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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-30, Page 7
WEDNESDAY, DEC, 30th, 1953 4 the 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO ~‘— s..,, ■ i PAGE SEVEN 1 WE HOPE YOU ALL ROUND-UP LOTS OF LUCK IN THE NEW YEAR! Mr., and' Mrs\ Carson Laughren, Grant and Grace Of Listowei, Mr. 7 ) 1 *• Wm. Murdie & Son Hardware, Plumbing, Coal —* ’Phone 10, Lucknovf LD.H.S; NEWS Christmas Literary Meeting ; Assembly- was held on Tues day, December 22nd, in the High School auditorium; The band Was in attendance under the direction of Mr. Hoag. George Anderson, the president, was in charge. The meeting was opened by the" singing of two carols; “O come all ye faithful” and “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”, The scrip ture; Luke 2, Was read by Aud* rey Ross; • followed by •, the" re petition of the Lord’s prayer. The minuted of the last meeting’were read by Carolyn Gibson and ap'r proved. Sybil Barger favored us with a piano solo., Margaret Mil ler gave a reading followed by the Christmas Paper given by Mack MacDonald. Phyllis -Smith and Ruth Steer sang a duet. The Band then played a few selec tions, George Anderson gave the announcements, followed by the carol, “Silent ^Nigfit”. The meet* ing was closed by the Queen. L.D.H.S. Christmas Dance , The annual Christmas dance ■“ 1 | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stauffer, Mr. 3hd Mrs. Frank Currie & Brenda land Mrs. Max Bushell §fi.d Mr. ’spent Sunday with Mrs. Milton (•Ben Montgomery spent Monday ’Walsh. •. ... "' I with Mr,.Ed Montgomery .who is'1 Mr., and .Mrs.. ;P:erry. Hodgins a patient at the Queen Alexandria I entertained the members- of the I Sanatorium, at Byron. (.Percy families at a family dinner I Mr. .and Mrs.’ J. R. Lane arel“cn chnstm^. . >' ' • I Miss Margaret 'Schneller- of 1 Belleville spent- Christmas with her parents, '.Mr. and Mrs.’ Roy Schneller. Mr; and Mrs. Ezra Stanley and spending a while with Mr. .and1 Mrs. Art Phillips at Fonthill.. . i Miss Helen Malcolm of Toronto is spending the holidays at’ the Malcolm home. ' Jk. ’ *■ . | .Miss Ruth Forster of fUpley has, i. Ut W. Colwell. • „ Mr. No.rmhn Fry ot< Clinton and •Mr. RMph Halderiby -of. MeiMton • spent.• •■Christmas with,' . and. Mrs. Wm. E. Haldenby, Mrs.- Fry and Rickey. \ - Mr. Arthur Phillips and Peggy of . Foothill .visited here during'' the* week .with Mr. & Mrs. Frank Maulden-. and Keith. , ME’and Mrs.. Everett Larie and (■family .of-" Port Elgin, Miss. Kay ■ ’•bane of' Brussels,*"Messrs. Leslie (and- Cecil, Cpngram of Holyrood j. were Christmas visitors with Mr. i.a.nd Mi-s. Malcolm Lane. Misses Helen, Nellie and Mar- I garet Malcolm . spent Christmas' day with Misses Edna and May Boyle. . ■ • Mb and Mrs. George Haldenby. •were Chpst'mas.visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Howard . McGuire, Oli vet. ... . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haldenby,. Sheila and Barry, Mb and Mrs. Walter Breckles, Laura, Phi-llip •and, Arthur were Christmas Day family spent .Christinas with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Jiaake and Mr- and 'Mrs,.R. J. Kaake. Mr. and Mrs.. Eldon Eckenswil- •ler entertained members of their family on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs, Clark’Needham, Nancy amd Helen entertained rel- . ativ'es on Christmas at. a family dinner. Mr, and Mrs, P. A, Murray en- / terta-ixied members- of their' fam*; ily on Christmas. ; „.A.. .'.’been, with: her grandmother. Mrs '! >T nr ■ ' ' *" “ I The dance started with the grand march led by Noreen Kil-. Patrick .and. George . j and MrTArth- and a- ' Sadie Hawkins ■dance f ,ul. Bre(.kles Cuckn0W( ■ ,. ' was enjoyedtby everyone. MarieMiss. lona. Terrv spelit Christ- ■Duncan and Lorne Hamilton won ; mas HHlfer wjth her parents> the spot dance, Raeleen Hanul-, artd Mrs. W.; K. Terry,.-also ton and Allan MacIntyre wop the ; Mj, an^. Mrsi Gordon Foster and statue dance and Mary Stanley ; |ampy nnd, Elwo.od Hpdgins won the, el- E ’yrs. j, Colwell' joined h©£ imination dance.’ | family Christmas day ’. at- the ’Over 150 people were in- a’tt^n-.. 1)Omt; :()f Mr: and. .Mrs? .Don Mc- danee, including students, stalf.? 'cosh,.' Mary and Dick, where a •former students and-m-enTbers was enjOyed. • the school board and their wives. John Cox,?'Rev'.-'Benson At midnight .the dance ended and { Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cox had, iunch was served.' . .' a Christmas dinner Saturday and’ Special thanks , should be given , emertainec| inemt)ers of. their • to .the'. ones who. prepared thG : fatpily, Mr. and Mrs. John. Scott,• lunch and . thosewho . did i Bipy . and Bobby, .Mr. .and Mrs. • cleaning up”.., •,.••* - . ’’:r' - Fiiwnnd : The first Christmas dance in the new school was.a great sue- cess and we are all looking for ward to another. The,.. Literary Society---wishes everyone the- ' bes.t of ■ holiday greetings. ' ; " "7 ' ; . . ^o— • ... . Remember,: jt’s back to -school Oh Monday, January 4th. 1’954-. I I Maurice. Hodgins and Ellwood,' Edna and May Boyle, . Mr. and Mrs: Bert Nicholson, i Donna, Karen," Evelyn and Al lan spent Christmas day . at. the. home, of Mr. Walter Nicholson where a family gathering was held and the following evening a* - family party -a t "the.home, of Mr. and Mrs. jJack ; Cuyier, Kincardine. ’ ' . ’ • l ;: MrJ.and Mrs. James Hodge vis- ited Christinas day with Mr. and *** vuc **, 11 CM.V* Do you girls like- conceited I Mrs. Franks Maulden itorium. on December 21st, tp the men better than the other kind. — « • • < < ■ Ulin. Av lr i r> rl r> ’ "•music of Willoughby’s orchestra. 44 “What other kind 4» r.. & . $k '4 1 S’ f \\1 V •■ ' . • .. . ■'■', As.1954 comes marching m, let us hope that it will form a parade of happy da>8» and be a banner year for you in every way!. ?Thos. Hackett and Sons j | AH1«-Chalmers Sales A Service Purina Chow _ ... • /"_ • - ' . ■ > 'A i. X (tfo) (n) I 1 ’ I I’G: n rc Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ilodgtns- .and Ellwood were Christmas day g.uests of Mr. and -Mrs. Percy. Dvell, Wingham. -^. 41 ”* Mr.'Jim Hodgins ol. St.. Catn- 1 urines sbeiit. the week-end with I’lbs... parents, Mr. and Mrs..-Tom ! . Miss Norma.Esplm.of Westford is spending^the ’holidays at the ..home of her parents at Port-El- g'Mi;. ' and .’ Mrs« H. A. -Graham, Mr imd;Mrs. Art Graham,.,Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham, Ronnie, G'irv -and Madonna were dinner Lekfs.on Christmas of Mr. and Mrs.- Jog. Cassidy,.- Teeswater Christmas visitors, with Mis. ■Gertrude. Walsh. . Jack and Scot • ^•ere Mr. and Wst Ben Scott and fam ilv ..of Pimple.. Grove; .Ml <,-and ( Mrs. Frank Currie and Brenda of. Con’iO.'Mi;, and. Mr.s.’ Wm-; Clay' | 7“7^jpGai-v ■md -Mrs Miller Havtw.iek and 1 Wayne of. Kincardine?' . . I Mr aud Mrs. George Bell and ; Mr Tom MeCiie .of- Kincardine/ w'led on Simdav with-Mr. ano 1 M'-< Tmn Hedging ' .. ...Mr./.n/i Mn«’ C.li.v-. Sparing I - Christmas’ ,Day i s ts: rs ■3 CA CD Mrs. Cliit 1501 ‘ . w, ■Jim Hb.d.trins ol St. Cathorines,■ “■ ’ * .of St. Catherines, j«K and' Mrs. Tom, Hodgins, Miss, . n/irion NichoTson. Mr. and Mrs. Jswk Hodgins.Mohn^nd] Bonny, . Mr.' and-Mrs-Don Bushell, Janet & Wayne,'Jnck and■‘•rott Walsh,. • ■ * z s. Toni. Hodgins, Mis$; 1 -*> a <7» a C* 2 I x» *5 1 O co «*