HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-30, Page 2; ii. .iii.iiw. I .■ -.-ft- s Rae & Porteous Hardware Merchants, Lucknow : PAGE TWO : T THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO GREETINGS TO YOU! Weextead to owr<»aiy cMfoaort aed frieods oar best wishes for pood tbieys aed bappiaess ia '541 PRIZE WINNERS AT LOCALJTORES Christmas week iri Lucknow stores featured several draws for prizes, merchandise and cash awards. Mrs. Murray Henderson won the Five Rioses Flour draw at the Lucknow Co-op and re­ ceived a tricycle. At Ashton’s’ Ladies’ and Men’s Wear, Mrs, Stuart Collyer won a wool blan­ ket as first prize*and teddy bears went to Mrs. Chas. Cook and Mrs. Noble Johnston: Mary Mur die was the winner of a lovely new bicycle: from the draw .at the Lucknow Fruit Market: Winners at Hall’s Grocery were: 1st,, Mrs.: Stuart McGilli- yray, $10; 2nd,. Mrs. Cliff Craw­ ford, $5; 3rd, Charlie Anderson, case of canned goods; 4th, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, case of canned goods; 5th, Mrs. Bert Ward, 3-lb. box of chocolates. Mrs, Ernie Carter won the tFive Roses draw at Smith’s Food Mar­ ket and received an electric clock. At Henry’s Fruit Market, a lovely doll with a five dollar bill pinned to it was won by Lome Fafcish. Stenographer: How can I keep postage stamps from sticking to­ gether? Secretary:: Buy; them One time. at, a New Ye^el ★ *.. ■ to say Happy At the sonad of tb* goag, if wilFbe time for ■* ./ ■■4' 5 5 —i- ; ; S ft ■ ■ 5 S*V* ft* ft i *■■ *<.% s. .-Jr- ft ’ S’ ’ . .. s; -T—i—-§—^We-^wolcoihe-^the^ppoituiiity-tliisseason.affords^_express —ft_ ft ' appreciation of your good will and patronage and K' Jj. extend every good wish for the New Year. ~ J i McLennan and MacKENZIE I ■ '. 5 Funeral Directors — House Furnishings • -ft ■ : •' ’ ■■■. 1 ' ft 5 1 WHITECHURCH Wishing everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year. * Mr. Jack Aitchison spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. E. Button at Lucknow. Miss Margaret Taylor spent, the week-end with relativse at Luck­ now’. .' ■ We are. sorry hear that Mrs. Jas. Aitchison is in Wingham hos­ pital with pneumonia. , Mr. Gordon McGee underwent anemergencyoperatiori: /in the Wingham Hospital ;on Sunday. Betty and “Joan Hamilton of Lucknow are visiting with their grandparents in the 'village. . Mr. Kerry, Sr., Mr. and 'Mrs. Melvin Kerry /and Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Majury and family, all of Paisley, Mr, Nelson Kerry of Walkerton, Miss Marjorie Kerry of Toronto, Miss Mary and Bert Kerry of Eden Grbve all spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. A. Coultes. Mr.Chas. Gillespie of Kitcheri< er spent thjg week-end with rela- WEDNESDAY, DEG, 30th, 1953 :..^r.?.1'?.J'............-.x . ..../.ww..-.' LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES U — II — II I! ■■ II ■■ II — 11 —— 't'Tr Thirty-Five Years Aga iJfrs. D. Murchison was found dead at her home at Paramount. Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Allir| re­ ceived word that their son Har- .old was hospitalized m ’ Britain from chest , wounds. Mr; and1 Mrs. David Kennedy, Boundary East, received word that their .son; Corp. John Ken­ nedy, MM, was killed in' action‘ in Frahce. H6 /was 21./ His ibrbr ther Duncan, who bad been woUnded overseas, had returned home. v / - . John Habbick was Wounded in the arm -overseas. Andrew was killed two years before and Wil­ liam was gassed and had been invalided home. Pte. ?G. O. Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs; Peter Ryan of New Westminster and formerly of Kinlough, was killed in action. Another brother had been killed previously. . A. P. Stewart informed Luck­ now Council of his in.tentidn to close down the electric light plant. John W. Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hudson, Second Concession,. Kinloss, was report­ ed killed in action. Wm. Geddes, who had been iri the cooper business in Lucknow for lover 50 years, died in Ham­ ilton. . v Corp. Jim Baker-of St. Helens0 was. another to fa'lf .in France. . The local school and public buildings were (dosed and pub-j ljc meetings prohibited here on’ account of the influenza'? epi­ demic that country. Paramount broken into of cheese stolen. Phillip Berger, brother .of Mrs. Dan T» McKinnon of Kinloss, died in Military Hospital at Moose Jaw from influenza and Harvey An­ derson of Halkirk, Alta.; and for: ___ mqrly of Zion, was also a victim well, P. A. Murray, of; the epidemic. Locally Mrs. R. ~ Orr’sdeathwasattributedtothe samecause.____ ______ _?___ ___ ? A report taken from an Old Country paper of R. A, Hibben’s death from wounds, at the age was' sweeping cheese factory and about 50Q the was lbs'. HI — II—!><■»<■ ■■ I Rev". John Little of St. Helens' accepted a call to Rockwood. Rev. James Scobie was induct­ ed as minister at .Whitechurch Presbyterian Church. < Wm, Struthers died in Luck-. now in his 71st year. Other ’flu, victims were’James, McMillan, sori of. Mr, and; Mrs. Milas McMillan J’' Alex Irvin pf r; Concession 9, Ashfield; Wesley Sherwood of Wilkiey Sask.;? Alex “Johhston, Son of Mr. and- Mrs? ; ' Wm. Johnston of ’ Ashfiefd. ' Ten Years Ago F.O. George McQuillin, -report/ . ed missing in mid-January, was listed as “presumed dead” in the 679th R/C.A.F. casualty' list is- u sued in September. Late in September, Alex. Mac- <■ Kenzie, D.F.M., was reported to, be a prisoner of, war. This word came about three weeks after he was reported missing. Frank Todd & Son sold a heif- . er rising two years for.$1500.: .. Re^'D/T. L. McKerroll,. for- ' mer Lucknow minister and mod­ erator of the Presbyterian church in Canada, died in Toronto. ’ Muriel Blake, who Had? spent six years in-an iron lung in. Lon­ don, was brought to Lucknow to the home of Miss Sarah Mallough. Muriel was a victim of the polio eidemic of 1937, which left her completely paralyzed and claim­ ed the life of her brother, Clif­ ford.................................................. - . Acclamations were given in thp. ;1 “three adj dining ; townships. Wes? 1 Wawauosh, Reeve Brown Smyth, Councillbrs---—Everett—-F-innigan---— DaVe McAllister,; Gordon Mac; Pherson, Wallace Miller; Ash- field, Reeve?Gilibe$t Frayhe, and ’ Councillors Lome Johnston, Fred Anderson, Cecil Johnston and Neil J. MacKerizie. Ashfield lost its deputy reeve at the end of 1943. Kinloss, Reeve Richard El­ liott, Councillors Alex McKen­ zie, Dan T. McKinhon* John Col-I ii i«r :X V If t A* *5i dawn*, may yon , wake up to find dial your' fondest dream* htrire como tnio4n the NEW YEAR! S . ... ;z ft ‘To the wealth of good wishes that will come your way ft £ at this season, we add our sincerest hopes that good g fortune, good health and happiness,(may be yours g g throughout the New Year* 3 ' : ■ x ' .* , - ■ * . . ,. . ■ ' ' ■■ . ■ .* ... ■ . ..... ‘ . '.. . ■. ■' • ■ WM#. . ' , . • ' I - ' * . ' . * ■ ' • ' ■1' > 1 tives andTfriends. x Mr. and Mrs. Les’Burnett and family spent Christmas with rel­ atives at ListoweL, r^iiristfflas“visitm_3rtie“1i^ of Mr. and Mrs;.Art Mbore were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moore and family of Preston,, Mr. and Mrs. Keri Dickson and Allan of Bel? more, Mr. and Mrs. W. James & family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Moore and family and Mir? and Mrs, C. R. Moore arid Ron. Miss W^innifred Farrier of Tor­ onto is holidaying with her par- w°ro 01 ine 01Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier | ^er., sjstef^in-law, Mrs. John A Rev. W. H? Mitchell an'd his wTfe,D^. HelenCrawMitcheTl, ^nd-iheiic-thretLehildrenT^amved——- home from China. Dr. Wm. Malcolm* age 82, and . his daughter; Mrs. Dorothy Pear, son, reached Canada from Japan. ~ Lucknow Council by acclama­ tion was Reeve J. W. jdynt and councillors Austin Solomon, Thos. , BoyeSi Temple Clark and Hany Nixon. grandson of Mrs. A. Hibben of England to pay the supreme sac­ rifice. Bob was living with his pareiits in Ashfield when war broke out and he enlisted in 1916. formoHvhitechliu^h LADY DIES IN WEST Mrs. Alex Purdon of town has of Mr. and Mrs. .Orland Richards ireceyed word of the death of and, Mr; and Mrs. Dick RtehardsJ were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell I and Mrs. Lome ' Wall, White* ! church. • ... . • Christmas guests at the home *X- * > -S' ■ “V ■ S • 5 ■ •*» .-•. ft IM , '.I*' • 'US ft? *S' ' * ' and. family of Long.Branch are '■«'.X, i . h , . “visiting friends & relatives here, ../ .ajU. ... Y ,. ’ I ?. Family, and Mrs. Clair ^s? Irene Sparling? Marie and ““‘M® M*®0®!!1?!? a?>d famlK?aJS17' Douglas of Wingham spent Xmas £“T1®1® .lnvalld./°r £.M»iR»ymoftd Richards with her .nArent, Mr anH-*r„. ^ore than six years since suffer- Flesherfcm; Mr. and Mrs. Norvalwith her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. T. H. Moore' Mr. and Mrs. E. Groskorth and family spent the week-end with relatives in Unionville: and Tor^ onto. ‘ M . JMb:. and Mrs, Russell Chapman ' arid 'family"? s'i>erit'" the week-end at Aurbra: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw arid family of London ate spend- . ing Christmas. and,. Ndw Yeats with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw and Mr. and Mrs. punter near*. Lucknow. . Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Watt and! family of, Dungannon . spent’ .Christmas with his patents, Rev. and Mrs. W. J.. Watt. :. Mr. and Mrs.r Clifford Farrier •and family of Kincardine spent [ Christmas with bis parents, Mt. and Mrs. W: R. Farrier. ' Mrxand Mrs. Walter Bell and Heather spent , the week-end dt ■ BurforcL ] Mr/ and Mrs. Herb Bucktbn & family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs., T. Morrison? •: ’ , erich spent the week-end- with her mother, Mrs. D. Kerincity and ■ Pete. ’ ... ’ v / ing a stroke. She was in her 64th year and was formerly Maud McDonald bf Whitechurch.- / , ■ She is 'survived by, her husband, three sons and a daughter. DEFEAT QUESTION OF LIQUOR OUTLETS IN RIPLEY I The question of‘establishing a. i liquor store and brewers ware- | house in Ripley was defeated last ; Wednesday by a narrow margin 1 that fell short of, the sixty per­ cent approval necessary to carry- such ,q. measure. ' ; The vote, for establishment ■ of a- store was. 149, against 140; -and -for—a"1 warehouse—'ir~ against 15% ' I Fleshef^dn; Mr. and Mrs. Norval Richards, Guelph. ; , Miss Donna Hamilton; nurse / in-training at Woodstock, Miss ’ . Frances Hamilton Of London, Mr. and Mrs. H. McQudlliri and Hick ' ey of Point Ediward spent Christ-’ ~mas~at-Xhe~huiY^^ R. Hamilton. . t • Mr. and Mrs. John Elphick & family/ spent Christmas at the , home of Mr. arid Mrs. J. Leeson/ Kinlough. Misses Edna Cook, R.N.; Eliza Cook, R.N. and Viola Cook/R.N . ■ .of Owen Sound Hospital, Mr. an-1 Mrs...Henry ^MadKenzie, and Mi>” Alice Mackenzie of Lucknov. spent Sunday with Mr. A?’ Cc>nk ' _ ............................................................................. . 'was 157, ich, jyfrt ancj Mrs. Cardiss of Am ’berley and Mr. and Mrs. Bert- Me*- : , Donald,. Mrs. C. “MacDonald, of Lucknow, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Henderson. /1 Mr., and Mrs. Warren Wylds. and three children spent'Christ* ? ........ — x, ■F ' /' as* PARAMOUNT A Happy 'and Prosperous New Y®X to A/' • « . . | ana three children spent'Christ- and wr«•?’Mr' Mrs. Wld's parents AX A/ ,??ld'artd spcnt !4r> and Mrs- A- Stone, St. Marys. . wJSrSw“ ' h D’- Kln<sbury!B»: Mr; andMrs. Dair Mfrldr assisted— f ” ! With chores and spent Christo'.:^ t da.s' Ham!& Y'ith Mr, and Mrs. L. Wylds. of' Larry spent Christmas with Mr, Ripley. • r , '4.^ ; | ./ f '« *»'. . ' v. / ' ' ' ' . . . ■' ■ . .i