HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-13, Page 2'ft •4
" WEDNESDAY, JAN.' 13th/ 1954
1953 Review
, Douglas Struthers, 3, suffered j to continue' as a three-charge cm-
1- a fractured skull when he fell I cuit and agreed to meet the mgn-
: T^ed^Drck er minimum stipend.
•1 . t
January 7th
former L. C. McIver resiThe
clesnce, -___r_. •.-„was destroyed iby fire and the.
frame house of Kenneth Vaughan
at- Blackhorse also fell prey to
ifl ain.^s *Orville Jones suffered severe (
injuries when he fell, through a
trap door on the third floor at
'Treleaven’sMill. *.
S. ‘ B. Bothers and Archie <
- Smith replaced Councillors Ernie ,|
. iCrawford land Russ Button on
the local couiicil. Other members
were S-. A Robertson, reeve and
Councillors Mowibray and Mac-
. Sween.»Mrs. Wm. Russell was able to
return home six, months after
giyffpring a fractured hip.
, January 14th
W. G: Webster suffered a sev
ere heart attack. ■
A broach was presented to Mrs.
Thomas Burns in recognition of
27 years service as treasurer of
the United Church WiM£.,
Doug Emberlin was home on
furlough after serving . on the
H/M.C.S. Nootka; in the Korean
theatre of operations.
The Presbyterian W.M.S. voted
$500 from the Spindler legacy
fund to aid in building a dormi
tory extension to the girls’ school
in Formosa, where Miss Dorothy
Douglas tehcheSi
Deaths: Murdock McLeod; Dr.
R. B. Diurnin; David H. Johnston,
a native of Kintail.
? January 21st ,
Leonard MacDonald , was- in
stalled as First Principal of the
Rpyat Arch Masons and was also
Master of Old Light.
z Gordon Stanley of Ripley was
elected warden of Bruce.
Donnsi Corrin returned home
from Wingham Hospital where
she had been a patient since Re
membrance Day when she suf
fered- a fractured, .thigh when
For. the second time in two
weeks the Klass De Jong family
<was$left homeless when fire gut
ted a residence owned by Goldie
’ Martin on the 4th Concession. '
Radio contact was made with
Bob Thompson at Arctic Bay
through the. facilities of “ham”
operator Fred Bissett of Goder-.. .. ...... ..... ..
Deaths: Mrs. R. J, Cameron,
Mrs. Thomas Harris, of Ripley,
"Mrs. Harry Bogues,. Harry E.
Bell, Dave HorhelL
January 28th j Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irwin ob-
Robert/ W. Andrew formed a | served, their/5.8th wedding anni-
law partnership with 'C. Morton * •
Scott of Listowel.
_ __Harold Gaunt was elected to
down by a car.
looking backwards
Twenty Year# Ago1 -
A; W. Hanultoiv was elected1 to-
the reeveship with a 40-vote. mai>
gin over S. E, Robertson. Mr.
'Hamilton succeeded Robt, Rae.
Councillors elected were W, B. ; -
Anderson, Dan Ferguson, Wm,'
Murdie arid" N. E^/BushelL
Before leaving for a trip to the
West, Miss Lorna Campbell was
presented with a comb, brush and
mirror set by the Lucknow Dralnv .
atic Society, The .presentation ad
dress was signed by/ J, H. Geog-
hegan, “ Martha MacCallum and. <
Edythe F. Jpynt.; •
Mrs. Thomas B. Taylor of St.
Helens died from a heart attack..
Mrs. Arthur iM. Wollf (Gwen
dolyn, McLeod) of New York was
injured in a car accident.
Ten Years Ago
Miss Frances Siddall died sud?
denly in Toronto from/ a heart .
Frank Miller returned from St,
Joseph’s Hospital, London/where
he had undergone a major opera,
tion/ ■"/ ’
Walter Brown defeated Donald ;
A; MacDonald by 7 votes for .the .
reeveship of Huron Township.
Mrs. W. J. Little suffered a
fractured hip in a fall at her?
home. The accident occurred the
day preceding, her husband’s ,92nd-
birthday. . •. ‘ . //•./■
Wm/ Armstrong died in Lon
don at the home of his daughter.
Mrs. A/E. Barrett, " in his 84ht "
Wm. Donnelly of We§t*Wawa?
nosh died in his 78th year* Other
deaths included. Abraham Cul-
bert, 87, of Dunganpon; Mrs. Don- .
aldvStewart,. 71, at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Harold Stan-;
ley; John Kennedy, 84, of thb
Second Concession, Kinloss.
Audrey. Stanley; 8-year-Old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Stanley, suffered a fractured leg
while sleigh-riding.
Sixty Years Ago
James Lyons was elected reeve
o-f Lucknow by. defeating J. G,
Murdoch in a close battle. Coun
cillors elected Were Angus Mc-
Qqaig, W. S. Holmes, W. Ander
son, J. L; Patterson. *
Jos. Griffin was elected reeve
of Ashfield; Hugh Girvin, dejputy;
and Hugh Chambers, second de
puty. " f ? ..1.' /- A plebescite supported prohib
ition in all municipalities. The
vote, in Lucknpw*, for prohibition
181, against 45; Ashfifeld, for 494t
Mrs. John Little was 91.
The Harvey Treleaven fajnily
moved to London , where Harvey
had previously purchased a pool
■room business.
Hydro was installed in the 100-
year-old lighthouse at Pt. Clark.
Funeral services Were held at
South K i n 1 os s Presbyterian
.Church for Mr, and Mrs, Hawkes
Robinson who w&re .laid to rest
in the nearby cemetery, . ,/./•,.
Adam Stumps, a 40-year-old
new Canadian employed at J ack
Ackert’s^was hospitalized with a ___
"hip injury, that was associated": against 273; West’ Wawanosh, for
with malnutrition and conditions 1172, against 172, and in Kinloss
he experienced during the war inj there was va 300 majority for
I his native Hungary. I prohibition. Throughout the pro-
j Donations to the local Redivinrfi t.ho vote was more than
| Cross’ campaign had exceeded
A .Federation of Agriculture
[unit was organized in Kinloss
1 with P. A.’Murray as president-,
1 Deaths: Louisa Treleaven,1 Mrs.
j Rodger Corrigan.
April 8th
Mrs. Margaret Fletcher obser
ved her 90th birthday at Baker’s
Private Hospital.
Joe Wasney took .over the Sup
ertest garage. / ,
The body of Elia Skukilin; 60-
, year-old German immigrant who
jhad been employed in Kinloss
I Township by Mr. and Mrs.’Char-'
/[lie Moore the previous fall, was
1 recovered from Lake -Ontario by
Toronto Police, who ' believed he
had been in the water for about
three months1. He had gone to
Torohto to spend the winter and
planned to return to Moore’s in
the spring.
Deaths: Mrs. W. J.
Wm. Murdie.
/ April 15th
The Water System
James Scott of Langside died
in Chatham in his 45th year.
February 18th
Claude. Dore was elected Co.
master ,of West Bruce' L-O.L.
Dale Congram underwent inajor
surgery in; connection .with a very
severe pelvic injury he suffered
the week previous. Without sur
gery it was feared, he might never
walk again, and for mpriths after
the lad Was‘< m cast and then
on crutohes till lat§ last fall.
/DeathsGeorge Greer, Mrs.
Alex Rintoul. '
February 25th
Joe McCoy had his leg ibadly
broken in . mid-January when
struck by a , car in London.
Deaths: , Mrs. Clark McLean,
Charles McDoriagh.
-Donald McNay was the Luck
now District High School choice
for the Leaders’ Club.
D. A. MacDonald bought his
first tooth brush, at 79. During
the. years preceding the tooth
brush purchase Dan cleaned his,
teeth three times daily 'With salt )
and his finger, massaging the |
gums and teeth, till they “squeak
ed”. At 79 he has a . sparkling
full set of teeth on the lower jaw
and only a few molar gaps On the
Upper jaw.
March 4th
Gordon Fisher, 15-yepr-old son |
of Mr,, arid Mrs. George Fisher
Qf Whitechurch, had his leg brok
en when struck by Abe’s taxi of
Gorrie. :\ ■ j
Leslie Alton suffered a fract-1
u.red hip in a fall at his home, |
and Mrs.'R/T Douglass fell and
fractured her wrist./
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry were
45 years married. ■■/.■.
South Kinloss Cemetery, Board j
was completing the Memorial; .•gates campaign„.a’ncL .looking to i drained, scraped and.paip.ted
the future to the erection of/a/Ksi<lc ^<1 out
mausoleurri. . : > i Rev. G. Benson Cox returned
vince the vote was more than
2 to 1 for prohibition, . “
In Huron County ‘ a plebescite
was held on the question of a
poor house. Ashfield voted 266 in
favor to 252 against. West Wawa-*
nosh supported it 327 to 104. /
Hugh Rutherford was appointed
school trustee at Belfast in place
of John Barclay. /....-/■
Thirty-Five Years Ago
Lucknow’s I council by acclama
tion was Reeve Robert ^Johnston
and Councillors W. E. Hender
son, Robert Thompson, William
Murdie and George H. Smith.
Kinldss jby acclamation: Reeve
D. A, *?MacDonald; Councillors
John McDiarmid, J. J. Tiffin,
Charles Baechler, J. W. Colwell.
Ashfield by acclamation: Reeve
Joseph Dalton; Deputy Reeve
Joseph Hackett; councillors Frank
Johnston, John Jamieson, Thos.
Richardson. .
In West Wawanosh Reeve Wm.
Bailie was re-elected defeating
Wm. Watson by 13 votes. Coun
cillors elected were James Pur-
don, A. Ei-Johnston, John Medd,
John B. Young/ ' t ■ / ;
the Huron-.Co;/Roads Committee,
At the ‘age pf 70, Miss. Allie
• Nelson of Ashfield was rapidly,
learning to read Braille. Mabel
and Arthur Thompson of Dun
gannon, who have the threefold
a-Hlic'tion .of being deaf,- dumb
arid blind,'were being taught’lea
ther craft; ■ \ : ‘‘
•Mrs. Janet MacDonald, was 91.
Mr? and Mrs.. Wes. Hedigy cele
brated their, golden -wedding.
February 4th
Mr. drid Mrs. Joseph D. Ander
son celebrated their. 53rd wed
ding Anniversary.
• Bill Hunter and “Bpd” Ham
ilton took dvCr the B.-A. station*
Whitechurch Women’s Institute
celebrated the 25th anhiversdry of
the organization.
■ Trees 200 years old were cut
on Henry Gardner’s farm at Zion
■’ ■ ing. ' ,r ■ ■■■■''
Mr/ and, Mrs. Hector Purdori
and familfy moved to Petrolia.
Deaths: Mrs. Ralph Foster; Nel-
son Stewart, a native of Dun
gannon. ,,
. February 11th
Jack McIntosh was burned to
.death in a fire that, destroyed
the barn on a. ..fajtpi nearby the
• home farm.
Richard Park, 73, ' suffered a
. fractured... hip ,...wJi^.?.af,tacked-Jby.
a bull. ‘
< A^ presibytei^.plah'was advanc
ed to assimilate the three charges
of the. Ash field Circuit with other
charges arid keep, the churches
open while eliminating the need
for a circuit minister.
Dale Congram, 7t was seriously
mausoleurh. / ' 1 ----- ----- - -.
A motion was. supported .by 1 from a .Mediterranean cruise .and
the Oftiylar Board of Ashfield visit to the Middle East..
Circuit/favoring the continuation;
of the Circuit as constituted.
„ Mr, and Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips (
of Auburn were 58 years mar- i
ried. |
Deaths: Joseph Whitby, Mrs. J
Helen Yahnke, Mrs. Donald B.
.Rutherford. ;■■■.
March 11 th.
. Eleven members were initiated
i into, the Ladies' Auxiliary.
j Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irwin ob-
versary. ’ > /.
The thawing Of a frozen watef
jiipe at Ashtoh’s' Store caused
considerable damage to stock in
the children’s wear basement de
Mrs. Roderick McLennan of
Lochalsh observed her 91st birth-J Alton. . ■ •,/
day. ■ '/v . - April 29th
Alex Fraser,-,a* former Kin loss I Trophies.and jackets were pre
farmer, died at Woodstock at the | sented.. to Lucknow; Mjdgets, as
j W.O.A.A. and .O.M.H.A. champ-
Judy Agnew, age 2, was put
in . a cast which she will wear for
two years or so, to correct a hip
Clairence Blackwell, brother of
Mrs. Frank Johnston of Holyrood,
was drowned in Kincardine har
April 22nd
' Seventy-five, students of Third
arid Fourth Rooms , in the Public
School" received Gideon Bibles.
The beautification of the Re-
creational Centre grounds was
the Lucknow Girl Guides coron
ation tribute ,to Queen Elizabeth
II. -'-./• /, ' r •? /
Deaths: Mrs.' Margaret Fraser,
.1 formerly of KinlOss; Birton Al-
! ton,, son of Mr. aind Mrs. Michael
age of ,847‘f ... ...
'■ March 18th . . ■ ;* i.ions. .
Mrs. Ewen Mackenzie pbserv-1 ‘ Duncan.. Cameron, was present-.!
fed her ,90th birthday/ j.ed 'With a 50-^/ear jewel by Old.1
• Russell. Phillips -bought Irvine , Light. Lodge.
” Mrs. Jessie Mclnnfes had a leg
amputated below the knee./
Due to the serious illness of
Rev. Canon J. .H* Gedghegan of
Woodstock he; was granted a
leave of. absence . until the end
of the year./
: Announcement, was; made of
Floyd Wilson’s pending transfer
io Kitchener. . / i
t Eleanor Whitby,; age 2, suffer
ed a painful, injury when her
hand was torn in the -washing
piachine wringer and Dianne
Swap, age .1; fell from her' pram
the ieft arpa. . '.
ReV. and Mrs. Hugh MacMiL
lari both addressed Sessions of the
Hamilton, r .Londoh' Synodical*
shortly before theirvdeparture oh.
their return to Formosa, .
Kincardine 1 Hospital where he"
had ,, been a . pattent for eight'
months with, a heavy stroke.- •. ■
Henry’s farm at Belfast, • ’
Lucknow Midgets scored, a sur- ■
prising 11-0 win over Nobletonf
/in the first', of .a twb-out-of-three
series for the Ontario. “D’’ cham
Frank Welwood, nephew of
Mr. arid. Mrs. Arhtur Moore, was
killed in an auto accident *near
Orangeville.. ‘
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jer
ome Lippert, died from pneu
monia. . ■ «(
V - March 25th
M&. and Mrs. Hawkes Robinson
and his mother, Mrs. AliceRob-
j inson,..died in a .highway accident
I at the entrance to their Newmar-
| ket district farm home. . * ; -
A” 3-2 win in Nobleton gave
Lucknow... Midgets .the Ontario
title in tw.o straight, games, and
. ^.-^vie-tor y—pa r a d e^Hveteemed—the-
team on tj^ir .return-,to towri.
Dowager Queen ■ Mary passed '
away.at the age Of 85/
Deaths: • IL T. Douglas.; Mrs;
Margaret Traulin Taylor, age 2'3;
iMrs? Frariklin - Johnston, ‘ Mrs.,
• George Lavis’ ,
April 1stinjured when.he collided with a-| Ashfield Circuit' Board and
Jr; '. j.. ' ' 1 fions expressed a strong desire
* » ’ • ,» *
Gordon Montgomery, local,Ford
dealer, joined with 1500 other
dealers who converged at Tor
onto last week for s the 3-day .
showing of the new’’Ford models
"The conventon was held at the
Royal York, with a glittering
show of cars on display at the;
Colliseum. • '
Willjam Bailie Stothers, prom
inent London executive and Mas
on who moved to Windsor six
months ago,' died late Saturday at
Grace Hospital, Windsor. He was-
64. ' . '•/ : ■ /■ •••■ • : ; ’.
Mr. Stothers was assistant
treasurer Of; Kelvinator of Can-,
ada Ltd., London, for 22 years.
He. moved to Windsor to become
manager of Kelcan Trading Cor^
poration, a firm ^allied • with the
London concern.
Born In Asfrfield
—-Born-in~ield-To wn^hip—lie-
was a son of the late William
and Mary Stothers. During World
War I he served at RFC Head
quarters in Toronto. Before com
ing’ to London lie was accountant
with, both the/Ford Motor Com
pany of Canada and Chrysler
Corporation at .Windsor,
JVIr. Stothers had just complet- :
ed his; term, as provincial grand
prior and held the Cross of Hon-
or as presiding officer, of four •
Masonic bodies. At his death he.
was a
of the
. He.
memebr of Union Lodge, No. 380’
A/F. &. A.M., London; < past first
principal, St; George’s Chapter;
R.A.M.; past grand principal, so
journer, R.A.M.; past preceptor,
tory, No. 4; pftst thrice illustrious
master, Ehoc
Rite; deputy Afand master, Cryp
tic Rite; officer of Huron Con
clave, Red- ross of Constantine;
member .the DiVan of Mocha,
Temple Shrine.-
Mr. Stothers was a .member of
Golborne Street United Church*
London. ' . ‘ .
The body will arrive at noon
Tuesday at the Geor^c-E/ Loga'n
Iunera Ichapel/ Mnson 1 c
member of the executive
Grand Chapter of Can-
was past master, • Rose
A.?. & A.M.-,- '■ Windsor;
Council, Cryptic1
. .T.il
and suffered a double fracture of I
. Doctor;? Your husband';must
have absolute quiet. Hero h/n-
sleeping powder. "
expressed a strong desire? VotirselL
service will be Hold at 9 p.m. un-
der the' auspices of' Union :Lodge,
with an honor guard composed
of.membres of Richard Couer de
Lion /Prcceptory^
Service Thursday will also be
conducted at 2 p.m. at the’ Mc-
Wife: When do 1 give it to'him91 MacKenzi'e funeral
I in the family plot at Dungannon
• ■ ■ Cemetery/ ; .
‘The dealers had side-trips L
the Ford body stamping .plant a r
Buffalo and to the new aseembly
plant at Oakville.
„-On display, now at. Montgom
ery Motors is a Monarch, and ...
Crestline Ford.
The death of Fred Davison, a
native of Lucknowi occurred at
Freeport Sanatorium, Kitchener,
bn. Saturday. He was in his 80th
year and had been ill for ovei
two years., • ' \
r Fred was the son of AlCx, T.
Davisori and Mary Jane Aikens,
his father having been a pioneer
Lucknow business than engaged,
in the undertaking and furniture
business. /
. Fred was 'born in Lucknow on •
Septeinber 15th, 1874; As a young
man he. barbered in Ripley tor . ,
a few' years, and followed his
trade in Acton for mariy years
prior to his last sickness. ‘
The funeral service was hold ,,,
at the McLennan; - -.Mackenzie
Memorial Chapel on Tuesday af-
tfeypoon, conducted -by Rev. ,G A
Meiklejohn. Interment was- Jh
Grccnhjll Cemefjery. T-he .pij.il
bearers, were Allistor ■Hughes, W .
W. Hill, Howard, Aghe’w; J." XI •
Greer of Lucknow* Gus McLi
and Tom Kempton of Ripley.,/ .
/IM/ Davison’s wife predeeAasi /
him. TWo daughters'' sUVvivo
Nanaimo, B.C/Also..surviving ar/ /
a hrother^ William J. Davison 01.
Lucknow arid b sister, Mrs/Henry
Ziegler (Laurettaof. Mirier.
Mrs, George Burgess (Ruth)? Mr/cy .
Davison and Merle Davison.