HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-13, Page 7I '*•................ fl. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13th, 1954 ;THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ■C" _ PAGE SEVEN TT • V t-J- Lyceum Theatre .WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7;15 Wed;, Thurs., January 13, 14 SUSAN HAYWARD, ROBERT MITCHUM in — White Witch Doctor Friday, Saturday, Jan. 15/ 16 JAMES CRAIG,. ■ ■ < RITO MORENO ,.i ... . . in — Fort Vengeance (in color) Matinee Saturday Afternoon I Monday, Tuesday, Jan. 18, 19 ROBERT NEWTON, . JAMES MASON ■ — in a- / The Desert Rati Wed., Thurs., January 20, 21 Martin & Lewis, s Lizabeth Scott in' “SCARED STIFF” IN MEMORIAM McMORRAN—in memory pf Dan­ iel C. McMorran, a loving father, who passed away four years ago, January 12th 1950. Dear memories0 clingihg to the ■ heart' . ... Keep loved ories ever, hear r—Ever remembered kby: Mbde- lyn, Mae arid Jack. . IN REMEMBRANCE . McQULLLIN—in loving memory of Flying Officer George And­ rew McQuillin, w"ho was reported missing while on operational fly- ng over enemy territory, January /14 th, 1943. . LJEyer’ remembered- by Sisters and Brothers., IN. MEMORIAM CAMERON—in loving memory of our mother, Mrs. R. J. Cameron, who passed' away one year ago, January 18th, 1954. Though mother’s’smile has gone ’ forever ' And her hands we cannot tbuch, We shall never lose sw-eet mem­ ories Of the one we loved so muck Good was her heart,’ hep friend­ ship sound, Loved and respected by all ' around, : To' a. beautiful life came a- sud- .den. end,. ___... ... ...... She died as she lived, everyone’,s friend. —In loving memory, The Cam7: eron Family. ... ST. HELENS DUNGANNON « FATHER OF LOCAL TEACHER DIED SUDDENLY SATURDAY Miss Jean Osborne of the Luck­ now District High School Teach-’ ing staff, was sadly, bereaved on Saturday by the sudden death of her 1 of Huron Township. He was years of age and died suddenly fi:prii a: heart attack while work­ ing at* the barn. Mrs. Osborne has been an in­ valid for some time as the result of a heavy stroke. , j The funeral service was/held at the McLennan Funeral Home in Ripley on. Tuesday conducted hv Pav F Ci Purchase.with in- The PL A YHOUSEThe Week of Prayer .was ob­ served in Dungannon on<sWed- nesday night in the United Church with Rev, C. A. Wind of Erskine Presbyterian Church de­ livering. a fine address appropri­ ate for beginning the. New Year. He urged the listeners • to spend more time , in meditation and prayer.. He said the world rushes madly on and time and years roll on for us. Do we make New, Year’s, resolutions or do we con­ sider such as a joke. He asked if we watched for the New Year with solemn thoughts of how we could make o.ur lives better or was it making merry with a bot­ tle at a party. Rev. Geo. D. Watt, pastor, was also assisted by Rev. H. L. Jennings of St. Pawl’s Ang­ lican ■ “ '• • ’ .only very that quite meetings”. The Jurfior Girls Club, study­ ing a project “Being well dress­ ed and well groomed” under the leadership of Mrs. Clifford' Croz­ ier and Mrs: Chester .Finnigan, met January 7th at the home of Mrs..... Finnigan. The officers el­ ected/were; pres., /Evelyn’; Smyth.; sec., Patricia Young; treas., Mar­ lene Maize; press reporter, Eliz­ abeth Pentland. The course was outlined and plans made for fut­ ure meetings. The hostess. served lunch. ; < Judy Wardell, who had spent a couple of weeks ..._ with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robb, returned to her home near Ripley on Sunday. I i. chureh. The attendance. of around. 30 persons was a regrettable fact ariU shows the community has got far away from '‘prayer v The community was shocked and saddened when it was learn * ed on Wednesday that Mrs. Wm. Forster had passed away during the night. JThe \yrnpatby of. a host of friends go to the family at this time. Rev. George Watt of -iDungan- • Uorrv hchnrnP non. baptized Gary Kenneth, lit- father, Mr. Harry Osborne .and Kenneth I Barbour at the service in the United Church on Sunday morn­ ing. . . -' r /:./■ Mrs. Con Foran is making fav­ orable recovery following a major operation performed at St. Jos­ eph’s. Hospital, London, or. Wed­ nesday. ’. '. . • '/ .6 Young Peonle’s Union pp n terment in Ripley Cemetery. CO OP AUTO INSURANCE ' Can Now Accept TOWN RESIDENTS & COMERCI AL TRUCKS as well as the farm business. For information consult T. A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW, " Phone Dungannon, 70-r-10 JOHN McMURClIIE, RIPLEY, Phone 20-r-23 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding* — ^Reliable Service Cilson Service /- ’ v' - Electrical Appliances Freezers, Dryers, Washers HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough ' Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, .Saturday, January 13 th, 14 th*v 1 Sth, 16th ; BING CROSBY and J^LNE WYMAN, in Just For You in; special technicolor. Adults 50c; Students 35c; ^Children 25c. First Show at 7.30 — Second Show at 9,15 Matinee on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. . COMING NEXT WEEK JEANNE CRAIN and DALE ROBERTSON, in “TAKE CARE OF MY LITTLE GIRL” CULROSS CORNERS ■■■ ■ ■ ■.■ . ; • .( Bethany Farm Forum met Mon­ day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and Don­ nie with an attendance xof -13. The topic,,/ “What’s the ideal farm or­ ganization”, was discussed. We thought the way farm organiza­ tions. are now financed was as gopd a way as any, namely, a certain levy on the assessment. We also thought it would help if the farmers were organized .stronger. We thought a good topic would be “Ways to cut down the middleman”. Euchre & crok- inole were, played. The hostess served lunch. The next meeting will be held at the home of. Mr. and- Mrs. Art Hodgins. As a suggestion to the forums who are opposed to Daylight Sav^- ing Time, now should -be the . Congratulations to Mr< &. Mrs., . Ted Haldenby on the birth of a son in Walkerton Hospital. Both . mother and babe have . returned, home., Mr. Lloyd Why tpek, Lucknow, spent the week-end under the parental roof, Miss Helen Schumacher, Kin? cardine, spent the week-end with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hackett and babe, Paramount, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall - and Donnie. ' Mr, arid Mrs. Levi Carter and family haVe moved from the 10th. Concession tp Wingham. Miss Ruby Bonnet, Kincardine, spent the week-end under the parental roof. \ ‘ Mrs. Frank Brown has been confined to the house this past week due to (to quote the den- I ii Young People’s'Union took place on Sunday, January. 10th. . The president, Don. Cameron, was in charge of the" business adminis­ tration. Donna Woods,/ convener1 of Citizenship: and Community Service was in charge of the ^vor- ship service. She was assisted by. i Mrs. Sparling, who had a read-. Ling i rind/-Phyllis Barbour who ) [.read a prayer and a poeim Donna , Woods read the scripture. The Citizenship and Cofnm.unitv/S.er- ■ vice committee 'staged, a ’^play. The? meeting'c/losed with the ben­ edict ion. o . . St. Helens Happy /Handicrafters' .The vsecond 'nv’etiilg wasHwld'• I at' the 'lionip of Miss -Nornra Mur- i av"‘on January 4th; ’Die roll call M iie Type-of Slip-!' plan to make”- w.as’ ahswere.i .by nihe 'girls. A • dAc’U.ss'io'n was' led by Mrs. Mn?~ ■ j:Tn5rsvmj ..d lie •Tteal-th..JIabitS' f6.r •’ the-' b?a>of onr skm. The l'load/er gave notes on’how to fin- Lj’ih .tin1 fop. of a.'slip' and-'hpw;to |straighten niate.ri.ab A dem6.nstra_' ■tion dn hd\V to’straiglridh mat- e'ri'al wari/'given. by 'CTirrair Miss Stecklo? Fionje/ economist,. is; going:'to' visit the j uafy I t Miss Marion Scruton of God-; time to get in your penny’s worth erich sppnt the week-end with ; __not next'March.after the towns her friend, Miss Norrn^ Pentland. ' and cities are passing their by- tist) a nasty operation, in extract- THe C.G.I.T. met in the base- f laws for it-.^ ‘ ' ing an unordinary tooth. ment of the United Church onir—. ■ ............ Wednesday, January 6th; with Marlene Maize president. The meeting was brought to order by repeating the C.G.I.T. Pur­ pose. After a hymn was sung, Anne Petrie, repeated a prayer; Margaret Carter read £he scrip­ ture lesson^ Mrs. Lome . Hasty read a story. After a period of recreation, the meeting closed with .taps. —-Mi^r^tto-^Pop-wasMTOstess-^at- her home for the January meet­ ing of the. United Church W.M.S; Mrs, Herb Finnigan, president, led the meeting and the theme “The Church—an image of the kingdom” was followed /in the service. Mrs, Mel Reed ? offered prayer. Mrs. ,Robt. Irvin read the scripture and Mrs. H.. Finnigan gave a reading. Mrs. C. Crozier continued th'e^ study book with the topic The . Pour R’s in Europe”. Fifteen- members ans­ wered/ the roll call by/: paying fees. One visitor was present ■Mi's. Reed gave the treasurer's ■i i i report which Was very ■encourag­ ing. All the reports for. the year of 1953 Wer.e given . by.'. the; sec-, retaries in /charge. Letters arid, 'cards- of. thanks were /read. After [ -. '.the .closing hymn' and benediction, • j Mr,.s. Popp Served a dainty lunch. /The Mission Band , of' th'c"'‘Uh~. I ited/''Church.-'met Sunday moi/h/- i ing in . the basement during the inm*ning worship.’ Eleanor Alfo'n Idd’ the;. call to. worship? Mrs.' John Finnigan 'gave the prayer. Eleandr Alton received the of­ fering. There were *32 presdrit.. .. .club 'on. J.an-., g]Cgnof-Alton . and Lynda Blake uafy 16th. The home assignments two Worship, twins? Mrs. Were given., and a social-time was (■nioVed -by a’li. Ihe.ijext meet-1 h g w‘i.1! .'be* held at th.' home of I ’MiW’’’TOTir'^tt' c hTv” n..o i r-rJ-a n in f r Ar ■ 11 th.' Hostesseswill' be ' Alison Webb aiid Irina ■ Forster.' . r ' . BORN ' FOR STER--M n ’ •' K inch rd in 0 oral Hospital on Tuesday, uary 5th. 1-954, to Mr, and Walter A. Forster,., Gen a Jdn- .... .Mrs. _____ , ,a daughter, Mary Margaret*—^.. A............. Cecil Blake ■ gave the financial report of $73 in .the ^treasury’. Mrs...Robt.;, Irvin ,gdve .the 'study oiF'/K^ were’distributed and the. meeting closed with repeating the. Mem­ ber’s Purpose. ‘ . - .Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Henry Hor.toh in-the loss ;pf5 her brother, William Bailie Stoth- . ers, 64, of Windsor. A native of Ashfield, he passed away Satur- .day .JiiLMindspr. ..... ■___•......_... I V PHONE 7 ULUCKNOW W on’tHappen TO YOU WHEN YOU It Just Doesn’t Cake Up SAVE $2*50 A TON SOLD ONLY AT YOUR CO-OP