HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-27, Page 2”* ■ . PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO V ____________ _ ■. . ' .. ..—I.-- ■■■ .. ■ — WEDNESDAY/JAN.28th, 1954 « (>■ Announcing | Change of Ownership I i I I Having disposed of pur. hardware busi­ ness, we wish to acknowledge with thanks and appreciation the patronage and pleasant business association* we have enjoyed with the people of Lucknow and District for the past Wrty-three years. - To our successors, Webster irnd Mac- \ Kiiinon, we extend best wishes for success and bespeak for them a continuation of the gen­ erous patronage with, which we have been favored in the past. RAE and PORTEOUS Robert Rae — W. A. Porteous i CENTRAL FARM FORUM ’ . ■ c '-A. « . .. Central Farm Forum of West Wawanosh met at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kinahan on Monday evening, with the host acting as chairman. It wa§ Review Night and fol­ lowing the broadcast the gather­ ing played cards, with prize win­ ners being John Finnigan and Mrs. Wm. Purdon. The , next meeting will be at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Gor­ don MacTavish. The subject will be ’‘Trade Barners”. START WORK ON NEW COURT HOUSE NEXT YEAR ' Construction of the new court house at Goderich is to get un­ derway early next year to replace I the 100-year-old ...building in the heart pf The' Square.’ The cost is estimated at $500,- 000. The original decision to build the court house was * made in 1946, at an estimated cost of $350,000; but construction was de­ ferred due to the “high cost” of building at that time. ’ The Clansmen Present; • • * FIGURE SKATING and COSTUME \ I ICARNIVALi i i I IN THE LUCKNOW ARENA Carnival openjs sharp at 8.00 p.m. with Prpfessibnal Skating by Miss D. Carthy ; and Members of the Goderich Skating Club. Be On1 Time Or You’ll Miss This. j■ ■- ■■ "';'4 i !■ iAIi i i i i 4*I I Friday, January 29 PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN Fancy Dressed Qirl ..$1,25 75c Fancy Dressed Boy .... 1.25 75c Comic Dressed Girl 1.25 75c Comic Dressed Boy .. L25 75c I PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN i ’ Grades 1 and 2> Fancy Dtessed Girl ..$1.25 75c I Fancy Dressed Boy 1,25 ,75c I Comic Dressed Girl . 1J25 75c Comic Dressed Boy 1.25 '75p ■ ‘ > Races . *■.1 Girls’ Race..... . 75c 50c 25c I Boys’ Race ... . ” 75c 50c 25c 1 . s. Grades 3, 4, 5 ' Fancy Dressed Girl .’$1.25 75c I Fancy Dressed Boy ... 1.25 75c , Comic Dressed Girl .. L25 75c Comic Dressed Boy 1.25 75c Races Girls’ Race ....75c 50c 25c Boys’ Race; ... 75c 50c 25c Grades 6, 7, 8 Fancy Dressed Girl ;$L25 75c CV Flt®pcertyi Ft/yy _ .1 . Comic' Dressed Girl 1.25 75c Comic Dressed Boy .1.25 75c !■/ ■ •’ /%.. . Races. ; Girls’; Race 75c 50c *25c Boys’ Race ...... . 75c 50c 25c i 75c ... 1.25 75c 1 .. 1.25 75c V ,. 1.25 75c 75c 50c 25c 75c 50c 25c 7, 8 I 4❖ HIGH SCHOOL Fancy Dressed Girl ..$1.25 75c Fancy Dressed Boy 1.25 75c Comic Dressed Girl .. 1.25 75c Comic Dressed Boy ..1.25 75c S*Races. Girls’ Race ....... 75c Boys’ Race . 75c ADULTS < 50c 25c 50 c 25c / Fancy Dressed Lady $1.25 75c • Comic Dressed Lady_1.25_J75c__j Fancy Dressed Man .. 1.25 .75c Comic Dressed Man .. 1.25..75c I Races J Single Ladies’Race ..$1.00 50c Single Man's Race .. . LOO 50c I Married Ladies’ Race 1.00..50c | Married Men’s Race ., 1.00 50c I ’’ ’ V . ' SPECIALS Oldest Lady on Skates .., $1.25 . Boys’ .Musical Chairs,/.. 1,25 Girls’ Musical Chairs .... .4 1.25 Largest Family oh Skates 5.00 ADULTS — 35c SCHOOL CHILDREN I5t i i I t-I I! i’■ 1 ■ . looking backwards THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES Sixty Years Ago C. H. Mathers, son of Mr. and CO-OP PRESIDENT RESIGNSOFFICE annual meeting of the District Co-op on evening, the resigna- regretfully received cf j Others of Kin- tivop Vt^V* ________’ ~4move to the Kingston^ district in/fo^n editor of the Neepawa Reg- Thomas Treleaven, 78, died ,in Ashfield and Mrs. Donald Cam­ eron passed away at. her home in West Wawanosh. ./ " ' / . Officers of the ;A.aU^W.: were, foreman, Alex .Ross; over- , wi»*vjr -—- ----------’ D. Yule; financier, D. R. McIn­ tosh; receiver, J. L. Paterson; guide, P. Torrence; inside watch­ man, Jas. Bryan; outside watch­ man, D. Paterson. ° Under the signatures of John McIntyre, president and George Robertson, secretary, the annual meeting of Hemlock City Mill­ ing Co. was called to be held1 in Grant’s school house. Mrs. Wm. J. Good died in her 46th.year and was laid to rest in Zion Cemetery on New Year’s day. Invitations were out for the, Masonic “at home”. You could buy 25 pounds of yellow sugar for. $L00 at F. Shoe­ bottom’s. ' . • ■ -<• ' •E. A. MacKehiie of Montreal Presbyterian College preached at Whitechurch before returning to college after the holidays. A daughter was born to Dr. and Mrs. D: A/McCrimmon at Underwood. ‘ Thirty-Five Years Ago Armour McMurchy, a 31-year- old Ashfield resident, died of_ inr_ flueiiza. ' ' /. " ■ .,/ By a Vote of 105 “for” and 87 “against”, Lucknow, ratepayers gave approval to the purchasing of the locar electric light plant. „ Upon learning of thei decision of Miss Murdena MacLeod to fgive | up teaching, the pupils of SvS. No. 5, Kihloss, presented hre with a wrist watch. The address was signed by ’ Isabel Clarke and Charles Morrison. / James Purves was appointed caretaker -of St/ Helens school arid Wm. McPherson was appoint­ ed to succeed him on the trustee board. At S.S. No.; 12, Ashfield, the following’ students were taught by. T. / M< Kempton: Florence Shiells, Malcolm McLennan, Jim­ mie McNain, Lloyd Robb, Bessie Blue, Christine Ross, Marion | ____ ________ Jamieson, Jack McLennan, Alvin I Sault Ste. Marie, Miss Sadie Far- -MeNain, Erma Shieiis, Doniftd ‘ rish, John~Hbwe,. Mrs ~ Boyd, Willie Ross, Vera. Roibb, I Raynard, William Bell. Jessie Ross, Ross Shiells, Annie I McKenzie, Ewen McLean, Wilmer RObb, Kenzie Boyd.’ Miss Pearl Henderson resigned her -position as cashier at Mur­ doch and Cameron’s Store and left ifor Chicago. ... . ’ John .Carter succeeded Ed Purves as mail carrier ori, R. 5. _ Walt.er_Treleaven, only son of , _______y from a heart attack at his home in Medford where he conducted i,a merchant-tailor business. L ?^rs: J- bickering’s Sunday J* sented her with a. gift, the *ad- At the Lucknow Thursday tion was '• ........President Bob W in ManS: He>ad the spring to join in a new On--lister for nine years, tario venture ~ a co-operative farm project. n Co-op Manager Jack McArthur paid tribute to Bob/who he said ______ had~put^ the Co-op and had worked hard ^/ foreman, Aiex Ross; qvcx- in promoting it. He extended his ’ We{ji€y Moise; recorder, • D, thanks and ev^ry good wish for. " ~ ~ success. • t ’ / J Mr. H. Tyler, who gave the. I auditors report, said he had been | impressed by Mr. Barkwell’s zeal, energy and desire to make the Co-op a success. His “Good luck Bob”, brought a hearty re­ sponse from the audience. Bob said he -felt they were overdoing it a bit, ^but said his associations with the Co-op had been a pleasure and he appreciat­ ed the fine co-operation he had received as president. He invited anyone if they were ever in the Kingston district to -be sure and call on them. The president’s formal resigna­ tion, was as follows: ' . To the Directors, .. Lucknow District Co-op, Gentlemen: / As you are all aware I -be leaving the district ’ in near future, to start on a venture. Because- of this I am forced to tender my resignation as President and Director of. the Board. ^I^bntfiisnr^etfiRly7^ ircan assure you my duties have al­ ways been made easier because of your loyal support and co-opera- tion. Indeed it has been a /pleas­ ure to work with you in the interests of the members/ May I take the opportunity to | wish your new President and Board every success in their future endeavours. And to the members my -farewell must in­ clude a sincere hope for all poss­ ible prosperity in the years to come. Sincerely, R; J.. Barkwell. will .the new , Twenty Yew Ago | ^Wtn. J. Hogan died suddenly , mp\shfieid. ■ YA six-man local relief commit- dee was comprised of Reeve A. W. Hamilton, Donald Ferguson, Rev, J. H. Geoghegan, Robt. Rae, W. J. Spindler and S, E. Rob­ ertson. . .v.- Mrs. J: K. MacDonald of Ash­ field died in Detroit in her 64th Y^arr Y..................................; .... The de^th occurred of Lois Ethel Thomson, threermonths-old daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. John . Thomson of Lucknow. / Rev. Walter B. Craw resigned as pastor of Kincardine United Church, to accept a pastorate at Centennial Church, London? In a letter from Rev. A; M. Nicholson of Hudson Bay June- tion, he ,said 400 families were receiving0 relief in that district, M. G. MacDonald was teaching the following students at S.S. No. 10, Ashfield: Alex'Farrish, . Jim Nelson, Eileen Campbell, Jean Nelson, Grace Campbell, Rhea Millar, Bob Farrish, Cecelia Watt, Fearl Jamieson, Louise Campbell, Dorothy Drennan, John Austin, Vincent Austin, Grant Farrish, ' Alvin Drennan,. Evelyn Little, > Warren Zinn, Billie, Hogan, ' Mar­ guerite Jamieson, Teresa Austin, Rena Miller. R, H. Thompson was advertis­ ing coffee at 35c a pound, tea at 39c a pound,; 8 rolls of toilet ‘ paper for 25c, 8 bars of soap for 25c and 8 pounds of. white, beans - for 25c. Those were the “hungry • thirties”. . 1 i ARE FORTY-EIGHT YEARS MARRIED ■ . • > . Mr, and Mrs. Lome S, Web- ster of Seaforth marked their 48th wedding anniversary ori Sunday, January 24th. Mrs. Webster, the former Ethel’ Ada Lawrence, was married to Mr. Webster in 1906 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawrence, McKlllop township, by (the late) Rev. A. K. Birks of Seaforth Methqdist (now North­ side United) Church. Miss Sara- bel Daley, now Mrs.’ WilbertWebster o7-Seaforth, was' bri£s‘ maid; and the best man was Dan­ iel Henderson of Lucknow. Following their marriage, the couple farmed in Ashfield tOwn-ixcuxucu xix rxsnxxexu town- .--------ship; near Lucknow, and in 1910 7^22} class at_ Paramount pre- moved to a farm in McKillop ‘ the ad“ I township. They settled in Sea- ' r^SS 'beLrtg;.$lg1ed by Pearl ’Mc- forth in May 1946. Mr, Webster'Sr? ’ J^ie Ketjhabaw, Bertha has.,(been a rural mail, courier outJenn!« Towle, and.Sadie of Seaforth for over 20 years. IMacDonald- They haveva (family of five! daughters, Mrs. E. (Mae) HoLT landj Toronto; Mrs. Win. .(Pearl) I ■r • * --------/ ■ ■ (Audrey) Christie, V VV'CXU>UI1, Qtd- forth; and Mrs./ A. (Freda) Bab-1 Ten Years Ago - Helen Orr of Stratford Normal was practice teaching at S.S. No. 10, Kinloss. ' . The Male Leaf Club was form­ ed, consisting: of lady employees at the Maple Leaf Aircraft-plant. Officers were: Grace Campbell, president; Celia Wilson, secret­ ary-treasurer; pianist, Kathleen *.■ McIntosh. Rev. J. W.- Stewart was Master of Old Light Lodge. , A second nomination meeting was required to fill two vacanc­ ies on the Board of Education; The resignation, of Mrs. Morgan Henderson and; an unqualified seconder to T. W. Smith’s nom­ ination left the two seats vacant, which were later filled by Mr. ’ Smith and Harold Treledven, Deaths: Ellen Archibald of .Max’ ■. ___•• / FORMER WINGHAM BOY . ....................„ ------_^_PARAMOUNTHV tI^—- -daughters, Mrs. E. (Mae) Hol-1 Mr\^in‘ APe^ Paramount Institute meeting Dodds, McKiUop; Mrs; Clendon ! was Reid at: Mrs. Fred Martin’s (Audrey) Christie, Brucefield;. bn January 19th with a m kBatson,Seal,tenS^j.th? • forth; and Mrc A PoU wt-Jiaud.w, me 1,cock, Toronto. Mrs. ' Watson "and1 R^H cdl “A^anadL n , Mrs aabcbfek are twins, There Iarticle are three grandchildren and one’ well resnonded tn CnrVLC « great grandchild. Both Mr. and . encie ’ wa^ad ??po1 Mrs. Webster, are‘in good health/from 'som^ n? thnen S° tha7^ ux uic and take ,an active interest in the! Christmas boxes Two PaTt7™5 Agr?CUltUral tive Stock De- eyepts of the day. . I n i Ped; Cross partment. t ' JACK PERDUE The Board of Directors and Management of the Canadian- was National Exhibition announce the 1 appointment <xf J. N. Perdue as ' hew manager of the CN.E.’s ■'at"-«ach-r;"Jack”'.’as Mr.' Perdue is' fa:r,-~“ . ' to take Blare it tn- •1S: ‘'fa^y known' to Exhibition ex- “Blfl ai AnRD Aft?” >ing A sl«« song was enjoyed"! ’ in ChfLd/ Y"'' ■ maat4UrdU,60f ■ “ Man YOU* Crnzv ' also ’ a mdfng^on^fhff Kure’ • ak- a junior clerk in . */■; Inally LUU I U VlaLj that subject 1932. Through his father the late Forget your age! Thousands arc peppy at 70. Mrs. R; Reid. A reading Ort A M Jty "p^pping tip Mth Ostrex. Contains tonic' I sixty years ago was given tkv 1 . e* voterinafryF surgeon, i nindown feeling due solely '.tot t wtmztiwjw*.... & ven by Mrs. Jack had ah earlv introduction to .1 body s lack ofiron xvhicii many men StittrleriderSbh and 'COhte^f^' oAn* •'.ainsS'1 ■ w'X it- '■ vi. - ■ / . . ■]*¥*§&£*..-and . agrjcuIturaL..m^^_. fjor pep. voimger feeling/tEis very day New A lvlyrray and ters aild SOOn graduated it"getW w X Mrs? O* Richards. Lunch wsay all drug stores ev^ryvthcro. ve<j 7 was sei- department Of the G.N.E.’; ■i ' ' ' ’ ities. ■ -soon- graduated into that ’s activ-.