HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-13, Page 1WEST
$2.50 A Year In Advance—$1.00 Extra To U.S.A.
■ <* .
Reeve Presents Figures Supportins
Claim For $25,000 County Grant
Bruce County Council convenes FLAMING CHIMNEY .
next weejj and. on the business | CAUSE OF .FIRE ALARM
agenda will be the matter of ai _____
requested $25,000 hospital grant, . A- blazing chimney at the.home I
to the, munimpahties of Luck- • of M1. Mrs. Joyhn Pritcha^d ■
how, Kmloss, Culross oM Tees-; 2% -miies southeast of town, Was
water, to aid in paying their al-\he eau^e. of h fire alarm -about
1Q^d ,7X)G « fn' Saturday’ipornmg/
a proposed addition to W ngham John- was ^wakened before
Hospital. . . .. 'daybreak with the reflection from
'lih-2. four municipalities ,con- the chimney lightingcup the- sur-
mrhiAH nil. fnlrl _ ___i:1—■ . ■. .
$45,000 allotment,, would receive impression that the .roof
i week,' re-elected K. C. Murdie as
Board .chairman for his second
term.1 a—7 -^7^ —
Committees were • appointed as’
follows: Property, H. M,. MacLen-
♦ • , v -i nan, Dr. James Little: Supply,!
Jack. Tfeher;!
4# -7 "V” j Finance, Gerald Rathwell, Chas. I
Webster; Management, all mem-1
Throughout the years ; these, started the blaze in the chlm-
four,J municipalities have been i hey. Which develooed into a roar- *
harry pierce dies [CU CARRUTHERS TO
• Mr.- John MacRae return- j
ed. from Wingham. Hospital .
: ten days ago where he had
. been a patient with, pneu
monia. He s convalescing fav
orably and is able to be out
■ . again.- ’ /■/.
/ Mr.' MacRae was 85 .Jast
September and U smart as a s
, cricket.’ > His.. recent*, -illness
marked the; first time in four, •••'
score and five that he was ' ■
. / ever ill in bed. Never before,.' '•
. Mr-'MacRae says, was he ever '
- ■ .. ... 7 . , , • • -......—j Luv pui-1, ill in ibed as much as a day.
cerned; which all- told have-a roundings outside, and giving thet _______ '■'• '• ■
$45,000 allotment,: woul<J receive unpression that the roof was | •
•a pro-rata share-of tl^ $25,000 ablate. He called the neighbors!foil SECONDQTER1W
grant. The matter .was broached _f0r help and an alarm was ttirn-1 '1 SECQND TE,tM
at-the. November session-of Bruce.ed in, we understand-by Gordon i ’ 7 ,-
County Couhcjl when a motion Struthers, who .believed the house i /ucknow Public School Board
was passed recommending to to'be on fire. Fortunately in "the i 31 !,he 'ln,au?uIa^ »<ngJ•1?st
members of the January Session hitter cold of the early, morning 1™ K r »«
that as these municipalities are the services of the fi.re^ company ;-.
served laigely by thp Wlrigham were not needed and they Were
Hospital, a grant of $25,000 be ’ flagged down as they approached
given, serious . consideration, and the Pritchard, residence,
at that time’ the means be ar- 7;^ lAzo.v « ucavcu uy uu
ranged by which this amount , burner but John said there was
could be incorporated-in the 1954 | ] • -
budget. . - . ! and he cannot understand what.[
four1 municipalities have . been j hey,, which developed into a roar-
paying their share of grants,! ing good one. ( I
special building . appropriations J ---- -----------■-■-
and so on, which have run into j 1
a tremendous- figure, while ther Wbrd Was Teceived fierFTues-
residents of -these -municipalities -day of the death in Winnipeg of |
make comparatively little use of Mr. Harry Pierce, a native of;
County hospitals. . j Kinloss. Mr. Pierce had recently ! < Bruce County Cquncil
Beeve'. S. E. Robertson, Who 1 suffered a fractured hip. His sis-j WaU^;
has - been strongly behind- pro- ter, Jennie and a .brother, Noble, f^st malters to
rooting this .'grant has obtained reside in Lucknow and the lat--i TW.
some enlightening figures on ter is at present ill with pneu-!' Bruce County payments to Coup- i ™ma. ■ gr
ty hospitals during the past sev-1-----. .... ------------------- -———i----------------------------------------
eral years. These .figures were FILM CONCLUDED
presented the /Lucknow Village
Council on. Monday.
Summarised they tell a dollar /
and cent picture that runs: inip
high figures,
Up. to 1947 the hospitals in
Walkerton and Kincardine were,
given lump grants to cover the
net cost of taking care of° indig
ent'. patients, arid in certain years
bey were given special addition-1
al grants to buy needed equip- '•
rient. The Red Cross .Outpost
Hospital in Lion’s Head also re
ceived grants each year.
From 1937 to 1947 lump sum !
s-rants . to WalkertonHospital
^ar-ied—f-rem—$37500—to—$9794-5-an— •
lually. and totalled $52,915.00 jn,_ ¥¥CCJV
>ver the eleven-year period. In I ed by the Lucknow Ministerial
sPccla grants totalled Association with all local clergy.
’ ’ '. i m6»h taking part in<4he service.
During that period lump sum ! and with proceeds going. to the
grants to Kincardine Hospital•• Canadian Cdtmcil of Churches,
varied from $2,500 to $5,000 and LZ The. Week of Prayer is an ah-
1 hers of the Board./ :•
Jack Fisher is a new member, ’
having succeeded Lloyd Ashton.
-—■" ---- ----- -----. . nosh Township for thirty.rOne years; .. At the. inaugural, meeting •
•Twp weeks ago The Sentinel carried a stoiy of the resignation
of Mr., Durnin Phillips, who has served as Clerk of West Wawar
of the West..Wawanosh Council -on Monday, it was decided to
^eall—for—applications for a A<sutce^orMo--MrMP}htlip37 ’”ApplK~at'm^^ ...
Will be received, up. to January. 30th, and it is expected a special . -
meeting of Council Will be called to appoint the new clerk. Mr. .
Phillips is pictured, above at his desk at Dungannon . where he -.
carries on the duties of secretary-treasurer of . the.-West Wawanosh
Mutual Fire Insurance Company/- . /•’ •?
I loss Township and Reeve Wm.
! Oswald of Eld'erslie. .
(WEEK OF PRAYER Not . in over forty years . has
The Week of Prayer was im-j
\ i pressiyely. concluded last Friday
evening when a fairly large con
gregation gathered to view the
colored^ film/ “Fire Upon/ The
Earth”; The story 'depicted con
cisely and instructively the de
velopment of the Chi’istian church
since Pentecost. It revealed, the
' hardship, persecution and priva- _
I tion of the early Christians in j
j holding fast to the faith and
’ traced the part played by many
; great Christians, .including such
men as Luther, Calvin, Knox and
Wesley* ■ —— -—— --
The Week of Prayer is sponsor
” . . v —M44va*< A 1 i TV A VI XO Gill Gill , #
otalled $41,500 with speciaFj nual event , primarily" intended to | a 7’ .
tranfc- nF QKA / * XU- KT...... \r------ -in T’
[rants of ,$4,350. . /
Grants to Lion’s Head Hospi-1
al during the eleven yeaTs to-1
ailed $11,900.00. |
From 1945 to 1953 special build-1
ng grants were paid by Bruce'j
bounty as follows: Southampton '
25,000, Wiarton $25,000, Chesley,
25;000, Kincardine $20;000, Walk-
rtoh $25,000, Hanoveir $1,000.
In the last five years; 1948- to
952 inclusive, Bruce Co. grants
? County Hospitals, - which now
-umber.six, totalled $63,000, and
Iruce County payment re indig-
nt payments during that five
ear period totalled $200,900.09.
« that amount roughly $50,000
fas paid, to hospitals outside the
ounty during the five-year per-
xi.- ■ ’• ■ '
jCounty pays $4.00 a day | Twenty-two
^Ments, which isTlTi’.pO a day
usher ih the- New Year in a
spirit of .devotion,■ supplication,
ahd rededication: '
• Night classes being held at the
Lucknow District High School
got off to a good start last week
with, more “.boys and girls” trek
ing back than was ever dreamed
of. Some sixty candidates have
Basic English and . commercial,
classes .are .being taught on Tues.,
day evenings, and the shop work
class has been split into two sec
tions which meet, on Wednesday
and Friday 'evening. ’■
' ~ ' S " were, originally
course, which coVers both book-
.by &r,?H. B. Burden.-commercial-
teacher on the High School staff,
the Public School, teaches basic
,(bered thirteen, hew Canadians,
? twelve <pf ‘whom are natives of
Holland. The ’.other, student.. is'
from’ Germany^.
„ The shop class has already
ceeded' twenty in; v
Kin loss Township, had a reeve
■ hold the wardenship,’ and this
.' fact alone, apart from Dave’s
ability to fill the office well,
should'be in his f^vor.*’
It was back in 1912 that D. A.
“Black Dan” MacDonaid was war
den of Bruce and another Kin-
Tossite prior to him to have this
honor was Robert Purves.
{ Reeve Carruthers is serving his
[fourth term as reeve of Kinloss.
He was returned by acclamation
as were the members of/Coun
cil, Farish Moffat, P. Ai Murray,
Dan T. McKinnon and Harold
• Percy./ . . /. \
Two New Reeves
New reeves and changed, per-
| sonnel on the Council Boards of
I botii. Ashfield and West Wawa-.
I nosh were sworn into office- at
[ the inaugural, meetings on Mon-
'_v . ■ ' .■■'.'. . ■ • .. -.
vIn .Ashfield Cecil Blake took
over the reevesfaip as successor,
tp Elmer Graham. Council mem
bers are Donald McKenzie, John
Bradley, Andy. Ritchie, and Tbm.
Howard. . . •
In West Wawanosh John Dur-?
pin succeeded Harold Gaunt as
reeve. The four councillors are
Harvey Culbert, Oryal McPhee,
Eldon Miller and Lome Durnin.
Reeves Blake and Durnin will
be -two- Of; five new reeves . on
Huron , County Council .which
convenes in Goderich on Tuesday,
anuary 19thTsThere are 31 mem
NEW BOARD TOOK < former resident has been. /?■■/ » w«five years in hospital :
——— ! Old friends of : Mrs. Malcolm
Lucknow’s 1954 Council was J Beaton, a former resident of this "
sworn" into, office on Monday by'! community, will, be interested in
I note about| Clerk E. H. Agnew, and with this little, personal
only one change , in personnel. „ her.
"The Board is comprised of J ’ Mrs. Beaton was"The Board is comprised of■! ’ Mrs, Beaton was 79. years of
Reeve S; E. Robertson and Coun-1 age last. November 1st and has
cillors A. B. Smith, V; A. Mo^--, been a patient in Wingham Hos-
bray, S. B: Stothers and. Alex . pital for almost five years-/It will
MacLeod,, the latter being, a .new ; be five years, come next'April.
. councillor, succeeding Innes Mac-f Mrs. Beaton is an avid Sen- .
Sween. -All' members were pres-; tinel reader, the ..paper having' ,,
ent, with the exception of Mr,; been sent to her as a Christmas
- Stothers, who was absent due( to. gift by Mrs.; Ewen MaeKenz'ie. 7
the death of his brother; \ l ■lAunt Maggie”, passed away a :
In retiring^from the Board, Mr. few weeks ago, and Mr. and Mrs. . ’
MacSween wished them the best Carman Beaton of- Detroit, now ’
of luck in. 1954, and greeted his ‘ see “to. it that “Mother. Beaton” . ,
successor with’a hand sha\ke. Mr.. > continues to receive the .old home .•
MacLeod' renlied th At hevwould ' town paper, i ________;-----—.—__
have been better satisfied had In?:j ■ nes remained on the Board.- Mi*. ’
MacSween said he' had been im,
ferested in the work, that there ; "
•had 'been .a ot of .good discussion <|ea(h ()f h31. sijtej. M11.s Charles '
and he would .miss- it. . j Ewan of' Sault Ste Mfirit>« Ont •
He . was jocularly invited to . - - ” t
come back .and help. them, smoke' ___
the cigars at ' least. A box of ply and With at .least, three-non-.,
cigars was On the table, courtesy sm.okers on the Board, "it'looked-
of the International Water. Sup- as if .they Would last a long time.
■‘Aynt Maggie”, passed away a.
' Mrs.
John A. MacDonald re
word last -week of the
. . ■ • - -r - ~ .z | X WClllvy-vwv> w-xy. wx
> younty hospitals for indigent' registered for the commercial
Wnts which ir^l'.OO a day cnnrso, which coVers both 'book-
igher- than the statutory pay- keeping and typing .and. is taught
’.ent. ...-< •> .. nir., XT T> Xltivrlzsn lYlPl'f'inl
. ’ | IMV . A A4Xz *-» w- » » ',v' “T ”r”‘ — ~ "
rCongratiiiations to Mr. & Mrs.1 English. His opening dass 'num*
/ I-. MacPherson of Milverton,
,r,herly. 6f Holyrood, who were
arric<] 45 years ago today, Jah-
3rV 13th, in Wihgham at the
. of Mr. and- Mrs. . George
ftev* Pv Duncan, ...-----
lWyterian minister, of White* I more iliv.tL Hi *.. i—1 _ i. '
Ninety -Year-Old Minister
Gave 3 Sermons Sunday
Reverend Robert A. Macconnell water,7 and no doubt, he says,
Will be ninety years of- age on | would have, followed. Mr. Button
May”28th. Last Sunday he preach- • /’:l/eknO'V' 1 1116 West
ed three sermons-—and &gocl-,on&//^
l^tlrt’here aig 31 mem- ^^^hout. a note. In the absence fer the ministry<and graduated
bers on ? the County Board, . the j of Rev q ,A. Wyin, Rev. Mac- from Westminster Hall at Van-
.number remaining unchanged j conneii conducted the morning couver. He was ordained and in-.
• -ear’ -evening services in the Pres-, ducted' into his first charge at
ynll be, .represented for the .first | byterian Church and took . the i Victoria where *he preached for .'
Township loses their deputy to a , * ^rch/Dunghnnpn/
decline in the number of eligible - . .
Voters in the Township., ’
service at Erskine ; 7 years. Rev. Macconnell spent '
. ' ’ • ■ ” ; most of his active- ministry .in
At the Morning service • here, j the West. HO- came East -to-visit .
one' of the 'hymns chosen was. - a sister ,iri the Southern States,-
'‘.'Shall we gather at 'the .River’S when he was prevailed upon to
Mr;'Macconnell -remarked that he .’help^ out.' at Ripley whe'h that '
‘•first sang-.that' hymn almost’ 85 pulpit was (temporarily ■'Vacant’• .'
__x__L^xai^__ago—As^tdad^of^fiveT^c^ to 'n.ho'hpas-t^i^s-MdM —
r a time ■ and
and . then took up residence; in ‘Liick-
1 now . to . help care for his sister
to the river bank, for the outing, accepted, a. pastorate".at. Auburn,
they rousihgty ^chorused this old; before, returning here -p^rman- • .
' !.e-nfly, ■ ' ' /'■ ,t • ’-■
Mr, Maccomiell was born at! But ' despite hfs; years he L/ . ’
.......;o ------He- and-es Sunday again proved, cmr~ ' ■ J
at one time employed by still preach,a forceful and arous- ' .
j theklate Jbhh, Button at Tees* ing sermon.*’ • .•
r •• /* ’ ’ ' ’ ’ ’ . 4^**““ r .
There’s’a. heifer on the faimi of vividly recalls a. churchpicnic preached - there . for
Andy Ritchie that ■ will' -bo able held at .Clinton by the river? i
to do some bragging to'the other as the picnickers, Which included i
•girls about “my operation”. This the whole', coiigregation, -.marched ih her de-cHnihg years. He lafof,
animal was operated on last FrL
day*.night by the local veterinar- J .
- -fan; -Dr. T. B, Cleland,jVho familiar hymb. .;
number and assisted by Dr,: Mel Corrin? A *
Ian,' Dr. T, B. Cleland, ZW
assisted bv Di\ Mel Coi'eniy in- numuei <u.u _•< ,■ ? ....... .z.. .. . ■ . ■----- %— r.—• “ “ “• ,‘^.vferaan- minister of Whit*-1 mors were expected, to register. pieee.of Wire 4>4 inches long was, Blyth, antkast a; youth learned keen of mind and; alert of step- '
ilirdv-Burden.--Who...also-teaches .removed from .theU»e»f§^-Stom«.-. the ^abmotmjaking.-trade-,- He. and.es.SundaW agam proved, cmr
^wifeBigirl2i®Tof®Jshop at the High School, is. the ach. and she appears to be con- was at one time employed by st.Il preach a forceful and arous-
Mr. ^angioraoiDUCK snop * r. classes.- valeseing satisfactory. ' t the -late John. Button at .Tees-. mg sermon..- :
£ ■
....... ...... ___j__■ • - ' : • " —k' -’*' -mt