The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-30, Page 4THE LUCKNOW gENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DEC, 30th, 1953PAGE FOUR T HARDWOOD TOPS FOR SALE- Mrs. C. Weatherheaijl, phone 128-j Lucknow. r . s FOR RENT—house on Havelock possession. Ap^ly af ^ntmeF <^ice/ “ TIMKEN & PRESSURE BURN- ERS fo£ service 24-hours a day; HISELER &/ SON, Patrick and Edward Stfc., Wingham, phone 426. • > FOR RENT—house on corner of Willoughby and Havelock Sts., 6 rooiris and bath. Available at once. Apply E; J. Farrish, Gorrie. FOR SALE—cement sceptic tanks, approved' by the Health Unit. We deliver them. Forster’s Welding Shop, phone 206-r-ll, Lucknow. GUESTS WANTED Are you looking for a good home, comfortable rooms and beds, good board? Apply to Box C, Lucknow Sen­ tinel^ . - RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now op­ en ih Bruce County. Trade well established. Excellent opportun­ ity-. Full time. Write at -. once; Raiwleigh’s Dept. L-271-189, Mon­ treal. //'';.'' LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, disabled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21, Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. WANTED I am purchasing boars at 9c to 11c per lb. liveweight, also horses for slaughter at top prices. Write direct to Leroy Acheson, Atwood, Ont., or get in touch with me at Lucknow Community Sale on Wednesday, or Contact Sid Gard­ ner, Lucknow. — meat For sale Good beef for sale by the quar- ten Beef * killed under license from the Department Qf Health. Highest quality. Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Holyrood>— Phone 24-30 Ripley.—__~ HELP WANTED MALE Opportunity to establish yourself in permanent business selling • nationally advertised products FOR SALE—ten pigs ready to wean. ' Gordon Kirkland, phono Dungannon 69?r-U, NOTICE RE MILK DELIVERY? \ Fhere will be no milk delivery on NeW Year’i Day.1 ’ - ■ FAIRVIEW DAlfcY Alex Andrew, Prop. TENDERS TENDERS WANTED — Marked, sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until Jan­ uary 11, 1954, for caretakers for all’ schools in the Ashfield Town- ship-School Area, duties ^:|pom- mence February 1, 1954^Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted, , . R. T. Kilpatrick, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ontario. j COMING EVENTs! ' N1EW YEAR’S.EVE DA^CE ' • Lucknow Fire Company’s New j Year’s Eve dance will be held in the Town, Hall, Thursday, De­ cember 31st. Novelties, noise mak­ ers. Tiffins orchestra. Admission 1 NIGHT CLASSES Night classes in basic English for New Canadians will, com­ mence on Tuesday; January 5th.Fucknow District High School Board. ":;; . • NOTICE ■ Bailey’s Beauty Salon, will be closed from ’Thursday noon, De-t cember 31st, until Tuesday morn*, ing, January 5th. 6. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office ,on Patrick Sty, just off the Main St. in WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings by appointment Phone: Office 770; Res. 0 DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN Hayelock St., south of Supertest Garage LUCKNOW Telephone 175 1TENDERS WANTED — Marked, sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until Jan­ uary 11, 1954, for wood to be de­ livered, split and piled to any or all of the following .schools in the. Ashfield Township School Area by June 25,19^4. Two cords of dry 412-inch cedar to each : school except 12; also maple and beech 14-inch green body wood as follows: 4 cords each at Np. 1, 4, and 11; 15 cords each at No. 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 15, 16 and 17; 25 cords at No. 9; /40 ’cords at No, 8.. No blocks under 6 inches or over 10 inches. Lowest or any teridernnpFn^^ R.. T. Kilpatrick, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ontario. TENDERS WANTED— by The West Wawanosh Township School Area Board, the following quant­ ities of wood: S.S. No, 4, 26 cord; No. 3, 10 cords; No. 2, 25 cords; Nd. 17, 20 “cords. .This wood to be 14” long; nothing over 10 inches or under 6 inches in diameter. Hard maple ..and beecn. To be split and piled in school yard not later than June 30th. These signed-and sealed tenders to be in lhe hands _of Secretary not -later-than-January—16—1954j-The lowest’ or any tender; not nec­ essarily accepted. W. A. Stewart, Secretary, Dungannon, Ont.’ ZION ment necessary. Man between 25 and 55 preferred.. Write Dept. O-L-2, The X IJ.. Watkins Com­ pany, 350 St.. Roch St., Montreal. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION For artificial insemination at its! best for all1 breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ­ ationbetween 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 atm. on Bundays. Phone collect Kincardine 101-r-7 or Mildmay 130*r*l& ■ ;/... ■' 7 ' 7 , ■ NOTICE ; The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Canad­ ian Legion will be held on Tues­ day, January 5th at 8.00 p.m. All members are requested to at* ■ tend. ; the JOHNSTONE FUNERAL HOME ’Phone 76 << , • •• / Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL0 HOME . At No Extra Cost Moderate Prices BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AUDIOS For The / * - Small MercHaht, Professional man and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont. Office in Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 23-w • T 1 I Happy New Year. Christmas f visitors in . community include: . Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw girls of London with Mr. Mrs; George Hunter; Mr. Harold Gardner of Hamil-1 ton/with Mrs. Will Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter- Mr. and ’Mrs. Jack Gardner & , Carol with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Woods; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie, and Anne with Mr. and Mrs/ Cameron McAuley of Ripley; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie arid girls with Mr. and Mrs. Haines of Wingham for dinner; ; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie with' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bogie for dinner; Mr. and Mrs. Will. Ritchie and and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie spent Christmas evening with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wall;, . .; ,, . • / Mr. and Mrs. Allah. Ritchie" and. Brenda with Mr. and Mrs. Cul- bert of Crewe; Miss Alleda Irwin of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and Donnie and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hackett and Murray with Mr. apd Mrs. Tom Hackett; ?' ■< Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson f of Lucknow and Murray McDon-1 agh of Toronto and Chuck of! London with ^r. and Mrs. Jack I McDonagh; ; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Irvin and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Fred I Shropshall and son, Miss Dor-1 Othy Raynard and Mr. Donald ! Murray with Mr, and Mrs. Nel-1 son Raynard; ----- * - “““Mr. . and Mrs. Pete Cook and: family and Mr. and Mrs. Milvert i i Reid and family with Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald,I t CARD OF THANKS THANK YOU . . Rev. and.- Mrs. John P. Prest wish to thank the. friends and parishioners of Bervie, Kingarf and Kinlough for their Christirias gifts and good wishes. New Year’s Greetings To All. V We wish to acknowledge (with heartfelt thanks the wonderful generosity of fiends and: neigh­ bors at Christmas time,. as well as the Women’s Institute; the W.^I.S. and the Red Cross. , Jane and Adam Bowman. Thank, you for your gifts, cards and all the kindness Shown me whire^'in the1 hospital and*rduring this Christmas time; Not being CO-OP AUTO INSURANCE Can Now Accept TOWN RESIDENTS & COMERCIAL TRUCKS as well as the farm business. For. information consult Ti A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 JOHN McMURCHIE, RIPLEY, Phone 20-r-23 ROY N. BENTLEY 4Public Accountant -- MILK, and MONEY all. a Happy New'Year, via this GARGETEX (NIXON)". Multi*Antibiotic Ointment WILL ST0P MASTITIS or Your Money Back! GARGETEX contains., two peni­ cillins, streptomycin and. the ’new. antibiotic bacitracin, combined in’ .a completely milt soluble oint­ ment. bringing'tlhe effect/pf four ..antibrotres—ag-ainst—m-astitic..infec- tions. GARGETEX works immed­ iately” oh the internal infected ud­ der. tissue, promoting fast safe . recovery and is guaranteed ’ to give effective results. Get a tube s of New GARGETEX today, in-’ structions for easy administration oh every package. Made in Can* ada by Nixon Laboratories Lim- paper; t ■ Mrs. Lydia Umbac’n. '■ ? ; ■ Mr* and. MrS; Robert Ritchie Wish to acknowledge with sin­ cere thanks, and appreciation the kindness and thoughtfulness of Ziori friends in remembering them with lovely gifts/ ,'7. ■ '' ■■ ' /. ■ / - \ " ■ : I * wish to, express niy gratitude to eachone who helped 'me Throughthese.days •^of sorrow with 'Cards and . wprds of sym­ pathy shown, in the- loss of my dear- sister, .Miss. .Mabel White. Thank'you much.- " ; , Mrs. Orley Cooper, *■ Mowbray ’ wishes to sin* thank his Free Press cus- A “V 4-Britanilia—Rd~ (corner South Stj GODERICH, ONT. ......Telephone 401:1 STATE farm MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate •Before: Investing, UMBACH DRUG STORt Phone 13-w, Lucknow' Bob cerely tpm^rs who so .kindly-rern'ember*. mas. ■ , 7 ' Happy. New Year to *all.’' , j .REUBEN WILSON R;&.- 3, Goderich Phone 80-r-3 Dungannon . . ................................ . !* MacLENNAN and MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE Services/- conducted accord­ ing to your wishes at your Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. , AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow. Day . •r Night Agnews’Agency Howard. Agnew — Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF% Ontario Insurance Agents’ Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 /Residence 138 ^INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile Insurance ; Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. See . ’. . T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon f Ii U r 'I Kenneth J. Mackenzie R.0. /.’/;? .Optometrist * LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at Wroia’s Jewellery store, Ripley, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., ' WEDNESDAY, DEC. 30th F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 ■’ -.■■■ ■ For Appointment or Information See Wm. A. Schmid, ’Phone 167-w Lucknow I i I, f k f: I f Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ‘phone Roy Mackenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. ' /WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We H^ve. Been Memorial Craftsmen/yor Thirty*Five- “ o',T"'..Years, Always Using ''.... THE BUST GRANITES ' ; Along . With ’, ■; ' Expert Designing and Workmahship. ■ Prices Most. Reasonabl e : . Cemetery Lettering. a.Specialty Phone 256, WJhgham. Ontario w I ,1 INSURANCE FIRE,, WIND, CASUALTY /automobile To Protect Your/ Jack, Insure: With Jack Today. J.AMcDONAGH JL R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon' . ..i •’ : ■ * ' ■ R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor ./‘ LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW . ' Every . Wednesday- and Saturday < Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: Office 135 , Residence 31 - J P. Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO INLUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK R.S. Hetherington, Q.C. Barrister, Etc. - Whigham and ?? IN LUCKNOW Each Monday arid Wednesday Located oh the ground floor in ttie , front of 1John Kilpatrick’s Building’ .’Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence s? L--N ' t ....................... Insure With The Culross Mutual fire insurance co. for-*- ■ ■ ' ■ Reasonable rates, sound pro­ tection & ptompt, satisfactory settlement of claitriA. farish Moffat \ R. 3, Teeswater. * ‘Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 4* V