The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-27, Page 4LUCKNOW Telephone 175 ................ • ■ ...............' ' ! ■ T-" '■S , PR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN Havelock St., south of Supertest Garage WEDNESDAY., JAN, 27th, 1954 • PAGE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ' A .. —-TT .............I........................... 4 • fl, * FOR SALE — 1948z Studebaker . sedan; 1940 Hudson coach. Cash, trade, terms.. N. W. Winterstein. TOR RENT-—house on corner of : 'Willoughby and Havelock Sts., 6 rooms and bath. Available at once. Apply E. J. Fafrish, Gorrie. -L-FOR-.SALE—cementseptic-tanks, approved by the Health Unit. We deliver them. Forster’s Welding Shopj phone 206-r-ll; Lucknow. SALESMAN WANTED Rawleigh business now ripen in Bruce County. Trade well es­ tablished, Excellent opportunity. Full time? Write at once. Raw- leigh’s Dept. A-271-189, Montreal. LIVESTOCK WANTED . Dead, disabled horses or cows removed free of charge. Fojr prompt and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21, Wingham 561 J. or Ripley 182. FARM FOR SALE — 100 acres, W.H. Lot 6, Cori. 9, Ashfield, good (buildings with hydro, spring”, creek. Apply to George Drennan, R: 7, Lucknow. • FOR SALE—brick building, 22 x 50; upstairs modern apartment? ; steam heat, bottom flodr suitable for shop or store, full dry base­ ment. ,N. W. Winterstein. NOW IS A GOOD TIME to have a. set of chrome piston? rings in­ stalled in your motor. The re- __ suits are amazing. N. W. Winter­ stein. ' ' : MEATFORSALE ^^ Good beef for sale by the quar­ ter. Beef killed under license froin the Department of Health. Highest quality; Lowest : priced. Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, Phone 24-30 Ripley. HELP, WANTED MALE Opportunity to establish your­ self in permanent business selling nationally advertised products for home and farm. No investment "hecessary. Man between 25 and 55 preferred. Write Deipt. 0-1-2, „ The J. R. Watkihs Company, 350 St. Roch S^, Montreal. ! SAvFup TO $400 On a new DUOrTHERM oil burn­ ing forced air furnace. Packaged unit delivered complete ready to “install it yourself” under expert . supervision. Send for‘ illustrated —7^a4alogue^explainingr-new--4)erL meter type heating and step by .. step instructions for _assembly. Dealer inquiries invited, Perma- Flo Heating Systems, Clifford, Ont. NOTICE The annual meeting "of the WirighamJ General Hospital As­ sociation will .be held on Friday, February 5th at 8.00 p.m. in the -Recreation Room, of the Nurses’ Residence. at Wingham. All mat­ ters. of business pertaining to the Wirigham Hospital. Association iri^- eluding the election of directors and pther officers and the con- . sideration and passing of the by­ laws of the Hospital ‘will be transacted. Everyone welcome to attend. : JOHN STRONG, Secretary. NOTICE The regular meeting of the . Ladies Auxiliary to the Canad­ ian. Legion will be held in the Auxiliary Rooms ..on Tuesday, . February 2nd. Comrade Luella Hall, Zone Cpmmander, will be . present. All members are expect­ ed to be present. ■x. t IN MEMORIAM MOFFAT—in loving memory of J a dear^sriri' and"'brother, George Moffat, who nassed away ' Jan­ uary 28th, 1952. ‘ ’ . - Fond is the tie. that was broken^ Dear is he who is gone, . in memory we' will always keep* hirh : A$ long as th’e/'.years roll on, —Ever remembered by .Father, Mother, Sister arid Brothers, • FOR SALE—Singer sewing ma­ chine, treadle, sell cheap for cash. Elizabeth Welsh) Lucknow. fi. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist" Office on Patrick St., just off the Main St, in WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings by appointment? Phone: Office 770Aj^». 5. .OPPORTUNITIES—Men, Women Become a bookkeeper, steno­ grapher; or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50c. For particulars, write Canadian Correspondence Courses, C29Q r Bay Street, Tor; •onto; ' ' BRA^HATCHERY ihas chicks for production any market. Eggs. Meat, Ask us for new pricelist effective from February and get yOur bookings »in now,^ remem­ bering early dhicks get^yon the best Grade A Large markets, early summer. Agent..— D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION For artificial insemination at its best fori all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ­ ation between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 ,a.m. bn Sundays. Phone collect Kincardine 101-r-7 or Mildmay 130-r-12. CHAIN SAWS, ETC. ' • H'S Agent for a? complete" line of Mall chain saws, available with Oregon chipper chains. Some used saws obtainable; also. Mall elec­ tric hand saws, drills, sanders, No. 40 Castrol outboard oil. Jack Barr, R- 1, Holyrood Phon® 18-29 Ripley. AUCTION SALE An auction sale of cattle~and‘ pigs will 'be held inside at Bervie on Friday, February 5th af 1.00 o’clock. 30 young Holstein cows and heifers, fresh and springing; 5. really top 2-year-old Holstein heifers due March; 10 rising two- year-old bred* Holstein heifers; 10 well bred Holstein heifer cal­ ves, two weeks old or older ; 10 young Tamworth sows in pig; 10 pr more sucker pigs. „ Elton McLelland & Sons, Ber­ vie, Prop.; Donald Blue, Auc. NOTICE ! The Annual. Meeting of the Lucknow , arid Vicinity Branch of the Canadian" Red. Cross Society Will be held on January 28th at -4.00 p.m., in the Council Cham-, her. All subscribers to the funds of the Society are eligible to; at­ tend this meeting. NOTICE -RE ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the LUcknow Agricultural Society will be held iri |he Town Hall, Lucknow, on Thursday, January 28th, at 2.00 p.m. v Alex T. MacKay, Sec. ZION - I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter and children arid Mr. and Mrs; Geo. Hunter spent. Saturday in Loridon with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw and Mrs: Hunter ^remained for the week. Mrs. Mary McAuley. of Aetori is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie,... .....\ - ...._ Mr. and, Mrs. Harvey Ritchie and girls spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haines in Wing­ ham. The three children of Mr* and Mrs. Donald, Hobbs had their ton­ sils removed on Saturday morn­ ing in Wingham Hospital.’ CO-OP AUTO INSURANCE Can Now Accept ? TOWN. RESIDENTS & COMERCIAL TRUCKS as well as* the farm ’business. Fof information consult . T. A, CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 JOHN McMURCHIE, RIPLEY, Phone 20-r-23 I COMING EVENTS | EUCHRE PARTY THURSDAY Euchre party in poly food1 Township Hall on Thursday, Jan­ uary 28th at 8.30 sharp, under W.I. auspices. (Lunch served. Ad­ mission 25c. DANCE AT KINGSBRIDGE Dancing in St Joseph’s Par­ ish Hall, Kingsbridge, on Friday, January 29 th to Henderson’s or­ chestra. Door prize, lunch coun­ ter. -Admission 50c, ' ■ DANCE AT ZION 1 I J •f. Zion L.Q.L. will sponsor a danced clay, January 29th. Bruce’s .or­ chestra. Admission 50c, ladies with lunch free. BABYCLINIC A baby clinic open to all bab­ ies and pre-school age children will be held in the Legion Rooms, Lucknow, on Tuesday,. February 16th from 10 to 11.30 a.m.' The • Clinic is sponsored by the Ladies ’ Auxiliary to the Legion. All are( welcome. • . . '. ...Y.-■ ■■ .-—I CARD OF THANKS I I wish to thank sincerely ’ all my good friends who remember­ ed me with letters, cards, flow­ ers and gifts, during my stay at St. Joseph’s Hospital. - MARY E. FORAN. Mrs, WilsonTr,win and Family extend heartfelt thanks to friends and neighbors for-their kind acts and expressions of sympathy in their bereavement, with special thanks to Rew Meiklejohn and Rev. Dickinson. ' • Mrs.; Daisy MacCharles; wishes tp thank the Paramount Women’s < Institute, Kairshea Institute, the Red-Cross^andfriendsandneigh- bors who remembered1 her at Christmas time and during her stay in the hospital. Frank Barkwell wishes to ex­ press his sincere thanks to friends arid, neighbors who; so thought­ fully and kindly remembered him in various ways while in the hos­ pital. All these renflembrances were indeed appreciated. u w 4 I NIXON’S PELLAGREX will help prevent your PIG RAISING PROBLEMS • , .* \ '. ■ . • •’ _ _ Pellagrex contains the iron, Vitamins trace elements need­ ed by: —Pregnant Sows —-Suckling Pigs — —Weaner-Pigs : Try Pellagrex op one litter and '■ see the difference. Ask. For Free Literature At: UMBACH DRUG STORE . Phone 13-w, Lucknow l i i I ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant Telephone 1011 4 Britannia Rd. (corner Sputh St.) GODERICH, ONT. STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate Before Investing . REUBEN WILSON — R^’R;""' - 3;"';-Gdderich^~' Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon , “Did> you hear What one little cigarette said to another at the New Year’s party?” . ‘ “No, What?*’ . ; “ ‘I hope I don’t get lit up and make am ash of myself “ JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME ’Phone 76 * .. , '*/ •' . ; . Day pr Night Ambulance Service USE OF FEDERAL HOME At No Extra Cost _■ » ' ■. Moderate Prices 5 BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS For .The . / Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont. Office in Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 23-w MacLENNAH and MacKENZIE funeral service Services conducted accord^ ing to your wishes at you? Home, Yriur Church, or a| our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. ‘" • AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow. Day or Night F. T, ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT /Phone 1100 For Appointment or Information See Win. A. Schmid, ’Phope 167-w Lucknow T Agnews’Agency Howard Agnew — Jos. Agnew ■■ . • ■ • ■ ■ ' ; .. INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents* Association To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH ■ R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon - GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile Insurance ----Mejxantile-&_Earm^Eire_—_ ... ' Insurance ... Economical and Reliable, See ... T.A. CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone 70-r-tO Duhgannon R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: Office, 135 Residence 31-J Kenneth J. Mackenzie R.O. Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. \ Will be at Wrona’s Jewellery store, Ripley, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., WEDNESDAY, FEB? LOth and every Second Wednesday.. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone Roy —MacI^hzier^e-r^^RipleyT” P. Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK PAPERING and.. ■ painting 1954 Wallpaper Samples on hand SANPING & FINISHING New and Old Floors For prohipt service call FRED EMBERLIN ’Phone 194,jLuckiiow R-SaHetherinston, Q.C J Barrister, Rte. Whigham and Lucknow ' . . ..IN LUCKNOW Eadi Monday hndWednesday Located on the ground floor in the front of John Kilpatrick’s Bhilding T*>one Wingham" Office 48 , Residence 97 Insure With The Culross Mutual FIRE INSURANCE CO. Reasonable rates, sound pro- ,teetion & prompt, satisfactory settlement jpf claims. PARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent . / R. 3, Teeswater. _ Phone Teeswater 57-r-ii —■. . ... .. ' . . . . ft 1