IL T IX T The reason there are so good talkers in public is few that ELECT JACK MacKENZIE AS CO-OP PRESIDENT f, >> Ji *r* at in G. in The, handwriting on the wall usually means there’s a child in the family. the will L.S.A., main PASSES AT KINTAIL a ’ severe taken'• to court, 22 were for in­ fractions of the LJC.A. This town has at least 5. legal outlets. No town in Huron County has any such record of crime.—Advt. /etefinary surgeon and went . . • Sir D.akbta ‘to4- live 'when • riff man and grandchildren ■ofossion Until-the time b hifiJ • i 1 great lover .of, <mimals', driving ? r itp ' vai i.1^l i'ZXc’i 1 ds cirid I.! $U'b-2cr .. »r t ;• a.. ^gPNESDAY, FEB. 3rd, 1954 r Local 4 General I WilMd Thompson is poorly at f?. and is confined: to bed. t Johri-Kilpa trick able to be I cut again- after being confined ■■folhe house for a couple of L with varicose eczema. I George Graham of Kinlough is t. 6wly improving after being 1 laid UP for ten weeks with sci- I atica. \ *• Elizabeth Henderson, daughter | of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Hender- son, has returned home from Sick l; Children’s Hospital, v Dxrhrd"^ h , § where she had, been a patient K lor~tlie^past few~ weeks ~ writh~a -throat ailment. ■ ■ Mrs. Howard; Agnew returned home from London the^ early part of last week where she had uh-' dergone surgery; Mrs. Charles | Mason has also returned home I from Toronto jvhere she under- ] went an, eye. operation. | ■ . • • ... • ’ OBITUARY MRS. DUNCAN GRAHAM With the death of Mrs. Duncan Graham of the 2nd Con. of Kin­ loss 4in Wingham Hospital, Sat- urday, January 23rd, there pass­ ed away an old and highly re­ spected member Of this commun-. ity. Mrs. Graham was in her 89th '■ year and until a few days before ■ her death enjoyed remarkably good health, always enjoyed z meeting old friends and was al­ ways in regular attendance at church. ■ ; She suffered a severe stroke early Friday, morning from which she never- rallied^ passing1 away late Saturday evening. The de- f ceased was the daughter , of othie ! .late Neil, McKillop and Mary Mc- j Intyre of Elgin County. Of a fam- —ily-of-six.daughters-and^one-sonr ■ only one sister survives, Miss 2 Belle McKillop of St. Thomas. j She was married in 1890 to L Duncan Graham, who predeceased her 19 years ago. Surviving are two daughters and three sons, (Bessie) Mrs. B.. T. Sangster of Toronto; (May) Mrs. W. F. Mac­ Donald, 4th Con;; Huron; Neil C. of Perth; Douglas, 2nd Con., Kin- loss;., and Archie of London. Also surviving are 13 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The deceased was for many years a faithful member of South Kinloss Presbyterianr; church and a. life member of the W.M.S. The service was conducted the Johnstone Funeral Home Lucknow by her pastor, Rev; S. Baulch with interment ... South Kinloss Cemetery. The pallbearers were_ Duncan Mac- ^onnell, Frank ’Graham, Archie MacIntyre, Frank MacKenzie, Mack -Keith and Herb Bucktori. *: II LUCKNOW ! | united CHURCH | Minister:. I Re«, G. A. MeikleJohn, j B.A., B.D. J SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7th 1100 am.: “Another’s Burden” 112.15 p.m : Church School ! (downstairs); 700 p.m.: “The Sun Never ! Sets”, colored slides with | I recording. I |Note Change The Rev. J. j I Stinson will be out guest! j----on ^tarch 7th. | -____ _ . Lucknow I Presbyterian Church I C. A. Winn, B.A., ! Minister. ! I;SDNDaY. FEBRUARY 7tli I CHURCH CHANNELS Second Assembly of World Council of Churches be held at Evanston, Ill,u ?L.the-.. As5ejiibly„..wi-iUb^ Yi^eS.US Christ, the Hope of the World”. Six subsidiary topicsiwj 11- be discussed. Faith and Order— Our Oneness in Christ and Ou? ' Gllurches; Evangelism —The Mission of . the Church to those Outside Her Life. Social Problicms—The Responsible Soc­ iety in a World Perspective. In­ ternational Affairs—Christians in the Struggle for. World ..Commun, 1 .Ity- Inter-Group Relations—The Church Ardid. Racial 'and' Ethnic Tensions. The Laity—The Christ­ ian in his. vocation, A great service I of Worship will be held in Sold- Tier’s Field on the opening Sun­ day, an exhibition of Christian ..art, and A c9ncerf by the Chi­ cago. Sympony Orchestra: There will be six hundred delegates ap­ pointed. by the member churches, one hundred and fifty consult-’ ants appointed by the Central Committee, and "one hundred youth delegates, fraternal visi­ tors and accredited visitors. Them will be fifteen Canadian dele­ gates. a BUILDING 11_2yyatched then) tearing.a builds ing down, 2; A‘gang of’meh Tn a busy town, With a y.o-heave-ho and a‘ lusty yell, ’ They swung a beam and the side wall fell. 1 asked the foreman: “Are these! 2 . men skilled^—* The kind, you would hire .if. you . wanted to. build?” He laughed and said:’ “Why no indeed, > Just common labor i§ all I need:' They can easily wreck in a day . or two . - . What builders have taken years to do”. . ‘ 1 asked myself, as. I went my ... ’way- . . : Which of these roles; have L tried today?. ■’ .• Am I. aZbuilder, who works with, care, ■■■ ■ ■' '■ . Measuring life by the ..rule and : square, Shaping' my deeds by the well- , made plan, Patiently doing the. best I can? Or am 1 a wrecker who walks the town, •. Content with the labor of tearing down? LANGSIDE HALL IS UP FOR SALE • ’ .1 ! . < . The Langside Forsters* Hall to go up for sale and the people of that vicinity . are to be given the first opportunity to purchase the building as a community hall. A public meeting is to be held .nextTuesday -evening to discuss the matter. .' . The few remaining members of the Forsters lodge „at Langside, feel they can no longer maintain the building, and have decided to take steps to dispose of it, —The—hail-^as—foim^y^lhe schoolhouse and was purchased -by-the-Forsters~in~1901~the^rear after the new brick school built. 7 The Board of Directors of L ucknow District Co-op h$s elects ed Jack MacKenzie of Ashfield as president. Vice president is Ralph Cameron, and J. R Mc­ Leod is the Board’s secretary. CENTRAL FARM FORUM Central Farm.. Forum of West Wawanosh met at the home of Mr. and Mrs Gordon IHcTavish on Monday evening. The subject for discussion was, “Barriers to Trade” and the Forum’s findings on the topic were: i 1. We think the farmers would benefit by free trade in all farm products. Fruits and vegetables would be cheaper and thus pro­ mote better health >ampng our citizens. 2. We think Canada as a whole would benefit. by complete- free trade as it would encourage more1 efficiency in Canadian industry. Wm. Kinahan and Wm. Pur- donwere-tiedforthehighscore in cards, with Mrs. Albert Tay- I lor having the high lady’s score. The meeting next Monday will be at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Finnigan. The topic will be i “What Grade, Madam?” The amount .of-trouble result­ ing from the drinking of liquor is directly proportionate to the amount consumed. The ' amount consumed is directly proportion­ ate to the facilities offered to the trade by law. Far-reaching scien­ tific research has established the above truths. If an Ontario town at present under the L.C.A. votes "to close one or more liquor out­ lets, liquor consumption in that town will certainly decrease. In Huron County, under the C.T.A., ; moUegaLxHitlet4diUnLquor-sale-ex-_ ist. Granted a measure of illegal sale, - the total consumption in Huron, judged by theu trouble re­ sulting from drinking bere as compared with L.C.A. counties., is | comparatively small. The police . report for a small ‘ neighboring town tinder the L.C.A., for the months of September and Octob- i I SOFT, LONG- ' LASTING Bailey’s Beauty Salon announces that Hair Reconditioning ’ • 'z •* . . ■ Cannowbedoneatthesametimea—— permanent wave is being given. Lovelier, longer-lasting permanent' waves are u assured by the use .of a new chemical discovery recently available to us. /■ THIS RECONDITIONING AGENT has- been used recently in our Salon to Our entire satisfaction AT Nb EXTRA CHARGE TO YOU you are having hair trouble consult us; if you are not having hair trouble, keep it right by treating it right. Bailey’s Beauty Salon Phone 115, Lucknow. CULROSS CORNERS Hope Bay who have spent the ; past thee weeks at the home of Mr. Jack Schumacher accom-;. their son, Ira Dickie, returned panied Mr. Melvin Zettel of home on Monday. Walkerton to .Listowel on Tues-1 Mr. arid Mrs. Allen and family day. Mrs. Zettel and Jeari visited of Birch Cliff soent the week- Mrs. Schumacher. Z2i_. 22.__ ; Mr. Earle Hodgins spent last Buckton. week in Toronto;; He had charge The Care Free Farm Fdriim of the Dion display at the Orfeda met Tuesday evening at the home show. , • of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. MacKen- J Miss Mary Collinson, student at zip.__ _____■ . ' ■ the L.D.H.S., spent Wednesday i night with Mrs. y. Weiler, Luck­ now. . -L ? I, Mr. arid Mrs. Murray Hender-; sori, Lucknow, spent Friday af­ ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Wraith. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack iSchumacher there are so few thinkers in pri- accompanied by Mr. arid Mrs.' rate. Don Donaldson and Mr. Melvin f Zettel of Walkerton, motored to Toronto on .Wednesday arid at-} , tended the Orfeda show. ] The ^eath of George. E; Kit- Z. a . -sori, 74, occurred last WednesdayMrs. M. Gamble of Wirigham at his home near Kintail, after was . jr^eek-epd guest of Mrs. a long illness. He formerly lived. Alice MacKenzie. ! at St. Thoma’s and London where _ ____ he was employed as a carpenterFOURTH CONCESSION, with- the C.N.R. bridge building -—— , department. • Keith Roulston, Grade I pupil". Mrs.. Kitson was formerly Ma­ in. Lucknow. Public School, is tilda (Tillie) Thompson, daughr home sick with the measles. :.ter of the . late Mr. and-Mrs. Wm; Mrs. B. Sangster of. Toronto. Thompson of Dungannon. She who spent s^yeral.>days at'the survives along with a family of hoime of her sister, Mrs. W. F. MacDonald Sit the ’ time of th? serious illness and death of their mother, Mrs. Duncan Grahdm, returned home1 on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Dickie of I. - ’ . ’ ■ . • Man is the only animal blushes—or needs to. one son and three daughters. The funeral was held on Friday from Cranston Funeral Home, God­ erich, to Dungannon. Cemetery. Rev. George Watt conducted the service. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. i4iwiMvib4k> __________ ___ _ Kirk is a patient ,in_ Winghamj er 1953, revealed that of 43 cases Hospital. . Mrs. Stewart Scott .'(formerly Maude Conn) is in .Wingham Hospital suffering­ stroke.. > Mr. and Mrs.; Garnet Farrier, and Janis visited a couple of days with his- brother,, Mr. and .Carman Farrier at Mihiico. We are sorry , to hear that Mrs, Jas. Mclnpes wfjs under the doc­ tor’s carb last week?- .- — ■ Mrs. Dune Kennedy of Wing- ,.ham—uV-isited—wilb„ME£_. .D^Keiv nedy for a few -days last week. Mrs. Harry Tfchborhc spent the week-end here. * DR. GEORGE FISHER ’ Mrs. David Kennedy received the sad new/£ of the passing of. her. only brother, Dr. George Fisher of Hope, North. Dakota'. He was the youngest son of the jate Mr. and Mrs, Peter .Fisher and jwas born near-. Seaforth 78 ear|> &f?o. He came With his Pa.r* two years 'of graduated as a veterinary surgeon and went to.N(L..', only a- vouri^ man and has pract­ ised his pr< ’ , ‘ of his sudden passing^ He.^Wak a many miles through blizzards and • o: weather, to spend nou rs CELLO CARROTS, 2 pkgs. 25c COOKING ONIONS, 10 lbs. . 25c .-.HEAD.^LETTU-CE.^<™,.:^ POTATOES, bag $1.15 POTATOES, 10 lbs. ............ POTATOES, 15 lbs. GREEN ONIONS, 2 bundles .. SUNKIST ORANQES, 288’s SUNKIST ORANGES, 2^0’s SUNKIST ORANGES, 150’s GRAPEFRUIT, 96*s BANANAS^ lb. MILK OBITUARY FREDERICK MOSS "2 Ffederick‘' Nelson”" Moss;““80,; passed away last Wednesday lh Goderich. Hospital after a long illness. He was a son of the late Mr- and Mrs*. John Moss and was a resident ;of West Wawanosh township until three years ago when he Went to. Goderich to live. ;; His wife,, the former Ida Riley, died nine years ago. He is sur­ vived by four sons, William and | gfot, Auburri; .^Harry^fBdght;. i Mrs. ’. Gordon Naylor, Belgrave; . -Charles Mills,. Goderich; . ... . Warren Jambs,' Goderich; .21 I .arid five/ .great ’.grandchildren. • / . Service, was held at the- Lodge . funeral home Friday, with the Rev. H. At Dickinsort, North $t.‘ Untied' Church, Goderich, offici-" 20c 29c 29c 25c $9c 59c J 9c 166 17c Fresh Oysters Fresh Corn “r<W^tT^^hrooins Cauliflower Brocoli Radish Endives Salads Cucumbers Spinach > Celery Hearts Celery Stalks > New Cabbage “IF IT GROWS WE HAVE IT”. Lord’s Supper*. ^•15 Sunday School, 3 n-m.: Erskine, Dungannon, i communion of the Lord’s j ✓^Supper. z ? A; Evening Service. 1 •......... b ; sub-zero weacuvf , ..4 church, uodericn, omci-t_JLiatory^servicer-Fridayr- j "T'ostorih^fhehW^he^ .-'j^Tanwa^^ . 5th, 8.00 i..m, I his widow and .Stsfcr -be eavos h number of nieces and n-tphews. Carnation MILK 14r, 2 for 27c Robin Hood OATS ... Sockeye SALMON ... 3 for 99c Iodized SALT ‘ ........ 16c. Lucknow Fruit Market'i', *