The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-06, Page 5PAGE FIVE 17 CO-OP > ■’ WEDNESDAY, JAN* 6th, 1954 I a bted^ef flock. - Q. i «K *.r if 1 If > 4' Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each-Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 V » . I Little Boy Lost Monday, Tuesday, Jan. 11, 12 BING CROSBY, CLAUDE DAUPHIN in — ’ I ■ "I’VE 4% GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES!’’ • Authorized investment for truft funds. • Short terriiTT-5 years. < 4% yearly interest, payable half-yearly. e Ih fivri years, $410:18 accumulates to $500.00 ; ./ /.< “ • z '■ ,/"/ ' ' ■ ' ' 'for discriptiv't.-faihr,’ Wednesday, Thurs,, Jan. 6, 7 ’ LAST TWO DAYS MONTGOMERY CLI^T, BURT LANCASTER '.-r- in — ; •' From Here taEternity (Adult Entertainment) Adults 75c Children 35c Friday, Saiurday, January 8, 9 JOHN PAYNE, . JAN STERLING —- in —• THE VANQUISHED (in color) Matinee Saturday Afternoon Wed., Thurs., January 13; .14 Susan Hayward, Robert Mitchum in' ■ •• * • * ' “WHITE WITCH DOCTOR” • ) , . < I, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Ready To Serve You The PLAYHOUSE CULROSS CORNERS - ■ ! ' .1 ■ * * ' . r Miss Ellen McBride, Erindale, visited last week at rthe home of her uncle, Mr. Frank Brown and ‘ Mrs. Brown and Reg, Mr. James Hodgins of S.t, Cath^ arines spent the. New ’Year’s week-end wittr* his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Hodgins. • ■ Mrs. Earle Hodgins spent part of last, week - with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whytock. ! Mr. and Mrs, Morley Walt and family spent New Years at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Meyers.and /family. . Mr. Lloyd Whyto'ck-. Lucknow, and . Mr. and-Mrs. Everett Why- tock’. and :Gary were, P4ew Years visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. Alex Whytoek and family. KIN LOUGH ■ ’ - ■ (" A number. of the ladies from here attended* the miscellaneous shower on Tuesday afternoon at Ripley at the home of Mrs./Allan Colling for Mrs. Norman Nich^ olson. The bride'received jnapy lovely and useful gifts. A ppp/ gram grid social afternoon /was enjoyed. . . »' , . Miss Sheila Haldenby spent .the holiday in Walkerton with her cousin, Allan Sparling.. Mrs. W. J. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McLean visited Wed­ nesday with friends arid relatives here. . •Miss Donna Nicholson visited during the week with Miss Joyce Cuyler, Kincardine. Miss Ruth Forster returned “Why is our language ‘ called he mother tongue, dad? ” “Ydu’ll learn the answer to that is you /grow older, son. It’s be- ause father seldom gets a chance o use it! I Mr. and Mrs? Tom'Hackett and.h^af^r s^ndW Tda^ Doug, of Ashfield spenL New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and Donnie; . , New Year’s day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith were Mr. and Mrs. Len Bannerman and Phyllis .and Mr. and " Mrs. Jack Schumacher. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg/spent New Year’s day with Mr. ahd Mrs; Hugh Nicholson & family, Bervie. . Miss Helen Haldenby and Mr. Don . Cameron, Wingham, spent New Years with Mr. Howard Haldenby and family. : 7 Miss Helen SchumacherJ Kin­ cardine, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher. / ” “ New 'Years visitors' with” Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart were Mr. Russell Stewart, Kincardine, Mrs. Mary Wall and Jim . and Orville? Wilson. . • Mrs.JMarv Wall and Jim and Orville Wilson were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.' Grant Walt and family. with her grandmother,-Mrs. J. W. Colwell. Miss Helen Malcolm returned to Toronto after spending , the holiday with Misses Nellie, and Margaret Malcolm. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Ted Haldenby on the. gift of a little sori. Mrs. Haldenlby and in­ fant returned home from hospital. Miss Laura Breckles visited in Lucknow durthg the week. . Mrs, Gertrude Walsh returned to the H. Osborne home in Huron where she is caring for Mrs. Os­ borne. : Mr. Ralph Hald®nby feturned to his teaching duties at Merriton afters spending the Christmas holiday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haldenby. . The,. Holyrood Women’s.. Insti­ tute will meet at the home of Miss Edna Boyle on Thursday, January 7th. Roll call is a Scotch joke; 'conveners, Mrs; Wesley Guest, Mrs, Don WatsoriJ topicJ Robert Burns, motto. Ring out, and Mrs.-George S. Emer- he old, ring in the pew; contest; I JirtMnie and spent fancy cookies; lunch,. ^Mrs. Torn Hodgins (s), Mr^. Wm. Wall (S:), Mrs. Jim Boyle (c), Mrs. James Hodgins (c). . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haldenby entertained Mr. and Mrs. Walter Breokles and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Breckles' at a New Years dinner. ' / . • Sympathyvis extended to rela­ tives, here in the passing of. the late David Johnstone of Kincar- ^4^4ne7-^he--funel^l-^vas4arge-ly-at-- tended by relatives and friends pn Monday with buriaf in Green­ hill Cerhefery, Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and family spent New Years with Mr. , and Mrs. Howard Thompson, Pimple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh, Mary and Dick of Purple Grove, .:Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colwell and Huston of Bervie visited on Sun- / day with Mrs. j. W. Colwell, j. Mr. Russell Barr returned to I Toronto., after., spending the holi-.| - days, at his home here. _ •/J Mr, and Mrs. Russell Ball and. ! daughter Charlaine :and Reggie ' Reihl of London spent the week- I end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex ' Percy and family. Mr* and Mrs,. Perry Bushell & J daughter of Toro*n,tb spent the I , week-end . with his/parents, Mr. ' ■; E h i'S” MiTT~Bxish'eiL—" • | Mr., and' Mrs. . W. -Lapp ■ and ! family of Wingham, spent, Satur- T'day,. with .Mr. and .. ^I.rs. Harold lPercy, \ve 6ot Mot?e wan A IN MY S'C’CK" • 4 THE STERLING TRUSTS "/'c' r6' R ’ P ' 0 ■ ft A J, I ' O .■ N ■ ■ BRANCH OFFICE , New Years- visitors with Mrs,' John Barr-and the'boys were Mr. and Mrs?‘Morley .Bushell/ Mar- . £aret Ann and, Marilyn, Mr. ahd . I Mrs/ Perry Hodgins and Sharori,; 1 Mrsf Wtri. Percy, Mr.. and Mrs. Harold' Percy 'and family, Mr. & ■■/ Mrs’>'. Alex ■ Percy and . faniilyx ■ ' I • ' ,, • PURPLE grove .• ■ "• ; r , • _• ./-\ .Miss Margaret Robertson, .Don-1 aid and Calvin spent New-Years at the home.of Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ neth Roberisoh-of-'Zibn. / ■ :; Mi\. and Mrs. John ” were dinner guests • of’ Mr. and Mrs' Wlies' brKifW'Th hWi HEAD L’ .Toronto—A.., . 1 t .........7/^1 r. ’ 1..: . ■■ ■■■' X riday, Saturday January 6th, 7 th, 8th, 9th . SUSAN HAYWARD and TYRONE POWER, A :'kAWlDE.K First £>how at 7.3Q -— Second Show at 9.15 Matinee qn Saturday at 2.30 p.iri. COMING NEXT WEEK. BING CROSBY arid JANE WYMAN, in “JUST FOR YOU in special technicolor. day evening. Mr*, arid Mrs. Andy. Patterson and Gordon, Mr. arid Mrs. Gor­ don' Stanley, .Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith and family of Mildmay, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Young of Kin- garf were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins on Sunday. Messrs; Cecil Dore and Stuart, Donald spent New Years at . the home dif Mr./arid Mrs. Harvey Thompson. Mr, and Mrs. Burton- Collins visited at the home of Miss Vera "Dore of Inglewood on ■ Tuesday. Mr. and Mr^. Herb Farrell, Mr. and Mrs? John/McDonald & fam­ ily, Mr. and .Mrs. Jdck Farrell and family visited at the home of Mr. and? Mrs. Beverley Cliff at Londpn on New Years. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley, Velma, Marlene arid Gladys were New Year visitors with Mr. and New Years with the. former’s mother, Mrs. George A. Emerson? and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCosh had a family gathering recently. . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leesori* Iona & Barbara spent New Years at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Jack Elphick. '■ ' , . _ '■ • Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dore Saturday night Mr. and’ Mrs. Isaac Nixon of Belfast and family spent New Years at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emerson. // Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks and Tanner visited with Mr. Peter Leeson’s Saturday night. / Mrs. Harold Campbell & Thel­ maspent a few days at Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCosh. Mary and Dickie were New Years guests of Mr. and Mrs* Will Arn­ old.” . •' \ '’■/ ' , A family gathering was held at the- home of Mr. Milton Stan­ ley last week. - 20 Percent Hatch Ration Hatch Ratio*1 GfclPH - KB4FTVLd otTtasoacucH Good Hens Plus Co-op Hatch Ration . • ■, Equals High Production, Plus High Hatchability tlie rate of ~ 50 percent Co-op’ Hatch Mash aridFed at t.„ _______ __________ __ ______ 50 percerit Scratch Grain gives the best combination/ ■ success in a breeder flock. • Co-op . 20 percent Hatch Mash is Jiigh in B Complex Vito'*4 mins and pthef essential nutrients to give best results. “You Can^ay More .... But You Can’t Btiy Better/* SEE YOUR LOCAL CO-OP TODAY I »ildN£ 71, LUCKNOW '