The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-06, Page 4THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIORAGE FOUR I i I ;r t ( t 0 Moderate Prices 4 I I I i I I b 4 7 *i. > Insure With The ites_.. LL| r Telephone 175 T I, I I > Havelock St,, south of Supertest' Garage. PIGS FOR SALE—8 chunks of pigs. Herb Ensign, R. 3, Luck­ now, phone 62-r-12 Dungannon. 4 Britannia Rd. (corner South' St.) Investigate Refore Investing MEMBER OF ' Ontario Insurance . Agents’ Association Professional Eye; Examination Optical Services \ Evenings by appointment. Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. Telephones: Business .39 Residence 138 Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago P. Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO k LUCKNOW 6. ALAN WILLIAMS • ' ’ Optometrist Office on Patrick St., ju6t ' off the Main St. in WINGHAM “ . ’ • . ' ' • <* RAY ROBINSON GODERICH; ONT. I Shirley McClure spent! as week with relatives in! ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant NIXON’S SCOUREX , WILL “SAVE” YOUR/C ALVES! ... Agnews’Asency Howard Agnew —• Jos. Agnew LOST — girl’s white sweater at New Year’s eve dance in Luck- now. Please leave at Sentinel Of­ fice. Telephone 1611 ;■ ..........' , ■ ■ * ■■■ STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE WEDNESDAY, JAN. I?54 . ....... .............' FOR RENT—house on corner of Willoughby and Havelock Sts., 6 looms and bath. Available at once. Apply E. j; Farrish, Gorrie; FOR sALE^emeiit septic tanks, approved by the Health Unit. We deliver them. Forsiter’s Welding Shop,, phone; 266-r-ll, Lucknow. , ‘ : SALESMAN WANTED 1' ’ WANTED: Man for steady, travel among Consumers in Bruce Coun­ ty. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Raw- leigh’s Dept. A-271-131, Montreal. •T ~ ~~ HELP W ANTED ~ Domestic help wanted for pri­ vate residence; also two ladies with practical nursing experi­ ence. Apply to E. V. Baker, Lucknow... \ . ~ LIVESTOCK WANTED ’. Dead, disabled horses or co\y$ removed free of charge. For prompt, and’ efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21; Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. - MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the quar- 4 ter. Beef killed under license from the Department of Health. ; Highest quality. Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, i Phone 24-30 Ripley. A • GIRL WANTED—fo assist With general house work and care of 2-year-old girl. Good working conditions and liberal time off. ’ Steady work to ’satisfactory^per­ son. Apply immediately to Mrs. Wm. Gardner, 181 Cambria Road, Goderich or phone Goderich 844. AGENT.for- Bray Chicks, invite you to ask for catalogue-—in ad­ dition reminds you that the bet? ter egg markets starjt in early summer. It means early 1954 ehicks. 25 years’ approval behind them speaks for itself. Pullets, cockerels, mixed, some started. . D. R.< FINLAYSON, Lucknow. AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE CATTLE At ‘ the Harris Stock Barris, Ripley, on Thursday, January 7th at 1,30. 5 cows in calf, springing; 5 Hereford heifers in, calf, spring­ ing; 3 Durham heifers in calf, ^pringirigf 2 heifers with calf at foot; 10 choice yearling steers & —heifers—Gat-tl.e~mostly-Qut_of_dxLe_ herd. Credit terms. Wm. Harris, Prop.; Donald Blue, Auc. CARD OF THANKS A.B.D.V.I, Tom A, MacDonald, R.C.N., sincerely thanks the Lucknow Branch Canadian Leg­ ion and Lucknow Red Cross Soc­ iety-’ for lovely boxes at Christ­ mas. They were much’ appreci'at- ' ed- ’ ■ ’ • L ' Neil MacCallum wishes to .most sincerely thank the Red Cross, and all the many friends, ’ neighbors and other organizations Who have' so kindly and thought- ' . fully remembered him at: Christ­ mas and other times, These re- ' membrances are deeply apprecia- 1 my friends, the^W-^V^fT^heYU-mted—Church. X for gifts, Cards and at Qhristmas time; also for mririy kindnesses since I have been a shut-in. Best, wishes to all Jpr a Happy New Year.. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Alton. . I wish to thahk all my friends and neighbors who remembered, me in ahy way with letters, cards . jriridr treats While j • Was ih St. • Joseph’s; Hospital, London and • since, my return home, . 7 / ' Mrs: Orville riniayson. “ To all hiy neighbors and friends who so kindly remembered me at this joyous Christinas Seaspri . with cards, letters, boxes bf fruit* treats flowers, a very sin­ cere thank you. to each and alt They, were , deeply -appreciated, A Happy New Year tp all:- , WANTED 's play pen. Apply at Sentinel Office^ . , • HELP wanted; male Opportunity to establish your­ self in permanent business selling .i?ationally advertised. products for. home and farm. No investment necessary. Man between 25 and 55 preferred. Write Dept. 0-1-2, The J. R. Watkins Company, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal. TENDERS TENDERS WANTED — Dungan- non United Church Trustee Board requires 10 cords dry .hard body- wood and 10 cords green hard body wood,; beech an’d maple, 16 Kinclies long. Tenders to be re^ ceived by January 9th. Apply to Mrs. Otto Popp,, Dungannon. TENDERS WANTED — Marked, sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until Jan­ uary 11, 1954, for caretakers for alt schools in the Ashfield Town­ ship School Area,- duties to com­ mence February 1, 1954. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. . R; T. Kilpatrick, ‘Secz-iyeas., R.R. 7, Lucknow,/Ontario. TENDERS WANTED X Marked, sealed tenders will be received iby the undersigned until Jan­ uary 11, 1954, for wood to be de­ livered, split“~and~piled^ to~ any: or all of the following schools in the Ashfield Township School Area by June 25, 1954. Two cords of... dry 12-inch cedar tov each- school except 12;? also maple and beech 14-inch green body, wood as follows: 4 cords each at No. 1, 4, and 11; 15 cords each, at No. 5, 6, 7, 10,’13, 15, 16 and 17;. 25 cords at No. 9; 40 { cords at No. 8. No blocks under 6 inches or over 10 inches. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. T. Kilpatrick, Sec.-Treas., , .. R.R. 7^ LuckiiOW,4 Ontario. ...........■ • •lb “—-——• Perry Como Tells His Life Story . For the first time, Perry Como -tgils.JhiS—life story! Live with Perry Como on his long climb to stardom . —. meet his folks,; his friends,„ his wife,.and children. Reid “My Story”, by Perry Como, starting in The American Week­ ly, with this Sunday’s (Jan. 10), issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. . . . ' . ’ •• ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc. .— Reliable Service — 1 Gilson Service - , .■ \ - Electrical Appliances . HALDENBY ELECTRIC^ —: —-Kinlough——■ PAPERING / PAINTING . . .....s. ■ .... 4 „ ,. ,.1954 Wallpaper Samples ". .. ohhand Halve your cellars sprayed tioW —ceilings, walls, floors^-Witlj^ paint oP whitewash. For prompt service call FRED EMBERLIN ’Phone 194, Lucknow {COMING EVENTS I .it' BARN PANOE’, It’s coming — The CKNX bam :dance broadcast, Carnegie ITall, Lucknow, Saturday, January 16, under auspices of Lucknow Ag­ ricultural Society. Dance to .fol­ low. DANCE AT DUNGANNON Colwanash Junior Farmers are sponsoring a dance in the Dun­ gannon Agricultural Hall on Fri­ day, January 8th. Carnegie’s or­ chestra. Admission 50c. Lunch counter. X . i' •’ HYPNOTIST COMING' Dr. .Edwin Heath, sensational hypnotist, Will ' perforiri in; the Lucknow .Town 'Hall for three nights, Monday, Tuesday, Wed­ nesday,. January 18, 19; 20, under auspices of the Lucknow Branch of the Canadian Legion. FO TH CONCESSION Mis -Chris Paisley. Mr. and" (Mrs. jack Needham,{ Suzanne and Janie of Corunna;' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MacDoiig-1 all of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Clair MacDougall rind t Anna of Paisley were New Years guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mac­ Dougall and family. Mr. and Mrs., Austin Martin entertained members of the Turner family of Owen Sound for New Years. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham & Anne, enjoyed New Years din- net with Mr. and Mrs. John Gra­ ham and Mrs. Simpson of Wing- jham* • ' ■ Members of the Ritchie family were New Years guests with Mr. I ( {anti Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon and ' :family../r'' | I i. Floors LAID, SANDED AND FINISHED. x * ■ ■ <1 r . ’Phone Carlow 2105 R.R. 1, Port Albert Scourex Works Fast! Removes infection fr.om the intestinal tract overnight. : The “combined sulfas’’ in ScoureX work fast. Promotes, appetite for rapid recovery. . ; j Save every Calf this Season Get Nixon’s Scourex at: . UMBACH DRUG STORE , Phone 13-w, Lucknow ■ REUBEN WILSON •;* . • R; R., 3, Goderich . ■ ' «... X- ' '»• ■ Phone 80-i>8 Dungannon '■ JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME Thone 76 MacLENNAN and MacKENZlE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accord­ ing to: your wishes ait your Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial , Chapel at/no additional charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow. Day or Night INSU RANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile Insurance “ MFrcantire~&rFarm-Firr—— Insurance Economical, and Reliable. See \ /. T A. CAMERON LUCKNOW ■ : ' * Phone 70-r-10 . Dungannon Kenneth J. Mackenzie R.O. ' Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. .Will .be at Wrona?s Jewellery 'Store,' Ripley, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13th and every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted ? For appointment, ’phone Roy Mackenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. | .WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP . We Have Been Membtial Craftsmen For Thirty^Fkv^ - Years, Always Using. THE BEST GRA! / Along With Expert Designing and . v ' Workmanship. # « Prices, Most Reasonable- Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A< SPOTTON Phone 256, Wingham. Ontaric DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN . BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS . , . Forllje • Small Merchant, Professional man.and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont Office in Kilpatrick Block. ’Phone 23-w F T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST ••• ’ GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 . , ' .For i ■ Appointment or Information Seel Wm. A. Schmid, .• ’Phone 167-w Lucknow • •; ' . a . • •'* • • • ’ ■ INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE ...... :protect™Your Jack, ~~~ .Insure With Jack Todays J. A. McDONAGH ~R. R. 3, Uucknow, Ontr..... ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon ' - ' " '■ • • , • f • : . R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor. LISTOWEL, ONTARIO . IN LUCKNOW ' ■ ■ Every. ' • • 7 Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon lOfficb in the Joynt Block ‘ \ . Telephone: ; : Office 135 . Residence 31-J IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK - ..........j n~ ■ •/, _______ . .a. '~'Ti '■ ............. ... -■■■'1'- R. S. Hetherington, QX. Barrister, Etc., Wingham and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW x Each Monday and-Wednesday—- i Located on the ground floor • - ' iti the frbht of John, Kilpatrick’s Building ’Phone Wingham » ‘ \ Office 48 : Residence 17 Culross Mutual .....■■ ■ .... FIRE . INSURANCE CO. ‘ / for'.;X Reasonable rates, sound pro­ tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. FARISH MOFFAT A Ybirt Local Agent , R. 3, Toeswater. Phone-Teeswater 57-r-41