HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-23, Page 165 S 1*AGE SIXTEEN it w ANDERSON PRODUCTS / > . •' * ■ ‘ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO-........................................................... »*«*>•■ u■■ uii"T •T’ \ u X-"'" PROCLAMATION . W>-.. 'a .? * < t—v WEDNESDAY, DEC., 23rd, 1953 '----------u; FLAX LTD ! § % Chin’s Restaurant IT’S THE SEASON FOR GREETINGS... And hete‘> oun: A wish as sincere and friendly as can bea hope for a M^ry Christmas to everyone we know! I JI . . ’■. ft -■ - ■ • ■■^■■■■-, • . ■■■■'■-■* ' ■-... ■ ••• ■ I I 1TTw • I ■'** , ST.HELENS Mr, Bill Macpherson.: is home a’ f: t e.y spending the s striwier months sailing on the JRpyalton/ He as /accompanied by Miss Margjaret Macpherson of London who spent a short holiday here.- Mr§. Alex Murdie has returned from Kitchener where she spent the past few weeks. Miss Margaret Macpherson, R, N., is making favorable recovery in St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, fallowing an appendectomy on Thursday night, - . . ! Mr. John McQuillin has gone to spend iChristmas with Mr. and.? Mrs. Irvin McCabe at W'ingsQb? Mr. and ,Mrs. Fred McQuillin, Mrs. John Miller, Mr. and Mrs, Eldon? Miller and Mr, Wallace Miller attended the Tuner al of th'eir cousin, Mr. James Miller at Fergus on Monday, . - \ Elect Y.P.S. Officers On Sunday, December 20th,. the Young People’s executive was el­ ected at a meeting at the Manse: pres., Don Cameron; vice pres.' Murray Taylor; sec., Margaret Miller; treas., Isobel Miller; con­ vener of Faith and Evangelism, Marvin McDonald; convener of Stewardship and Training, Doris Miller; convener of Citizenship & Community Service, Donna Woods; convener of Missions and World Outreach, Anne Todd; con^ vener of Recreation and Culture, Isobelle MacPherson. The other members. will :■ be assigned to dif­ ferent commissions. The first meeting will be held in the church basement on Sunday, De­ cember 27th at 7.30 p.m. All the young people are welcome. this’n’that . ■■■ by ■ ROSEMARY THYME T’ h » « 4 ’ft 4 ;X>Or •* ** < * ♦ » • 1 .1 i i Jf . • • • . . . » ••,..■ I HEREBY PROCLAIM BOXING DAY A CIVIC HOLIDAY FOR THjE VlLLAGfc OF LUCKNOW 1 , * *• • * ‘ ' ' • ' - ’» * ’ And Call On" All CJitahs To Observe It As Stick. »I S, E. ROBERTSON, Reeve. ) NOMINATION i.- i I i j.< i '■ i i i I i* CHRISTMAS - S. C. RATHWELL-&.•J5ON--••—■---< „ , • I" • ’ » ! f ' ‘ ’ •V • r ' ' ‘ ' 5 S S GREETINGS Is; it too late for Christmas re­ cipes? ' \ : Cake mixes again, for quick;: easy rolled ones this time. One package caxe mix, white, yellow, any kind you prefer, ‘1 egg, one tbsp, water, - cup—very—finely- -Chopped- nuts. Mix with hands. Roll very .thin. Cut into fancy shapes. Bake in fairly quick oven, until delicately browned. Sprinkle with sugar before bak­ ing or ice thinly with confection­ er’s icing., , Yule Cookies ■— % cup sifted flour, % tsp. salt, two-thirds cup sugar, 44 cup shortening, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. vanilla, 44 tsp. almond fla­ voring, 1 cup rolled »oats, citron and candied cherries, chopped huts. Sift tdgether, flour & sugar and salt into a bowl. Add short­ ening, softened, eggs and flavor-, ing? Beat till smooth. Fold ih rolled oats, Drop from a teaspoon onto greased cookie tins. Flatten with a knife dipped in cold wat­ er. Decorated’ with small pieces of citron, cherries and nuts. Bake in moderate oven, till delicately .brown, ‘about 10 min. Remove froth Cookie Sheet .at once. Walnut Squares—1 cup brown g NOTICE is hereby given to the MUNICIPAL ELECTORS | 5 OF THE VILLAGE .OF LUCKNOW that in compliance with the Statutes in that belialf I require the presence of the § ' Said Electors at the Village Hall in the said Village of Lucknow at the hour of 7.30 p.m., on & ft; •• • ■ . ■ . * ft 5 I * 4» * 4»Si et- -4» •3s 48 6 I $ § HS ■' not present at the nomination meeting ~his lidinination paper -Jr “■ ■ “ " ■ ■ “ ......... I .... .. . .. .. ..-...ftft E. H. AGNEW; Returning Officer. § ■ S -- '■ • s (MONDAY, DECEMBER 28th ’ 4953, For One ilour ■ s'-' , v/ ■ ■ ■ •' ■ .... for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the Offices of Reeve, Four Councillors and Three Public School Trustees for’ the Village of Lucknow for the year 1954, Trustees to hold office for two years, of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and "govern themselves accordingly, and if a greater number of Can­ didates than required to fill the said Offices are nominated and make the required Declarations, Polls will be opened in the following places: POLLING SUBDIVISHON NO. ONE, THE LEGION HALL; POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. TWO, THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE; POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. THREE; THE VILLAGE HALL, in the said Village Lucknow, on MONDAY, JANUARY 4th 1954, and will be open from Nine O’clock A.M. until Five O’clock P.M. and ho longer. <► I of IT SHOULD BE NOT,ED that when a proposed candidate "V not nresent at the nomination meetiriir lii» nntninafinn tian is willnot-bevalidunlessthereisattachedtheretoevidence^^ l satisfactory to the Returning Officer that the propose^* can- $ didate consents to be so nominated. •< ft Given under my hand this 12th Day of December A.D.1953. S •To write this Yuletide message to our many friends, in V appreciation of their loyalty, ’ ’gives us our greatest pleasure at this happy season of the year. salt and soda, and stir into first berries, water aqd sugar in sauce mixture alternately with sour pan; cook Until cranberries are milk. Add flavorings and mix very soft. Strain thru sieve and Combine cranberry juice with apple and lemon juice; add fruit. Chill mixture thoroughly. To serve,, place ice in bowl, .pour punch over and sparkling water to taste. ' Open House Punch—25 pdnch- cup portions, 1 cup Sugar, 4 cups . water, 2 cups lemon juice, 4 cups orange juice, 1 tbsp, grated lem­ on peel, 2 quarts sparkling wat­ er, ic6, orange and lemon Slices. ■ s Place sugar gnd water in sauce- pan and bring to a boil, stirring only uniil sugar is dissolved. Boil about 5 miri. Add fruit juices arid grated peek Pour into pbrich bowl over large piece of ice. Just before serving add water. Garri^ ■ ish with orange and lemon slices. Making DoUgnuts for Christ- mas? While the fat is .hot, make some apple, fritters for. - dessert . You can make them in a jiffy ' this way—add an egg to pancake • •mix,z;afM?Wlk the batter1 in the". .... usual way. Dip quartered apples • in the . batter and fry. in deep fat. Tops for dessert with maple Syrup, or corn syrupt Here’s a good suMaiitial Sum day morning Brunch idea—Beat ■three eggs/add one cup grated bacon, Spread on toast * Biroil 5 iriiri., 5 inches from heat. ' well. Roll out. small amount of'cool, dough-at a time, and. cut in fancy < shapes. Sprinkle with colored sugar.. Bake in moderately hot oven. Cranberry ,Holiday:Salad—four cups fresh cranberries, 2 cups of sugar, 1 cup water, 2 tbsp. Unfa­ vored geiati'n, V4 cup cold water, 1 tup diced celery, 2 tbsp, pre­ pared hbrs,eradish: 'Wash, & pick over cranberries, add sugar and 1 cup water and cook until cran­ berry /skins pop, about. 10 jnin. ■Sofen^eIathp-4/rpip^l^ stir into hot-mixture to meit., •Cpoi. WK4n ^lightly thickened, fold 4n. diced celery and horse- radish. ..Pour into. Chill Until firm; Serve with salad dressing. If you. like mint, as well as l] do, you will try' adding a few drops of ,.miht . extract - to* your | cranberi’y sauce, ' or let a few i leaves steep in' the water -you I out . the mint' 'leaves- before you add crahberrifess to the water— or water to the cranberries. Cranberry-Apple Punch-M-hrse cups fresh Oranbe'rries/ two cups water,.!.cup sugar, 3 cups apple juice, 44vcup lemon juice; on0 lemon, sliced thin, i cup frdgeu* -or- ~ sparkling water, Combine cran- • . ■ • 1 I • I i tsp, yamii^, y2 cup; flour, 44 tsp. salt, •.' 44 tsp. soda, 1 cup chopped nuts. Stir together sugar, egg, vanilla. Add flour, salt, soda & nuts. Spread batter in, 9-inch square pan, bake 20 min. in moderate oven. Leave in pan. Cut in squares while warm. Delicious with a simple frUit dessert. ' ' Here!s a good recipe for putting fancy .shaped cookies. Christmas Sugar . Shapes — One cup lard, stilt, 2 cups, sugar, 2 eggs, beaten, 5 cups sifted flour, 1 tsp..baking soda, Vz. cup sour milk (or en­ ough to make dough to roll), .2 tsp. vanilla „(or 1 tsp, vanilla & 1 tsp. lemon).-Cream lard,- grad‘ ually add . sugar and continue to mdk well. Sift together flour, i ■ ■ " • : ■ i I ii in the - batter and fry. in deep