HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-20, Page 1$2.50 A Year In Advance—$1.00 Extra To U.S.A.TEN PAGES PLAN INTERESTING LEGION MEETING LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20th, 1954 IT’S BARGAIN TIME!form second township forum ‘Central” Farm Forum receiv­ ed its narpe at a meeting, on Mon­ day evening at the home of Mr. aiYd” Mrs, Albert Taylor, - West Wawanosh, with the host of the evening acting as chairman. The forum is representative of a number of’families off the 6th and 9th Concession^ and thereby receives, the name “Central”, A second.forum has been form­ ed ait “Prosperity Corner”^ and takes in farm folk on the 2nd and 4th Concessions. 1 •Monday nighVs^discpssion sub­ ject was “Stop, Look arid Listen” as it applies to railway crossings and the mounting accident toll.1 Central Forum decided t h a t i “blinker” lights offered the best1 protection for the cost involved. | The Dominion Govesnment has a . - , ,. X1 :fund established to aid in such; the way the crowds . i - - - __ vo .vS/M imnrr inin Ikn 1 ■installations and folk decided that be appointed 60 Federal -Government, 20 percent to the .rajlSvay and 20 percent to the province. / t Next week’s meeting will be held at the home of Bill Kina­ ban. . ■ ; ,■. ' < PASSES R.N. EXAMINATION Mary Chin has successfully passed her registered nurses1 ex­ amination and is continuing tb work at. Western Hospital, Tor­ onto. She recently spent a month at Thessalon doing rural nursing, at the, Red Cross Hospital. | January is the month bf.sales .when thrift-wise shoppers can pick up many bargains. It pays to watch the ads in The Sentinel every week, but this week in ^particular - >WP"s^ciaT“Jahuary particular two speclar'/Janua^y clearance sales are being. featur­ ed. One af Ashton’s - Ladies' and Men’s Wear and .the other jat RathWell’s Shoe Store. Bargains are being. offered that will, pay you well to buy for next winter, if you aren’t in immediate need' of some of these ■ items. Central Forum the cost should percent to the ARRIVED HOME MONDAY HYPNOTIST IS PACKING 'EM IN Dr. Edwin Heath, noted hyp­ notist. is playing-a three-night engagement this week . in. Luek- LOSES IN CLOSE WARDENCONTEST Reeve William Oswald, of El- derslie Township was elected the ,82nd x _warde_p _ of _ Bruce when County . Council convened at Walkerton on Mionday night. He . is, Elderslie’s first/ warden in 33 years,' and. 'succeeds Warden Gpr^ don Stanley, reeye. of Ripley. Mr. Oswald’s opponent; was Reeve Dave Carruthers of Kih - loss Township,; who made a strong bid to bring the honor to Kinloss for. the first time since 19J2. The count , w.as" 20 to 15. At the week-end Reeve Carruthers was assurred' of seventeen votes of the thirty-five on the Council with three non-committal up to that time. These, urjcertain votes, plus a swing in some votes,'..when the trend indicates who’ll be el­ ected; left a five-vote margin be­ tween the, ..two canditates. .The wardenship battle created much interest,: and the Council Cham­ ber was packed for this highlight of the January session. ' • ■■■■ ■■ ■>' ■ * SHOP WORK CLASSES TO BE HELD THREE NIGHTS Kenneth Cameron, newly el­ ected president of the Canadian Legion, has an interesting pro- gram/linedLjaipri&^the-Janiiary meeting next Tuesday, and hopes, to have something special arrang­ ed for each meeting^during. thei term, Next week will be -the in­ stallation of officers, and- Jhe feature will he a short film, ^Can­ adians on the Left Flank”. There will also be a discussion on the proposed “exchange” of the Legion Hall and Recreational Centre. ■ ■ THAT by a “slip of the pen” last week we referred to Mrs. Malcolm Beaton as being in Wingham Hospital'. Mrs. Beat­ on, of course, is in Goderich Hospital and has been there for almost five years since suf- . faring a stroke and has never < been able to-walk in that time. THAT the prize winners at the Auxiliary Shoot party on Fri­ day night Were Betty Conley and Leo Huber. The previous Week’s winners Were Mrs. Leo Huber and Howard Harris. —Or— ■ THAT students of Ripley District High School are responsible this week for the news appear­ ing in the current issue of the' Ripley Express. Co-editors are, Anne Henry and Allan Mac- ■ ^Charles.: J ' TO OPEN POULTRY FARM IN KINLOSS I Mr. and Mrs: Robert Porter and family who have made their home, at what is., known, as Glintz’s Corners, west of Walk; •ertori, for the past fifteen years, are. moving shortly to a farm in the Kinlough district. They have bought a i00-acre farm there and purpose establishing a poultry farm, specializing in the raising of broiler chickeps and turkeys. Besides this they will produce [most of their oxvn' grain for feed­ ing purposes as some 85 acres of their newly acquired farm is under cultivation. who is an expert piano tuner and repairer, will carry on in that line while, his-son, Wayne; will. have charge of the poultry, Mrs. Porter has been head cook at the Walkerton District High School since it was opened over two years ago and has proven most competent in that capacity. The school board accepted her I are pouring into , the Town Hall,: he will be. held over; for further engagements — possibly through to the end of the week. There was a good crowd at the opening performance on: Mon­ day’ night, and the six subjects he held under his spell had the crowd “rolling in the aisles”, or they were mystified to sil­ ence by his accomplishments. Two of Monday, night’s voliln- teers weren’t good hypnotic bets, but the half dozen that 'Dr. Heath retained on the stage/put on a terrific show, although they didn’t know it. The sextette consisted of Mrs. John England, Mrs. Robt. Simp- I son, Russell Swan, Gordon Car­ ter, Harold Cook and Ross Mc- Ddnagh.", I The event is being staged un,- ' der auspices of the Canadian Legion. .. • j i ——--------------------------------------: . | I I ROBERT COX PASSES' The death of Robert Cox oc- Wingham on the I curred on Friday at the home of his sister, Mrs, Jack Hamilton of Lucknow, He was a son of James and Eliza Anne Cox and was in his *78th year. Rev. G. ducted the funeral service on .Monday at the McLennan-Mac- Kenzie Funeral Home. Interment [was. ir^Greenhill Cemetery. left on Friday1 af- his father in his Provincial Police Palmer Irwin, whose where­ abouts was temporarily unknown, ...when bis father died suddenly, early Saturday, morning, return­ ed home late. Monday afternoon,. unaware of the efforts that had1 been made to locate ;him until' he arrived in way home. Palmer had ter noon with, usual health, were alerted in the effort to con­ tact him and radio broadcasts were used, but without success. The funeral was set for Tuesday hoping that Palmer would be located by then and it Aivas a _sad surprise hirny-as-to-others to learn of his father’s death. i. i A. Meiklejohn con- DIED i i. I ■BROWNIES JOIN TAC? ~~ /OTHERS GET AWARDS i ,, _ . ... On Friday an interesting meet- ,r SWIFT—-at Bolsover, Ontario, on i ing was helcl in the Guide Rooms Saturday/January 9th, 1954; Mar-1 when four ’ “Tweenies”: received Willis Mheir pins; making them- Brown- Swift. Burial was at Bolsover on | ies of;the 1st Lucknow Pac..These' ’ . ■ j-four were Margaret Riece, Lynda. Button, Lorna Howald and /Di­ anne5 Jamieson. Brownies Lyn Couse and Karen Burden received their golden bar and the .following got service J stars: two years—Patricia Thomp­ son, Nan.cy Forster* Elizabeth ion MacLeod, wife of Monday, JaniUry 11th. • DEPICTS life of THE V.O.N. NURSE The Toronto Telegram ran a feature story recently On the work of the Victorian Order of Nurses, and illustrated the story with two pictures which showed Nurse Ruth Mary MacMillan per­ forming some of thC duties of the' V.O.N.;7~ ■ ’ ; .;''' ' ’’ ? ? pNurse MacMillan is the daii- MacMillan of Formosa, Japan, and who both are former resi­ dents of Kinloss. Township. Ruth was married in November, and is now Mrs.. J R. Lewis. She and her husband reside in Temiska- hiing, Quebec. ’ ’ Nurse MacMillan took Xfour , Jear diploma Course at Toronto University and. since graduating has served, as a V.O.N. nurse for five years, ‘ ' t Bannister,Elizabeth Finlayson*, Margaret Mullin, Lyn* Couse; one year—Judy Webster, Eliza­ beth Henderson, Karen Burden, Mary Allin, Janet Finlayson. FRED NEWMAN IS ROYAL ARCH HEAD • Fred Newman will head Luck- npw. Chapter of the Royal Arch Masons- during 1954. He succeeds Leonard MacDonald who carried the double duties during the past year as head of, The Chapter as well as Master of .Old Light; . Installation of the Chapter of­ ficers was conducted by J.. W. Joynt and W.. A.- Portcous. The The Telegram pictures showed her weighing a lusty month-old .Chinese baby, and giving an en­ couraging smile to an aged man just home from the hospital fol­ lowing operation. The V^ON. nurse, in her trim blue, uniform, leads a full of variety,, hurhor and j>athos hjakxt^ city offering valuable nursing care practically from, the Oradlc to the. "graved ■ w v. ... ’..a slate is as man,,Z; Floyd Wilson. H; James Boyle; J: A. C. Agnew, Scribe. E; V. A.’ Mowbray, Scribe’ N; W. W. Hill> treasurer^W. A: Port- coils, D. of rC.; J. S/ Kilpatrick, P.S.; Kenneth Cameron/ S.S.; Robert Mclritosh,’. XS.;, Robert Simpson, M. bf 4th V.;. Ted Coll- Ver, M/of 3rd V.; Red vers John- \stdh/ M/‘bf aHd'^r'.r^rd'on YisK-* Night classes in shop .work at the Lucknow District High School will /have to be. held • on three nights, due to. the unlopked for enrolment that now. stands at thirty-^ix, :,with another dozen Or so having indicated their inter­ est but has not as yet registered. They may still do so, but should act quickly. * / Last Wednesday night there were 23 in the shop class and I 13 at Friday night’s class. . • Mr. H. B. Burden, the instruct- , . °L plans to hold classes Wednes-educational body, will fmd it ■ day, Thursday arid, Friday, and ces^or; with' similar capabilities. eveniy as po^ible ovct tteThree Mr. Porter has taken a keen in- i nights terest in several organizations in | For .' the commercial class on Walkerton-and^he will also, be .Tuesday night of'last Week there j were twerity-two. in attendance: | MRS. BAULCH PRESIDENT MAITLAND PRESBYTERIAL The annual meeting of Mait­ land Pre^byterial of the Presby- I terian church in Canada was held Mr. Porter, . ----O^-T. .. - THAT Dr, Ken A. McEwan has joined the/ Bruce Co. Health Unit as public'’ health veterin­ arian.- He is a native of Chats­ worth and held, a similar posi- , tion in Timiskaming. - * ’ , —0— THAT a number of Walkerton himrods recently held a, rabbit drive An the Holyrood ^district' , resignation-with regret ar\d that educational body* will find i-; uay, mursaay and - Friday ;most difficult to secure a suc-.hopes to divide the grou’o i and . bagged thirty jacks and two foxes. / ’ *. . . —o—- ■ THAT Mrs. E. HT Agnew under­ went a major operation in Vic­ toria Hospital, London on Mon- , day and is reported to be pro­ gressing satisfactorily. —o—- ,■ THAT'Mrs. J. C. Armstrong has been appointed in charge of the cafeteria, at the Lucknow District ■ High School, which will op£n‘ shortly. A potato • pfeeler arrived this week to be ■ added to the cafeteria equip- . ment. THAT. Al present at Tara •' / •' I ir • ■ .-I. . • J.J- »I ■ II.— THAT.'. from Whitehorse . in the Yukon Territory Comes Alex MacMillan’s annual renewal to The Sentinel/ ' - ■—o— « . THAT in Miss Osborne’s absence due to bereavement, Mrs. Gor­ don Johnston (Bernice Blake)-, of Ashfield supplied at the LucknoW: District High School. —o— Irwin is supplying. • at for the C,N.R. agent who is iil. THAT skating for the ladies and pre-schooT age. children will be resumed at the - Arena each Thursday afternoon, weather permitting. • • • - • j- "O’1 ,i.,_ ♦ THAT TherF were efghV tables at the Monday night Shoot party? ^dttr-Mrs~E-velyn-Barkwell-and' Howard Harris the4 prize win- ■'' ners. •. ■ • . ° THAT despite a cold, blustery; ’ night the CKNX barn dance at­ tracted a capacity crowd when it played in the Town Hall on Saturday night under auspices of the. ‘Agricultural Society. The usual dance followed the broadcast? —o— .> aish was in tow,n on . Monday for the first time since New ‘.“Years,. When he was .taken ill . with pneurnohid and Was a pat­ ient in Kiricardinq.Hospital for several" days. , —O~r“ ’ THAT “Report from Parliament by Andy Robinson/ M.P;, Will b(T"“heard- on CKNX~ brMV’lsrV.; C^il Falconer, 10.15 p.ni. on Sunday,.January 10.6.' ■ ' 24th. i, I I v * ‘ l..\ missed here. The .best^wishes of their many friends gojwith the family to their new place of abode near the .Sepoy Town.— Walkerton Herald-Times. Mr. and -- Mrs. , Porter have bought the Burgess ,farm (the former Robert McLean farm) S9Utr,a east, 9f ' in St 'And?ew:sVChu7ch7‘?Whig‘ Mrs. Porter was formerly Jean | ham, r^ay, January 12th. The Haidenby of Westfield,., daughter i.morning anfl afternoon of-the-tate—Mr. and-Mrsr-Fred , wei.e well attended Haldenby. I| The. reports were . interesting [and "to the point. All departments i reported a successful year with the Allocation well over the top. j The installation of officers was held at the close'of the meeting.. The Ashfield Township School' The-new .president is'Mrs. G; S. Board met on January 12th,. arid 'Baulch, South Kinloss and the appointed Mr. Marshall Gibsori past president, Mrs. A. MacAuley. -as chairman for 1954 and Clif- of Ripley, ford Crozier as vice-chairman. f The caretakers .with duties to ! —— aX“srlb&!S47«|CLANSMIN MAKE sex; S.§. 3, Robt. Farrish; S.S. 4, i Sandy MacLennan; S,S. 5, Chris | Raynard;: S.S. 6, (hot decided); S.S. 7, Gordon Barger; S.S. 8, Chas. J. H. Fowler; S.S. Q, Mrs> Wmt Andrew; S.S. .10, Robert W, Scott; S.S. -11, Mrs.- Edna Mc­ Cabe; S.S. 13, Hhrry Hackett; ( _ _ S.S. 12, James Bradley;__SJ5.—L5,„_Fixiday—nightRof—next-w^kr-T—“—~ Mrs. ,Roy MacKay; S.S. 16; Ches-1 Chas? Webster, the Club presL ter Finnigan; S.S. 17, Lawrence, dent, presided, and .at the close Black. I of the meeting was given a vote The cedar contracts were j£t: ofapproval' ' of his Vsnappy” M. GIBSON HEADS ASHFIELD BOARD CARNIVAL PLANS ( The rejuvenated Clansmen j Club held . a luncheon meeting at I Johnston’s Restaurant ak 6.45 on Monday evening, at which plans were laid for a masquerade carn­ ival to be held in the Arena on to Allan MacTavish, Ripley,, and: handling of the meeting. Paul Caesar, Dungannon. The Gordon Montgomery was el- Wpod contracts, were Jet to the ected as a representative on, the r James Bruce County Tuberculosis As- i I ! following: Jack Irwin, < Cochrane, Nelson Pearson, Basil ; Hogan and Herb^Penitland. THAT Mr. >nd <Mrs. Spence. Ir- day from their son George iri -Korea. It was 'the first word jtsqciation’/. succeeding. Dr. W. V. Johnston, .'who will shortly bi? .leaving-town. The other member is E. ,H. Agn.ew,' ......................................Htor-A’Tw ‘"I’HrMTg i ival call for a figure skating ! demonstration, a-full-list Of coiA- they had received in some time., tume and. speed contests, and a and he—explained ’ it'/was'"be- ‘ cause he had , been on a four- weeks’ training scheme in the ■ mountains, that prevented/let­ ter writing. He said he was Well ' remerribered" at Christmas time -. with nine boxes and some 200 letters and c<Vds. He expects’ to shortly have leave to Japan, tails next week. v ..............., ■ ‘b.room- ball '.game. Arrangements have been made to. have Miss Maiirrien Cafthy of St. Catharines, professional skat­ er and some of,her skating class from Goderich/ put on a skating show to ■ open fhe carnival." / ; .Watch for bills and further de-.