HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-03, Page 1it was a good gesture and well
I ,
'''The financial report presented
by Alex T. MacNay, secretary-
treasurer, showed expenditures in
excess of receipts this year, with
the cash surplus . reduced to
$2150 A Year In Advance—$1.00 Extra To U.S.A.LUCKNOW, ONTARIO -WEDNESDAY, FEB. '3rd, 1954
goffer to exchange the Recreation-
^[aiyZentre for. the Legion build->
W.A/for February* 12th; at which-
r'hurch downstairs will be. fresh- for maintenance ahd $9000 fdt*
‘ - “ ■ ■' coiisttuctiohi. ■> ■. ..
fer for. the exchange.
room, might be converted to -a
municipal office. This possibilty
is to be investigated. ( .
I the Bank ,of Montreal .
.. . ■ -■ -
time the new facilities of’ .the
Allan Stewart, who has been
a designer for Hobbs Glass Co.
i ’ '' ‘ ’
a half years, has., accepted, a1 pos-1
of Dundas. Allan is a desij nirig i a<^an Legion stating that the
wart moved from' London
'week and are now living
John Foran Appointed
West Wawanosh Clerk
,.v ...
. At a special peeting on Mpn-
Council appointed Johri Foran of.
There were four applications for
the position. ‘ / .
John succeeds Mr. DUrnin Phil
lips of Dungannon; who. resigned
at the first of the year after 31
years of service as clerk. Durnin
Was appointed on. February 6th,
1923, during the reeveship of the
late Ben Naylor. .
The ne<w clerk will assume his
new duties at the regular meeting
of West . Wawanosh'Council next
• Mir. Foran is a son of Mrs. Mary
Foran and° the late Conrad Foran.
He was born 38 years ago on the
Oth Concession of West Wawa
nosh. John attended public school
at the S.S. No. 3 West Wawa
nosh (the Township Hall school);
Lucknow High School' and then
Stratford Normal. Upon graduat
ing he taught school fpr two years
in the District of Sudbury and
then took a camp clerk position
with a lumber company. During
World W^r II, he served with the
Canadian'Navy and in 1946, re
turned to his native township to
; - take up farmingron the* 4th Con-
. cession.
. While in the North Country,
John married Sophie Kilimnik, a
nurse in the employ of Intemat-
ional Nickle. Mr. and Mrs. Fpran
have a family of five children.
The death of Mr. W. G. And
rew, one of Lucknow’s oldest
businessmen, occurred unexpect
edly at St. Joseph’s 'Hospital,
London, on Monday evening. He
was in his 82nd year.
The funeral service will be.
held at the McLennan-MacKen-
zie Memorial Chapel on Thursday,
afternoon at 2.30 p.m., conducted
by Rev. G.. A. Meiklejohn. Inter
ment will be in^Greenhill/Cem-
The Rev. G. Benson Cox left
Wednesday fori New York from
wihere he will set out on a cruise
around South America. Mr. Cox
will‘perform the duties of chap
lain while at sea. The kindest
wishes for an enjoyable voyage
go -with this clergymari/whd on.
Sunday last walked in a snow-
flocked road about a mile and
". Tarried his suitcase in order to
be the celebrant for a holy com
munion service at his home
church in Kihlpugh.
Move To Kinlough -
We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Porter and their boys to our
community. This family comes
not" as strangers as Mrs. Porter
(the former Jean Haldenby)
spent: her childhood at Westford
7 and Rob has carried on his piano -
tuning work in these parts for
some years. They have many
relatives here, who along with
the entire community bid them
a hearty o welcome.
I ■ ■ '•/ ' ■■ ■■■’ ■■ • ' - ■ -
. In a recent letter to relatives
here, Miss Dorothy Douglas, re-
jkrred/to a*.church service in
Tamsui, Formosa at which thirty-
fessibn of faith. f .
Miss Douglas has taught in the
: >J^bytririan b Gitls* School in
F J^^or a quartet of a cen*
/ and, this Occasion -had spC-
; significance for her as, one
/ the girl$ who bedame a Cnris-
^.e School wag tostrumen/,
; tai in brdhgihg in hdr gfaridmoth^
the; Christian chilfcri* She
: - previpusly ,brought in her
7. step*mptherw Miss Douglas com -
reaching and you. don’t always
see them imm6diafely”s
/. Of, the class’ of thirty-three
t rt^unicants; .twenty*scvbri of
? J6!11 weto also baptized Upon be-
! ved into the church^ The
' . Jiad been baptized, in in-
t thirty-three were
. “ P^le, young people, middle- .
p i^eplei; abidiers; sailors; and a d------ r
I students frorn both schools. ly available.
__wiaoa -Kzv r|jneetin^_j^the
in London for ‘itihe past one and Ullage Council bri Monday night,
a half years, has,accepted a pos- « ^/mcation-was read from
■ition“"wtith~“Jones Industnes/Ltd. of"the Can--
of Dundas. Allan is a desi; nirig i a<^an I^gjon stating that the
The Lucknow Agricultural Soc
iety’s 88th ahnual meeting was
whjle not largely attended,- en-.
ning and .promoting a go-head,
President Fred McQuillin pre-/
sided and summed Up last year’s
show as a good fair wjth good
ing on, Main Street, which could
be converted to a Municipal Of
fice/ . '■ ■ / '; -
The matter had Ibeen under weather and good entertainment,
consideration for a time, and at V16 Glub banquet had cost-
the January session a delegation 1 the. Society something but he felt
from the Legion asked the was a g°°d gesture and well
Council ■ to make a concrete ?of- ^’brithwhile. The President thank-
fer for the exchange. ed Board for their co-op-era-
Council looked the building ^°n referred particularly to
over and proposed that the Leg- y°^ng members' who
ion leave all heating equipment,) showing an interest and helping
Oil tanks, lighting fixtures, hot! OUT. inim,~nsely-
The Sentinel has. received
letter* from Mrs. Walter Cady
Chicago, seeking information
about her forbears. She is a dau
ghter of the late George Herbert”]
Shaw who, was bom here in 1877.1 „ x^lUxCi>, „„v
His parents were Robert Shaw.; water tanks and Venetian blinds
.-4 A ' 4 as |s» ■ .
The Recreational Centre in
} «as
is”, with lighting fixtures, furn
ace, oil burners/ tables, u.uno _
and cook stove. 1 i parison rwith approximately $1300
The Legion, was. required to Ia aS°* ’However, prize money
keep the wash rooms open to the I ^ai _ in 1953 was $1,225 as com-
public for two years and to al- Paredwith $1,092 the year be
low "the Guides and Scouts tol fore’ ™ere was als0 a capital
retain their quarters in the Cen- | for Rark
tre for . six months, if they did
not sooner locate another meet
ing place. They were-to -be-pbr-
mitted to retain their own heat
ing equipment. ;
This proposal was made sub-
pose of the Recreation Centre.
The proposition Was presented
i at the Legion meeting on Tues-
| day of last week, which Was? at
tended by sixty members. Their
decision was to reject the offer.
Propose Office At Rec Centre
Council concluded ■ that the
believed they died when George i
quite young. Mrs.i Cady was born
in Vancouver. Her/father died
there in 1928 in his 50th year.
Mrs. Cady is anxious to get
I any background history from
anyone here who could give her,
this information/
and Catherine AckCrt, but it is' ‘
. , ___________________
and sister Catherine were turn would be left equipped
rmi ««■>*.w* ***** 1 *““ “■ • 11 ------- • -• ■* /
chairs 1 Rightly less than. $1,000 in com-
T h e annual Congregational
meeting of the Lucknow United
Church was’ held oh Thursday
evening, January 28th. Splendid
reports were received from all|
Mr. W. Drennan and Mr. G.
Morrison reported a good year
for the Church School. The aver
age, .attendance for-di-' Sundayys
tvas 115. Approximately $1580 had
been contributed by the Congre
gation to the Missionary & Main-
ten ance-work--of7-the United
Church of Canada. The Women’s
Missionary Society Auxiliaries
reports were introduced by the
presidents, Mrs. Ri Robertson and
Mrs. K. Murdie. Together the
branches had sent into the Pres
bytery treasurer'$742 for the ad/
Vancing of the Kingdom. The Wo-'
men’s Association report was in
troduced by the president, Mrs.
G. McDiarmid. It showed an act
ive year of service, and a balance
of $1172. The General Fund of
the Church revealed givjhgs
talling' about the same as
previous year, but expenses
creased? Mr. W. B. Anderson
ported that $2500 had been
ceived for 'the heating project
with $500 in pledges still to be
233 families are within the pas
toral care of the congregation,
■fpchlding-OSO persons and a mem -
bcrship of 446. The 1954 mem
bership classes are beginning in
February with an adult class on
Thursday, February 4th at 8.00
p.m. arid the Youth e^ass on Sat
urday, February 6th at 10.30 a.m. pliance with the prayer of the
in the ChUrch. , ..
Appointments to offices includ
ed M'r. T. A. Cameron as record
ing steward; Miss M. Rae as -Mis
sionary treas.;. Messrs, E. Ackcrt,
K. Murdie, A, E. MdKim, R. Rae,
R.. Ackert as Stewards to retire
in 1(957. Agnominating committee
was appointed' to secure Nomin
ees to the Session with the ap?
ppiritment to be made by the
Congregation on Sunday; Febru
ary 14t,h. Mr. Glen Walden as
superintendent Of the Church
School, for 1954 was encouraged
in his undertaking.
pressed for the years of service
of Mr. W. Drepnan as Sunday
School superintendent, Mr. W. G.
Andrew as KL & ‘ M. . treasurer,
Mr. Robert Rae as Church treas
urer, and Mrs. J. W. Joy nt as dir-,
ector of music. ; ;
Appreciation was also expfess-
' “ ... ..' .... *
<* .•* v "/7” ................. * •’
. The Village Council has ap-
ed by a solicitor, to regulate, the
dosing hours- of all retail stores
in : Lucknow. ' j
This action was taken at Mon-!
day night’s meeting in dealing
with a petition, previously sub
mitted by * the retail section of
the Lucknow Business Men’s’As
The statute under which the
by-law will be drafted provides
for setting of/ certain dosing
hours between the hours of 6.00
p.m. and 5.00 a.m., but does not
cbyer a half holiday closing.
The closing hour asked for in
the petition was 6.30 p.m., except CT pCTE DXC p AD IC |J
on Saturdays when it would be •
.extended to 11.30 p.m..
The petition, which, was . sign- j
ed by all but two Of the retail
establishments on Main Street,
was addressed to The Council , of
.the Village of Lucknow, stating
in its introduction: ‘‘We the Busi
nessmen pray for a by/law. to
regulate the closing hburs of all
i etail stores in the Village”.
Council moved that, “In com-
ed for the. services of Mf; Elmer
Umbach as organist .and’ ReV; G;
A-. Meiklejohn as minister, Mr.
toe general1 co/bperation of the"
Congregation in the projects and
welfare -of toe’ chur^h -but mostly
for fhe worship arid fellowship
together. ■ / '
‘'While the. ^oyment,;pf';ihe
usual* supper fellowship was miss
ed, a special supper and enter*
tairimerit is being planned ’by th e
'businessmen regarding shop, clos
ing, toe. solicitor, R. S; Hether
ington, be instructed to. draw up.i
a .by-law accordingly”. <»..
The petition was endorsed by
representatives of the following;
retail- business places: Ashton’s,
Ladies’ & Men’s Wear, Button’s
Meat Market, Co-op Groceity,
.CrawfoYd’s Feed Store, Fjnlay*'
son’s Grocery, Finlay Decorators,
Greer Radio & Electric, John
Hall & Sbn, Johnstone’s,' Furni
ture Store/ McKim’s Drug Store,
Lucknow District Co-op, Mac
Millan’s Butcher Shop, Murdoch
Murdie & Son, S. C. Rothwell
& Son, Smith’s Grocery,- Sander
sort’s Ladies’ & Men’s Wear, Ste
wart's. Decorating & Gift Store,
Rae. & Porteous, ,Se$by Store,
Schmid’s jewellery,..Umibach’s
Drug ; Store, , Wellwood Market
Store, Garfield MacDonald, Welsh
Meat ’Market,, McLennan & Mac-
Kenzie. ■■
Collect Taxes . At Bank
Council gave approval to' the'
The* clerk was authorized to ob* proposed
tain prices on the cost of a street
sander.., ? •/ ‘ »■, ■
.A street expenditure estimate
of $16,000 is to be«submitted for
approval to the'Department Of
Highways which pays 50 percent
on all approved expendtores,
The eotaat^
exceed the needs, allows, $7000
puiMiiv UM xwu years ana al- y rml —low "the Guides and Scouts to| tore’ There was also a capital
| expenditure this year for park
I fill and’ tree planting, as well as"
■ a deficit from—the banquet, an d—
accounts outstanding from . 1952, —
that were paid in 1953, so that
With these things considered the
financial pictiifre was quite sat-
isf adory. _ ____—
Directors of the various de
partments gave reports of fair
exhibits. These included Jake
Hunter, Andrew Gaunt, Tom
j Todd, W. S. McGuire, Wm. Mac-
; Intyre, Wallace Miller, S. B.
I Stothers and L. C. Thompson.
I - It was felt that the light’• horse
Legion , was. definitely^ not. inter- l^uey was now sufficiently high /
’ested in the Recreation Centre, i ?° a.act a §°°. lirie df horses/
and the proposal was advanced1 barring conflicting fair dates.
| that the- south wing of the build- i A/ere. was kttle competition in
ing, formerly . used as a school I J/e sections;. an excellent
; bacon hog -competition, but .light
entries in the regultr classes. Wm.
MacIntyre, reported a poor dis
play of grain, and recommended
increasing the prize money. Most
other sections were about aver
age, with -good school children’s,
flower and apple displays.
Andrew Gaunt and Wallace
Miller were appointed delegates
to th? Fairs Association conven
tion in Toronto in February.
Discuss Date Change
Recognizing the pros and cons ;
of the suggestion; S. B. Stothers ’
advanced the idea '• of a date
Change, proposing a Labor Day-
fair, that could embody the idea •
of - an “old home gathering” to
ring down the curtain on the
holiday season. The. regular dates '
<Continued on Page 8> .
At the regular meeting of the
Lucknow Fire Company on Mon
day. evening, K. C. Murdie’s re
signation as .fire chief was ac
cented. George Whitby, who lias
'been deputy chief, stepped up to
succeed hdm. ~~----
The election of officers1 result
ed as foilou’s: Chief, Geo. Whit
by; deputy chief/.Wm. Johnston';
captains, Jack Cook arid Tom
Anderson; secretary, Stuart Col 1 -
yer; treasurer, Alfred Ritchie.
Standardize Hose.
As part; bf a province-wide
civil deferise program, tos stand- \
ardize all. hose and hydrant con
nections, officials of the Ontario '
fife marshall’s bfficb xvere in
out this operation locally. • ’
There was comparatively, little ’
•change necessary as hydrants and 1
male hose couplings .passed the,
standardization reqtrirCm.entsv Thg.
female Couplings hgd to be rbn-
med oUt. slightly. With the aid /
of local men the job com
pleted in . a few hours.
7 The standard..thread’ ‘nyeSns‘‘“/
that any fire company can assist,
or^ receive assistance from,
’ : . i ■'
The annual Vestry Meeting -of
St. Peter’s. Church, Lucknow; was
held at the Racreation Cent.re-.rex.
cently with the Incumbent, the
Rev. H. L. Jennings in the chair.
Rev. Jennings reported a good
year in church attendance and
general spiritual condition of the
Parish. One of the largest class
es on record had'been confirmed
by the Bishop. New lights had
been installed bn the occasion of
the anniversary and Sunday
School work Was progressing
with the help of Mrs. Clare John
stone. Satisfactory reports were
given by the Church organiza
tions. The choir had been re
organized. and general satisfac
tion was expressed for Mrs. Fred
McQuillin as organist:
At the election of officers the
following- were appointed. Peo
ple’s warden, Thomas Smith;
Minister’s warden, Thomas Salk
eld; Snyod representative, Fred
McQulillin.:aiid™substitute, John-
McQuillin; Board of Manage
ment, Mrs. S. Lavis, Dorothy
Cook-, C. Sheltoh, Ed McQuillin,
Fred Johnstone, James Ketcha-
baw and Ernest Gaunt. Meetings
are to be beld the first' Monday,
in each month. Auditors, Mrs. (
Xred ; McQuillin and Dorothy
Cook; Sidesmen, chairman, Chris
Shelton, Russell Whitby, Car
man McQuillin, Bort Ward, Jhs.
KetcHaba^V, Wm. Stiirison, Wm?
A discussion took place bn the
, _ 1 renovafibn ofthe
church basemefit Mr/ Roy Mc
Quillin, engineer of Toronto, was.
'present, to ’help .in discussion of
plans which he '.had drawn at
no expense to the church. A par<
ish improvement fund is to be
set up, to be used when a parish
room will be -mader A highlight
Of the mooting was tho excellent
fihancal report submitted by tfier~.
wardens.- ' - \ btnOt brigade