The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-06, Page 1^2.50 A Year In Advance—$1.00 Extra To U,S,A,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JAN. 6th, 1954 EIGHT PAGES nf this communitv He was > i nuwever stem- • Those not ,‘7 rest fa°Greenhni C°met-Imed tronl the fact, that Joan had ! contact Mrs. a d . Pen Pal in India,, who had ask-', it can be oie ■* . ■___ _ ; v- T h e McLennan - MacKenzie • j Memorial Chapel _was taxed to | f .... ;................................................ I MRS. WM. FORSTER PIED SUDDENLY WEDNESDAYHeld Last Rites Tuesday * For Aged Accident Victim t ) venflowing • on Tuesday after - 10pn. when last rites were con- iucted'/by; Rev.: J, R. Dickinson Ashfield Circuit, for Mr. Wil- i9m Menary . who was ^u uok, him f0J. Ume , “7* ’ some . information /.about Lucknow and its history, which' she personally found very interesting. ' The request, however stem- • PEN PAL IN INDIA WANTED ( FACTS ABOUT LUCKNOVV 1 ^eeVO: S... E.; Robertson/ regely- r wu a Christnias letter from Joan •' Mnnarv who was itrurk I MacDonald of: Toronto thanking iarn Menary . who was struck I him for his 1<Swh by a car early Saturday; sending ,hei. •vehing and fatally injured.’ )eath followed within a very, few ' ninutes...^-. Mr. Menary was a lifelong res- QUILTS NEEDED GOODS ON_HAND The Red Cross is asking for quilts and more quilts. The Luck­ now Branch now has material <?on hand and would- be grateful it the groups/who quilted in Oct -, •ober would volunteer to do :so again.7 - : The Red' Cross'rooms -in’ the Town Hall. will -be open every. Tuesday during January from 2.00 to '5.00 p.fn. so that anyone wishing material may call and get it.All work must be ready by June 1st. - Those not able to call for work . A. E. McKim and it. can be picked up'at her home. DAVE JOHNSTON PASSES ; The death of Mrs. Wrh. Forster, formerly Mary Emily Aitchison, occurred suddenly on Wednesday morning from a heart attack suf­ fered at hcr.-home. Con, 12, West Wawanosh. She was in . her 55th ye’dr:.'■ ■ - TJie remains - will rest at . her late residerice'until Friday morn- ing. The funeral service wili .be held at the McLCnnan-MacKenzie Memorial Chapel at 3.00 "p.m.A on Friday, January 8th, conducted by Rev. R. D. A. Currie of White- [COUPLE DIE IN GAS FILLED HOME Escaping, coal gas that filled ' their home with smothering fumes claimed ther lives of Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Doig of Wood / . stock early New Year’s day. The .'dpdlb'JO' tragedy yfras discovered shortly- before”: two o’clock that afternoon, whep a daughter; Mrs.'. . , Graham Lowes; R.R/ 1/. Wood- stock, called at thd home of her parents: The house still reeked of the deadly gas. ' Police, theorize th^t ^ minor ex- •rv with’ Herb Curran, Wm. Ir-d t•in, Isaac Crandon Frank Gkun, j bghe Lh £ {o/v^ed -ReXfc nBArt EU10tt aCt’i Ro^rtson’s. story to India and ng as pallb . . ; s was sure -her pen pal would besurrvi^ I pleased with-L i. , Lucknow and five sons," Vahce'i!_ d' * The death of David Johnston, native.of-Kinloss Townshipj oc- I •a curved in Kincardine where He>f London, and Hugh, Living- ^^KNOW BUSINESS4 has resided for 25, years. He was tone,, Phillips rand Clifford, all MAN DIED IN TORONTO church Presbyterian. Church. In- , .plosion in the furnace "sometime terment will be in South Kinloss during the night caused an elbow Cemetery. . i in theJ furnace pipes to blow loose ’ Besides her husband, Mrs. For- • permitting ’. coal gas to’ .escape. Mr; and Mrs; Doig .had spent a qui^t New Year’s, eve and had already retired when their son had to a with (f this vicinity. Mr, Menary was 83 years of ,ge and was a familiar' figure; diking the highways. He had i een at Nicholson’s Store at Bel_ ast for a considerable time that fternoon. awaiting the arrival of he baker who was behind chedule that day due’ to1 motor rouble. He still had not arrived dien Mr. Menary set out' short- jr before six o’clock for his, home uvo miles south, On the Lucknow- lungannon road just beyond the th Concession. The accident occurred’~about 'aT lile south of Belfast iri - front; f the former. Irvine Henry farm, i row owned by Russell Phillips, j SOp„?e;1J'r °^2\2r°u^°' It was Wilfred Drennan who' iscovered Mr. Menary. Wilfred ras returning from his farm in ie Crewe district. The time of ie discovery was placed at be-1 1veen 6.15 and 6.30. The aged I L Douglas and Mrs. R. lan suffered fractured limbs and, -OOhipson. . ead injuries and severe shock I ____ hich quickly snuffed out his fe. One of his rubber boots was )und in a. nearby field. The body was brought to the McLennan.? MacKenzie mortuary here a post mortem was held i I t predeceased by his wife, the for­ mer Margaret James and by a son,. Ed Johnston of Lucknow. ' He survived by two sons, , Kincar- ster. is survived by four (Jaugh- j which asphyxiated them.k ters, Mrs. Walter Elliott (Kath-j ~ ’ leeh). of 'East. Wawanosh; Joan,! Irma and Norma at .home; two sons, Jack of Goderich and Lorne at home; and two brothers, Hor­ ace Aitchison of Wingham and Clifford Aitchison of Hespeler. The funeral of.the late James A. Geddes who passed away, in! I’_ J L., Toronto after a lengthy illness, Leonard "and.".Kenneth,” Kincar- was held in Kincardine on Mom dine’; three daughters, Mrs. Arch­ day afternoon,., with a number, of ie MacKay, Owen Sound; Mrs. friends from- here in attendance. Grace Borland, Mrs. "Frank Good- Mr. and Mrs., Geddes were in' win, Kincardine; a brother, Mark business in Lircknw for a num- j of Kinlough.' > / , ber of. years,’ having operated a; Variety Store in what is how i the Lucknow Fruit Market. I From here .they went to. .Toi;J onto where they' have; since re- ! sided. . " 1 —Mr-Geddes- is-^survived- byrhis"' \yife, a daughter'Mrs.-C. O. Mui-1 Ln (Haz-ol) of Kincardine and a-' five season for Mr Fi lends from', heie ■ attend-i-ng^--the-"—'kindness the funeral included, Mr.. . ; 1 Mrk Wellington Henderson and Lois, Mrs/R. _ J. Button, Mrs. Fred ; Nixon, Miss Hazel Culbert. Mrs.: . . H, I RECEIVE R.N. “DEGREES, NURSING IN TORONTO FRIENDS RALLY TO FIRE VICTIMS AID When fire, destroyed their farm borne a- week' before “Christmas, it looked like a pretty grim fes- ;. and Mrs. ■ - ' Leonard, Webster tand family, bur • -- ... ...^..’^SF'Tgener'osrty1 ;and, and i .goodwill, of friends and gieighibors ’ i made the true .Christmas spirit ya very tangible thing. Mi’, and Mrs. Webster’s farm i/is on Highway 9 at Greenbush ! in the Harriston district. Leon- i and is a son of Mr/ and Mrs/ Jas. Webster, • .formerly of Kinloss Township; two: miles West of. town. Mrs; James McNain of Am­ berley and Mirs. Dave MacKenzie of Kintail are sisters. It was about midnight on Miss Shirley Robinson, Reg.N., daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Howard Robinson, and Miss . Viola Cook, i i Sunday by /Dr. J.- L. Penistan i Reg/N., daughter of Mr, Albert; Thursday, Decembre - 18th,- that * __ _ .1 ’ ■ ! . •T* ~ ~ z-vi 14 .Vs rw r tT4’ Stratford. j Cook, have gone/ to Toronto Provincial Police at Goderich, ■ where they commenced their new ’aded by Constable Jack Park-.' duties on ’Monday on the nursing ison launched an investigation staff of Toronto Western Hospi- ld sent out a radio announce-1 tab: ent thaTnight^lertihgTga^rage-^^l Tfie'Two young Ladies afe g'rad- en to be on the lookout for a ir with a damaged right fender. Following that newscast about P-hi. that evening, an Ashfield strict farmer, drove to Goder- h to report to police that he id swerved sharply to his wrong de of the road that evening to iss, as he believed, the old igen- eman, A car was approaching om the south. The Ashfield man id a dented right fender,, caused,I ' said, by striking the side of e garage door of which there as evidence. Police took the car }der surveilance to make a inute check, and samples of rt knocked to the road, at the cne of the accident and on the rider of the ear in question are sent to Toronto Sfoir labor- ory tests. ' . . 1 ; Pblioe-ht^lMid^f^ eluding leaving the scene of an cident, agdinst George Twain- ' .. the -outbreak; was* discovered. It had started in the back part of the house, presumably • from the chimney and had gained' consid­ erable headway' when discovered. -Thi^Cliffoi"d^f^^deuartm^t^:e^ were- hampereduates of Owen Sound Hospital..; sponded but They have been nursing there J somewhat bv a lack of water, ^completing/ their course,] ’ u ‘ ......................................- - - re{7_ , I since and last week obtained their istered nurse degree. Aunt staged shower FOR TWO NIECES and could do nothing, to save the home, but protected the barn, Kenneth.. of London, who come over to Woodstock dance, dropped in to visit them for a short time. Born IivKinloss Mrs. Doig was.,53 years of age. She Was formerly Pearl Fraser, a daughter of the late. Mi*, hnd < WILL BE 89 SUNDAY ... Mrs. John MacLeod of town, will observe her 89th birthday on Mrs. Alex Fraser and was bom Sunday, January 10th, and cbh- [on the Fou’rth Concession, bn the tinues to enjoy a. fair measure of [farm now owned, by Wim. Mac- health Which permits her to be ■ Donald. Her father died less than up and about each day. She makes year ago. Mrs. Tyndall Rob- her home with her daughter/! inson of towp is an aunt of Mrs.her home with her daughter/! inson ot towp is an aunt of Mrs. Mrs. Harty Nixon and Mr. Nixon; ( Doig and Mrs. James ./Little is • ■ ' • • .' : . . - - ' " . j a ' cousin.' '• RETURNS FROM.AUSTRALIA, [ an^raduatedrfrofaToronVGene VISITS SON AT RECTORY -1fa?%S fater - 7/ : TT . r c ’ moved; /to Iroquois^ Falls where" 'Mrs^ H. . Jennings, mother, pf g^e married. They' moved to' . Rev..»H. L.^Jennings, who recent- • Woodstock about 25 years ago. ly returned from Australia, yas- was CQnyener ok the Wood- £ VJSitb^ Years^ Mrs. Jennings flew across dt]ring thg. gecond World War the Pacific to. Australia three ancj was on the nursing staff of years ago to care..-for, her ageing Woodstock General Hospital, mother Who .has since passed she was a member of Knox Pres- away- - . • _ ‘ , . • bytbriari Church and' st former .Mrs. Jennings returned by ship , member of Havelock Chapter, by - way of India, the Suez, the IO.D.E. There . are two sons, Mediterranean, and Atlantic to PraSer> Ottawa; Kenneth, Lon- ' complete her round-the-world dop; two daughters, Mrs. Graham journey and has many^jnterest-• jjowes, Mrs. John (Helen) Hazel- ’ mg stones to tell of. her trip and wood, London; three sisters, Mrs. hfe^down .under .- Harold Knechtel, 271 John St., SfheMs^t present '...visiting .yith- strafford; Mrs. Edward (Mary) ' her daughter, Mrs. .A*. F.. Hill - of/j^onteithT-Emibro;1 Mrs. Ronald | (Grace) Armstrong, London; five /brothers, Clarpnce, of Hayward, Cal.; Gordon, San Francisco; Lloyd, Alvin and Clifford, Embro. j Mr. Doig, 57, .was- born and : p’aised iiT7^Iontreal, the son of nomination meeting on Monday,! Jhe lateivir, anq Mrs. william. A. ‘ during the Second World War I K-/**>* tvuu M VXA XUJ-KZA'A ICO bytbrian Church and ’. af- former I a 1| Goderich,1 FLOODLIGIITS ARE GOOD INSURANCE AND PUBLICITY Ji< The question was raised at: the ^sea m Montreal, tne son ot nomination meeting on Monday, < a^®. ^r* and Mrs. William A. as to the cost of floodlighting the 2.01^' _^e 'went overseas^ m the new school. First World War with the 27th 1 CAMERON HEADS OCKNOW^EGipN President . of ’ the .LucknOW ajwh' of ‘ the Canadian Legion [ ™fc Wsuing teiw Will ;be Keti* th Cameron.- He1;succeeds Clar- ce Groer , h .the for two years, Other officers, are: 1st The home of Mr- and Mrs. Herb I McQuillin, Second Concession, • Kinloss, was the scene of two I miscellaneous showers recently, (which Mrs. McQuillin stag'ed in ( honor of two Of her nieces who were being married. The*rooms were attractively'decorated with evergeens and pink and wh ite streamers. On both occasions Miss MacKay presided at the piano for “Here Comes The Bride”. The first of the nuptial-•events- Mras.J)eld^Qn^SAtu.rday^ December. 26th in honor of Miss Mafy Belle McQuillin. Mrs. Archie MacIntyre Was chairlady for a short pr<y gram. Helen Campbell wheeled in the tea wagon of lovely gifts and Mi&s Mary MacMillan as­ sisted the bride-elect: in. opening ihern. Lunch wasServed to/con- blude a/pleasant evening, l , On Wednesday last Miss Mar­ garet Cook, daughter of Miv'arid' Mrs,. Bill Cook qf .ChQSley, and 4©-:V. I which was in danger. i 1 I I ■}i I I are: 1st vice asident, Harold.. Ritchie; ind :e president. Bob Simpson; sec- ary-treasurer' H. D, Thompson, ecutive committee, Bob Mac- Bob , McIntosh, Clair Piston, Jack Cbolc; Sgt.-at- ^yiw-Sr.'rColor <toh ’ ® Wahabi George new school. First World War with the 27th dferk'E. H. AgneW pointed out Battalion, Royal Montreal Regi- that to insure the windows in | ^ient» discharge moved to the school would be very costly,, IrQQd°ls Falls. He was employed and that the floodlighting costs (st?r.eK^^eF at. *J?e Ontario would run about $10.00 a month j ".OS^>1W’ Woodstock, for the past or around $100.00 a year. years. He was a member of Keeping the school lit up, dis-1 Knpx z Presbyterian Church. He courages prowling and parking j 2Yas,a2 ^riher member of the around the school. The meeting, Weedstock Lions Club; the Can* agreed it was about, the cheapest j edian Legion, Woodstock Branch insurance you could ? get, apart, henorary _member j3f the from the fact that it was a splen- j >• Oxford Rifles. ' did investment in advertising our I town and (focusing attention on i the new school* ! Escape In Night Attire ! A few pieces of furniture.'were I saved out of the front of the I house: Mrs. Webster, who' was' | awakened by the fire, and her I three children escaped with very little more than ...their night clothes.'Mr.. Webster was .away* at the time, haying gone on the highway snowplow not Snore than hour before. The family, was itak- en by Mr. Cliff Dodd to his home. They have sinde found accomo­ dation in the vacant house be­ longing to Mr. John Loos,' which is. not. Jar ; from . thgir, farm...1 Clifford Rotary Club voted $100 to the Webster familyj as a small jbkeir'ljf"lympafhy“‘for tpeHoss’ they had sustained in the fire. . An appeal sent out by the-Wo- me‘n!s Institute fot a shower of fruit ahd vegetables for the Web­ ster family rwas splendidly, re* sponded to. Notices were giver! out in the three local’ churches and it seemed- as’, if the entire' community responded generously. The articles were left at the Half and among the'display 'Wei'e'1 75 quarts of fruit, 35 jars of jam, 70, jark 6^ pickles, 4 bags of potatoes, canned goods, maple syrup, lard; sugar, two quilts' and ! many other miscellaneous, arti- 4 I .guest of.honor at a similar mi's- ei->Aur.or . atfpnripH thvcellaneous stibwer/ attended >by friends in tftifs vicinity, Mrs. Ben Mol© presided for the program.. ... . . ... .......and her little daughter wheeled eles. These articles Were taken. to in the gifts for Margaret. She!what is their home nov, oh the, ^vplT^esents^by^Mlss^Glaa^ I. a' canvass of friends' and neigh- Carlow Itfiss Cook, whose tnar-.l hors in . the district climaxed the- -;mge took place'U teacA school at • BfrW-j geon. , , . . ■■it •4f The double funeral service was held in K no x Presbyterian Church, Woodstock, on Tuesday with temporary interment in Woodstock Mausoleum.HEPC CHAIRMAN APPROVES | LOCAL I A —- -^The^oderm^hig~of“LiK?know’s’^—K e ^.UA ini7i'<aTne modernizing oi uuckhow s >■ ■ jv ■■ e rUAIDiiAkl Main Street lighting and: pole r'e-.j Wil Al KM AN moval project accomplished this! year, has been, recognized by .Mn Meeting on Monday night for Robert Saunders, chairman of the ! the, inaugural jneeting, LuckhbWf Hydro Electric Powe'r Commis- ’ Djstrfct High School Boajrd . nam- sion ■ of Ontario. \ | ed Mr? Allister Hughes, the Kin- ’ The undertaking for extensions f loss representative, as chairman, , and .ihlprovements io :the local} succeeding Mr. Robert Rae, Mr. electrical distribution was ' era,- Henry MacKenzie of Ashfield is ried oiit with••the approval of .the. vice-chairman. 1 ' ’ Ontario Hydro at a "cost- qf.J. ■• Cofrirnittees were appointed as $11,000, financed from available'/follows: ’ ’ ■ * . "funds held in reserve. by the! ■ l-’roperty^' Grounds and Care- < Lucknow System. ■ ’ | taking—A.-Hughe^; T. J. Salkeld, Mr. Saunders commented “such 'Arthur GrahanL Robert Rae..- undertakings are important steps j Management and Supply—A: E. . McKim, R. Rae,-Clarence Moul- : j ton, W. V. Johnston.. . Transportation—T'/’ J. Salkeld, H, MacKenzie, A; Graham, Mouiton, ’ _ Purchasing' Committee—W> .....;jr in the continuing progress of your hydro systeni and cofhmun- ity’\ and in keeping with'Hydro’s long-range expansion program currently going on throughout the. Province to provide improved ■eT^riSar-’'‘iervic^“'^ 'ehces,:^'';: V ■ *» ' Jb'hnsW” MScfin Salkeld. /. C. X i ♦ i 5»« T