HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-30, Page 34[ • • WEDNESDAY, DEC, 30th, 1953 .. Commend District Highschool Board For Big Task Well Done I At Monday bight’s nomination meeting Robert Rae, chairman of the District High School Board, was called ,on to speak in epn- pection -with the facilities of the new school. He referred to .structural dif­ ficulties, caused by trying to lay cement and. build roofs under winter conditions. As a result the 3 colored floors iturned out’ below ^expectations, and $18,000; was. held hack/from the general con­ tractor to repair the floors,, but which can’t be made as good as • \fhey should have been. / . v Th2T°o^ is bonded, for twenty years, and while it, is giving a little trobule is hot the Board’s .. responsibility nor will it cost the Board anything to overcome the trouble. .a Mr. Rae said that it is a per­ manent structure into which the best, of/•materials Have gone and the furnishings, at a cost of $38;000, 'give us a school second to none in the Province and at a cost „of $270,000 in comparison with others costing $600,000. Mr. Rae said that there i$ a commercial class of. thirty stu­ dents, that thd - home economics course is popular. and taught un- | der the most modern conditions, I; . as is the wood ’ working anft I metal courses taught in a fully I equipped work shop. I , Mr. Rae claimed that the Wing- I ham District Board is “not play- I ing the game”., They are still. I sending a bus into the Lucknow I area, “strictly against the ^Csire I of the Department”, and after I : prdniising they would stay out I at thp end of 1952, when the I DucknoW Board paid them * the . sum of $7,877.00 for tuition fees. The Wingham. Board is still - Transporting -8 or 10 - Lucknow I District pupils, on whom they re-1 ’ ; oeiye no grantis, yet cost the! ’ Lucknow Board between $800 and | k $900 in. lost grants; . . Their alibi is that “you Can’t ! deny these students a good edu-1 ■ ‘ ..;—•••........J----<——■ lbws: ^Luiikriov/ J UNITED CHURCH Minister: . I Rev. GJ A. Meiklejolin,. I -j- I ■■ -count •...-.... •j-SUNDAT-r-JAN-^^^ ... 11.00 a.m.: The Sacrament of! The Lord’s Supper. , I., laxt.s O11 p,uucll? --“That^H-May~Be^One^L-N.&vv^£uxmiiu:e-aui._---- 7- ■ s. I1 equipment ...... 36,/»4.«z . j [ U. -insurance stamps ..... 6.72 = l Landscaping account ... 2.411.45 cation”, when, in fact, Mr. saidy yve have a better school a better standing, ■ At the close, of Mr. Rae’s re­ marks, A. W. Hamilton, made a motion, seconded by W, B. And­ erson, that extreme satisfaction be expressed with the efforts of the Lucl(how D i s t r i t. High S>chool Board in a work well done. , "' ; . Mr. Rae accepted the expres­ sion' with thanks '1 on behalf ' of the Board, and stated that wHile thi.e tasks. ibecaine heavy and, miOT)- btonoqs at times, the achievement had its compensations, • . Donald Henderson, secretary of both , the High’School and Public School Boards; .curtailed his fhi- a'hcial report as the hour was get­ ting late. '..Mr. Henderson, said that salar-. ies and■ transportation costs • rep­ resent 75 percent of the-expendi­ tures of the High School Board. Five . busies ^.are. • operating to transport1^08 .students;They tra­ vel'305 miles daily at an average cost of 2312 cents' .per mile... for a daily cost of $72.61. The*Depart-, ment. will, '.'pay’ 80 .percent of a daily cost of $54. for 200. days,, which means 30 percent of $10,800 of the cost of transporta­ tion.. In . the Public Schbol ’ the De­ partment grants cover 37 percent of the. cost of education, leaving, 63 / percent to be raised by local taxation,and tuition fees. .,There is an average attendance of 146 pupils in the public school.. In June High School salaries were increased $1000 and an extra,' teacher added/ . Public School, salaries increased $700. . Mr. Hdnderspn said that land­ scaping Would be one. of the [major expenditures in the spring, I but at December 15th, the Board i still' had a balance, of $42,865.08 i in. the High' School building .ac­ count. ■ ' A summary of capital expendi­ tures for 1952 and i953‘is as. fol- Fhilip C..“Johnson- School site Labor accounts Administration Contract bond insur ".anee ...... School, construction- ac- ' . ' count m_LUCKNOW^ SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THREE .‘*h § • Thanks a million for your patronage, . * and a million good . wishes that you all ‘will{ . enjoy the good, fortune of A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR! Local & General • M,is. s ‘Hazel Culbert spent. Christmas in -Windsor ' with Mr and .Mrs. Wm. Culben,..;. ' Miss Helen Thompson is visit­ ing in Toronto, this week with Miss Lorna Campbell. Mis.. Russell Robertspn’- is pending' Christmas and-New’ Years in Hamilton. • Hill was .a Christmas visitor at Niagara Falls with his sister, Mrs. F. I.. Stuart, ■ ■ ..’Miss Elizabeth Welsh was* a- Christmas, visitor at Clinton with’ her, sister/Mrs. George Beatty.. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boak and t.wo children’ are'Christmas holi-' ’day .visitors with Mrs. C/Shad­ dick. . • • . . Mr. and Mrs. Redvers (Meff) Johnson and'Joy speryt Christmas with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs/ Quest Mitchell of Preston. Mr. and Mrs.. E, H. Agnew, were Christinas visitors in Detroit with .Mr. and Mrs, .Joe Agnew and Judy. ' . Mary MacIntyre,, student nurse at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London,, spent Christmas, week at her home here? . ’• ■' M.iss< Margaret .Trgleayen 'of Sarnia spent the week-end with her parents, Mi’; and Mrs. n Har-. old Treleaven. ’ : Miss Helen Salkeld of Ottawa was a Christmas visitor, at the home of her parents,: Mr. arid Mrs. T.. J. Salkeld. • . Mr. and Mrs. Win.. Blue, Miss Margaret Blue and Don Gillespy of Detroit were Christmas visi­ tors with Mr, and Mrs. J; D. Anderson. ■ .. ■/--Hbliday^visitors--wRh^ Stimson arid family* were Mr. and Mrs. Don Stimson and Brock; Mr. and Mrs. John Grace, . Barry and Colleen, all of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robb, Mr. and ..Mrs. George Kennedy, Billy and Jack .spent Christmas at Lucan with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil RoHb. ‘ ;- ,'Mr. and Mrs.; Elliott Fells -.of Smooth' Rock Falls were holiday, visitors with , her. mother, Mrs.' James'Webster and other rela­ tives. ■ '> ;. . . Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, Mar­ ion and June of Cayuga and, Bowen Ross, of Falcoribridge have .in .'the community; • Mr; and Mrs. Hector Purdon,. June, Bruce and Cheryl of Sar­ nia spent Christmas week-end -with his parents, Mr;- and Mrs. ’• 7 ’• V V I < $240,822.71 *4! Rae and ’ $■/• . W ' ’ .J..:.-"«* 12.15 p.m.? Church School. 7.0Q p.m.: “The Journey Tojj ffether”. j tori on Monday with interment Henderson on their return to in Brussels Cemetery; .. ;. . .f ..........'■---------- -■ " ■■■■ ■ -- ---------. ............ , w i .'A Lucknow Presbyterian ({hurch Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister* SUNDAY, JANUARY 3, 4954 ’ . •• •* ~ *: ’ •~-rrw ‘ 11 a.m.: Morning Worships 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School. 3, p.m.: Erskine, Dunganiioh, 7 p.m.: Evening'Worship. AND GIFT SHOP ’Phone 218, Lucknow, Ont i s .,$, 10,500.00 4,950,.00 563.48 ... ‘ 705.42 .. . ; 643.30 7T77;9~40:76’ ... :.5,07k03 Account're debenture issue......................................1,201.83 i Taxes on properly :..... 3.5.90 arid Mrs. Joe MacMillan. Arthur Andrew motmred. from Kapuskasing to spend Christmas with his parem^ W. G. Andrew. “Miss Flora And­ rew of London is spending the holiday here. ' Mr. and - Mrs. Frank Bark well and John Barkwell of Toronto were Christmas visitors at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Barkwell. Frank has been hospitalized at London for over a year, and re­ turned after Christmas to receive his discharge. Visitors with Mr, and-Mrs. Jack Henderson, Boundary West, were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Henderson of Hamilton, Mr., and Mrs. Lloyd Henderson, Advice and -Lilias of Downsview, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wraith o.f Goderich. Iyan “HehT Downsview where he will be em- loyed. . ’ ,. ^STER^F^S^C.-RATHWELL_ v DIED ON CHRISTMAS < A resident of Clinton for many years, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Sparl. ing, 88, died on Christmas Day at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Muriel Collett, Niaagr^ Falls. Mrs. Sparling, the former Mary Rathwell, was born in Goderich Township and lived at Cranbrook and Clinton. She was a member : of the United Church; Her hus- bafnd, George Sparling; died in 1912. I ; . !' She is survived by two sons, . five daughters arid two brothers. Mr. S. C. Rathwell of town is . a brother. ' _ .Thefunerarwasheldin’Clin-- - -derson_accomp.anied^Mr._and Mrs,^ tori on Monday with interment Mama firefly to • papa firefly. “Isn’t Junior bright for his age?” JOHN DEERE “DAY” SET _ , FOR NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT I. . ..■■— ; ,J . .-Walter. Breckles of - Kinlough, J John Deere dealer, is sponsoring a “John Deere Day in the.Luck­ now Town Hall on Tuesday even-. . ing of? next week. January 5th. The event is fr.ee to’all farm­ ers and. their families and will f. ’attire a • full-length^ color pict- urr’; “Mr Christinas” plus a: short i “The. Safety Pin’'’ and other;color, I films made especially' for thc .en'i Alex Purdon. ; ‘ ' - Mr. and Mrs. Win. Alton and son. Douglas of Toronto were .Christmas visitors with relatives in this district. Doug is in his fourth year in medicine at Tort onto University. . : Mr. and Mrs. Al Guse, Douglas and Donald of Galt; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnston of.- Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Merle Johnston, Sharon' and Dianne, of London, • spent Christmas with Mr. arid-Mrs. P. M. .Johnston. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd "Stewart of Kitchener, .Mr. and,.Mrs. Allan Stewart of London, Mr. and Mrs J R. Wilson of. Stratford and Miss Winnie Stewart of London ...pjnt Christnufe with Ujeir par- • V <* $ ■■ <•. ■ 4l . ■at ■* Oargjr j w J *' | Thank To®**** As jt is necessary for me. to d,sPoseu®f my butcher business because of poor health, . I wish to sincerely thank my customers an friends for their patronage and p easan “HusihessassociatioYirdu^nr1^^^63^ I recommend my «ucce$$< as perienced tradesman and bespea OY. f your goodwill and a share of your pa ... age. Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes to All- I I : ..■J I. ' i • —4— i - L i i age. ■ ■ i. . - i . -i-.. i .* ' i I i i * - J —I— . I . i i ■. i ■ i I ’ .. -I,; r Ufist mas. .• visitors.at .the borne of Mrs. R.' H. TOmpsbii 'were,- .Mtss’L'brna Camobell of Toronto; Bob Thompson : of Windsor; -Mi. and Mrs. Win; Hcwat, Bob, Nancy • and Ardonha of Elmira and Mr mil Mrs. John Naylor. Tommy dnd Stevie Cf Kitchener - . ^Ir.: and .Mrs. D. C. Brown, of Wellston., Ohio and Darrell Mc­ Cann, of Detroit were Christmas. .Of Mr. ’and Mrs.? George Twainlcv.- Mrs, Twamley s.-mo.th- rr^.r^4L-C. McCann, accompany IS Ml’ -and Mrs: Brown on their return < to Wellston : where she will spend the winter., ’ ■ . iim MacMillan; Mr. and Mrs. MacMillan, PW. yvonn® andj Giii of London, and Mr. and Mrs. [ were Christmas visitors wjth Mr.,| . Our wish to all the friendly folk to las^the ■ ..whole-yeaE-thr Is that all the days, be happy ones, in the $ •’ New Year ahead of you! Ivan arid Monica LoUzon . & • tl