HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-20, Page 9•> V*. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20th, 1954 L.... . ,.n I[I|I!,.|||II Illi,! I ...nui .u ., , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO T J PAGE NINE ielates trip to ,AN FRANCISCO A Christmas holiday trip down West Coast , of United States ■ described by Miss Margaret alkeld in two interesting let- jrs to her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. ; J. Salkeld/ . . ( Margaret teaches at Duncan, ,C., and never misses a chance | /take’a tour, She travelled ex- (nsively in the Old Country and f i the Continent while in Eng- as an exchange Teacher, From Dunean to Seattle the ip was by plane and from there, a: Portland, by bus: The first ght’s stop was.at Klamath Falls / Oregon, a real western town, ^t stiir takes ptide in its cov- , •ed wagons and cowboys. This Hias been seriously ill and is~un- I. OBITUARY MR. HARRY OSBORNE . It. was with . a deep, sense of loss the friends and neighbors of Mr. Harry Osborne learned of his sudden death on Saturday even­ ing, January 9th. My. Osborne was a sop- of the late Wm. James Osborne and Jane Hooey and was born on Lot 14, Con. 12, Huron Township, where he lived, his en­ tire .life. * - Mr, Osborne was married in 1910 to Miss Annie Stewart ^nd together (they enjoyed forty-three years of happy, married life. To this union were born, two daugh- tors’ancl, a' sbn, Jean of Lucknow, Mrs. Harold Laverty (Evelyn) of West Hill and Wray ats&hoane. For the past year Mrs. Osborne able to sense, fully the loss she has sustained but in the days which, follow will surely miss th£ tender care and affection which he had so; faithfully bestowed. Two sisters and a, brother also survive, 'Evelyn G., formerly of Toronto, who. has 'been caring for 1953 Review From Sentinel Files «? iute Awas over mountain roads, id was picturesque with moun- in lakes, waterfalls and snow- ipped mountains sparkling in e sunshine. Long-haired .Ind- ns with broad-rimmed black its were frequently to* be seen, * The Pext morning they headed i uth for California just as the (Mrs. Osborne; Mrs. Howard n.was rising behind Mt. Shasta Henry (Minnie) of Huron Town- create an artist’s scene. Ijpori i ship and Albert of Ripley. tefing California, Department.1 Mr. Osborne’s interest lay r in Agriculture officials stop all his church, his community and iffic to prevent fruit or plants , his home. He. was a lifelong and May 6th Mrs. Lloyd Hall, resigned from the teaching staff-of the Public School. She had been a member of the staff for eleven years. District Lions Club officials’ were in town investigating \ the possibility of organizing a club. here. I The Lucknow District High School cadet corps w<as inspected by Captain Klinck and Staff Sgt. Rornanchuck. of London. The Clansmen Club laid plans /for* an x^-ray clinic.; • • ~ 7"" .... , The .nine Macintosh sisters, daughters of the' late -Mr. and Mrs. Peter Macintosh, held® a re­ union at Mea do w vale. VJ.. Deaths: Mrs. William Stimson, Irvine Henry, Mrs. Barney Ben- niger. upstairs to investigate an out? • v break - of fire which destroyed < The fire tne cabin. His body was removed ' from “Standpipe Hill” to its pre- before the flames reached him, > sent location behind the fire ball. Russ Button was elected pres-1. Ronald Blue received the Lib- ident of the Business Men’s As-1 era! party nomination at South- soci'ation. u j ampton by acclamation., Mrs. Donald MacDonald wasj Langside W.M.S. Auxiliary ob- | appointed superintendent of the served their diamond jubilee. Baker Private Hospital. Lucknow Pipe Band held a Bob Finlay took over Purdon’s very successful band tatoo in the* wallpaper and gift shop. •> The Percy Store at. Holyrood tp.'commence**/: July 1st sireen was. moved Cal^edoriian Park,, Ruriiors were circulating that Alisa. Craig. . Misses Isabel Gammie . a n d Margaret Sheridan resigned from the High School staff. Elva a, Elizabeth, daughter of' Mr. and Mrs.. Harvey Ritchie was (born on 2nd. Deaths: Walker. Coronation Earl White, this district: v - Deaths: Mrs.- Isaac Andrew. ’ < * ' . » ** , • • ■ July 8th , A barn on; "the farm of John and Fred McQuillin in West Wa­ wanosh was destroyed by . fire. William J J “rs- M- Y°tog Day-—June I observed their golden anniver­ sary at their home in Gallimere. . .. «*•—* Lucknow’s 1954 assessment.not- | Rededication services were1 ices were the number one topic ----------s. | held at South Kinloss Church af-' of conversation. . held in the Presbyterian church Iter an extensive redecorating pfro-.' Mr. William J. Roulston of Kiri- .gram.. cardine was fatally injured, in a .. ip'g takeri into that State, trough the California desert, tted with ranch shacks, the irney was forlorn but as they 1 proach Sacramiento olive! oves arid nut orchards flour-1 led, and the fields were full smile of welcome with which grazing sheep and cattle.’, they were greeted at his home. owers, palms, orange . groves, The funeral service was held p fields and rice paddies bor-1 on Tuesday at the McLennan reji the route from Sacramento Funeral Home, Ripley, and was San Francisco. A- 50-lb; sack/ conducted by Rev. F. G. Purchase oranges cost $1.00 at a road-] of Bervie, assisted by Rev. D. M. :e stand, but in the city a glass Guest of Wyoming, who has b^en orange juice still cost 20c.; ■ an intimate family friend for L’hey entered San Francisco by years. Pallbearers were Clarence j 18J4-mile long, two-deck : Hooey; Clarence Bridge, Victor kland Bay Bridge, which is Bridge, Lester Osborne, Russell ich bigger and more spectacu-, Osborne and- Rov Peter. Inter- . than the Golden Gate Abridxge. ment was' made in Ripley Cern- is a terrific thingy Margaret etery. d; arid a wonderful thing to p 7—-----—■—7"—-—— k down after night ori San ■ pMl JdtM rnixirFQQinw incisco lights twinkling below ] ■'^VK I rl vUNCEbblOlN. he warmth and flowers of- most, faithful member of Clarke Church where he served as a rqember of the Session. His quiet spoken words of-counsel were of? :t.en sought and accepted.. and many will miss - the pleasant May 13th Plans Avere laid by the Councif to hold a Coronation Day ser? vice. ... Anniversary services were ■1 “ ’ commemorating the 64th anni­ versary of the building of the.I C present church. before onrPL ~ 11 ill ______2xi_ _ r 1 age was being cut to prevent it * sale. ■ .... . . • being drawn to the front field i of the Caledonian Park. . t __ ___t Goldie Emmerson accepted the Miss Grace MacPherson died , Wawanosh, was’totally destroyed 'principalship at Cameron Falls public school. Deaths: . Mrs, AVilliani' ' Potter, v*v.a;? a.MWM!v» i.y > Mrs. D. E. Anderson, Thoinas j ascend a flight of steps at the. Anderson. i Hamilton mountain. i • ■ ■« ■ »«_■ I j i June 17th f Crewe Church, built. 63, years car accident i’n Michigan >fore on a1 corner of the Dur-1 • -n/r^ iv... -r The hill north of the Ford Gar- > nin farm, was being Offered for age was being cut to prevent it ’ sale. from washing out, and fill was* Shirley Robinson and Viola Cook graduated at Owen Sound Hospital, 1 Deaths: Mrs. Wm. J. MacDon- .ald. . • - ' Marion & Billie Buckton spent i Francisco reminded Margar-‘ the wsek;end W‘th tlheir grand- - * g -nhrAntc Itfrr’••and K/Trc Tlnnn .ILfon.’’ of the Christmas they spent ; . Spaih. This city, modern, I an and without apparent' mis, was rebuilt following the thquake and fire off 1906. It auilt on a hill and the pedes- tm “sightsseer' hecomes leS ary Of the up and downs and rgaret felt it would have been pful to be a (mountain goat; r wharf and China, town is lust for the traveller, but as h everything else has become lrriercialized with souvenir ps and high-priced eating ts. / ; ' alifornia is a strange country T many derelict buildings, t have been thrown up to re'the purpose of the moment then abandoned. No one ever iks of tomorrow. High ..priced, get glittering cars are con- uous With the owner prob- having had no more of t/his Id’s assets than the down pay.1 it. This fascinating city with stair-step streets in places, a cosmopolitan race of Chin- Japs, Italians, Spanish, In- IS. 4 ‘ . argaret was so intriqued o..- __ - x , 1 San -Francisco that, she .re- .the .rugged. Oregon K.coast. along ned there to siight-see while ’ . rest of the party went onto able part of this Christmas holi- "Angoles and she was glad day trip' Z ~ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dune Mac-' j Connell, 2nd Concession. ; Mr. arid Mrs. John Dickie.of Hope Bay are spending a *’ few weeks With iMr; and Mrs; Ira Dickie and boys. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Donald MacIntyre on the birth of a baby daughter, January 15th in Kincardine Hospital. . • Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie and Billie of Ashfield visited on. Sunday wi-t-h—Mrs. D. -Lt-M-acI^n-^ non and John. . she did as they' returned . with a very disappointing report of the,-city as.-dirty, noisy and’ taw­ dry. 7. \ Margaret went out tp Polo Alto 'to-visit Stanford University and ’was’ greatly impressed • by the beauty of the buildings spread over 9000 acres and amid palms, flowers and fruit groves. - ' The . visit, over, the party head.- ed north again across the Golden Gate Bridge, but with a fog hid- I ing Alcatraz from; their sight' Vineyards against a back-drop of mountains, and then into the giant Redwood tree country were highlights of the trip home, with which they travelled a memory FARMERS’ MEETING I j. i i 4 i I IN LUCKNOW RECREATION CENTRE ,,, .i. - - ./ . ■ -— ' • V . ■ ■ 8.30 sharp PECIAL SPEAKER From MANITOBA; FARMERS’ UNION, j , " ■" ..................... •—-........———— j .. I-Every Farmer, and His Wife Invitpd ’ T HELT’ PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF THE FARMER j May 20th ; Cameron Cook purchased? the local residence of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson. "" 7 “ / §even acres, of land was sur- / veyed at Point Clark ’with the ’ idea of establishing a public park. George Webster was presented with Scout book ends as an a ward for the best-design submitted for the new . Saugeen District Scout badge. Close to 300 ladies gathered in ' and Mrs. Garret Feyge at Am- . the Town Hall for the Zone Rai? hefstburg. ly of the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the ! Wilfred Snider, grandson of Canadian- Legion. < Mrs. Kenneth (Jam er on, was re- A senior ° folk gathering was I ported seriously wounded in the Jield in the United Church, with. (face in the Korean fighting. It 34 men and women . attending,! wa‘s the second time he had been ‘Who had at least 70 years to their I wounded/ 7 credit. | Dr. W. V. Johnston addressed Mrs. S. B. Stothers left for I the graduating class of Toronto England to visit with her daugh-.I University medical school, ter Agnes. Deaths: Robt. Thompson, Dun-' can Kennedy. May 27th Many residents of this district ■ _m.otored—to—the--Sar-nia-London- Stratford district to view the'tor- nado damage. . ; Upbelieveable and incredible damage w^is done by a twister which cut'a swath through West i Wawariosh, East Wawanosh and 'Morris Townships. . 7 - . I Kenneth Brow-n, sori of Mr. and j Mrs. Wilbur J3rowri of. Dungan- |/non, won. a $100 scholarship at Qpeen’s’University. ’ . . • 1146 -persons ‘ were x:rayed at the Clansmen clinic. ' . The Sentinel published a" cor­ onation edition in honor of the ‘ crowning of Queen Elizabeth II. I Deaths:' Mrs” Joshua June 2nd , Raynard Ackert shot bear on a fishing trip Capreol. ' : Miss Bessie Carnochan receiv- _ecLJier_B,A ._d’C.gree_.a.t__Carleton. College, Ottawa. ~' ' Rev. R. D. MacDonald was el­ ected grand chaplain* of the Royal Arch Masons, a post one time held by his father, the late Rev.- C. H. MacDonald. Several thousand acres of land, were, being leased in Kinloss 'I ownship by. imperial Oil. Rev. S. ,E. Hay ward, of St, Hel­ ens accepted a call to Oakdale in Lambtbri Ptesbytery.’ r j A - hoi fp_r _f torn -jW^A^JCulhertlS- herd sold for $1,000 as-top ani­ mal in the Culbert-Gaunt-Keyes Slwrt’horri sale; "V. Mrs. Durnin. Phillips was el­ ected president of West Huton Women’s Institute.* , O'eatHs:. John A,..MacDonald. . June^Oth < ' Alex McKinnon, 85, was killed I July 15th . The farm home of Mr. and Mrs. J Lawrence Reid, Con., 12, West of head injuries, received when by fire. struck, by a. brick dropped^ by | Mrs. John Cox celebrated her some boys as .she was about, to ' 9-9^ birthday amiiiuii uiumiiaui • Donald MacDiarmid, 18-year- Fire in a straw stack threat-J ^ae Ma5‘ ened the home.occupied by Levi Ohio, Carter and owned by Charlie Hodgins, on Con. 10, Kinloss. - Deaths: Mrs. John MjacMillari. June 24th- « Forty-eight hogs were destroy­ ed on the farm of Cliff Hackett in Ashfield when an outbreak of hog cholerawasdiscovexed: Mrs. John Howe observed her ' 90th birthday at the home of Mr. 1 Kinlbugh Presbyterian W.M.S. observed itsTdiamond anniver­ sary. Mrs: J. R. Lane is the onl$ Sponsored by Ontario Farmers’ Union — r — II — — II MM ■■ ' I— , I— . ■■ r>-*—»< • was drowned in a tragic accident at Gore Bay on Manitoulin Is­ land. - l—Mr—and—Mrs^ L.- C. MacIveT celebrated their golden wedding anniversary; • Sid Whitby was appointed care- Jaker_pf_the__ne^^ Lucknow, Dis— trict High School. The 1953 village tax -rate was set at 54.6 mills/ an increase of slightly less than four mills over' the previous year, 7 - ■ " South Kinloss W.M.S. observ­ ed their 65th anniversary. Deaths: Mrs. Clarence Jamie­ son. . “Old at 40,50,60?” — Man, You’re Crazy Forget your,age! Thousands are peppy at 70. Try “peeping ui>”.\yith Ostrex. Contains tonic feeling due solely to .bdry.„ lvirs. J. Pi. ludlie iS me only 1-ry pepping up with Ostrex. Contains tonic charter member living in the dis- wdyV&’S” “en’anS I trict. ' I •'’’tomen call “old."’ T>jrOsfirex Tonic Tablets f High School closed, for the last! . ■ ■ ,i_ t i____t—*—i—. -------—get_acqiiainted—size-omy^Oe—For-sale-At-nime in the old school building. > an drug stores everj-where. Dawson. • • i a 600-lb. north of WE CARRY A Complete Stock Of / 3 MODERN i ii ' ii!i I i i i i i j, * a lex lvicrunnon, oo, was khicu plunge dbwn the stairway | jod* his''log home .on the Second i Concession, after he had gone;A Kitchen Cabinets; ■ .J.-.. I i I i f i i <1 . ijUiiiiii -1- I'M-1 I'iil u- .111.1': i.-.i.i-ir.rji-.'i'.L.' i.. *1 ju '.i t..i'' .j*-'.- liiii.iTir^—.i ' *■ - YOU ARE INVITED TO COME IN AND j ■ LOOK THESE MATERIALS OVER. j JOHN W. HENDERSON I . ■ I * •J >«■►<> i i I i i 7 i i i ■■ L;f . ! ' I I 1 I l j I4. i i * i i I ■■ i ■ • “t-*" T..; i i ■ I i ■/ i : . ■ , v, ., ■ • , I Including — Arborite in a range of beautiful colors Plywodd in all thicknesses . Chrome Hinges and Pulls Metal Mouldings i”xl2" Shelving Marlite Tile Board in a variety of colors ,1 LUMBER LIMITED I.