HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-20, Page 2THE) LUtKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TWO WEDNESDAY, JAN: 20th, 1954 NYLONS Special purchase of 51 gauge, 15 denier, ' first quality Nylon. Hose in the newest season’s shades. * Wednesday, Jan. 20 to Saturday, January 30 FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS in our Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Wear, Yard Goods and Woollen Departments, we offer January STOCK-TAKING CLEARANCES. At this time of year we wish tb reduce our stock. It is ybur op­ portunity to buy at THRIFT-WISE PRICES. A visit to our store during the sale will convince you of the savings. tSWEEPING CLEARANCE OF MISSES' AND WOMEN’S DRESSES . Sale-Priced * $4.95 Coats TWO ONLY at THREE ONLY . at ....... * Latest of fabrics in season’s most fashionable colors. Fitted and boxed styles^ all interlined with a chamois half fining. We have only a few left. Prices-cut .50 per- . cent and more. 5 ONLY, values <fcQQ QC to $64.95, only $29.95 $19.95 TEEN AGERS’ STATION WAGON COATS SATIN with short or full collars. Sizes 8 to 18* Values to $17.95, for ........... $13.95 GABARDINES with nylon Content, a special at ; $14.95 NINE COATS ONLY—values to $17,95. Clearance price $8.95 THREE PARKAS ONLY—size 34. $14.95 value for .. . $7.95 Yard Goods FLANNELETTE, newest patterns, reg. 69c. Sale special, yard .,......:.... ..................................................... 59p . ENDS OF FLANNELETTE to. clear at only, yard 49c PRINTS BY WABASSO—Kei-ry print in gay patterns. Reg. 69c. January clearance sale ..... 49c . SALE—COTTON PRINTS—extra low price. Buy now in January and savie on homefrocks, kiddies’ clothes and aprons. Sale priced at only, yard :.........:t.. ................. .. 39c SALE—BROADCLOTH—wonderful yalue for blouses, skirts, sportswear, kiddies clothes. White, yellow, pink, blue, red, champagne, rose, mauve. Don’t miss it! Sale Price,, yard ..... ................. 39c CURTAIN MATERIAL—odds and ends* Puffy dot marqUis- ette with frill. Just a few yards" left at, yard .............29c STOCK Taking CLEARANCE of yard goods including woolleiis and rayonjs. To clear at HALF PRICE & LESS. BE SURE TO VISIT OUR REMNANT TABLE i ITEMS FOR YOUR LINEN CLOSET AT LOW PRICES CHENILLE BEDSPREADSdouble bed size, soft, fluffy, closely tufted chenille on sturdy cotton backing. Solid shades, only .... .......'...... ..... $§.49 SUBSTANDARD TOWELS-—in lovely. shades and beautiful -■^•^atteniS;-~Batlt^roWelS^7^....;.^;r^7^..;7.;;7^7:^;;;;;;M7;-r:$l;49- . Hand Towels ............ ............79c 4 RACK NO. 1-—a good assortment .. of dresses , in’sizes 11-44. To clear at .... ^P4* ***** RACK NO. 2—20 percent discount • on all dresses on this rack. /RACK NO. 3-—10 percent off any dress on this rack. LADIES* HOUSECOATS — wool plaids, quilted and plain satins, nylons, tafettas. 25 perceni re­ duction during January Sale. LADIES' SflPS—sizes 32 to 40. Lavishly trimmed with lace to make a lovely slip for only $1.89 LADIES’ PANTIES —. values to $1.25. For our sale, only;..,. .... 79c BACK LACE CORSELETTE — Sizes 36, 38, 40, at HALF PRICE X BLOUSES GROUP NO. 1 . PAsizes 12 to 20 ........... OVFC GROUP NO. 2—values td $2.98, $3.98 and $4.^8, for only :. i$1.98 GROUP NO. 3 —■ nylon blouses, slightly soiled.-4- ONE-TH1RD OFF. i SKIRTS at only, d*.| 1 Q pair • Few Substandards of 51-15,, while they last 89c LADIES’STATION WAGON COATS In satin, gabardine, .nylon garbardine; sizes ^22 05 . 12 to 20. Values to $3.7.95. Priced for clearance . . * GIRLS’ WEAR... GIRLS’ DRESSES—8 to 14 in taffetas, woollens, corduroy. Any dress at 20 percent off. GIRLS’ LINED JEANS—lined with gay plaid doeskin. Sizes 8 to 14. Sale price ............. $3.49 LINED JEAN SETS, reg. to $6.50 and $5*95. For ..... $5.49 GIRLS' CARDIGANS AND PULLOVERS All wool in good serviceable shades, as red, navy, .green. £>izes 8 to 14. Special for OQ \ our Sale .......... I TEA TOWELLING ■ ■ - ■ .■ • Special ' . OEYard .....1. ....... BOYS WEAR... LINED JEAN SETS—the ideal wearing apparel for cold^ . winter days. Shirt and Je^n set $549 BOYS’ BREECHES—good Wool freize, navy., Brown. Clear- \ iiig at . ' '$1.98 BOYS’ UNDERWEAR—clearance, plum line. A; few seconds in 71. To clear at $1.25 WORK SOCKS—nylon reinforced, 79c •— 2 pair for $1.49 BOYS’ WOOLLEN PULLOVERS in patterned styles, 8 to 14. Values to $2.98 and $3.39, for.... . $1.98 BOYS’ FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS-* to 14 years in good, warm striped material. To clear at $1.98 BOYS’ DOESKIN SHIRTS, 7 only, $2.49 value, for '$i49 j BOYS BOMBER"JACKETS—satin with full winterized lin-' infc, blue and wine only, sizes 8, 10, 12. $12.95 value fOr ....$7.95 MEN’S WEAR... ’ MEN S SUITSr—7 only, sizes* 36 to 42. Gabardine in plain shades. January special $24.95 MEN’S TOPCOATS—nylon gabardine in grey, taupe, navy* 36 to 42 only. Special A.... ........... ..... $24.95 TIES—walues to $1.50. Stock taking clearance ........... ... . 75c WORK SOCKS—this is nylon reinforced through out the sock. TWO PAIR for ........ .... $1.79 QMiP'VGC01MEBI^ATI0NS“TfleeciB ,iried» while they last $3.29 » -• ....r* 4 . • _gg . SPORT SHIRTS—doeskin and flannel and part wool. Good variety of sizes and patterns. Values to $7.95. To clear at . $395 ^GON C°ATS' stroller Coats and Ja^ketaJDuijng Sale ....,............ ....20% OFF I ■7T SHEETS—914x100, substandards of a well-known manufact­ urer. Only, each ............................ ........$2.98 Good selection of Fall's loveliest creations in many styles & fabrics. ' . Plains, stripes, tartans Q A% SPECIAL GROUP to clear at $2.98 . YARIT^ 4 oz/skein — 71c Why waste your time knitting work socks unless you’ are using a nylon reinforced yarn? Forget about the darning/A NYLON REINFORCED WOOL . A few- boxes left iir red, yellow, green, blue, • -OC1 ’ brown, grey, white,- pink, 1 oz. balls .... ^.ti®kein.M Reg; 55b,Z1for_..,.,....t..t...u 45c..ft r MID-WINTKR SALE OF VISIT OUR CHILDREN’S WEAR ALL COAT SETS — 20 PERCENT OFF ^‘ation Snow Suits, Etc, h* hi.vin^ r ‘l,scount • • • You Can save many $ $ $ by buying for next season. . / J MANY OTHER MONEY SAVING VALUES Childrens-Wear—Space does not.permit I t