HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-23, Page 15THRLUC^QW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,- ONTARIO-:- ' PH. V- to close race, for the reeveship , of Orillia: • ; Ran Close Electign J. C. MacDonald of Orillia, and a brother df Wm. MacDonald of this village, was nosed out in a PAGE FIFTEEN I J Sa. .....-r'— WEDNESDAY, DEC., 23rd, 1953 THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE A sort of Kinsey report on pampus drinking, has bebn pub­ lished recently. It’ is - an analysis ot the survey conducted by the centre of alcohol studies of Yttle Uniyersity| which has-been work. . ing pn the problem, of alcohol fpr : 20 years, Questionnaires • were sent to 17,000-men and women students in 27 colleges through­ out the country: Here are the conclusions' drawn from the ans­ wers, WHere both parents use aL 412.percent of the men stu-t j.dents drink also, and 83 perce’nt of the women. Where oply one . drinks. ' the. percentage- is to guard us against tuberculosis, The money which you donate for Seals fights TB the year round with continuing . health education, rehabili­ tation and case finding.. . To keep the barrier high, send your contribution today, please, tuberculosis association. Buy Christmas Seals & k. 1 I thanks to Christmas Seals! -T; • • * ismen, 54 of - xvorheh. Adhere both abstain,- if is" down to 58 per­ cent of men, 23’ percent of wo .Clearly, parental, example is an important factor in the de­ cision of college youth about drinking. . Whatever may be. the lacts. about drinking in Canadian Colleges, that which holds of par-’ e.ntal example across the line is probably ■ equally true of Canad­ ian youth in general.-—ADVT.? * CULROSS CORNERS Merry Christmas Everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wail and fajnily were dinner 'guests, re­ cently with Mr. and Mrs; Frank Thompson and family. With winter having set in, the snowplow/operated by L. Beck­ ing & Jack Schumacher is. mak­ ing its rounds., . ’ . The Tenth school in Kiriioss* (S.S. No. 3 ) , has been closed most of this month, owing to the ill- j ness of the teacher, Mts; James | McEwen, Ipnloss. We hope for a speedy recovery/ The community/, extends its sympathy to Mr. A. McFarlan in J he loss of’ his .sister, the late Mrs Ed . Hodgins, who passed away in Hamilton. Friends from, here attended the' finieral last •Wednesday at the McLennan- MacRenzie Memorial Chapel in ‘Lucknow. ■■■■■ " ' •- F F : . Little Elizabeth Macpherson.of i .the 8th Con/ spent several days last week with her grandparents,' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart. Much, credit is due our teacher; Miss. Esplin arid, her pupils for the. splendid program put on at •their'Christmas'tree ;laSt Thurs- c’a.v evening,- With Mr. Morley /Wall as chairman, the following numjbers were ;given: choruses by the 'KCaiool;' Grades ’3 to- 8; duet.- by Sharon Hodgins 'and' Norma Haldenby: recitations by Beatrice Haldenby* Susie Harris, Bob Wall,’ Laverne Harris.. La'rry Lamont, Karen Wa.lL., Francis Lamont/* Marlene. Decker, 5*oi Is” Wall, Barbara HaL denby, /Sharon- Hodgins, Elda chorus by pupils, May we convey our sincerest hopes that you, our friends, will enjoy a most happy* cheerful Hdli^oyl BREWERS SINCE 1832 -■ $ • ■». ■ • $• O’ ■ • Ss • 1. . ■ 5" 1 &■’ - $ ■ ■ I ■to A ■ >■ / ' 'to thearrival of a little daughter in, PARAMOUNT W.I. DONATES Walkerton Hospital and to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steffen on the ar­ rival of a son in Wingham Hos­ pital. , Mr. and Mrs. Alex Why-toek & family and Mr. and Mrs- Everett •Whytock’.and Gary were dihner guests Sunday of Mr.; and Mrs. Harold Bannerman’ KiKlbssr • We are glad to report that Mrs. Catherine O’Neil was able to be brought home from Wingham Hospital Saturday. She was ' in- [ interesting. Current Events were jured in a fall at the barn and I capably given by Mrs. Fred Mar- will be required to wear a cast! tin. Cheerio boxes were then for some time. i packed. QLILT TO BAKER HOME The Paramount Institute met at the home ofJWrs. Jiih Ketchabaw bn December 15th with a good attendance. The roll call was ans­ wered-by ‘‘How to. put cheer into Christmas”. It was decided to do­ nate a -blanket, to the Baker Hos­ pital. Mrs. Dave Anderson gave a Christmas story which_was very Wall, Beverley Wall, Norma’Hah” ■dc'nby, B'ett'y Haldenby, • Donna Haldenby* and ’ Frankie Edgar; a lovely'drill.by eight girls; motion recitation's. by ‘the Juniors; an action song “Lullaby by 5 gills, duet by Alice Haldenby and Francis ’Lamont: - pantomime, “O Livtlc .T'own'bf Bethlehem’’; Xfna$ carols by the school. There .were iwo. plays by the pupils* Fetch-r Quiet' Evening’’'. A-.play, by’ the joung people, “Hehrys Mail . Cr­ ider Wife". The national' anthem and fho arrivai ;of/ Santa, who distributed- many - presents., ;• bybught a most enjoyable .even­ ing to a close..' * Congratulations are .in order for ..pettier-—on. . I Don’t try to talk ME into anything else—1 know 7 a wise investment when I ,se0 one. - 4% Guaranteed Trust Certificates !” , • Authorized investment for trlist funds, ‘ • Short term-five years . 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