HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-27, Page 3ij I WEpNESDAY, JAfl. 27th, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Local A General Charles Steward “is able to be out- bein£ iU with bronchial pneumonia. j^r< and Mrs. Cha^. Webster and Mr, and Mrs. Bob Macintosh pent a. f^w days last week in Windsor aiiH Detroit. Mrs- M. Jackson and Kenneth MatLennap of Roseville, Mich., visited in the vicinity recently. Their father, Mr, Lprne MacLen- nan is not in tKe best of health. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Rcdvers Johnsoix were, Mr; and* to Guest Mitchell of Pres* ,1. ?.\^ and Mr, ind_ Mrs, William MitcheH and Roberta of Hamil- ['■ t01). • ' .'T ' . - 'I' '''■■■ . - '• t' Mr. and Mrs. James Purves of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. ‘ l, Purves of Lucknow. They ; 'were accompanied by Miss'Fran- s ces Hamilton who visited her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamil­ ton, Hemlock Gity.^ . ; Mrs. Amelia Treleaven has been visiting for a couple pf weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hunter. She will ^pend a few days at Kitchener. at her son, Donald’s, -before returning to Springvale, near Hagersville: = y- MAKE PRESENTATION TO MR. AND MRS, McALPINE Mr. ^nd Mrs. Cecil D, McAl­ pine were guests of honor at a special Rotary Ladies’ Night held at Mildmay last week? The popr ular couple are. leaving-for Wind­ sor this week, where Mr, McAl­ pine will take over his duties as manager of a branch of the Bank of Montreal. - • Following < the banquet, the couple iwere presented with a flash cambra and Mrs. McAlpine with a bouquet of cut flowers, by Dr. E.. J. Weiler, who spoke on behalf of the club moihibers” and their wivves. Dr. Weiler in pre­ senting the gift said that every- -one-m-Mildmay~wais7sorry^to^ the couple lqave and since com­ ing to Mildmdy in' 1948 they had, endeared themselves to. everyone.. I On Racing Commission John W. Hanna, M.P.P, for Huron-Bruce; has been appointed to the. Ontario Racing Commis­ sion and. will serve . with three other commissioners. Mr. Hanna’s appointment is the first under the new government act passed at the last session. The commis­ sion is the governing body all racing in the province,. HAS LONG SERVICE AS S.S. TEACHER ✓ ■*■■■. i i, I, il ijnj., Teachers and officers of the United Church Sunday School were installed at ’the Sunday morning service with an impress­ ive ceremony conducted by Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn. Mr. Glen 4 W&1 den is the new superintendent, succeeding Mr. Drennan, who lias given a lengthy period of faithful service and will continue to act as an assist­ ant superintendent. Taught Nearly Forty Years Among the teachers installed was Mrs. W»yG, Andrew, who has „a .noteworthy: service record in the Sunday School, and is peakring forty years’ of continuous service as a teacher and an assistant in the beginners’ class,- She has de­ voted all those years to' .the kin­ dergarten class, says, boys . It first with assistant to Mr. Mrs. loves Andrew the little for HURON CROP REPORT Many of the old farm wind­ mills are now being purchased as bases for TV antennaes. With the local TV station now featur- ing farm news, there is an in­ crease in the number of sets be­ ing purchased by county farmers. Most farmers now report that ■•they will, have adequate feed supplies for the remainder of the inside feeding period. All class^ es pf livestock generally appear j.__tO—be_ in; good, con^ i n< < CHURCH CHANNELS i L.D.H.S. NEWS The annual-Bobby Burns Lit­ erary meeting, held Friday, Jan­ uary 22nd, opened with the hymn “Unto the Hills”0. The scripture, Romans’, chap 13, was read by Dan Rose after which the Lord’s prayer was repeated in unison. The hyrrin .“Breathe onJpe broth of. God” was sung and .the' min^ ,__utes of the last meeting ..were then read and adopted. Ann Todd favored with a vocal solo “Bless ' this House” after which Isabelle . MacPherson and -Flora: MacQuil- lan did the highland fling ac­ companied by Caryl Gardner at the piano. After Bill Baulch gave . a reading on Bbbby Burns, Wilda Ried and Ann Crawford favored .with a duet “Flow Gently Sweet Afton”. Lester Burden played a piano solo after which the meet­ ing closed with the National an- them. : ’ ! i I l Ii LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH ■ < \ Minister: . Rev* G. A. Meiklejohn, • j ’ B.A., B.D* 69c 89c 29c ..... $1.00 .... $2.49 $3.49 SUITS—Third Off Real Bargains. £ ■ • • then served and the usuai social half hour followed. COATS HALF PRICE TO CLEAR SKIRTS HALF PRICE TO CLEAR MALE Shirty, sized ^“Ties Sox United Church Evg. Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary; pf the United Church met at the home of Mrs/ J. C. MacNab on Wed­ nesday. ^Mrs. K. C. Murdie con­ ducted the devotional service af-. the 'Aged Cow class 4 i ■f f Lucknow Fruit Market 1 Free Delivery Anytime ~ ’Phone 119, Lil^kiiow PAGE THRE Grand Clearance FEMALE ‘ Dresses S .......$i;oo & $3.oo > Panties .............. 2 for $1.00“ ylon Hose 79c/ Nylon Blousfes .$2.99 .Girls’ Rib Hose ........... 89e Rayon . Gowns ...... $1.89 Ileadsquares .... $1.00 Pillow Cases $1.19 & $1.50 Nylon Anklets .. 3 for $1.00 Brassiers ..... Wool Gloves........ 10% Nylon Wool ...L, i I i i $3.00 3“forr$L' 79c, 2' for $1.5 STATION WAGON COATS greatly reduced. Boys’ Golf Hose Work Shirts ...... Sport Shirts ....... TROUSERS - ^-pricie Boys and Men “because she and girls”, was back in assisted Mrs. W. H. Smith theTittJd tots, and then was . H. A. Doupe, principal of • the Continuation School. Then for many years Mrs. Andrew took charge of. the class and was rarely absent. A year ago Mrs. Orland Richards took over as teacher, with Mrs. And­ rew'continuing to assist her. Officers and teachers are as follows:; Superintendent;, Glen Walden; assistant superintend­ ents, Wilfred Drennan, Stuart Collyer; secretary-treasurer, Gor­ don Morrison;' assistant sec., Don­ ald Thompson; pianist, Kenneth MacNay; Missionary superinten­ dent, Mrs. H. Allin; temperance secretary, W. L.s M^cKenzie; Cradle Roll superintendent, Mrs. Stuart Collyer;,' -teaching staff,' beginners, Mrs. O. Richards, Mrs. W. G. Andrew; primary, Mrs. O. Jones, Mrs. L. Ritchie; girls, ' 7,? 8, Miss Gladys Kilpatrick, Mrs. G. McDiarmid; boys 7, 8, Mrs. W. Drennan, Mrs. V- Hunter; Junior girls 9, 10, Miss'* Carolyn i Gibson, Mrs. W. Anderson; girls 10, 11,.' Miss, Beverley Ashton; boys 9, 10, Bruce McKenzie; boys 10, il, Willard Thompson, Elmer Umbach; intermediate girls, Mrs; Raynard Ackert, Mrs. N. J. Mac- Kenzie; intermediate boys, Sty art Collyer, W. L. MacKenzie; sen­ ior 1 girls and boys, Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, Ernest Blake;, adult class, pres., Raynard Ackert; sec.- treas., Mrs. L. Ritchie. • 1916 that she i { Ac NEW SHIPMENT of SPRING DRESSES Prints, Plains—in Misses and Half Sizes J------------ ' '■■■■• I. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Sandersori’s LADIES’ AND MEN’S WEAR • . * ‘ ' ‘ ■ P 4 I ... .Great slims of money are spent every year ■ by the nation4" for healthy .and? preservation r of .life.. Medical science has achieved great wonders in medicines', won - der drugs, and improved opera­ tion techniques. Medical science is gradually seeing the import­ ance of the mental factors in out ■sicknesses. This community has been impressed by the work of a hypnotist in the realm of the mind. Many doctors .will admit that many people suffering with various complaints have nothing organically '.wrong. The sickness is purely mental. Some people actually like to be. sick so that they can have, something to .grumble about. Some people have every, new-disease that is discov­ ered. Some people would be dis­ appointed if the doctor told them that there was nothing seriously wrong wiith 'them and that; all they, needed was rest,, proper ex­ ercise: and good food. There are three, kinds of sicknesses each re­ lated to the other, physical, men­ tal and spiritual; In many cases if the spiritual sickness were cur­ ed the other ailments would be lessened. Here are some suggest­ ions for spiritual healing. Relax, physically, think on God alone. Him. °You must trust Him fully. He made ypu and He will care for- .you if you will let Him. Cleanse yourself of:all hate, fear, and; resentment. God’s healing power cannot work if you are not living according to His- lawv?.- You are -privileged to abide in His love and wajz of. life. com­ pletely. Picture yourself as you want, to be. Fix in your: mind, your .illness as cured. See? your ^nbBehFsbhmdrAsk GOdlo send- BRUCE INSPECTORATE LEADS IN J. R. C. WORK i Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary - iter singing of a hymn from the , The January meeting was held jrnew song sheets. Mrs. H. Web- at the home of Mrs. Robt. Mac- ] ster—Tead the scripture^ Miss ^ Kenzie with Mrs^ Jack Fisher Helen Thompson gave an exeel­ presiding. After hymn 697 was • lent talk on the study book,“New- sung, Mrs. Cameron MacDonald j Ways for New Days”. Miss Plum­ read the scripture lesson. The | steel then devoted the remainder Bible study was taken by Miss' of the evening to “What iwe can . Maudie Fisher. Miss Gladys jMac- j learn from the Poets”, referring . Donald gave a very ipterestmg to many of our well known poets topic on “Choices” which was and their poems. After the bene- followed by a reading by Mrs. diction, Mrs. T.. A. MacDonald Winn. The businesjs was attended conducted a contest. Lunch was to, after which Mrs. J. E. Little took the current events; After singing hymn-581,- Kay McIntosh closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. .......................I SUNDAY, JANUARY 31st | IT a.mj cation”. J 12.1ft p.m.: Sunday School. | 7 pin*: “The Church in Asia! • Minor”. | “The Christian Vo- I Lucknow I Rev. C. A. Winn, B*A,,| | Minister. . , j SUNDAY; JANUARY 31st | 111 -a;m j Motnin^ Worship. I U.15 p.m.: gtihOMY School. I ! 3-p.m.: Efskliie, Dungannon,! r“7“j£nm ..‘'“'j" **c The Junior Red Cross Society in 1954,,as in previous years, is appealing to, the schools for ’as> ^istmic£-JrLUiQiineciion_j^ Handicapped and Crippled Child­ ren’s Fund and the National Jun­ ior Red Cross Service Fund. This appeal will not fall on deaf ears in the Bruce inspector^ ate In 1953, as for many years before that, the schools’in this inspectorate led the province in and give yourself completely 4o i contributions; When the donations • were seht in last year Mrs. O. C. Herrington, Director of Ontario Junior Red Cross, ,wrote to Messrs. J. M. Game and A. A. Kilroy as follows: . . “The total $2,425.04, is/indeed the’.largest amount received from any inspectorate this, year, and is about $430.00 more than iast year. Such wonderfur help from your teachers . and 'their pupils is indeed appreciated”. ~“THe inspectoTs are very pleas-- ed with thb generous vvay in -wlri c h^teaehers-^and-;p upils^-con- Itiiiue to support this'worthy or­ ganization; Contributions last year averaged $16.11 per school or $il.71 per classroom. .Only a few sehdolsi did not respond. Receives All-Canadian Honors Maple Lea Sunset Sally, who was the‘first, prize aged cow at the International Dairy Show, Chicago, and first and reserve grand champion at Western Fair, London, for Lome B. Reid, Rip- . •ley, Ontario, has reecived honor­ able mention as All-Canadian in Shop . , . Look Around, . * . Then Visit THE LUCKNOW FRUIT MARKET And See How Much Farther Your $ Will Go His healing-power into your life., the - laying on of hand?,, the Holy Communion, and anointing with' oiL Thak God immediately • that •His healing power, is- now taking' place in vou. There must be no doubt in your mind. Don’t, check ' to see if you‘’ are ,-be.ttei light . away. That, is a.n act ,.of?doubt. Know in your heart that God s healthful powers, have been re-^ leased . in yoii, and they- will berr b? ClH*e Wil?°take a long while. Healing ASHFIELD NOTES v annual meeting . of the was 'held on Thursday, • January. 21st. partnients. were very. encour-ag- ingr’TwO new names appear .on the Managing Board this year, Mr; Duncan FarrisH and Mr; Dun-. ;can Allen; Plans were made for The. . -Presbyterian congregation like salvation itself, moans whole-’ ness. of,'personality. One of the marks of healing is the changed 1'os°lw^ yo;1'7.77;ui?ndtCbei Cathcart’s friends will 0). not. Our doewu wduH not leasecKo kn?w hb is . bodies, minds and squis. ,, t SLICED BREAD . ■ • Loaf ............15c Milk, quart *17c .. Carnation Milk . X4p, -.2.for.27 c.. Robin Hood .Oats, giant size 39c Purity Oats With Chin a 4 * 4 «48c Sweet Mixed Pickles,jar • 4 « * «.24c Interlake Tissue .......8 for 99c Sockeye Salmon ...... 3 for 99c Tulip ‘Margerine .......26c Solo Margarine .........26c Iodized Salt6 .. i. ...• ••• •4»4 10c Potatoes, 75’lb. bag ..... $1.15 Bananas, lb, ............■. -16c ’ Old Cabbage, head....■ 4 4 • 4*7* .10c ORANGES, 288’s ......25c, ORANGES, 220’s .......39c ORANGES, 150’s » • »59c GRAPEFRUIT, 96’s .10 for 49c- HEAD LETTUCE ... ... 2 for 29c ■CELLO RADISH ....15c Fresh Oysters ■ Caulif lower Celery Stalks - q j Mushrooms ■-Brpcoli........ Rhubarb _ Brussels Sprouts Parsley Cukes. ‘ Peppers Spiiiaeh . Salads NeW’ Carrots New Cabbage Swee| Potatoes “IF IT GROWS—