HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-27, Page 9rta* I »>■ L' WEDNESDAY, JAN. 28th, 1954 •J iR- .1 T i I * I I ‘A tk ' / (, * 9 High score card prizes went to Betty Conley and Al. Irwin. Ed Baker won tne mystery prize do- with .1 ’• She’s got a film personality—a THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, •w Bruce Co. Council, January Session • * * • . f ■ . ' ’’ Q- Eeeve W, P. Oswald, the new warden of ; Bruce County, is a native of Elderslie and his fath- v‘ er the late John Oswald, was? reeve of Elderslie about 25 years ago. Mr. Oswald entered the El- . derslie council 10 years ago, ser< ved foyr years as councilldr, and is now in his sixth .year as reeve. ' He is 1st vice-presidenit of the J president of the Farmers’ Central ’ Mutual Fire Ins. Qp., member of I? the Chesley hospital board and B the ChesleynUnitednChur^ I; j.O;Q.E. and Masonic lodges, and B;’ is . active in farm organizations’. B He is married to the former Lena B Grant of Paisley and they have B thrzee sons, I The harden appointed a«Strik:I ing.committee composed of reeyes I : Carruthers, Wilton, Atkinson, B Winter, J, C. Thompson, Stanley I Thompson, Earl Aiken, Bolander I’ and McLay and the following I', standing committees, were struck B for 1954: I Finance: C. G. Dixon, South- amp.ton; Albert Westlake, Hep- B. Aworth; Wilfred Vance, Chesley; I "Edward Tanner, Brant; Earle I Grant, Paisley; Joseph Shilvers, | Kincardine; Mirs. L. G; Crozier, I ’ Walkerton. r I Eduction and Printing: Wes- I ley Hahn, Wiarton; Archie Simp- I son, Tobermory; Gordon Stanley, I Ripley; Charles Caudle, Lion’s I Head; . Gordon Brown, Kincar- l dine; Harry Noble, Brant. I Equalization & Salaries: Grant, L Djxon, - Gordon Gallowby, Albe­it ..marie; Bolander, George McKin- I non, Bruce; Winter, Bill Camp- I bell, Tiverton. i Agriculture: Atkinson, Jtichard l Martin,^Huron;-GeprgeStewarV I Eastnor; .Tanner, Carruthers, J. I C. Thompson, McKinnon. I Reforestation, McLay, Simp- I son; Wesley Aiken, Amabel, Wil-J I ton; J. C. Thompson, S. Thomp-1 I . son/ I Legislative: Chilvers, Stewart, I Stuart Robertson,; Lucknow; Mar- I tin, Stanley: ' ■ > I? Health Unit: Austin Gransden, I .. Tara; S. Thompson, Crozier, “Hahn. ■ I County Home: Wilton, Gallo- I way, Warden Wm. Oswald, Elder- I slie. '. ‘? I Children’s Shelter: E. Aiken, I Caudle,Brown. ° I „ Property: Bolander, Campbell, I Winter, Dan Lamont, Saugeen: I McLay. . I > Consultative: Robertson, Mc- ,. Lay, Ei Aiken. L Children’s Aid Society Aug- I mented Board, the reeves in the I, 'following municipalities are I members of the larger committee, Chesley, Kincardine, Tara, Mild- niay, Luckoow,. Eastnor, Arran, Kincardine Twp., Culross, Edward I Tanner and Mrs. E. G. Crozier. I ■ . I • County treasurer T. H. ■ Alton reported to Council, that, .the year’s operations showed a ~sur- . plus of $1,747.35 in the General Account and a deficit of $5,348.- -. 93 in the Highways Account. The highways deficit will be reduced . hy7 the sale of bonds from the Highways Reserve Account, as- • authorized at the June Session . last year? According to the report of the L _. .Keeper, mA Rr I. Wiles, the num - • ber of inmates, at present in the . 'Home for the . Aged is 45, of Wohi 27 are men and 18 are women, There were 9 deaths among the inmates during the r. year. • /< County assessor Everett J. Fin- higan disclosed that 6 more muni­ cipalities were re-assessed during •the past year^Carrick and Kin- « ^ine townships, the town of Walkridoh a'hd , the villages of Lucknow, Ripley and Tiverton. Jhis makes a total of 12 munici- L«.^alWa^eompletedAas-PertAEl-gl-nT- , Mildmay^ Huron,. Kinlo^s and Culross were completed in 1952. Th-3 townships of Albemarle, Am- • ahelj Bruce and Brant and the . • ; town of Southampton have been, started and should be completed this j-ear. - * i ’dm v Consultative Committee aealt with two questions relating I ; ?£oil High School (DiAtrict— Whether thd j^Orfibn Of n kOntario AgriculturaLcQuncil, vice LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE ieties in various approved pro-; |! jects) : Bruce County Holstein ! club $100; Bruce County Short- not in the District should be at P2orn qlyb ^00; Cfrey-Bruce Her^ taehed tbn^J T at’ I ford club $75; Grey-Bruce Aber. ched thereto, and secondly, (deen Angus cjub $75; Grey-Bruce whether a portion of Carrick|Sheeji Breeders $50; Grey-Bruce Township adjacent to Hanover I J.ers®y club $25; $20 to each Hor-. should be detached from the | ^Ultupal Society; three Women’s Walkerton District and attached I Institute Districts $35 each; $250 to the Hanover High School Dis- i for Forestry competitions in the trict. The1 committee recommend- schools; $50 for prizes for the Co; ed that no action be taken at. this Oratorical contest;. BrUce^ Penin-* time on either situation. ~ x The Agricultural committee re- i commended, that the campaign-to eradicate -the common barberry and the leafy sputge be continued and that the County weed inspec­ tor, be allowed to spend $500 on chemical weed; killers necessary for their eradication; In connec­ tion with the Bruce County calf- hood vaccination campaign, which was most successful in -1951 and 1952, legislation has been enacted making it necessary for the town­ ship council to^act upon receipt of a petition of two-thirds -bf.the cattle, owners; Since beef farm­ ers buy and. raise a lot of heifer calves for market, the $1.00 per head, necessary .makes the cost of vaccination of all these1 heifers prohibitive. The veterinarians have agreed to. vaccinate for 75 cents if they can collect 'from the same Source. The plan is to have' county council pay 25 cents, leav­ ing 50 cents to be collected and . T- ;.•.paid by the various towiiship June Session >e Committee will councils; ...JPe.in a position to^indicate tire The fox bounty was reduced;. from $2.00 to $1.00, commencing . February 1st, 1954. ^TlurT^ldwing^nm^^^ - thorized - during the- -sessions-:- ! Bruce County Children’s Aid So­ ciety $8,000 alohg with the usual per diem rate for wards and non- wards; Bruce CbuhtyjCrop Im- provement Assn. $100; Bruce Co. Federation of Agriculture $750; I Bruce Cojimty land use program I $100; Junior Extension fund $750; Bruce County Plowmen’s Ass’m $150; Walkerton and Teeswater Agricultural Societies $1200 each- all class “C’’ Agricultural Societ­ ies in the County $100 each in addition to the usual grant of $3,500 (40 percent of which is to be distributed, according to grants paid in previous years and 6Q percent pro-rated according to the prize money paid by these soc- sula Resort Assn. $500; Institute for the Blind $400; Navy League o fCanada$5 0 rStr~Jbhnis_Ambul^' anoe Assn. $50; Twp. of Amaliel andtownsofPort^Elginr-Kinc; far dine and Southampton $200 eaph for tourist booths; Ont. Conser­ vation & Reforestation Assn; $25; Owen Sound Hospital mainten­ ance grant not exceeding $3^000; municipalities of Lucknow, Tees­ water, Culross and Kinloss to as­ sist them in granting aid to the l construction of a new \ wing , to,, the Wingham General Hospital; Tobermory Tourist Assn. $75. The Highways Committee re­ ported that it expects to be able to improve the corners at Gould Lake and prime the road from Afnbleside to Teeswater and from Formosa to Belmore. There is a very considerable expense main­ taining the existing 125 , miles of hard top and on the cost of main­ tenance will depend the amount of new 'work possible. At the amount of construction possible, A provisional mill rate of 13 mills was adopted, subject to re­ vision at the June Session, when the rate. will be struck. The pro­ visional' rate," if -adopted then; would mean an increase of P/2 mills over last year. The following resolutions were adopted during the Session: That the Provincial Govern-1 merit reimburse counties for the indemnity and mileage paid to jurors attending Supreme Court sittings; v’rThat the Provincial and Dom­ inion Departments of Agriculture take positive action to develop a vigorous policy on marketing farm products- . That our surplus food bet dis­ tributed to the needy people of .the world so as to give, assistance and at the same, time create good - ,,,1 Hl—Il.l ..I , ■■■•-» Ml— GET READY FOR THE Party Season Personalized Accessories & Dinner, Luncheon and Cocktail Napkins Coasters . Playing Cards Informals -r- Stationery Matches ■— Pencils Don Thompson ’Phone 35 or 33, Lucknow I ii iii ii i international relations; BANTAMS STAGE SHOOT That the Livestock-Protection PARTY AND JPRIZE DRAW Act be amended to make it per- < ---------. ', missible to allot the dog tax col- : Lucknow Bantam hockey team lected on a percentage basis if sponsored a Shoot party on Wed- -Glairhs^exceed-the-amourut-collect-__.nesday_.inight with, bvelye Jables A _ ed on the dog tax; _ ‘ ‘ of players in attendance and at ' Recommendihg the 'establish- which the prize draw for a clock ; ment of a Game Committee to re-1 was made with E. R; Gaunt of port to the County Council and Lucknow holding the lucky tic- tg act as an advisory committee ket, No. 0964. The draw was._ to the Department of Lands and , made by Jim Wilson. Forests in connection with the handling7 of the deer hunting li­ censes; ■■ '/.< . v. - ... . . Requesting the Government to . hated by Win. Schmid and con-, grant a subsidy, of 75 percept on’ solation prizes went, to Mrs. Bert paved surfacing Of county and j Ward and J. C. Armstrong. . township roads; I . Proceeds of the draw*and card Recommending enactment in ’ Par|y were used to buy hew Old Ontario of a Forest Fire’s ii hockey sweaters for the Ban- Prevention Act similar to that in . tarns. \ force in New Ontario. ---------------------------- Council adjourned at noon on Saturday, to. meet at Southampton negative face—but what a devel­ op June 7th for the June Session. !"bpment. x IN A SERIES . . . 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