HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-23, Page 13WEDNESDAY, DEC., '23rd. 1953 ... ... •. ’ ,.i.i...... ............................,.............................. i. . ■ a 5 5'6 ft ft ■ 1M» • . And Best Wishes For A Happy New Year WM. A. SCHMID t)4» s% c .-IL.,1 >■ ..ji.i 1V.I. HELD? CHRISTMAS MEETING WMJOCNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO _Mrs. Ira Dickie, and Mrs’. D L WcKinnon. were hostesses for the /.E ’"<*«»« ot the Kair.,. . -1- The meeting was. in H«lyrQ0d Hall. • A large -numbe,. of members answered the roll call with an exchange of gifts. MU. D, H.. Carruthers presided and the secretary, Mrs. Donald McKinndn, read the minutes and correspondence, $10 was voted to the Christmas Seal Fund, $5.00 to the Mental Health Association, and $5.00 towards a Christmas” gift to the. Baker ;Cpnyalescent- Horne and any donations ‘ of 'candy were to be left.-with Mrs. T. A. MacDonald. . j :. Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. Wm. Scott’ at-, the' piano. Keith Roulston sang ‘Away in a Manger” Mrs Har-\ vey . Houston played a number of popular Christmas-songs. Mrs. T. A. MacDonald told .i the story of the Mary- Stewart,.Cbllect in a I very-, interesting wav. Mrc 4 ft ■■■■ ’/ g ;.n. ividuuonaia. toiaune story' of • the Mary- Stewart,.Cbllect in a « I very- interesting way. Mrs. Geo. ® j Lo^khart Jjad, a 'splendid’.-paper ftj on “The History of the Poins.et- ft.ta”. Mrs. Lavis had a Christmas; g reading, and Mrs. Herb'Buckton read, “There will always be a ~ Christmas” by Edna; .Jacques. i Janet Carruthers gaive a recita? tioni . . - ’. . .. A timely demonstration was given on “Various wavs.of Wrap­ ping gifts”, many ,of‘ which were Mrs. Tom MacKenzie Christmas” by Edna- .Jacques. ft ft a ^unusual. __________ and Mrs. Donald McKinnon had ? charge of this part of the pro- § gram; • , I. * *t PAGE THIRTEEN WOLF CUBS l Wasney’s Garage ft ft for Christmas I ft ■ i < ar 14! Best Wishes We open wide our hearts to wish each g and every one of our * loyal customers: a ■2 -very happy holiday 1' tea son. ft ' f ■ | wsw*-* •! ■ Ak.ela Thompson and Raksha Attridge led the Pack, nineteen strohg, through the Juhgle last weele. iDtir meeting; jarotihd /the ^Council Rock. was shorter than' usual but tj>e<-.usual weekly rou­ tine, was ^rried’ out in brief., ' Further evidence of the keen race .in the Inter-Six competition was shown again in last week’s re­ sults. The Reds took oyer top spot by the narrow margin of ( one jewel:-with the Greys and Tawnys' tying for third. .Quart­ erly standing shows .Whites '276 jewels, Reds 239, Greys ^09-and Tawny s','190. To date -the .White ’ Six have come out on top at five: meetings,- Reds 4, and . Greys, and Reds, and Tawnys and Whites, each tied once for first place; all of which promises some real competition excitement before1 next. June. As Pack scribe, Akela wishes to thank- a Sentinel, reader in. Bancroft for the kind remarks re our Cubbing, efforts, and the interest they show by reading our v/e.ekly column. Through, this small column I hope to keep not only, parents but others as well informed of our local Pack act­ ivities and “Cubbing” in general. . * ... f—:O-r— After the closing remarks . by Mrs. Lawrence* MacLeod, ‘-God Save,. the.jQuee.nlh _w.as. _.s.u.rrg._.andj a .social hour enjoyed; For January,. Mrs. Clarence Ir­ win and Mrs. Ross MacMillan are hostesses, at Holy rood . H-a-1-1;- With Mrs. T. A.. MacDonald, Mrs. H. Lavis,' Mi’s. T.. Collyer and Miss’-Ay. MacKay. directors. .' Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary The December meeting'of "the . _ .......-J?’ was. held ’at ftl-the home of .'Mrs,. Mason, with <***|, j Mrs. Morgan.. H'ende'.rson -presid- i . .... . ■ . (• There will be no meeting on -Tuesday, December 29 th. •' — O—' .- ’• In Xibishinfe..„Jthis._„week’s..„.;col-.. : umn. your Cub Leaders and mem­ bers ’of the .Pack, join with me in extending to you all a most sincere Merry Christmas . and. Happy New Year... 1 I ft;-Evening Auxiliary Morgan-. H'ende'.rson - presid­ ing.' The president took, the op­ ening exercises, . followed .• by ..a Chris‘.mas hymn, and the scrip-. ft! ft s s s 4» . ft ft s /ft ft AND AU GOOD WISHES | V. .ft ft I ■ . ' V . -;t by. ■ ySeasoMj (2t»eefiM<p,'P ■ s I.. ,■> | Lucknow Motor Service I g BOB ARMSTRONG, PROP. _ > | ■W. ■ , „ * 9- a ■ «r ft ■ GREETINGS! Our bast wishes for a holiday that is chock-full of. many, many gpod things suds as — happiness, good cheer and the wondrous Joy and peace of a H O L Y C H It I STM AS. reading by ... MrsT Leu fiard" •Q .Little Town. Of . sung, and ' a’ .-\P.eclersen was. fdllow.ed -w-ith. Mts.'1 James -Lit-tle ■ giying . t'h'c'"BgafTtuden:—The~^re~ ports from 'the different commit­ tees were read and. Mrs. L,. Mac­ Donald read the slate of officers, for the year 1954: pres., Mrs. Morgan Henderson; 1st vice,-Mrs. | Jack Fisher;-2nd vice, Mrs. Jack Pollock; secretary, Mrs. Stewart Jamieson; treasurer .Little; pianist,’Mrs. lor; assis'. ... ... , lecn'Macintosh; social committee, Mrs. L. ,MacDonald, Mrs.' Winn; Miss Gladys' MacDonald, Mrs.* A «i..-1 orc ft MacDonald.' Og C ft i Bethlehem”'. was. § ‘ reading . by. Mrs.''. ftl HALL’S GROCERY | . *5 ft 6 ft £ ft tend our sympathy. ; At the Christmas seryice in the Presbyterian church on Sunday the choir had prepared special numbers, Santa Claus, has had a very busy time attending school' con­ certs in this district. Man (standing in-the.middle, of a busy street): Officer, can .you tell -me how .to get to the hos­ pital. ■. Officer:. Just stand where you are. / -f ■ (SiWhT/Supply^dm^ /Donald, Mrs. Roy. Finlayson; Sick’ com., Mrs, A. Smith, Mrs. Chas. Mason; .. Welcome and Welfare; Mrs. Virden Mowbray* Mrs. Robt. ■-■MacKenzie;presS“repoi--terT-M-hs-- Stewart Jamieson; auditofs, Miss Gladys MacDonald, Miss Maude Fisher. Miss. Mary MacLeod in­ stalled the officers for the year 1954. Affer carol singing, Miss Dean MacLeod gave an interest- •ing talk' on .the work’and. hard- :r;.Mrs. Janies ships, of the missionaries and the Norman Tay- need of our prayers for them. A pianist, Miss Katlv film ^trip on the Christmas story ♦ , was shown and the meeting clos- • -ed with, the . singing of “Holy • Night”. . ' ■ • . . ’ • McKim’s Drug Store T yyYouHave a o ft . / mW mW MW mWmw k WMW'stWMW'QW'MW'aW / I V /. ■As ’ ft" VS'? Rae & PoirteousA HAPPY NEW YEAR. A.........■: Merry Merry Christmas