HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-12-23, Page 9■ ceased her . 32 years ago. Her en-
w<?m to the-Far-East in the Fall.SEE BY THE
THAT_Ni,ck Hedley is gradually-
Murray Gaunt With His Guineas Competitor
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So to Duncan MacLeod, Luck
now’s grand old man,/it’s a two
fold greeting — Merry Christmas
and Happy Birthday.
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r On Saturday, December • 12th,"
death yame to Mrs. Ewen .‘Mac- ' George Irwin, spn -of' .Mr.
Kenzi.e - .in Wingham Hospital Mrs/ Spence Irwin of town,
where /She had been a patient spend his Christmas in
for over two weeks since' suffer- ’
ing a fractured hip.. Mrs, Mac- .
Kenzie was ninety years of age
<® ■
with the Canadian Armed Forces.
George, who was 19 last March,
.. . . wdht to the-Far-East in the Fall,
on March 16th, and for many He -was 18 days on the Pacific,
years of her life had. been a resi- from Seattle to Japan and then1'-
dent of this community and dear- another four days by troop trans-1,
ly. beloved for her gentle, - kindly port; to Korea. He is "at “Bunker •
and. devout ways. “Aunt Maggie” Hill”, according to letters receiv-. THAT Garfield MacDonald again
was . ah . affectionate term by frcfin, hjm. ?A’ few days ago I ' ’ . .
wiiich she was known to more his family received a Christmas
> ■' than relatives: ' ■ . [card from-■ him. .. ■ ' •
Mrs. MacKenzie was formerly ' Francis Hewitt of Bcryi-e; is £m-
Margaret Agnew, a daughter of Q^e f^ol di er from this district ■
Joseph Agnew and Jane ; McMil-.in K°i‘ea. He and GeorgO sailed•;
. / Jahj and was born in the Para- together, but, have seen, little of- /
mount district'in. Ashfield, close eac^ ot^er ^nce. embarking.
by to where Hope Church once1'
. •_/.r.stood^..2w-r.
• h ■ won the men’s prize at_the Lad
ies’ 'Auxiliary. Sh.oot party ph
1 . Friday night. Mrs. Les Purves
won the lady’s prize. There
were eight tables,'
7 HAT it was father and son week
..................... . I in Kincardine recently. While
r. j . Success in-life- will- often’ follow | Jack Revnolds. was being elect*
the same principles that apply in I
1 Christmas Day has double sig-1 December 13th', shortly after she
nificance. for Mr. Duncan Miac-1 retired to. rest,- Mrs; Elizabeth
!. Leod of town. .It’s his birthcIay-4. MacLennan p a s s e d 'peacefully
• and his. 91st. ’ ..■■• j away. She was born in 1865. one1
| ‘Dune” as he is- popularly ; u family of ten children born •
I known,, is still enjoying good 5° ^r- and, Mrs. Kenneth
I health • and has retained all his .MacKen^’ the earliest pioneers,.
I faculties to a remarkable desree. Ashfield, .who settled on the
He .1 down town most every °I '-
;.day, . stili; . carries the wood, .and j S*9*, m 1852’. 11,ve?.
I shovels,the snow and never miss- .. 1 tlfU”1?™'a®e °u e ?te
es a meal.. Mr. MacLeod s legs , _ , __ .are -getting a bit shakv but his: S d her 32 years ag0< HeT en’’are getung m bit. shaky but, his y ]ift was:SDen,t in this cbm-'-
mind ls.clear, his eye is bright ~
and his. hearing pretty good.
He is still an avid, reader gnd
j pours through an average of two
books a week. — nonfiction; we - , +. ,should add. ' ’ ■’ h d th g f f e Personal
■ In. the quiet of Sunday evening,
Mrs. MacKenzi.e’s husband, who- W in 7° the. mayoralty of that
predeceased her. over two score. ■■'10}:l^tain climbing. .‘ Whep m ^he , / town, his son. Jack was elected
years ago, was-- Professor Ewen rarG11Jr$ atmosphere; , of/.highj. to represent South Bruce .an
- . .. • . ... .... the Ontario Older, Boys’ Parl
iament: '•//
• \
I muhity in which, she loved so
1 much. She was a devoted mother, •?
■ true friend and neighbor, 'with- a
I cheerful self-forgetful • spirit. She '
appearance, an attractive person
ality, richly endowed with nat
ural gifts, and a sparkle of hum
our,' dignity, grace, courtesy and,
geneality^marked her bearing. /
i That singular loveliness was in
; her face to the last . Her home
■ was a .centre of cheerful hospi-"'
IRWIN—at Alexandra ? Hospital,! tallty< J^as a steadfast- and
* consistent Christian,, . a -humble . .
servant-of her Master.
. j To mourn her passing are. two
yember this year than there I jsons f°ur daughters, Lorne
- were in the same month of JOHNSTON—at Alexandra HosJ
1952. Preliminary figures show /ifal, Goderich, • on December 8,
84 killed as against, 97 in No- 11953, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith John- J Ash field; Mrs. Rob-
vember , 1952. It was the first ston, R. 7, Lucknow, a.daughter.---mo'n-th-“since/-MaTch "thraT’the ! .. "7.., ^".' I troit, Kfrs. Roy Mackenzie (V10-
1953/experience has been less > MONCRIEF^-at Alexandra Hos- L1^ ’ Rlpley^nd. John. F’ Mfc'
severe than for the same month pital, Goderich, on December 15,J.^nnan Q” ^--°^es)ead; als° *
‘of 1952? - aran n 1
i A I j-
i I
THAT there., were 13 fewer peo- Goderich, on December 15, 1.953’:
pie killed in motor vehicle col-1 to. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Irwin, R.
lisions in Ontario during No-, 2, Lucknow, a’son.
rarefied, atmosphere;, of high-t’
. MacKen2ie.-He-:raffghfY^^^^^^^^■ St. Helens and Belfast, Md it. "°r S‘/uld yOU lo,le''.' - ? [
was while teaching .at Belfast' ;—~7~--------
that he married ‘‘Maggie” Ag-./
.. new.. They resided- at Belfast17. improving-from □ lengthy, ill-j
for three years when Mi\ Mac-j boss, .and was able.to. be out ’
. Kenzie entered Presbyterian Col-/ • of the house briefly on Sunday./
/ lege to study for the ministry.—7--^^ -.--— ——1
His first charge w-as at'Chesley/Niagara Falls? Mrs. Lloyd White'
and. from there .Mr, and Mrs. (Helen) of Detroit and Miss Mur-
MacKenzie returned to Montreal iel MacKenzie who has been a
where he was appointed minister faithful companion to her mother
•J _of St.;_Maj^^s_GKurch.Xateii-he17m_hei-decd^
accepted the /professorshrp in :Surviving also is one brother,
■ :/. systematic and practical theology. Joseph/Agnew of town. Two brOr
3t Presbyterian College, wlhere a thers.and two sisters, David, Jas,,
grandson, Alex MacDonald, is Mary Ann and Janie predeceased
presently studying for the niiri* Mrs, MacKenzie..—__/.— ---■—?—-i^-rr-Mohey—deesn-L-gFew—Ph—spreesj'i George Russell.
‘ istry; ■ '• /•/ ■ 7 ' ; m-'
It was during one of his lect-l
ures that Professor MacKenzie!* ■ ’ , collapsed and passed away sud/,. ,
denly from a heart attack. That/
was over 46 years ago. The sof-
rowing . widow and her ' young !
family ‘ returned to Lucknow to
reside, where five years later she'
Wa^jigs^pc/sorfowfully bereaved •
by the death of he? only son. 7
/ , John, a junior bank' clerk who I
died from pneumonia at the" age
of eighteen. /. ■ ' ■ •
; Mrs. MacKenzie was faithfully 1/
devoted to the, work ’ of the I
church, and. while, health per- ■
rnitted, was constant in work and.
Worship in the Lucknow Presby
terian Church. She was a mov-
'/ >hg..fOTjC£L_in_-the--worJt--4)f—
• 7 W.M.S: and a life member of that j
'’ ? ■ Society. ’
7 Mrs. MacKenzie, despite her
uge, was still a Jbvely knitter,'
and. Was'noted for havipg khiL
ted ^unceasingly during two world [ ■ ’
■ wars.
. ' ’ The funeral ’ service wasr hold/
• \ at the Johnstone Fundra! 1‘tomej
».-on.Tuesday of last week conduct-1
, ; ed by ^Rev. C ;. A .^W.inn..-Lnio' - '•
ment was in Soqth 'Kinloss Com ■r
Otory,. the ptdlbeBiW5 being throe' • *
grandsonsj Alex, Donald and
Bruos MacDonald, AUG Agne'\v,
. k, H. Agnew and Alex M'atDon-
W '■ V ■ . /
~ . Mrs. Mackenzie is, survived/by
four, daughters, Mrs. H. C. Moore
‘ (Jean), of Victoria, B.C.; Mrs.
Alex MacDonald of
• * , . * ' ’■ ; - » ¥ ■ r ■ ■ <
P'-L? f
1 '
Lennan on the homestead; also 1953. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo^’^n^iW& "and four, great .
Moncrief, R. 3, Goderich, a son, L* ^*1'' ■ .,TJ x_ U. '__—
i - The-f-uneral-Avas~heTd from her
home. The very large gathering
.‘assembled bore eloquent testi-
' \ 1 moriy to the high regard in which
she was held by the community;
The service was conducted by
her pastor,. Rev. J, R. MacDon- -
aid, who spoke comforting words
.'I to the bereaved. The. pallbearers.
.. were three grandsons, Kenneth
MacKenzie, Donald Mackenzie,. .
'James Spilsbury, and three .•
' neighbors,;. David MacKenzie, Joe
| MacIntyre and Stuaft - MacLen-
. The bier was overwhelmed-
with a profusion of beautifhI .
floral tributes carried by her ; ,
grandchildren, Lorne MacKenzie,
David MacKenzie, Kenneth Mac
kenzie, Max Hapna, Larry Per- ■
ry, Harold Elliott, Barbara Per-
* ;l:.' 1
------------------------------.’ ,. y ,.
I UC1(I1OW Agricultural Society., lord ea!f takipg Jop honors^at
paid honor lastweek .10 members
bf -the 4-li Calf. Club at
auet 'fittffi?■ Weatibhal Centre?
. The Club M 3 befte!-.t:h.afl'avj.
sensor, with Jimmy Lyons Holt-
Vftilkerton while Murray Gaunt’s
calf ■ topped the Shorthorn show,
-at the Royal, Murray ’a Meer, then.
1-cnt into the Guineas competi-
”by a whisker”. ,
Murray is pictured with his,
champion calf in the Exhibition
grounds. showed his tin-,
der the handicap of having his
leg in a* o^st as st- result of a
knee - in j uiy - received i n a motor *
n'y/”Dornfia Hamilton, Shirley
Hamilton,, Raeleen Hamilton,
Violet Elliott, Betty Hamilton.
Interment took place in Kin--
.tail Cemetery in "the family plot. .
beside het husband? The memory
.of her gentle kindness Will ling- ",
■ Gordon Montgomery, has .
bought The/’ Playhouse , Theatre • •
/uildiu^froih GaFfMltrDstrandef77/
and-is occupying th’e apartments
above., .. , • ’ 77 <
. ■ .The ' /Montgomery. home .(the-;
former Ostrander residence) is
being 'bought by Dr. T. K Cle-/
land. M*r. and Mrs.. Stuart Coll- '
yer 'and family have: taken up
residence there, having moved
‘from" ■■•th^;fdrjner*krhie “dr^wford"
homes bought by R. B. Qua nee.