HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-30, Page 5!( TgEDNESDAY, PEg. 30th, 1953 •fe. Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM ■ . ■.: ” a . . Two Shows Eactt Night FIRST SHOW AT WS <T Wed., Thym, December 30, 31 ETHEL MERMAN. 1 DONAIjD O’CONNOR — in — (ALL ME MADAM Friday, Saturday, January 1, 2 •LESIE CARON, ' MEL FERRER ’ — in — ■ ULI Matinee Saturday Afternoon Mon., Tues., Wed., Tliurs. JANUARY 4, 5, 6, 7 MONTGOMERY CLIFT, BURT LANCASTER /'in —f From Here to Eternity (Adult Entertainment) Adults 75c Children 35c BEST WISHES TO ALL Fbr A HAPPY NEW YEAR PAPERING ' and -..-'• 1954 Wallpaper Samples on hand SPRAY PAINTING Have your cellars sprayed now —ceilings, walls, floors—With paint or whitewash. For prompt service call FRED EMBERLIN ■ • J . .. . • _ - . ■•' ‘ ■ /’Phone 194,, Lucknow RAY ROBINSON Floors LAID,SANDEDAND FINISHED. 'Phone Carlow 2105 -, R.R* 1, Port Albert THEJ,UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Bbb Borkwcll One Of (i Associdted With Co-operative Farm Enterprise 3h|>bisEoneWofsixf Snt an^Rulwll Beck X14 “ei? nLJXVknoT'^ ‘^-/h^arm and lecjge and 'efforts-in a co-opera­ tive farm enterprise in Eastern Ontario. Eqch pne will specialize in the branch Qf farming tp which he is most suited. They undertake th®* venture in the spring. Mr. and" Mrs, Barkweli will be here, until then, and: are planning to sell their Huron Township farm.. Bob is d director of . the Lucknow"1 District Co-operative Incorpora­ ted, but, of course., the co-opera-. tive farm has no association with the Co-op movement. “ • The Dundalk .Herald explains' the enterprise as .follows: I Registered under i " GG charter as Hemlock Park Co-op-1 close together, •erative Farm, Ontario’s first Co-.I. operative farm has- breri started '• three miles north of the city bd-dhpi’t a mile from. Kingston. .' / . j j^rk- ■ Co-operative . Six Ontario''men,' all with, pre-l dential section/ vious experience in the operation ;. . The'. introduction- of co-operatives ■ in their .own i type•’of. farming-in communities have joined the ven-rbe watched with keen. ■ interest, *ure- ' I not only by. farmers but the peov They are Clifford Allen . of 'pie. in all walks of life. We uh- Portlaw district (Proton R. R. 2), [ ders.tand. Saskatchewan has''sev- 8 miles north of Dundalk; Harold | er-al.-such enterprises but‘this is ‘’Ghent, formerly of Mt. Forest; j a new thing-for Ontario. ' Arthur .Haas, formerly of Hol-] For some time now this new stein district, Egremont town-, I group of men has been oh. the ship; James .Little of TeeswaterJ lookout for a. suitable property, a former member of the W.ingham ! This is 'the first farm..co-operative* District High. School Board; Bob j registered under the statutes of Barkweil of Lucknow; MoziTey . Ontario arid the charter .is dated : .'Mills. Qf Ripley, -Russel] iBeck, pr--I^cember 1? ;1953. iginally from Prince Edward Is-] ' land, is also in on, the deal. ; This group of me’nl all of "whom (ironed out. Complete organization i - - --- 4 V ------ -- u- - . - - - 4 a . purchased from Col. A. H.- Phair l ies get settled on the property, of Kingston, his 906-acre block; , of land, excluding his private res.1 . idence. A G1 In addition, 900 acres close by'farm is fully have been Teased; 1800 acres al<;r.ed~-to ' sell most all in one block. ,The 900-acre tract was origiri- P^hert will ]Qih them soon, Jame's . Little moved, last week 3nd .Art Haas plans moving .be­ fore Christinas. ' ' • ./• ' Clifford, Allen will mqve shorts Jy after his clearing sale on Jan. 14 at'Portlaw. .Incidentally, Mr. Allen has. .rented his - 270facre Tar.m, formerly "ownfe by Fred Plantt & 'Sons, to . Fred .Bell’ and S,orvQf. Radjeros, who will‘obtain .possession .April. T, <1954? . Present; plans of the' /co-opera- : tive group call • for carrying • on- [mixed farming arid dairying on [ this large '.farm,' which boasts 3 I single family- dwellings and five provincial, duplexes. All .the.houses are quite •erative Farm, Ontario’s first Co-• A new public school, to be op­ ened in the New-Year-, is located the Hemlock Farm resi- of thi.$ new Orita-iiib^will A board meeting-was held last week,-when several details were PAGE FIVB The PLAYHOUSE Wed., Thurs., Fn,f Sat., Dec. 30th, jan, 1, 2 BETTY GRABLE and DAN DAILEY, in Mother Wore Tights First Show at 7.30 — Second Show at 9.15 . ’ Matinee oh Saturday at 2.30 pan. ■ COMING NEXT WEEK :-'y SUSAN HAYWARD and TYRONE POWER, in /■ / /./ 'T “RAWHIDE” ; ’■ HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! i ' •) V turkey dray at the, school concert at Whitechurch. Mrs. Howard Martin won the big doll in the draw at Burnett’s store and Mrs. Walter James won the fruit cake draw at Chapman’s Store, White- church. May our Editor, his wife' and family, our fellow correspondents and all our reader^ have a- very Happy and Prosperous New Year with the world’s richest blessings, fin 1.954. .. Kathleen and Gtfafy-FisK^ ivainieen ana Mdiy riMiei dua rv«,rtoii n^v I J ___. . Roberta is presently nursing at Mr Irwin Carruthers of Holy- the K.-W. Hospital, Kitchener.— rood was the winner of a 24-lb. Teeswater News. WHITECHURCH The Presbyterian^Sunday school held their Christmas concert in the S.S. foom on Tuesday. A good crowd /attended in spite of such a storm.. Rev. R. D. A. Currie presided over the following' pro­ gram: carols were ■ surigAlgy all; a welcome recitation by Judy Wilson; duets by Sandra Fisher arid Betty Ann Conn and Harley Gaunt arid 'Alex Craig; a dialogue “The Toymaker’’ by the Primary class; “A Gift to Jesus” by the Primary and. Junior classes; “A Christmas Message” put. on by three classes, with. Mary Fisher singing the. solo ipart arid Mary and Kathleen Fisher the duet; a dialogue entitled “Buying Eggs” by James Wilson’s class included ! I FOURTH CONCESSION Miss Margaret Steer of London : spent Christmas at the home of her -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steer.' ■ '/; > The Farrish family gathered at MacDougall for Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Grahant MacDon­ ald of London and Miss Margaret MacDonald of Sarnia were home for Christmas^ -r - -- - - Misses Betty and Joan; Hairiil- ton spent the week-end with, their grandparents at White- Judy Wijson;. “Christmas Songs” was given by Mrs; Geo. Fisher’s are comparatively young, have .will be carried but when all part- ciass with the choir singing the ‘ ~ - carols behind the curtains. A re- ] ’Xfready^sTHoTsterri’ bows have1'cTt^W^ ' been purchased and the herd will Wilson and’ a piano solo ai)d <a be increased’to. 100 when the 1 flute solo by Mary Purdon. In- • - •• , stead of giving individual gifts, new maps were bought for, the t church, juniors and intermediates and pictures for the primary class, as tbachitfg aids. Mr. James Wilson, superintendent, explained this, and the mabs were displayed. Af­ ter the closing carols and benet j, In diction bags, of candy were dis- ’■ bp farming in" this way tributed to all present; and lunch ston .arid had .500 Holstein cows is'• the saving in duplication ., of was served. .. .- -on the farm, all/of'which .were .machinery. .It ,w.ill also be -an-p -------- . hand-milked three times a dav. experiment, in .'..human relation- /week with his sops m Detroit. Latterly the farm has-been used ships .and living-in groups asMr and Solomon aima feftr .davs- with Mr_ I for growing.registered seed grain, -compared with .ingle families P'lpaughteis spept^C-^ h ,Mrs. Ira Dickie and family. l—Alleys aGgh^ry and^iridividual//farms.-Here^psuceess—her—pai^ents-at—Grana^yalley,.,.. I................. ■ - • ■■' ------- - -----— j equipment is included- - 1 "“culross Corners __4Ja.pp.y_.N«yw Year Everyone... /.-■Mr. and Mrs. ■ Win,, Wall, Kin.- , lough and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wall, and .Sharon, London, .were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.- Jack Schumacher.. Miss Norrna'Esplin is spending the holidays under the parental i;oof:..at Port Elgin... Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wraith and E13on of Lqcknbw were recent visitors with Mr. and; Mrs. Alex Whytock arid’family. , . Christmas-day visitors'with Mi. and Mrs. Morley Walkand family | were. Mr; and. Mrs, Joe Wall <'f| Teeswater, Mr, and Mrs^ Bei t j Shewfelt and . family of Kincap i dine, ML. and.. Mrs. Elmer aid of/Tth Con., Mr. 'and-Mrs. Grant | Wall,'Mrs. Mary'Wail Messrs ' Jj'tb WtPr^’iFlYj^Tlsrim. . Miss Emiria, Mbi'tat. M: Schumacher .and Mi>> -R/ staffed. It. Is«plan­ milk -to -Kingston • In addition to the.-dairy "cows, ally known as Hemlock Park there" are 180Q laying pullets on Farm and was operated by CoL . ih,e farm, and 3000 day-old pul- Phair for. many years. ;.. '.J lets’ have been- ordered- .for de- At . one time the c^orxel, who livery in January; " is how 80,-but still remarkably ■; One of the .bi-g advantages/ in active.-operated a' 'dairy in King- carrying . / . ston .and had .500 Holstein cows is'. the saving in c . . | Dairy.' . I I 1 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham & Anne spent Christmas Day with relatives in Drayton. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Martin motored to . Owen Sound for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Jack' Crilchirist of Toronto spent the Christmas: ’ ' ■ . v holiday, at the home of Jack’s.Mr. Ken Patterson spent Xmas; / . . - parents. • ■ Mr’, and Mrs. Bob Solomon and I Mrs, L. Maclver of Lucknow e deal: to the voung •••pioneers”'; ; Mr, and MFsTArnold Lougheed-1 - of London, Mr. and Mrs. T. Jantzi: Receives Reg.N. Degree arid .'Betty, Ann. | apd. farriily.'of'- Milverton; Miss |' and. fahriLv sPsnt Christmas at . were Christmas son of Con. 8, Culross, who re* -Hamilton. -’■v '■ ; 1 .. ..: -guests at'1 George 'Fisher-Sv—;M-Pr—&—^e’ived-her—training-at-jBrantf-QFdL—T Christmas visitors with --Mr. & /Mrs. Ronald Forster and family General ’Hospital, has' received' Mrs. Tom Stewart were Mr. and of Lucknow visited there on Sat- her degree of Registered Nurse... Mrs. Ronald. .Stanley;.of KinlosS)., urcjay. Roberta is presently nursing at .v,.. I and family, of Milverton; Miss | [ Miss Roberta Simpsoo, daugh.- , Mr. arid. Mrs. Clayton Meyers [Mary Foster of Mitchell and Bill ter of Mr. and"Mrs. Hardie Simp. Hamilton.—- 'Mrs i Mr', and Mrs.- Lloyd’Cornish and family*of Olivet. Boxing Day vis- and^Mrs: Ralph Goesel and fam-, ily Mr. and Mrs: John Stewart an'd. family. Mr. Russell- Stewart [ of Kincardine-.and Mr. Alex Ste-r wart of--the Dept, of Highways.' Mr. arid Mrs' Frank Thompson a'fid- ’family sbent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs,' Harold Thompson. Kincardine.... ' '• 'Mr,, and Mrs.. Morley Wall and [ and“Mt,-and Mrs. C.layton i .-.and family wore dinner. Sunday of- Mrjj.; • Remelda „ lead; -1 ..’esW-ater. • ,<;.?..tuhd-.bns.Lk- Mr/.Fran V Greer, and Air., Albert Harris Tt,oh'-->,a.an i oj'Gt's; in a draw at [ vlmr .at Christmas. ■' J Mrs. Perry Hudgins ;-\aron ent-ertairipd .the. mem- d'■'or familv at Christmas, . ‘ana' John- Ross' had member^ " their . .family Chri-stmas, i"or- cuosts Sunday .evening J.’ Mrs: Frank Brown i-e e • •'ve re Mr..- and A1 rs • Hu gh nt Ardis an.d ttatFey and fpd '-Mrs, Harold Nicholson Bor vie. ; ' ' ■ iters St the same: home .were Mr. j_ Kincardine. , ' ri’.-mily Mb ver uiiest" e. sG.lfdrr/- ' Cri fn.v Bi'/.-, . Chri.dmas' IWiday wi’bt-eiid. a thoii" resprt’live„hvn?e*. hm-.x . • Mr. and.Mrs. Midhud Wai. ai.j Demme spent Christinus<'W;t:j M’. and Mrs. Toni Haeii'ett mid L. ug of ‘ Asht’ield ■ . Mr.- and Mr < Ja ;t'SJh^;iaelU'r „-fand Helen spent C In A;, Mr. arid Mrs. A eb m - Ho 1-ns- were / Mr..and Mrt; u jaL..;...ikvii: PVe ViS!tpl> .... , ”^yr7tRtHiben''Zettldr -arid] babe ^turned home’ from the hospitah- ■ M - Mi-s. Everett Whytock ,m’a Chrtstmas with th/'Hiwks/Kihl^.’ . . . ; "Su'riUav -visitors vnth;.Mi- 'and - Walland Ronnie wtt-e'5!l-.«!^' WM- M't’’HTCk?n - and B™» afld -y, ’ I i ASHiaeiu. . '■ ■ I THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE The, chairman of alcoholics anonymous reported recently that Toronto’s A* A. membership had reached almost 1000., He said the .latest. innovation in A. A. has been. the young people's group; which has; steadily attracted al­ coholics in their 20’s and some in - their teens. “When I joined A.A, J1 Iqw years ago,. I was the .young­ est"' rtiembef at the "ag^e "'of . 37 ^aid Art, the anonymous chair­ man. “But now the average agm of our members is in’ the early 4.0's, and We are gaining niem- ber.s from youngsters who are.i“‘- •cognPz.ihg their need "for A.A.- early in,life’,’. Thd chairman said that the imonthly meetings,, plan­ ned were designed to inform .the public of the organization’s -work ' and to lead up to the annual, On- fario, conference to be,, hold’ in Toronto in March, whjch Would ?<ttract *' 2,000 members • from •groups throughout the province. The A,A;, is a ’Wonderful salvage organization." tinder’present con­ ditions in, Ontario their numbers will continue to increase steadily, for government statistics prove .. conclusively that the flood of al­ coholic beverages is. mounting higher, and higher. The A,A.’s arc portion of them, as,dll .alcoholics «re not but it is surely up 'to us to iind and meatis I I. § V § • All of US at this firm, hope that you hold the winning ticket for a rich bounty of . Health, Happiness and Prosperity for 'S/t! - an;d’Mr, and fcW S' youth-CW. . ing drunks;-—Advt. . ■ , PHONE U. LUCKNOW