HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-27, Page 10'.V* i 89c i I t 15c 2 for 39c 59c I SMITH’S FOOD MARKET J. d S. Teacher, Some insects eat very little. Who can tell Us about one. Pupil: Moths, they eat holes. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 29c 29c 37c 53c 99c 4 4 Become A Member of the I.G.A. PREMIUM CLUB THAT Jane Smith entertained' a number of friends on the oc­ casion of her 7th birthday last Thursday; ~ 7 Modesty makes girls use pow­ der. “They have no desire to shine in public”. —pattern in rough texture weave 46” wide, reg. $1.75 yard. Re- , duced to clear ...... $L39 . of without worry, suitable for house ..dresses, skirts, smocks, aprons & quilts, all 36” Wide. 20 percent off each price marked. • BoYSV S^RTS^ottoh fiamiei, ■...4. .M-Ig. .years ■ .4 ’. 1 Natural Cotton MONK’S CLOTH COTTON ROUGHTEX— a tex­ tured fabric that- retains its shape . well,. for draperies, §lip covers, bed spread, floral and leaf pat­ terns, 36” wide, Natural, green 3 Who Attended 1st W.I. Meeting • ■ - ,• •/ ;«•' , . . , ’ • . ’ ’ ♦ .* •* Present At 4oth Birthday Party PRINTED & STRIPED FLETTE ' , for children^, ladies! and men*sr. ’ pyjamas, also quilt linings/ 36° wi.de, 20 percent' off each price ■ >; Come in for your catalogue SAVE Your Cash Register Slips Now. yisitprs over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John England were Mrs. Nellie Ibbotson, Miss Joy Lee Ibbotson and Mr. Jos­ eph Gook, all of Flint, Michigan. ’PHONE 91, LUCKNOW -r— r A ... ——— — | January Clearance 35c THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO :WEDNESDAY, JAN. 27 th, 1964 OUR JANUARY CONTINUES ALL THIS WEEK THAT.-the-prizejwinnersatthe Monday night Shoot party were June Collyer and Gordon Carr ter, „. PIONEER Suckling l*is Ration Crumbles Per $5.45 Per CWT. ■■ ROE / Hog Grower Pellets $3.50 Specials Not On Last Week’s Advt “ WHITE FLANNELETTE, 27” .......... HORROCKS FLANNELETTE—36”. Reg. 75c, for .... MANY NEW VALUES ON OUR REMNANT TABLE • •. ' • <r * ' MEN’S PANTS — 20 PERCENT OFF All wool-English gabardine in the latest shades and fabrics. / ALL MEN’S UNDERWEAR ON SALE MEN’S SKI CAPS CHILDREN’S WEAR SUR COATS—all wool plaid, fully Winterized, with quilted wool interlining, sizes 3 to 7. Sale .price ................. $6.50 POPLIN SUR COATS—as above ........ ......;... $5.50 SNOW SUITS—l and 2 piece, nylon, satin, gabardines. Values to $15.95, for only . ..... .... .....L... $9.95 COAT SETS—boys’ and girls’, 3-piece ...20% Off LINED JEANS—sizes 3 to T; Special this week . .‘v. $2.49 CORDUROY OVERALLS & SLACKS, sizes 2 to 6, - Sale price .............. .... . ......... $1.69 SEVEN PARKAS—sizes 3, 4, 5, 8 only. Clearance price $6.95 ASHTON’S MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Goods and Woollens t I Wife (to husband coming in late): “Is that you, John?” John: “It better be!” _ ----------J- --------------;------- - ’• ■ ---- ■■■■ ,..... ~______________________________________________________________________ w T y v "r v v'v w’T y r w v. v v vr ▼ v r 4SAVE Up To 50% ON NATIONALLY KNOWN MERCHANDISE MULLIN’S SLICED BREAD 1 Loaf ... ............. WESTON’S SLICED BREAD Loaf .... .................. Green Giant Niblets 2 for 37c Green Giant Fancy Peas ... I.G.A. Strawberry Jam, 24 oz. I.G.A. Catsup, 11 oz. .. 43c 21c I.G.A. Peanut Butter, 16 oz. 35c Solo Margarine, lb. ..... Domestic Shortening, lb, Salada Tea Bags, 30’s . Salada B>L. Tea, 14 lb. Sunny Mom. Coffee, lb. Challenger Sockeye Salmon, y2 tin I15c FREEBATH TOWEL 20x40 with, Ogilvie Flour, 98 lbs. .... $6.75 Wax Paper, 100 ft. roll A 31c Tilbest Cake - Mix 1 chocolate; 1 white Blue & Gold Peas, 10 oz. ............ 2. for 29c Stokley Fancy Corn, 10 oz. .. 2 for 25c Florida Grapefruit. lOfor 49c Sunkist Oranges;: 288*s .... 2 doz. 59c THAT the Paramount correspon­ dent, Mrs. R. Hamilton, reports that a district farmer found it very profitable to run a “.pigs for sale” advt. in The Sentinel. . Ho had. 8 chunks for :sale, and had 18 prospective buyers call to see them. ' —-o— THAT Mr. William Bower mov­ ed last week from the Ander­ son Apartment to Baker’s Pri­ vate Hospital. —-o— •• •. THAT prize winners at the Aux­ iliary Shoot, party on Friday night were Mrs. Oliver Glenn and Howard Harris. THAT Jr. Ross Williams of Port Elgin, president of theABruce Council of United Church Men, delivered- the . address a.t thez evening service in the United Church, tie was assisted by Mr, Bruce McGillivray, vice- president. THAT the attendance at Burns Ball on Monday night fell - somewhat-below - the usual big crowd. An exhibition of Scotch dancing was given by Isabelle MacPherson and Flora Mc- Quillin with accompaniment arid bagpipe selections by Ar- chid McQuillan. • —- o— THAT Mary Anna MacIntyre and Anne Jean Robb of Lucknow Were among the 73 student . nurses to receive their crips last Friday at the end of their pro- . bation period at St Joseph’s Hospital, London. ■■—^0~*-' ' ■ THAT four e^-wardens of Huron were in the spectators’ seats last week at Goderich, when W. J. Dale of Hullet was elect- —ed-warden-for-1954^Among-the- ‘ /foursome, were Brown Smyth • of West Wawanosh, warden in 1947, and Cecil Johnston • of Ashfield, warden in 1950. . —°—• ' THAT ads in this week’s issue , of The Sentinel are crammed, with bargains in drygoods, . wearing apparel, footwear, gro­ ceries. Profit by being an ad- wise shopper. THAT “I just couldn’t get along without iit’.’,. says Mrs. • Evelyn Rouse of Camp Borden, m re­ newing her Sentinel. THAT Mrs. Mary E. Foran of West Wawanosh recently un­ derwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital/ London. On Thursday, January 21st, Dungannon Women’s Institute held a social evening in the Par­ ish Hall with, approximately 120 people attending. Progressive euefte was enjoyed for the first part of the evening. Mrs. Omar: Brooks, president, acting as chairman, opened „ the progrem with the Ode and Lord’s prayer and then welcomed the visitors, This being the 40th an­ niversary of the Dungannon; Wo­ men’s Institute, Mrs. Brooks call­ ed upon Mrs. Lorne Ivors to in­ troduce the honored- guests, Mrs. Robert1McKenzie, Miss .Betty El? liott and Mrs. Fred Ross and pre­ sented them with handkerchief corsages, These three ladies were tfie only dhes able to be present who were at the inaugur al meet­ ing on January 21st, 1914s . Iverslpaid-lribute^to^fie twelve ladies who formed the Women’s institute jn 1914. 'Riey are as follows: Mrs. Andrew, Kirk, first ^president; Mrs. Robt; : McKenzie, {first vice Resident; Miss Betty Elliott, sec.-treas;; Mrs. Albert Rivers, Mrs, William Finnigan, Mrs.. Fred Ross. The following six members are ceased: Mrs. J. R. McNab, Mys;' John Dustow,*"Mrs. Henry ,Pett- man, Mrs. Henry Wilson, Mrs. John Campbell, Mrs. William Stothers. Mrs. Robert McKenzie, being the only chartered member, was presented with a life membership certificate and badge by her dau­ ghter, Mrs, O. Popp on behalf of the Dungahnon ' Women’s Insti­ tute. Mrs. McKenzie thanked the Institute and spoke of her as­ sociation with the branch; Miss Betty Elliott, first sec.-treas., gave the minutes of the inaugural meeting and a* summary of the Institute work as she recalled it since that time. Mrs. K. K. Daw­ son, the present sec.-treas., gave a short synopsis of the past year’s ■work.' c The following program was duetr Mrs. Dur- ahd Mrs. R. Stingel; if&eb; Watt and Mrs. presente«^'j& nin PhillipsJu Journal, M$g Robt. Irytiriy^B^ocI^ of wedding gowns—a display'of dresses from 1910, till the -present time, Mr. Omar Brboks groom; Mrs. Allan Rei(fcled -in-commun­ ity singing; play, Sewing Society, by Institute, members; reading, Miss Beth McConnell. The guest speaker,Mr.SteveStothers,of Lucknow, reminisced on the past forty years' of the community. : Mrs. Dumin Phillips, District pre­ sident, brought greetings from West Huron District. A novelty quartette number, “Farmers”, by Institute members, concluded the .program, Lucky chair prize, went to Mr. Dick Kilpatrick. - -A. lovely lunch was served at the close of the evening. An an-~ niversary cake, was displayed and cut by Mrs. Robert McKenzie, the charter member. CONTINUING OUR I f ,0 AT BIG SAVINGS.r .....:..ME^t'. \ . .... .. ......■’ COTTON, HOSE-—variety of col­ ors and patterns, substandards. .Sizes lOVz, 11 & 11^2 59c 2 pair for $1.00 UNDERWEAR—10 and 20 per­ cent off on. all winter underwear. WORK >PANTS*-Mole^kin z cloth, heavy sanforized cotton, hardstan