HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-30, Page 8; • ■1 ’ ! >’■ ’ » ’ ■ r PAGE EIGHT ' 'fa 1-ft. . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO '’* "77 7 : __________ _ ...a ,. hi i ' .i.P’rAj 11 1rrr 0 v i I > •V f *■ 7t $ <J <* •v ■e X\,7 7 .1.’ fo •K.* n* ' • • Vv. . <L w. • . wtd, ho extLnJ. ho out manu Kizncti. dnd cu^ horn&Ui out /tenthfelt tnanlzi jot ijout Laitin^ loyalhii, and. hlien hofi h/tis., wlh/i out aot^ dial wisAei hllah eaall^ and ev&ty one. of -you will cutely enjoy ^Ptoi.jietoui aNew ^Ijedt! ASHTON’S >M’S/lJmijES7^ WEAR Piece Goods arid Woollens •7 t, ,J i i & / ♦ I c x V > • ■ ! 9 u \ Mrs. D. J; McIntosh of St. Cath­ arines, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Todd ___7.. and Andrew of Southampton, Mr. 7 ■ and Mrs-. Neely Todd, David, Janet and" Mary of Stratford were holiday vsitors with Mrs; D. TodcL 7 ? 77?. ■?'7'/7./ Mr. and Mrs. “G, S. McIntyre , and Donald, of Bracebridge spent Christmas with Mr. 'and Mrs. W. L Miller. 1 Miss Arina Stuart of Toronto spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mfcs; George Stuart. Mel Brown, Mrs. ; Alex Murdie and Bob of Kitch- 4-ener Tare holiday visitors- with Mr. and Mrs; R. /Woods. Mr. ?and Mrs. Gordon Miller ' and Larry of London and' Mr. Murray Taylor were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor for —the-holidayweek-end.^7—— Miss Margaret MacPherson, R; . N., of Londdri is spending a few weeks at her home here recup­ erating from a recent operation* Mr. Don Cameron left last Wed­ nesday , with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed and party from Dungannon i <5 ¥ « #■ GOOD LUCK in✓ 0/ L I s \WS rl V I r V .... _ —............................................................................: 1 ^hd Wm. B^n>^^hheriyJ^elyn^ ■ Uy., 7 fieid. • ■/.. L?7: ■/'./ ?-7. ■fl I 1 REMEMBER FOLK AT BAKER HOME Mr. and Mrs. E. V, Baker ack-: nowledge with appreciation the manyChristmas. gifts donated to the residents of their, private hos­ pital, and to the facilities of ithe hospital. These include; < Kairshea Club $25 and’ a Christmas treat for each patient; Lucknow Women’s Institute, $25.00;,Zion W.A., $10; Paramount Women’s Institute, bed blanket; Joe MacMillan, ham­ per of Spies; St., Marys .Church, Lucknow, basket - of fruit; ••• John W; Henderson Lumber Co.; treats. , of grapes, oranges^ candy,’ nuts, Christmas cake; Lucknow Red Crdss, gift box for each patient; Lucknow United (Church, box^of ; fruit; Bert Alton* $5.00. The. donation from the Kair^ shea Club was used to purchase ( 'bedding material which w(as made up by members of the Paramount I Worrien’s Institute. Rev. Meikle-1 John showed an interesting film I at the hospital and Imembers of the Ypung People’s. Society sang carols. Mrs. James Webster play­ ed selections oh the autoharp and. other ladies sang solos and help­ ed with the program. Mr. and JMrs. Baker plan to use the-balance of the cash dona- • tions to purchase “additional bed- i ding. . .7 Mr. and Mrs. Baker wish to . extend New Year’s greetings to all from themselves anid on be­ half of all the. patients of the hospital,, who include: Mrs; Gar-^ niss, Mrs. Armstrong, Thelma Martin, Elizabeth McDonald, Wm. Love, Donald Smith, Wm. John­ ston, Leslie Alton, Roderick Me-v Dbugall, Mrs. Fletcher,? Mrs. Mil­ ler, . Esther McGill, Mary Mc­ Queen; 7Mrs.^Matt^ " Wall, Ed Donovan, Wm; Slack, Rory RosS, Mr; Elliott, Sam Gar-, bett, Mrs. Stonehouse, Miss Bar- -tleman,-Miss Stirling, Mrs, King, Miss Leia Irwin, Mrs. Slomari, Mrs. Sarah Jones,-Mrs. Habkirk, Mrs. Art Cook, Mrs. McCharles. to spend the vacation “dn a motor trip>to Florida; Master Terry Wilson spent a few days as guest of Marie and Keith Johnston at " Bluevale. / The January meeting of the Women’s Institute will 'be held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Gaunt on Thursday, January 7th at 2.30. Roll call, “What health rule did you emphasize to a child?” Mot­ to, “A merry heart does good like a medicine”. Subject, Home Economics and Health in charge of Mrs. Frank McQuillin. Host­ esses and program, Mrs, Lloyd Hunter and Mrs. Ross Gammie. St. Helen’s Young Peoples Union The first meeting of the Y.P.S. took place on/Decem!ber „27th. The vice president, Murray Tay­ lor, was in charge. Marvin Mc­ Donald had the topic “Faith and Evangelism” and was assisted by Mr.“ahdMrs.S MacPherison. read the scripture* and Anne Todd had a prayer. A special speaker, Mr. Brock Vod- den from Blyth, spoke on the Bible and our personal faith. The meeting closed with the 'benedic­ tion. ‘ i ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Amelia Treleaven wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter, Florence Gwen­ dolyn, to Mr. Thomas Luther Parker, son z.of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parker, Niagara Falls, Ontario. The marriageJ to take place in mid-January. NIGHT CLASSES TOT START NEXT WEEK; . ■ . ■ ■Night classes in general shop “Workycommercial-andbasicEng- lish for new Canadians will com­ mence next week at the Luck­ now District High School.. Mr. H. B. Burden will teach shop and commercial with the first shop class on Tuesday, Jan­ uary 5th arid the first commercial class on Wednesday, January 6th. Mr. Stuart Collyer will teach basic English. This course will commence- on Tuesday, January 5th. s ■ BORN TRELEAVEN—-on Thursday, De-, cember 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Treleaveh of Beaver, Pa„ a daughter, Carol Anne, a .sister for Donald. ZETTLERr-on Thursday., Debem- Ber 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rueberi Zettler, Holyrood, a daughter. ; MILLER— in Wirigham General Hospital on Monday, December 21, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. Miller* Ri, 6,. Lucknow, ’ a sori^ COURTNEY—in Kincardine ,Ho’s-' pi'tal oh December 11, . 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Courtney, R, I, . Ripley* a daughter. . 7 COURTNEY—at. Alexandra i Hos­ pital, Goderich, on December 19, 1953,7 to Mr .arid Mrs. Leo Court- Ursula Maria. ♦ THAT Mary Murdie entertained a number of little friends on her 7 th birthday on- Monday. , • THAT v there were seven tables . at the Monday, night: Shoot party. Prize wiriners were Mrs. I SEE BY THE SENTINEL -j.. ..... ' / THAT Miss Margaret Salkeld, who teaches at Duncan, B.C., accompanied a group of ex­ change teachers on a - Christ­ inas holidays trip to California. THAT Parish Moffat. has com­ pleted his term 'as Worshipful Master of T^sewater Masonic Lodge .and is succeeded by Lloyd Stuckey. . THAT /the Christmas card ex- change, grows arid , grows. The sale. of . two-cent. stamps gt the Lucknow Post Office’ t h 1 s . Christmas exceeded last year’s record sale by a7$ide margin. THAT there was a very large crowd 4 at tile reception, in the ToWn’ Hall on. Tuesday night ’ irt honor of Mr; arid Mrs, Bob . Mac-Nay (nee Mary Belle Mc­ Quillin) whose ^marriage topk L.,L.,Pl^£e_ihai^aftejcnobn^A^ Orous purse of money was pre­ sented ' the young cbuple by Lockhart had made the pr^- e’riiatibri address. ’ < •, \ THAT Earl “Tapper? Gray has ibeen elected president of the Waitetei Branch of the Cah* known here arid Mrs. Gray Wai Tff! *T TO-....U....7 ..... V O S ' ?' .1? i■■ ■?/. *t Town Hall, Lucknow Tuesday, January 5th «■ »..>x at 8.00 p.m. Sponsored by Your John Deere Dealer WALTERBRECKLES;~KINEOUGH” II featUrh.g OUtS'»"d'n9 Played ■ ' - 7. WEDNESDA^PEX!. 30th, 1953 See the Full-Color FuI(.length Pj_e?;e with the Gordon Famiiy and a full program of colorful films made specially for your enjoyment. ADMISSION BY TICKET ONLY If you don't have tickets ordered, or TIbavf’fa CfaaI nee^ more, be sure to ask u» for them • n ® ® I t1 1 » :. /;.........:•■■ ■'• ' /. - • THAT Mr. and Mrs. Newton James arrived in Florida the . Saturday before .Christmas to find the. Weather on the chilly side with sweaters still feeling pretty good. THAT a broken water pipe feed­ ing• thb hydrant in the arena, was so saturating the, ground as to prevent ice making; near the penalty box; The break " was discovered-arid repaired bn Tuesday. ------™ ;...—------------i.------------------------—- i “ * i“ x I a <■■■; .... ; ' 7 ' ■ •«V’- ; .. • . v .. ' '■ ‘ ' ■ ■ ■ ' . ■ ’ , ■ • 1 ' ’ ’ ' . *' « . . ' ’ , ,•.**. . ■1 . T‘ ‘V • ’ . ' ’ .. ''■?"■< 7,7' 7Z7 : 77 ’ * THAT the garbage collection sys­ tem will be continued as usi(a I. ’. until such tirrie as least as the new Council meets op Monday. ■’ . January lltU,. when it is .ay .. sumed they Mil adopt a* year-e 1 ■ ■ round Collection - policy . ‘ THAT The Sentinel is one' <>f f comparatively few weekly papers in this district wjiioh ....are,..piiblisM , mas and New Yejars/'Orous purse of money was pre- GUorge THAT Mrs..E. M. Alton’s Christ­ mas gilt to her four boys away froih home is- ThU Sentinel. It goes to Jack Webster of Prince Rupert; Ed of Big Yalley, Alta,; Nelson of Windsor and Ewart ' of Kirkland Lake. Mrs. Alton matic condition and the paper represents we^7** » letter tu,' “her ■hnvi’1’,. . ■ 1